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Game Thread Scooby Doo Mafia

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Feb 16, 2020
Although, if Ex were lying about being a rolecop, funnier wouldn't know that Deku is a strongman vig, since funnier got that info from Ex's ability. The other option there though is Ex and funnier being scumbuds together, but that is likely impossible if Ex and SMS were scumbuds!
Feb 16, 2020
How would you explain the Rolecop checks in Kirino's results and me telling Giri's role correctly?

Sorry, I don't mean to accuse you. I'm fairly confident you're town, I'm just thinking through the options since this is a high risk situation. I can't explain either of those, which mayube should put my theorizing to rest.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Sorry, I don't mean to accuse you. I'm fairly confident you're town, I'm just thinking through the options since this is a high risk situation. I can't explain either of those, which mayube should put my theorizing to rest.
no, it's fine
I can see why someone would doubt me after some contradictions appeared during this Day Phase


Staff member
ZD Champion
I think we're at hammer range adfjgndfjlnhm


we need everyone to have understood what the plan is and what to do tonight

@funnier6 is supposed to prove his role claim by using his 1x Roleblock on SMS
@Spiritual Mask Salesman is supposed to use the Mask item they claim to have holstered last night to hide behind someone of their choice
@ExLight is going to rolecop SMS to verify if the roleblock or hiding really happened

Any of these are CAN'T be disrupted by something out of it otherwise the plan will fail

We can probably discuss more in the Night phase, but if some reason we get some jank groups and aren't able to, THIS is the basic guideline
it should prove my role claim again, partially funnier's claim, and SMS' claim on how his item works

That being said I'm going to hammer it so this is around the last player posts of the day, making it easier for people to find if they gotta double check what to do

Vote: Dekunut
Feb 16, 2020
I think we're at hammer range adfjgndfjlnhm


we need everyone to have understood what the plan is and what to do tonight

@funnier6 is supposed to prove his role claim by using his 1x Roleblock on SMS
@Spiritual Mask Salesman is supposed to use the Mask item they claim to have holstered last night to hide behind someone of their choice
@ExLight is going to rolecop SMS to verify if the roleblock or hiding really happened

Any of these are CAN'T be disrupted by something out of it otherwise the plan will fail

We can probably discuss more in the Night phase, but if some reason we get some jank groups and aren't able to, THIS is the basic guideline
it should prove my role claim again, partially funnier's claim, and SMS' claim on how his item works

That being said I'm going to hammer it so this is around the last player posts of the day, making it easier for people to find if they gotta double check what to do

Vote: Dekunut

Then that's it. I won't block the three of you tonight.

I also think again that we should not pursue the items tonight.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
All the planning the previous day couldn't help the remaining group. For what they didn't know, was that the villains were leading them astray. There was no use in keeping up charades any more. Lena Dupree removed her Dusk mask while Ben Ravencroft removed his Velma one. Then the two attacked Daphne and Fred. Quite fitting that the two died together. Despite losing their friend early on, the two had done it. They had finally gotten their revenge on those meddling kids!

Kirino was killed, he was Daphne Blake the 2x Journalist.

Naga was killed, he was Fred Jones the Roleblocker.


Funnier was Lena Dupree masquerading as Dusk, the 1x Vampire/Absorber.

Ex was Ben Ravencroft masquerading as Velma Dinkley the Rolecop.

SMS was The Boo Brothers the 1x Bulletproof/Riddle Helpers.

Giri was Scooby Doo the Neighbor/Babyface.
Last edited:


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
They had finally gotten their revenge on those meddling kids!

The moonlight rose high, placed so opportunely for a victory as grand as the one achived by one Ben Ravencroft and Lena Dupree. Amid their celebration they failed to hear the rusting of bushes just a short distace away. The sound of branches snapping accompanied the sounds of rustling to create a symphony of forest noices, fitting for the battle no one thought would take place. Not even the victory cries of Ben and Lena could prepare the two for what was to happen next. As they celebrated, a weakened, but still even strong voice cried out:

"Beep, beep," the horn honked as the figure made itself visible to the two with its lights.

Zounds! Could it be? It was! The Mystery Machine was back, and with a full tank of gas to boot! The trusty steed of Mystery Inc. flashed its high beam lights to further intimidate Ben and Lena; however, the two would show no signs of fear save for slight alarm. The Mystery Machine was gone! They had made sure of it! No matter the case, they both knew that they had the advantage. Ben and Lena had decommissioned the van before; they could do it again. There was also two of them and only one if it. The Mystery Machine was outnumbered!

Still, just as Ben and Lena showed no fear, the Mystery Machine equally obliged. Its friends were gone, with only it to stand up to the foes before it. Engine revving, wheels turning; this was going to be a hell of a fight. Both sides continued to glare at each other, waiting for one side to make the first move. It seems the battle was not truly over.

Please stay tuned for Scooby Doo Mafia II - Road Wild

Good game, everyone! It was a fun round. Congratulations to the Mafia for the hip victory!
Feb 16, 2020
Thanks everyone, that was fun. I'm vindicated because I was right about what happened day 1, even if I had the wrong person.
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