I know that the game may predate Ocarina of Time or even Minish Cap by several hundred years. Who do you think that the villain will be? The one I think would be most likely would be Majora. Any other plausible villains?
I don't actually think that it is possible for Majora to appear again on this timeline, considering that Link killed Majora once and for all in Majora's Mask. Although you will most likely say that Ganondorf reappears all the time, Ganondorf happens to have the Triforce of Power, thus, making Ganondorf one of most powerful, if not the most powerful people alive. Whilst he has controlled over the Triforce of Power, he will never die either, something that Majora never had. Majora was just a demon, he's not even on the same scale as Ganondorf in terms of power.
Hopefully, no one will be able to name the villian that they believe will appear in this thread, as I want Nintendo to bring in a new villain that we have yet to see make an appearance in the Legend of Zelda series. I was rather content with the idea of Zant being the antagonist of Twilight Princess, it was a change and a cool one at that, until Nintendo decided that they were going to chuck Ganondorf in at the end to join the party, something that took away the contentness that I had first felt, but it opened up more ideas that I have come to love about Twilight Princess. I personally think that Nintendo will either put Ganondorf in this game, after all, he hasn't appeared in the past two Zelda games. However, that's including the DS games, if we weren't to include them, I believe that it is about time that we got another new, never seen before villain. If that were to be the correct scenario, I would be very happy, although I'll just be happy when the game comes out.