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Game Thread Square Enix Mafia

Dec 13, 2019
KJ targeted Mikey N1 and asked looking for town pants before realizing only N2 gives you town pants and quickly amended with a double post. Just a vibe from that exchange.

Oh hey look at this other thing I said yesterday before KJ confirmed his target today. And people think I'm slacking this game.

KJ doesn't post between this and his confirmation and doesn't directly address the above at all, instead coming out with his claim in response to a'lana saying he's too unaware to be Mafia. That seems to be a hell of a disconnect so I can't help but feel he's very much aware he's been called out already which heavily goes against a'lana's read. Food for thought.

I'm not ignoring that. That was the whole basis behind the idea. A town roleblocker will target someone they scum read the next night anyways. If they're wrong about them it makes no difference if they target them n2 or the next night. Except for the fact it can possibly clear someone on n2. If their read is correct then they do no harm to town.

An uncommon passive role would be ascetic or vengeful.

Because there are other roles in the game who can possibly catch them in the lie. If two people are definitely tied together like that, then it's beneficial for certain roles to target one of them if they can find out if they were lying by doing so. A cop could check one, a tracker could follow one, if there was a watcher on one of them the same night they would know if they were lying or not. They wouldn't be out of PoE completely, but they could easily be confirmed by tying themselves together like that.

It does make a difference because they have 0/zero/none abilities they can block scum from using N2 while the potential to do so is there every other night of the game. If they are right they accomplish nothing but not hindering town. If they are wrong they have actively hindered town when they did not have to. And that is why the roleblocker is not incentivized to take random shots N2.

Fun fact, I've seen more vengeful in my 20 year career than I've seen Millers. Subjective metas I suppose.

So what you're saying here is your plan had no point at all because it's not catching scum and not removing people from the PoE but you definitely weren't role fishing even though you later claimed that you role fish more as town to aid your solving and are thus mafia because you definitely weren't role fishing. Gotcha. =P

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Morbid Minish - Hi mom, I'm town.

Libk - I have TGN and Libk tied together here. I think one is possibly town and one possibly scum. The fact that they have been the focus today makes me unlikely to see both as scum. And I'm somewhat inclined to lean Libk as scum here even though he's been trying to be more active. Simply for the fact that people went from torn on him and TGN, to giving Libk the benefit of the doubt for posting some and piling on TGN. The apathy seems more in line with a mislynch than with hitting inactive scum. Whereas the easy excuses to leave Libk alone for now could be scumbuds taking the chance to keep him alive longer after throwing some shade on him.

Ragnarokio - I think despite the Rag/Me connection earlier in the day from Mikey, we're probably both just town here. If Rag is scum she's always paired with Neon so that's an easy enough 2 for 1. But I don't think scum Rag goes for that, when afaik Ex wasn't aware that it was her who had targeted him n1 so she didn't necessarily have to use that claim.

a'lana - I have a'lana and Neon tied here just for the fact that I feel like one might be scum but probably not both. The thing that's started to ping me about a'lana is that she seems to be pretty agreeable but not really pushy like in the last game. It's more of a lay low and prod things here and there, rather than challenging others. That said, I don't really have any other reason to specifically scum read her. It's possible she would commit a n1 Seanzie kill for fear that he would be the one that could most easily catch her.

ExLight - Despite butting heads d1 and thinking one of him or Cynical were scum, I re-evaluated my stance and have come around to Ex being town. He was the main competing wagon with Cynical, which is usually the prime place to look. However, having had Seanzie flip as town, and knowing that I'm town, then the wagon makes it seem as though Ex is also town. Seeing as he started it and would know that as scum that Cynical flipping town would make him the next suspect. Also, I don't think he makes a Seanzie kill as scum n1.

Neon - Again, tied with a'lana here just because one is possible scum but I don't think both are. Neon looks bad due to wagonomics of d1 if I believe that Ex is town, due to the idea that there may be one scum on the lynched wagon. However, it's not super strong since if Ex is town, then the main wagons were t/t which lets scum pretty much do as they please with their votes. Otherwise Neon hasn't pinged me much really. I like that she called out Numbers first yesterday before I did with similar thoughts.

