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Game Thread Scooby Doo Mafia

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ZD Champion
SMS, you don't seem to be in the same page as most of people here.
I don't get why you keep suggesting unrelated lynches for roles like Town Godfather that are way more harmless specially when pretty much every investigative role is dead already instead of addressing the fact scum might have an unstoppable extra kill sitting right in front of us.

On a 1-10 scale, with 1 being scum and 10 being town; how much are you townreading Doc/Deku and why?


Staff member
ZD Champion
So are y'all on board with the I role block sms, sms hides behind who knows, and Ex role cops sms? @Spiritual Mask Salesman @ExLight
I'm the one that suggested it why wouldn't I be fine with it sigh

Naga can roleblock someone else in an attempt to stop a nightkill too, the other players that aren't in the plan aren't supposed to have any active roles anymore at this point, so it's not like it would hurt them or anything

what do we do with tonight's item though
I just realized that if we end up giving them to scum they might find a way to ruin the plan


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I'm the one that suggested it why wouldn't I be fine with it sigh

Naga can roleblock someone else in an attempt to stop a nightkill too, the other players that aren't in the plan aren't supposed to have any active roles anymore at this point, so it's not like it would hurt them or anything

what do we do with tonight's item though
I just realized that if we end up giving them to scum they might find a way to ruin the plan
You might've changed your mind you baka, and you cant plan around unknown factors, tonights items could be anything and its extremely unlikely that scum will get them and be able to use it to mess things up somehow


Staff member
ZD Champion
tonights items could be anything and its extremely unlikely that scum will get them and be able to use it to mess things up somehow
Unlikely isn't impossible, I'd rather play safe and not risk something going really badly over not considering it

Should we not give the item to anyone anymore at least until we're able to clear someone?
Feb 16, 2020
Can someone confirm this please? @naga10 is it true?

So I went back in the chat: the context was we were discussing the potential for the negative of getting a hint would be losing your ability for the night. I said I might be willing to take the negative. Ex also preferred Doc take the negative than me, so I'm not really sure what he's talking about.
Feb 16, 2020
Unlikely isn't impossible, I'd rather play safe and not risk something going really badly over not considering it

Should we not give the item to anyone anymore at least until we're able to clear someone?
I was going to suggest this: don't solve the puzzles, don't take the items. Risk could be that scum would solve it themselves, but I'm not sure how likely it would be they would be able to solve it by themselves?


Staff member
ZD Champion
I was going to suggest this: don't solve the puzzles, don't take the items. Risk could be that scum would solve it themselves, but I'm not sure how likely it would be they would be able to solve it by themselves?
that's not how it works, even if scum solves it whoever gets it is decided by voting
and if scum maj votes to receive it they'll expose themselves and get lynched the next day phase so
Feb 16, 2020
that's not how it works, even if scum solves it whoever gets it is decided by voting
and if scum maj votes to receive it they'll expose themselves and get lynched the next day phase so
Even better then, we can agree to not solve the puzzles to prevent scum from getting them.
Feb 16, 2020
I actually softed knowing Naga's ability before he claimed here in one of the night chats when I asked if he was going to use it during the night. I also wanted him to be the one to take the hint that night because I knew that roleblocker is a powerful role in scum's hand. Whoever was in that night chat can probably confirm I did those.

And if I was scum Rolecop and had copped town Doc/Deku why would I leave them alive for so long? Why risk letting a role that can take one scum down for free walking around?
I'm telling the truth about my targets and their order.

Vig has a higher chance of hitting town than scum, which is exactly the reason we want to lynch Deku now.

I think it's possible that Ex did cop Deku. Ex said that he copped me, SMS and Giri in that order. Ex definitely knew 1) bulletproof and 2) babyface for SMS and Giri, but I don't see any evidence in the chat after the fact that Ex was hinting at what my role was. If you still would have wanted to kill Deku, you could have rolecopped Deku last night maybe? There's no reason the order he gave had to be true.

This being said, I don't have evidence that Ex is lying, just that I can't prove Ex knew my role before I claimed it..
Feb 16, 2020
So are y'all on board with the I role block sms, sms hides behind who knows, and Ex role cops sms? @Spiritual Mask Salesman @ExLight

Now that I'm thinking this through, what if Ex is lying about being a rolecop? Doesn't think entirely rest on Ex determining what SMS's role is? If Ex and SMS are scumbuds, Ex is going to say whatever to finger funnier here as lying. I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up already.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Now that I'm thinking this through, what if Ex is lying about being a rolecop? Doesn't think entirely rest on Ex determining what SMS's role is? If Ex and SMS are scumbuds, Ex is going to say whatever to finger funnier here as lying. I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up already.
How would you explain the Rolecop checks in Kirino's results and me telling Giri's role correctly?
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