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Game Thread Square Enix Mafia

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
This game was slightly Town Sided until Mikey blew up our entire mafia chat. I tried to talk my way out of that but like how the **** was I ever going to lol.

Still mafia had ways to Win I noted in Scum Chat but all of it was pretty unlikely. I didn't even want to kill Ex so the vengeful was unlucky and I wanted Mikey night 1 which i think would've given us a real chance but hindsight us 20/20... anyways GGs town kicked ass

It wasn't as town sided as it appears because a couple changes and I think we win. Town just out played us

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
ngl I felt like such an idiot trying to explain to minish that I was using proper punctuation to solve
and I could tell other people felt the same way

It was. Lol.
I wasn't thinking of a spy role because they're not common on here. So I was like, what kind of mafia theory is this supposed to be? Lmao.

I wasn't too worried because I had cop to claim if it came to it. But I didn't want things to go bad if Rag was also town, and she was proving herself to be so.
Dec 13, 2019
yea but if you said you're n-deathproof after surviving a lynch it's fairly likely people woulda believed you

Nah. At best I get run up a second time as a test because of my positioning under two red checks and we end up with the same result. I didn't put much effort into the final day because basically any claim leads there. Pretty much all the eggs were in successfully getting rid of a player the night before but individually Minish, Rag, and Libk have reason to lynch me based solely on their own information (Rag delayed me and thus could incorrectly conclude she stopped the NK herself) so the failed kill was pretty much the padlock on the coffin.
Dec 13, 2019
It looks like that was a mod mistake which could have actually really changed things so game was probably closer than we think

This game would definitely be a completely different landscape had I green checked there. With behavior thrown in the mix you likely go over that day as second JoT, that leaves me free to kill unchecked and leaves a 1-1-1 scenario (if I remembered my numbers right) with my lynchproof intact. GG EZ as they say.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
obligatory balance notes
wolves just had no chance
yay role madness

Wolves probably would've won if numbers' babyface was handled correctly. I probably would've considered him cleared because of the weapon thing and him having two lives means that we would have had to lynch him basically the day we did or we would have lost.

I would guess the setup is still very townsided though, and that mafia only came close to winning because they got lucky.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Nah. At best I get run up a second time as a test because of my positioning under two red checks and we end up with the same result. I didn't put much effort into the final day because basically any claim leads there. Pretty much all the eggs were in successfully getting rid of a player the night before but individually Minish, Rag, and Libk have reason to lynch me based solely on their own information (Rag delayed me and thus could incorrectly conclude she stopped the NK herself) so the failed kill was pretty much the padlock on the coffin.

mods confirmed my delay couldn't stop the NK

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