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Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Sunshine?

SmG or SmS

  • Super Mario Galaxy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Super Mario Sunshine

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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Link's Reincarnation
Aug 12, 2011
Forest Haven
My friend and I are in an arguement about which is better SMG or SMS. In my opinion it is SMG by far due to its great level design, controls, and gameplay mechanics

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Personally, Super Mario Galaxy is better because it has a more level difficulty curve and is the true successor to Super Mario 64 in terms of gameplay mechanics although I must admit Sunshine boasts Yoshi. Nevertheless, that Yoshi is one of the weakest in franchise history due to its over reliance on fruit although that may have made the game more realistic. If it's Galaxy 2, however, that is in question, it's hands down better than both Super Mario Sunshine and its predecessor, in my opinion. Also, the gravity mechanics of the two Galaxy games were a breath of fresh air for the gaming world in general. There is a clear reason why both titles were the highest rated games of 2007 and 2010, respectively. By the way, which title does your friend prefer?
Dec 21, 2011
Super Mario Sunshine by far. You say the gravity mechanic was a breath of fresh air? What about the freakin' squirt nozzle tied to your back that talks, and is funny! I sware that nozzle guy made me laugh more times in a day than any of the characters in Galaxy did in a week. In terms of character creation/development/traits, Sunshine takes the cake.

In terms of gameplay, Sunshine also wins. Sure the whole gravity thingy was cool, and being shot to different planets was neat, but how can you even compare the two? In Sunshine you had four nozzles to choose from, yoshi to ride on (were comparing this game to Galaxy, not Galaxy 2), and delfino plaza was actually an interesting place to explore. Sure it got glitchy at times, but their not life-altering to make this game less - comparable to Galaxy. The Shadow Mario levels were cool too, but I'll admit they did get old after a while.

Now level design, I have to give to Galaxy. Some of those levels were well thought out and they looked nice to boot. I don't have much to say here, other than Galaxy wins but Sunshine is a close contender.

When it comes to Super Mario Sunshine I'm going to be biased to it no matter what. I grew up with the game and nostalgia goggles are strong when I'm giving my opinion on this game. This shouldn't discredit my opinion, though.


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
I personally prefer Sunshine. It was the first ever Mario game I seriously involved myself in, and I felt Galaxy was FAR too easy. It just didn't give me the same kind of satisfaction that I got when I finally finished Sunshine. Also, Sunshine was very fun to just explore, you didn't even need to be doing something to have loads of fun.


didn't build that
Super Mario Galaxy is better than Sunshine in every way imaginable, no contest.

In terms of graphics, it presents a far more beautiful and artistic vision.

Music? One of the greatest soundtracks ever. The Delfino Plaza theme (my favorite from Sunshine) has nothing on Bouy Base Galaxy, for example.

On top of nailing the atmosphere, Galaxy absolutely perfected 3D platforming. Platforming segments are clumsy in Sunshine (there's little to compensate for the disorientation of a 3D environment), and, while Sunshine offers more exploration, it doesn't do exploration well (see Super Mario 64 for an example of how an adventure/platformer SHOULD play). The gameplay in Galaxy is flawless; in Sunshine, it's an irredeemable mishmash of things that are genuinely fun (rare), things that kind of work, and things that are absolutely atrocious.

I wouldn't hesitate to call Sunshine the worst main-series Mario game I've ever played. Galaxy, by contrast, is my favorite and, I think, the best.
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Nov 28, 2011
I cannot make that choice (although if you ask me Galaxy 2 is better than both of them). As far as I'm concerned, Sunshine and Galaxy are in a dead stalemate.
Nov 28, 2011
Super Mario Galaxy is better than Sunshine in every way imaginable, no contest.

In terms of graphics, it presents a far more beautiful and artistic vision.

Music? One of the greatest soundtracks ever. The Delfino Plaza theme (my favorite from Sunshine) has nothing on Bouy Base Galaxy, for example.

On top of nailing the atmosphere, Galaxy absolutely perfected 3D platforming. Platforming segments are clumsy in Sunshine (there's little to compensate for the disorientation of a 3D environment), and, while Sunshine offers more exploration, it doesn't do exploration well (see Super Mario 64 for an example of how an adventure/platformer SHOULD play). The gameplay in Galaxy is flawless; in Sunshine, it's an irredeemable mishmash of things that are genuinely fun (rare), things that kind of work, and things that are absolutely atrocious.

