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What Would You Do?


Jul 15, 2009
Hyrule's Supply of healing fairies would probably run out if I were to do that quest- I am seriously that bad at dodging stuff. xDD
As for actually setting out in the first place, I think my inner-curious-adventure-seeking-child would probably take over and I'd give it a try with hardly any hesitation, actually. (Ingnorance is bliss)
Would spend days in the great deku tree trying to convince myself to jump off that ledge though >.<

And as for returning 7 year in the future, I'd end up never leaving the Temple of Time- no way could I get past the ReDeads in Castle Town, I'm terrified stiff of Mummified things DDDD :
Sheik would totally have to drag me past them! And then come with me during the Shadow Temple D:

And I suck at Tennis- Ganondorf would beat me badly at the end :X
But other than that, hey, it would be better and more fun than anything in real-life~


Hmmm... good question i have longedto think about this with other people. I would most likly get screwed over at the Great Deku Tree also. But if by some miracle i would definently die at the goron's feet. LOL


I would constantly have fairies (I die a lot). And I'd probably dink around a lot to avoid some of the stuff. (ReDead and Floormasters)

But I would do it and take my time. I don't mind walking everywhere, but running everywhere... no.

Oh, and I'd scream at Kaebora Gaebora to shut up.


Majora's Mask, though, I'd panic.


Jul 13, 2008
I would take the so take the challenge. But before I would actually go on the adventure I would practice sword play and collect a lot of fairies the only thing I would really freak out about are the Readeads, Bosses, the Shadow Temple, and the Bottom of The Well. Yes there would be a bunch of other crappy things I would go through other than the things I just said but I'm sure I could suck it up somehow, besides I'd love to be known as the hero of time:)


Horizon Walker
Aug 3, 2009
I would definately give it a try. My life is so boring anyway, I could definately use an adventure. I've also always wanted to try swordfighting, and I loved archery when I tried it. Weather or not I would survive is the question.;)

I just might be able to make it past the Deku Tree, but Dodongo's Cavern? Not likely. Unless, like others have mentioned, the game logic applied. Even then, Jabu-Jabu's Belly would comepletely gross me out. I can handle all kinds of gore if I know it's not real, I can even handle real blood most of the time, but if I was really inside a whale it would just be disgusting. I would not like to be covered in whale drool, I can hardly stand dog drool, or any other kind of drool for that matter. It would take alot of courage for me to willingly go inside and become covered in drool. Ewww... :sick:

If (incredibly) I was able to stomach Jabu-Jabu's drool, I think I might be able to do it, if game logic applied. Otherwise, I wouldn't stand a chance! :P
Oct 26, 2008
I would be nervous, I would then continue on with the quest. I imagine myself dieing against a fellow swordsmen (or creature) or Iron Knuckle. My arms would be easily weakened by their blows to my sword and shield to a point where they could easily disarm me and bring their weapon smashing into my flesh or skull.

If I didn't die though I would probably get more confident as I got one with the quest but I would end up losing it in either the Shadow Temple or Ganon's Castle, Thus leading to an critical blow from my foe.

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
I would....
Yeah I would go along with it. After all, Link wasn't anything special as far as human abilities came along. Sure I would be scared at the start and come close to dying countless times but that's the whole point of having courage: to be able to do things even if one is unsure or scared. That's what it means to me either way.
I would such a wild ride, I'd say xD
Yeah i would be terrified to but i'd do it for the sake of the world. And bravery and courage isn't being without fear but rather standing up to it and pushing on. Also i'd probably slash up mido at the beginning of the game. Heh heh heh heh. I could probably stomach jabu-jabu's stomach (no pun intended). I actually might like it there wierd and gross as it sounds. But after that i'd be okay in terms of fear. WHEEZE!!! ALL HAIL WEEGEE. OBEY WEEGEE KILL MARIO.
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Sep 7, 2010
hmm, id be kinda freaked out, i mean im not the bravest person out there
so me i'd try and do as best i can in the whole saving hyrule thing
BUT i'd get sidetracked (like in the game)
and will all the other things i'd be doing i'd probably forget about actually saving the place
(if anyone has seen the CH video with zelda in it)
"im looking for the tenth chicken"-link
"but your supposed to be saving hyru-"-other guy
"THERE IT IS!"-link
that would be me. lol
of course unless i had eternity to do the quest then i'd be okay.
if it was MM mask tho. and timed and had a point were you couldnt turn back time, i'd be screwed. lol


Oct 4, 2010
I would just be creeped out, but then set out on the adventure. I mean that it is probably time you start exploring Hyrule instead of staying in one town for a while.

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