I think it might be cool to live waaaay back when humans got started. I mean, like 10,000-12,000 BC when people lived in little bands and clans, the landscape was vast and largely devoid of people and people had to hunt their own food. Imagine, traveling with your family across some great valley and seeing a herd of mammoths in the distance... I imagine that everything was new back then, everything a discovery. That's back when people first *discovered* things like art. I think I'd make a great cave-wall painter.
The Rennaissance also appeals to me - it being a time of great discovery and innovation and one of the greatest art periods ever. I imagine it would take a lot of grit to become a *female* grand artist in that period, though. Artemesia Gentellisci was Rennaisance, wasn't she?
Then, I was recently watching something on the History Channel about the Black Death... and how in the period between it and the Rennaicance, the people of Europe found new niches and opportunities - lowborn people suddenly could have land and highborn people were brought low, having to reap their own harvest for lack of serfs... that appeals to me in a big way, as well as a time when there aren't many people on the landscape. Also, the people back then got through stuff with their faith and the idea of living in a "time of faith" appeals to me. I don't think I'd want to be around for the Black Death, because it would mean that I'd have to survive losing many people I loved, but maybe if I were one of those pre-Rennaisace babies...
I seem to favor time periods with few people and lots of discovery.