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Jan 28, 2010
That is a really good idea. I always thought the dark tribe was the same tribe who created Majora's Mask. Because the tribe becomes the Twili, and Midna has the fused shadow that resembles Majora's Mask, and a dark tribe created the fused shadow, and a dark tribe also created Majora's Mask.

So actually seeing the tribe in a game before they were banished would be really really cool. The leader of the tribe would be the final boss. They could add lots of screen time for him and build him up and make him threatening. I think it's a great idea. Any tribe who had the power to create the fused shadow and Majora's Mask, must be very powerful and intimidating!


I theorised that it would be Gannon(dorf), because it has been stated by Shiggy himself, that the Skyward Sword will have to be forged into the Master Sword, but what could they possibly need it for, if Gannon(dorf) isn't in the game?
Jun 17, 2010
Gerudo Fortress
I theorised that it would be Gannon(dorf), because it has been stated by Shiggy himself, that the Skyward Sword will have to be forged into the Master Sword, but what could they possibly need it for, if Gannon(dorf) isn't in the game?
Exactly!! the reason why the master sword was forged was to stop Ganon! :O The sages forged it in ALttp! so of course Ganon would have to be in it!!! :P
May 26, 2010
Exactly!! the reason why the master sword was forged was to stop Ganon! :O The sages forged it in ALttp! so of course Ganon would have to be in it!!! :P

He better not!! I'm sick of Ganon, I want a new villain!! :)

and like Axle/ others have said, it would not make sense to just throw Ganon in this game.

Bot: Hearing about the "Dark Tribe" like Axle said really interests me, I hope they go with that.

Edit: The Master Sword was created to "Repel Evil", I don't recall reading anything saying it's only to kill Ganon.


Jun 14, 2010
Not in the SB ;-;
. I'm thinking that we'll be getting a brand new villain and we may even see Dark Link. Hopefully Nintendo will think of something original or add a twist to the villain.

You may be right we can see a new boss and if is the dark tribe the "major" can transform into a dark shadow. That would be EPIC
Sep 28, 2010
Who Will the Villain Be This Time Around?

Maybe the game will give a prequel to where Ganondorf comes from, or maybe it is someone new. According to the Nintendo E3 site, "A young man named Link hears legends of a kingdom below the clouds ruled by an evil king." :ganondorf:


Jun 12, 2010
I think prediction the villain is just dang ridiculous. Nintendo is going to make a new one, none of the others fit the job.

Ogami Itto

Ganon will certainly be in this game.

What I hope is that he's like how he was in Wind Waker.


Aug 29, 2010
I WISH there would be something Dark Link related. The Dark Tribe seems like a good villian. Or Nintendo will make a new one. I love it when Nintendo suprises us eh? The whole Zant's a freakin super powerful villian in TP was cool, until this happens >GanonStare.jpgBAM!!! I was ok.. but why not build him up more than adding him so suddenly? The fight was alright but it's from building up Zant as a super powerful Twili King, to suddenly Ganny. I was like" lol wut!?!?" But i'm not to bothered by it. All I'm saying is, Nintendo, stick with one baddie! If not, stick with numerous baddies and don't just pop another in!

Ogami Itto

Ganon has appeared in every console Zelda game that wasn't a direct sequel.

What makes you think SS will be different?


You know, after reading some replies in this thread, I could definitely see Nintendo making Dark Link the main villain again.

Not much is known about Dark Link, why he exists and all that, I think it would be plausible to have the creation of Dark Link tie in somehow with the creation of the Master Sword. The Master Sword is the sword of evil's bane, and Dark Link is basically a purely evil form of Link. I know most people usually see the Master Sword as being designed specifically to fight off Ganon, but considering the sword's title, unless otherwise stated in another game/instruction manual/some source, I wouldn't discredit the possibility of it referring to Dark Link as well. I dunno!

Honestly though, I would rather have Vaati as the main villain. Vaati or a new villain. Though as far as the WM+ controls go, although I doubt the story would be influenced by the WM+ for a number of reasons, a sword duel with either Dark Link or Vaati would make for an amazing final boss battle. Dark Link, whose skill is basically equal to yours, and Vaati, who was introduced in The Minish Cap as the champion of a sword-dueling competition. If they do include Vaati, I really hope they use that bit of information and make the obligatory sword duel portion of the final battle real awesome.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Dark Link is aways good as a major side villian. But I would still prefer for Ganon to be the big main threat.

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