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Game Thread Square Enix Mafia


Jan 19, 2018
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you seem to prompt people to give up mechanical information a lot

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
you seem to prompt people to give up mechanical information a lot

Again, moreso as town. Like how earlier Ex said something that was cryptic and he said he didn't want to get into too much. I was curious if it had to do with your role because what he said involved both him and you, and I was curious to know what exactly it involved incase he dies before he can explain further. When he said no, I took it as meaning that it didn't have anything to do with you. So knowing that I had some speculation based on information I have on what he could possibly mean, so I prodded that a bit to see if my speculation was baseless or not. Because if it wasn't then it would be very important for me to know in figuring things out.

Compared to with Killjoy just recently, he outed something of his own accord and said that Mikey could possibly know something about it. I said that Mikey should claim if he did or not, just to back up what Killjoy said. But I didn't say that they should claim what it was that they knew, and made some conclusions based on further stuff that KJ said. Conclusions that can be beneficial to my own solving, but that I don't wish to out/confirm so as not to give any extra info about what it is.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
Imma be honest Libks presence is helpful but it hasn't been inspiring to me. I'm still leaning scum on the slot.

Oh and I was asked earlier if I can reach out to TGN. But I actually can't because I have no means to do that since I left my home community xD


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
i could presumably dm tgn on wintreath if the host wanted me to

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