Ok. In majora's mask, when you go into the paino players room, he is playing a "Game Over" theme from a previous Zelda (i forget wich one)
I didn't see anyone post this and i don't really know if its an easter egg but in OoT when you put a bomb next to those boing-oing statues they fly up. I never really stayed long enough to see if they come down though.
in the original LoZ, you get the same flute that is in SMB3, and they play the same tune... this same tune is used in the intro to OoT
this might have been mentioned, i didn't notice it
When you see the zora queen in TP the water dungeons teleportsong the serenade of water is played.
When you see the zora queen in TP the water dungeons teleportsong the serenade of water is played.