I wouldn't hesitate to call Sunshine the worst main-series Mario game I've ever played. Galaxy, by contrast, is my favorite and, I think, the best.

Wow, I don't think I've ever disagreed more with anyone about anything (except for maybe Rush Limbaugh). I think that the only main series Mario game that could be considered bad is the American release of Super Mario Bros. 2 (the one with all the different characters). I also think that the soundtrack in Galaxy is pretty lack luster and has little to set the tracks apart from one another. In fact, it was pretty much my least favorite aspect of the game. I think the soundtrack in Sunshine is charming and easy to listen to (which is all that is important in a video game soundtrack). I'm not going to argue any of the other positive things you pointed out about Galaxy, but I disagree with your statement that platforming was clumsy in Sunshine, as I found it generally smooth and very playable. I would also point out that few of the levels in Sunshine could really be described as platforming, as there is a much larger amount of free roaming (ish) levels and rarely is one forced to jump platform to platform (really only happened in the "secret of" levels, where Bowser Jr. would take FLUDD). The one thing you said that annoys me the most is saying that Sunshine doesn't do exploration well, which I so strongly disagree with I can barely even think straight. You also insinuate that 64 is in any way better at anything than Sunshine, which is another statement that I completely disagree with. Unfortunately, as these are pieces of pure opinion, it is difficult to actually argue them. Anyway, I don't have any point with all this. I just felt the need to defend Mario Sunshine, as it is one of my favorite video games of all time.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Galaxy, no contest. The level design is superior in every way, the music is some of the best in gaming, the difficulty is challenging but not frustrating, the story was pretty gripping for a Mario game, and it's far more entertaining. Besides, Sunshine isn't that great of a Mario game, anyway. It's not a bad game, but it's the most boring Mario game I've ever played. (The voice acting was...pretty bad to add to that.) I don't see how this is even an argument. Saying Sunshine is better than Galaxy is like saying Phantom Hourglass is better than Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask.

Wow, I don't think I've ever disagreed more with anyone about anything (except for maybe Rush Limbaugh). I think that the only main series Mario game that could be considered bad is the American release of Super Mario Bros. 2...

Hanyou never said Sunshine is a bad game. He said it's the worst main-series Mario game. Worst game =/= bad game.
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Jun 22, 2011
If I had to pick it would probably be Sunshine. Galaxy was great and all, but I really don't feel any desire to return to it. Sunshine on the other hand always keeps me coming back.

I feel the same way except maybe more strongly in favor of Sunshine. Something, maybe nostalgia, makes me want to replay Sunshine fairly often, but Galaxy was a one playthrough game for me (probably not forever but for now it is). I can't say anything bad about Galaxy, but Sunshine just appeals to me way more.


The Sacred Wolf of Legend
Jul 27, 2011
the realm of the golden wolves
I liked galaxy a lot, but I absolutely loved sunshine so I had to vote for it.

I don't see how this is even an argument. Saying Sunshine is better than Galaxy is like saying Phantom Hourglass is better than Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask.
I honestly say I can't agree with that because I loved MM and OoT a lot better than PH too
Jul 8, 2011
Somewhere in the known universe
I, in all honesty, love Sunshine. Without it would Mario Galaxy even exist? It was the bridge between 64 and galaxy. And is also one of the hardest ones in my opinion. I can easily reach 90 in galaxy but have trouble reaching 60 in sunshine. Heck, if galaxy was made without sunshine galaxy would be missing levels too.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I, in all honesty, love Sunshine. Without it would Mario Galaxy even exist? It was the bridge between 64 and galaxy. And is also one of the hardest ones in my opinion. I can easily reach 90 in galaxy but have trouble reaching 60 in sunshine. Heck, if galaxy was made without sunshine galaxy would be missing levels too.

What exactly do you mean by Galaxy would be "missing levels"? Also, Super Mario Galaxy was clearly a more natural successor to Super Mario 64 than was Super Mario Sunshine. There was too little pure platforming in Sunshine.
Jul 8, 2011
Somewhere in the known universe
What exactly do you mean by Galaxy would be "missing levels"? Also, Super Mario Galaxy was clearly a more natural successor to Super Mario 64 than was Super Mario Sunshine. There was too little pure platforming in Sunshine.
A few levels are based off of previous mario games, including sunshine. Of course galaxy was a natural successor. If it weren't one, this thread would be pointless.

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