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Is It Weird for Girls to <3 LOZ

Oct 2, 2016
I love meeting girls who play zelda. I remember I was dancing with a girl once, she asked about my hobbies and I mentioned I like to play games. She asked what kind of games I was into and I shyly said "Zelda..." her eyes lit up and said "I love Zelda!" The conversation became a lot more lively after that.

Conclusion: I love meeting girls who play zelda.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The idea that girls playing video games is somehow weird or abnormal simply because a majority of women don't play games or because they don't make up a majority of people who do doesn't really follow. For something to be considered "normal" doesn't necessarily entail it being performed by at least 50% of a population, only that it be common, typical, and accepted behavior, which, in this case, generally applies.

It's also questionable whether those assertions about the prominence of women in gaming are even correct, as a simple google search alone reveals multiple studies that directly contradict your source and state that women actually make up the majority of gamers, or at least come very close; likewise, it isn't difficult to find sources stating that near half of women have played video games before, a rate comparable to men. Shockingly enough, looking up sources that conform to your preconceptions and picking the first one you find may not actually be representative of all research or evidence on the subject, and may not necessarily be an accurate way of discovering truth.

I don't know if the above statistics are correct because I haven't researched the topic, nor do I have any desire or inclination to, nor do I think the answer is even relevant to the discussion in the first place, but the idea that you've somehow "scientifically proven" that women playing video games is "weird" (according to your own arbitrary definition) because of an isolated and unsourced link that claims they make up less than 50% of gamers is so comically ignorant of basic standards of research and evidence as to almost be self-parodying.

Back to the actual, more specific subject of the thread, is a girl loving Zelda technically weird or abnormal? Yes, probably, but it's quite obvious that the topic is about whether it's weird in a negative sense and that it was asking about the personal opinion of the respondents, because otherwise the thread would consist of people arguing over meaningless semantics that are largely irrelevant to any sort of personal question or issue, as has now become the case.

The more socially adept among us understood the purpose of the thread and responded accordingly with what is the obvious answer to any rational person (i.e. no, of course not), but evidently some of us, who might struggle a bit more with such matters, failed to pick up on this. Or, perhaps more likely, they did understand it completely, but merely decided to use this thread as a means to flex their pseudo-intellectual muscles or show off their contrarian edginess to the rest of the forum, presumably in order to fill some deeper psychological desire. So I guess I'm not very impressed with the direction in which this thread has headed; not that it was much better originally when it was people just mindlessly repeating a truism, but at least it wasn't this obnoxious and cringeworthy.

Gaming in general is looked down upon by a lot of society as they are 'all a bunch of dossers', however it is seen as more acceptable for males to be into it than women.

My source is the Entertainment Software association, there is no better source out there for reliability of sales demographics.

You admit in your fourth paragraph that it is weird and abnormal for a girl to love Zelda and then go on to make assumptions about the true nature of what the thread is asking. It's asking if it is weird, plain and simple. I said it is. Even you said it is. I dont need to respond to the rest of what you put as it is mostly irrelevant condescending bull****.

Monja Elisa

Hyrulean Princess
Mar 21, 2015
If its wierd, I am and have been wierd my entire life.
ever since I was 5 years old, I am and have been a devoted Zelda fan and collector. <3
Zelda is the best game series there is out there, and my gender aside, even if I was a male... I would love it just as much as I do today.
Zelda is awesome, hands down! ^^


Jun 19, 2010

Gaming in general is looked down upon by a lot of society as they are 'all a bunch of dossers', however it is seen as more acceptable for males to be into it than women.

This may be true if referring to what are called "hardcore gamers" or among a small minority of the population, but everybody plays and is around video games these days, even if only mobile games. The view you and Misty are referring to is hardly representative.

Deus said:
My source is the Entertainment Software association, there is no better source out there for reliability of sales demographics.

I'm not aware of it and I don't have the knowledge to properly evaluate this claim, but considering your source is only one of many, has no citations and references, and is outdated by about a year and a half, I'm sure you can understand my skepticism of it being "scientific proof" that gaming is uncommon among females.

