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What Movie Do You Consider Underrated?

Feb 5, 2011
We all have movies we like and movies we hate?
What about those movies we enjoy that either everyone else hates or almost nobody knows about?

State what film you consider underrated and say why.

Spider-Man 3
I never disliked this movie. I liked the battle of idealism and darkness within Peter, I liked the struggle with the relationship despite some things I think could have been better. I like the stuff with the Sandman and the Harry's struggle from vengeance to amnesia and all of that. If there is one thing I didn't like, it is the depiction of Eddie Brock. Usually Brock is displayed as a sympathetic character though this one is a bit of a jerk who rightfully gets what he deserved albeit a bit too far. I never understand people's beef with this movie

Because of the dance scene?
One scene out of the whole movie? Really?
Because there's too many villains?
Maybe, but hey at least they didn't make them spout corny lines like in Batman & Robin, besides, they all get what they need to get.
Because there's not enough Venom?
True, but it made sense to have Venom near the end since Peter needs to learn vengeance and living selfishly is wrong.
Because of the American flag scene?
REALLY? The American flag? HE'S AN AMERICAN!!! DUH!!! My cousin said its because they're promoting America during the war or something. But I'm sorry... no, I'm not. That is a stupid reason to bash it. He's an American and that is the end of it.

So no, I don't hate this movie. It has good action, good effects, 2 out of 3 villains with tragedy you feel for, and a truly heartbreaking end that I won't spoil. You're free to have your opinion, as long they make sense or aren't stupid nitpicking worthy of Mr. McNitpick, but as far as I am concerned, Spider-Man 3 DOESN'T suck.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I must admit I really liked the Fright Night remake. Sure it had many flaws but still it deserves much more recognition. Especially David Tennant who played the slayer made the movie. He was funny, rude and unmannered but very cool.
Sep 1, 2010
For recent movies, I really enjoyed Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Now, it did get nominated for Best Picture and Max Von Sydow for Best Supporting, even though most critics and audiences agreed that it was not a good film. It was pandered by most, and some even went so far as to petition to remove its nominations. I, however, loved the movie. Where critics stated the 9/11 drama was "too soon" and it was a poorly constructed drama film, I thought it was excellent. I read the book in 2010, and I really enjoyed it. Balancing between the two settings and plots was well-done in the movie, and the characters came to life thanks to excellent performances like Sandra Bullock's. I really recommend it, and I think it's on dvd soon.
Nov 28, 2011
I really enjoyed the Green Hornet movie with Seth Rogen. It made me laugh until tears (almost), and I could never understand why so many people didn't like it.


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
I would say Back To The Future Part 3. It's a great movie trilogy, but I know this one through a lot of people off because of the whole western thing, but I personally thought it was a great movie and I wish they would have continued making them.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I agree with Spider-Man 3. Those critics bash it for having absolutely no plot and it being brainless action. I agree its predecessor had some great moments but it's certainly not the perfect golden globe people make it out to be. While stupid in moments such as the remarks made by the crowd watching Spiderman fight, the action was top notch and easily placed the movie just below the original as my second favorite of the trilogy.

Another movie that I consider underrated is The Lion King II. Great movie and I deem it to be much better than the original although most of you will probably murder me for saying that. Sorry but move aside, peeps. :)

One last somewhat underrated movie is Batman Begins. While still acclaimed by critics, its sequel critically surpassed it and I certainly believe this one was on par or better than The Dark Knight but maybe that's because i don't overly appreciate the use of ethos in screen adaptations.


didn't build that
Prince Caspian. It's one of my favorite children's films ever made, and I liked it far better than the first Narnia film. It was faithful enough to the book, and there was an energy to it that most films should strive for. For God knows what reason, this movie wasn't well-received. I can't for the life of me figure out why.

One of my favorite legal films is ...And Justice for All, starring Al Pacino. Doesn't get much praise, but it rails against the Criminal Justice system in ways that are totally deserved. It's really an angry piece of filmmaking with an agenda, and it is a bit preachy--but I like its message, and it brings up some important questions about those who put faith in the law above all else.

Everyone remembers this scene: [video=youtube;BofddwtPBPw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BofddwtPBPw[/video]

but the film got a chilly reception otherwise. I like it anyway.

I really love The Mask of Zorro. It's a fun swashbuckler that captures the spirit of the old Zorro films.

Also, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom wasn't great, but wasn't terrible.

I would say Back To The Future Part 3. It's a great movie trilogy, but I know this one through a lot of people off because of the whole western thing, but I personally thought it was a great movie and I wish they would have continued making them.

3's my least favorite, but I agree that it's tons of fun. Not sure they should have continued them--it really brought things to a close very well and I think a sequel would have made the closure a little less impactful.

Another movie that I consider underrated is The Lion King II. Great movie and I deem it to be much better than the original although most of you will probably murder me for saying that. Sorry but move aside, peeps. :)

One last somewhat underrated movie is Batman Begins. While still acclaimed by critics, its sequel critically surpassed it and I certainly believe this one was on par or better than The Dark Knight but maybe that's because i don't overly appreciate the use of ethos in screen adaptations.

The Lion King II is fantastic. I don't think it's as good as the first, partly because of production values, but it could have been.

Batman Begins, though...I love it. I think it's much better than its sequel, even though I do still like The Dark Knight.
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Overlord of Userbars
Jun 19, 2011
Chamber of the Sages
TRON Legacy (as you can see by my signature). This movie didn't get nearly the amount of attention it should have and everybody kept saying it was a box office flop. It was a great movie with a great plot, amazing special effects, and not to mention: Jeff Bridges!


Jun 22, 2011
Here are two comedies from the 80's that few people know about in my experience- Clue and UHF. Both movies are considered to be cult classics by fans, and rightfully so since they are both hilarious. Clue is the kind of movie that has jokes that take multiple viewings to even catch or understand (like The Big Lebowski). It contains an odd sense of humor, but many people have found it to be really funny. UHF contains more traditional humor and can appeal to a younger audience as well. It stars Weird Al Yankovic and one of the supporting cast members is Michael Richards (before his Seinfeld fame). UHF rolls out joke after joke and is instantly quotable.
Dec 20, 2011
I would say Back To The Future Part 3. It's a great movie trilogy, but I know this one through a lot of people off because of the whole western thing, but I personally thought it was a great movie and I wish they would have continued making them.

Oh yea, I have to agree with you here. i've seen that film so many times. Love the Clint Eastwood tribute as well as the west theme and Doc only gets better!
Apr 10, 2010
An odd choice, but I will go with X-Men First Class. It didn't really get bad reviews, but it went under the radar and should have gotten a lot more credit imo. I thought it was the best X-Men movie ever made, and as good as The Dark Knight, which is widely considered the best comic book-based movie. I can't wait for the sequel.
Dec 23, 2011
I would say Back To The Future Part 3. It's a great movie trilogy, but I know this one through a lot of people off because of the whole western thing, but I personally thought it was a great movie and I wish they would have continued making them.

Yeah, that's a good choice. ^^

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