Man, I'd just die, flat-out. I wouldn't be able to take the kinds of hits Link can, unless Heart Containers actually magically shield you from injury and pain until they run out. Again, if it were real, you could get away with more, and certain enemies wouldn't really be able to hurt you (collision damage with a bubble?), but all in all, I'd die easy. Some bosses, like Gohma, King Dodongo, and Barinade have "safe zones" where you can avoid damage, and take your time attacking.
And did I mention that nobody in the world can throw a boomerang with enough accuracy to return every time and throw it hard enough to bean enemies in the head and not go off course? Maybe it's magic, or something. I also can't use a slingshot or bow particularly well, and can't lift a Megaton Hammer, or take bomb shrapnel easily, or hang on to a hookshot at those speeds, or really use most of the items the game makes you use.
Heck, I can't even swing a sword fast enough to hit anything.