Killjoy262 - His recent posts definitely seem like town KJ. I don't think he makes the claims he does when he's not under pressure if he's scum. Also the general unawareness of everything that's happened seems more like someone playing alone than with a team to inform them.

RavenRaziel98 - No reason not to believe his claims. I don't like wasting time on 3rd party, especially when we have no scum deaths. However, he does seem to be a detriment to town, so maybe a vig shot or something on him would be helpful.

15377 - I usually mindmeld with Numbers a lot but it's not happening this game. He's been laying low (though he did say he's been busy). And when he has posted it's mostly been suspicion of me and discussing mechanics. Which aren't too helpful with reading him.

Mikey the Moblin - Probably is just town miller. Doesn't seem super in his scum meta this game. Has had flowing and changing thoughts which seems townie.

TGN - Tied with Libk for the not being scum together thought. Had a light town read of him d1 for a minor thing. But it's not anything clearing or huge. Has disappeared, but I don't think that's been super uncommon of him in other games I've played with him? Could play up the newbie card with the general unawareness of the thread state he's shown. But seems like an easy lynch target with the amount of votes on him currently. However, if he's scum and another scum is relatively unactive it could just be a pure wagon on scum.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
It does make a difference because they have 0/zero/none abilities they can block scum from using N2 while the potential to do so is there every other night of the game. If they are right they accomplish nothing but not hindering town. If they are wrong they have actively hindered town when they did not have to. And that is why the roleblocker is not incentivized to take random shots N2.

Fun fact, I've seen more vengeful in my 20 year career than I've seen Millers. Subjective metas I suppose.

So what you're saying here is your plan had no point at all because it's not catching scum and not removing people from the PoE but you definitely weren't role fishing even though you later claimed that you role fish more as town to aid your solving and are thus mafia because you definitely weren't role fishing. Gotcha. =P

I said I "rolefish". Because I don't actually rolefish but others may see it as such. And I do that more as town than as scum. If I'm roleblocker I would always use my action n2. At worst I block a townie I suspect, but if they come into the day claiming to have been blocked then I can know they're clear. So it's not exactly the worst thing if it becomes a pseudo cop check. The worst possible outcome there is probably blocking the cop or tracker/watcher. But blocking the doctor doesn't matter because there won't be a mafia kill, blocking a passive likely doesn't matter depending on how that works because it wouldn't do anything, blocking something like a motivator isn't terrible because they could motivate scum unknowingly or town just isn't motivated for one night and is still in a normal situation, etc for similar roles. The chances of interfering with town in a detrimental way aren't super high. And again, if it's someone like a cop/tracker/watcher etc that receives results, they would know that they were blocked if they received an action failed message, and thus could claim as much in thread. Which would clear them and also confirm the roleblocker role as town.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Imma be honest Libks presence is helpful but it hasn't been inspiring to me. I'm still leaning scum on the slot.

Oh and I was asked earlier if I can reach out to TGN. But I actually can't because I have no means to do that since I left my home community xD

Hmm. Neon/TGN may not be aligned as scum/scum due to this. If they're scumbuds Neon could just ping him in the scumchat on discord/could PM him from having his info in the scumchat. And this would be an elaborate lie as scum for basically no reason (because I don't know if anyone thinks about distancing from this). A bit angleshooty I guess, but it just occurred to me.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I think right now I'd settle between Libk, Raven and Numbers.

Alana is an honorable mention tho.

Raven is a 3P who's outed a 3P role that is almost never aligned with town or scum. They are their own faction and they must be dealt with accordingly. I highly doubt they are perma lim proof and I'd prefer to deal with them early before they become an active threat with multiple lives

Libk something pinged me earlier but I can't go find it right now I'm making this post between dealing with an emergency

Numbers something is just off. I don't like their play, especially their interactions with people including me. It just doesn't feel like numbers. I don't like it.

Alana between the role fishing the completely different approach to this game and the last one and what I feel like is an attempt to pocket me I dunno maybe I should do something crazy to see how they react lol

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