Umm... I very young (12 to be exact.) The first game I ever owned was Wii Sports. The first game I ever played was Little Big Planet. That game made me interested in gaming.
Nothing wrong with that! While Yoshi's Story was my first game, my parents didn't want me playing video games until I was older... so I missed out on owning an N64 and Gameboy Color. Little Big Planet would be a good first game. While I've never played it (but always wanted to!), I've heard nothing but good reviews about it! Looks like a pretty fun game!
Mine was Yoshi's Story for the N64. It isn't really popular, but all and all, its a good game. I was probably 4 years old so I guess YS made me a gamer though I have more fonder memories of playing Mario Party, Goldeneye and the original Smash Bros with my friends.
Woo! Another Yoshi's Story fan! Yeah, it is an easily forgotten game. Not the best, but still fun. Yeah Mario Party is a good one too. Like you, I also have a lot of memories of playing Mario Party when I was younger! My sister and I always fought over who got to be Princess Peach

Ahh, I really want to play the original Goldeneye... it looks so fun! If only Nintendo would put it on the Wii Shop.
I can't quite recall, but I think it was either Super Mario All-Stars, TLoZ:ALttP, Sonic the Hedgehog, or Doom. I've always sucked at 2D Mario games.
Eh, I'm awful at 2D Mario games too. Well... more like all Mario games. I own so many Mario games, and yet I still have yet to beat one. Platformers are crazzzzzyyyy difficult!
Mine was Ocarina of Time on the N64. i was about 3 when i started playing it& i was hooked after that. i beat it too

just a lot of random button pushing is all it took

Zelda fan from a really young age! Nice! I started playing Zelda in later elementary school, but the Deku Scrubs scared me and it took a couple years for me to come back to the series.