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What Was Your First Video Game?


A v ^ A v ^
Nov 10, 2011
Wisconsin, United States
Well... what was your first video game? Any interesting stories about it? Mine was Yoshi's Story. I was about six years old when I played it on one of those hotel room built-into-the-tv N64 games while on a trip with family (anyone else remember those?)


Jun 20, 2011
In a tree house.
Mine was Ocarina of Time on the N64. i was about 3 when i started playing it& i was hooked after that. i beat it too:P just a lot of random button pushing is all it took:D lol
Jul 6, 2011
Mine was Yoshi's Story for the N64. It isn't really popular, but all and all, its a good game. I was probably 4 years old so I guess YS made me a gamer though I have more fonder memories of playing Mario Party, Goldeneye and the original Smash Bros with my friends.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
The first game I played was either Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt or Super Mario Bros. 3. when I was probably 3 or 4. I watched my siblings play it more than I played it myself though. The first game that was truly my own (as in only I played it) was probably Link's Awakening when I was somewhere between 5-7. The first video game I beat was Ocarina of Time when I was 8. I did eventually beat SMB 3 and Link's Awakening later on but still to this day haven't beaten level 8-4 in Super Mario Bros.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I really don't know what my first video game was. I tell myself it was OoT, something tells me it was a Mario game though. Anyway, assuming OoT was my first game...some experiences I remember from being a child was that the onyl boss besides Gohma I really knew how to defeat was Ganondorf/Ganon. I did that quite a bit of times, and from there I learned how to pick up boss battles like it's nothing..

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Mario Kart: Double Dash. My sister and I played the heck out of that game when we were little. (Although before that, we played Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64 with our cousins... but that wasn't OUR video game, so I don't know if it counts.)


Dec 3, 2008
My first game was the original Quake, for PC. Excellent game. To this day I sometimes sit down and play it for an afternoon.


Princess of Hyrule
Sep 9, 2011
My first game was Pokemon for the Gameboy pocket... I don't remember how old I was, though. It's crazy to see how everything has changed!


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Super Mario Bros on the NES was my first ever game, and man did me and my older sister RULE that game back in the day, lol. We used to compete who could make it the longest without losing a single life (without warping) and we got pretty far, too :)
Dec 19, 2011
Umm... I very young (12 to be exact.) The first game I ever owned was Wii Sports. The first game I ever played was Little Big Planet. That game made me interested in gaming.
Dec 19, 2011
The first game i ever played was super smash bros for the n64 and the first zelda game i ever played was zelda 1 for nes
Feb 25, 2011
I don't know what my first game was , but the first game that I remember playing was Tekken 3 fir the original playstation. At the time I was living in my grandparents house because we didn't have our own. I was 7 and my uncle was 14 and he owned the PS1 and played that game like crazy. When I played he just kicked my butt in every fight with Eddy Gordon. I remember liking Yhoshimitso the best because he had I cool sword. Evan to this day it's a really solid fighter, and I have a lot of great memories from it

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