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❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
You live! How do you feel now??
heh, yeah, took a break from conversating this afternoon

mostly normal! here's how it went down

got there, got in my seat, and they gave me some gas to relax me, but basically all I felt were physical affects instead of any mental ones. Felt a lil tingly, and my arms/legs were weak, but my heart was still racing (:

you know it wasn't like, truly relaxing me, 'cause I clutched at the assistant's sleeve while she put the IV in, I usually hold onto something and that was only thing in reach at the time, pft.

After that, they used the IV to inject the REAL stuff, the sedation that'd really knock me out. And I was good for a lil bit, but suddenly I felt super drowsy and I remember thinking, "crap, gonna go under now aren't I?"

.....andddddd then I woke up in a sofa chair with a blanket on in a completely different room

took me awhile to keep my eyes open, and even after I could, everything was double vision. It sort of felt like half asleep, half awake, and I had a few of those odd nonsensical random thoughts you have before falling asleep, the ones where you'd snap out of it and be like, the heck was I just thinking. That repeated a few times, pffft. Eventually, once I was more awake (and could actually see properly) they got me in a wheelchair and I rode to the car, hopped in, and was on my way home ^^

I don't heckin know how people are crying and chatting after all that, I was silent the whole way home, exhausteddddf

Then I decided to watch 'Monk Goes to the Dentist' while eating a vanilla milkshake so that was nice

played Animal Crossing most of the afternoon, and now that I was feeling more energetic finally I played some splatoon just before hopping on here

pain is nothin so far


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
Does your mouth feel weird?

got two gauze pads stuffed in my mouth rn, pft,
it hurts a little, but not anything making me super uncomfortable, plus I got pills for the pain and they're doing their job :cool:

my whole mouth was numb for HOURS, luckily it's worn off now

Did you have a sense of time while you were under or did it feel like teleportation?
no sense of time

I don't even remember fully getting knocked out, I just remember thinking 'this is it' and looking around the room

and then it cuts straight to slowly opening my eyes in that darned sofa chair, hahah

Apparently according to my mom I sat in that chair unconscious for AT LEAST 30 minutes, when she got in there anyways. Idk how long the procedure was, should ask her later. It was like, 10 when I got in the car? I think. And I got to the building around 8:30


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Functional or replica?
I don't even remember fully getting knocked out, I just remember thinking 'this is it' and looking around the room

and then it cuts straight to slowly opening my eyes in that darned sofa chair, hahah
I've had this happen to me once when I was a kid, I was laying in bed only sorta awake, thinking about family visiting or something, and then I blinked twice and it was morning. Not drug induced or anything, just natural sleep
Lol this has become the "check mightys pm" live update announcement thread
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