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General Zelda Mini Games You Hate

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
So doing Alttp trying to do 100% run, and i've been at this treasure shoveling thing for like 30 minutes and no piece of heart.

I hate this mini game, along with the pick 2 treasure chest one.

If you get the heart piece is so luck based, and can take needlessly long to get it.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
That blasted rolling ball game from the Fishing Pond in TP. It's so hard and so long, that it's just impossible to beat. I don't even know what the prize is, but I hope nothing too cool was hidden behind all that balancing and tilting.


birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
Dodoh's freaking clown skydiving rip-you-off game. The only reason I ever played that mini-game was because I needed the piece of heart. :I

I wasn't really a fan of the bamboo cutting mini-game, either. It was boring.


The Young Drifter
Jun 16, 2010
Rollgoal sucks, but I hate the Zora's River Bomb-Arrow Shooting minigame. I swear those rocks have magnets in them. Dohdoh's Skydiving thing is annoying too.


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
All of them...... Okay, all of the mini games from SS pretty much sucked. Lets admit it, who really wants to do some sky dive for a clown? Or chop bamboo for a fat guy while dating his daughter? Or shoot pumpkins for a nerd? Talk about lame. :dry:
Apr 1, 2013
The bug-catching minigame from SS was annoying, but got amplified when it became a vital part of a sidequest....

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I can't say that I am really a fan of Dampe's Heartpounding Gravedigging tour either, since it always takes tons and tons of tries to complete it!

I do like the Rollgoal game in Twilight Princess, but I get really frustrated when I play it, to the point that I usually end of giving up.

I do not like town shooting gallery from Majora's Mask either. Unlike rollgoal though, I generally try not to give up because I want the Piece of Heart! It usually takes me at least three three-day cycles with the Inverted Song of Time to get a perfect score

I hate this mini game, along with the pick 2 treasure chest one.

The lens of truth makes it extremely easy

That blasted rolling ball game from the Fishing Pond in TP. It's so hard and so long, that it's just impossible to beat. I don't even know what the prize is, but I hope nothing too cool was hidden behind all that balancing and tilting.

The prize is the frog lure. I am not 100% sure exactly what it does, but it makes catching the Hylian Pike a lot easier.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
I can't say that I am really a fan of Dampe's Heartpounding Gravedigging tour either, since it always takes tons and tons of tries to complete it!

I do like the Rollgoal game in Twilight Princess, but I get really frustrated when I play it, to the point that I usually end of giving up.

I do not like town shooting gallery from Majora's Mask either. Unlike rollgoal though, I generally try not to give up because I want the Piece of Heart! It usually takes me at least three three-day cycles with the Inverted Song of Time to get a perfect score

The lens of truth makes it extremely easy

The prize is the frog lure. I am not 100% sure exactly what it does, but it makes catching the Hylian Pike a lot easier.
What lens of truth? Doing Alttp.

There is a mini game where you can pick 2 out of a room full of chests.


i got bored and posted something
Apr 13, 2009
Pacific Northwest
I always hated the "Beat the Running Man" Mini-Game from OoT, only because it was...f*cking impossible. Not challenging impossible. Literally impossible.

You know how many sleepless childhood nights I spent trying to beat the b*stard? Too many to count. I hate him. When he's the post man, I enjoy his suffering. I am an evil person. All because of that stupid mini-game. :mad:


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I always hated the "beat the Running Man" Mini-Game from OoT, only because it was...f*cking impossible. not challenging impossible. Literally impossible.

You know how many sleepless childhood nights I spent trying to beat the b*stard? Too many to count. I hate him. When he's the post man, I enjoy his suffering. I am an evil person. All because of that stupid mini-game. :mad:
It's not even a mini-game...it's Nintendo trolling the :? out of you lol...

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
Hours wasted trying to to make sure Epona was parked just right to not waste even a second out side the tent, and trying to create a perfect route, all for naught.
The running man made me think I needed to do more before I could consider the game 100%

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