Deus said:
You admit in your fourth paragraph that it is weird and abnormal for a girl to love Zelda and then go on to make assumptions about the true nature of what the thread is asking. It's asking if it is weird, plain and simple. I said it is. Even you said it is. I dont need to respond to the rest of what you put as it is mostly irrelevant condescending bull****.

I think my assumptions are justified based on the fact that she was a girl who likes Zelda, and therefore likely made this thread for relevant opinions on her condition and reassurance about it rather than a discussion regarding the semantics and correct definition of the word "weird." If you disagree, that's fine; I don't really take issue with pointing out that it technically might fall under some definitions of weird, I just find it a bit obnoxious when people make a stance of constantly correcting people on it so smugly and self-assuredly for what I can only assume to be for the purpose of stroking their own egos, especially since the two main people I'm referencing here have a well-documented history of this across the forum. Again, I could always be wrong, but I don't really think I am.

Considering who I'm talking to and referencing, I think the accusation of condescension is pretty hypocritical as well.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
This thread is a mess

The only point that matters is if you think women don't play video games youre a dumb basement dweller who needs to wipe the dorito dust out of his eyes

Gatekeeping isnt cool, let's just agree men and women both like Zelda and just have fun playing video games like the nerds we all know we are, no one likes a video game elitist.


Source of stink
May 21, 2016
5th layer
This thread is a mess

The only point that matters is if you think women don't play video games youre a dumb basement dweller who needs to wipe the dorito dust out of his eyes

Gatekeeping isnt cool, let's just agree men and women both like Zelda and just have fun playing video games like the nerds we all know we are, no one likes a video game elitist.
No one's saying that women don't, what's been said is it's unusual (or weird.) If someone WERE to say that women don't or shouldn't play games, I'd agree.

EDIT: Deleted Quotes of removed posts
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In addition, rather than attempting to calm the situation down yourself if you have nothing to say pertaining to the actual discussion please use the report button.



Feb 14, 2016
The Sea
This may be true if referring to what are called "hardcore gamers"

Allo, I saw my name mentioned a couple times, which is like, "heeyyy, they know me!"

Oh, to speak to what I quoted above, yeah, I think it is pretty safe to say at least with what I said that I was hereby using gamers to reference what others might call "hardcore gamers". I do not recognize the mobile/facebook population as gamers in that precise sense. Not out of some sense of gate-keeping, but purely because the difference seems obvious to me. If I were in a cited "dancing with guy scenario" and the guy asked my hobbies and I said "gaming" and he said "oh me too, I love candy crush, pokemon go, and temple run", he might be a very nice and lovely, non-weird-totally-normal person, but he certainly isn't vibing with me. It's not a snob thing, so much as just recognizing we're different species. In general, most of the studies I've looked at, will say women are equal, if mobile gaming is included. If we're talking about hardcore gaming, which it seems games like "Zelda" would fall into (at least in my book. If I were dancing with a person and they said they liked zelda in response to my saying I was a gamer, I'd think we at least worked in the same department.) then it is a predominantly male field.

but everybody plays and is around video games these days, even if only mobile games.
I basically addressed this up here, but I don't see mobile gamers as gamers in the sense that is useful or speaks to me. And I don't think the girl who asked this question would feel assured by the idea that all her friends are playing farmville and pokemon go while she's playing Zelda, because she would likely recognize the difference between "hardcore" and "mobile" gamers. If all your girlfriends normally play a mobile game, and you play Zelda, I don't see that helping you sleep at night if you're already concerned with your normality.

The view you and Misty are referring to is hardly representative.

It's representative of...a view? Which is what the thread asked for? I mean, I know, since you already basically said so, that you think I'm a faux-intellectual with deep emotional problems (which like, yeah, ya know, ya got me, that's pretty true), but when I answered the question, it wasn't out of that or a need to look smart or a lack of social understanding, it was out of a potentially misplaced, or poorly articulated attempt to express my view.

Which to quickly boil it down would be: "No, it is not normal for girls to be gamers who play games like Zelda." My answer was based off of all the statistics, personal experience, and understanding of what "normal" means. And if I had to say what I hoped the girl reading would take from this by the context of me being a very clear, female gamer, is that it is better to not care about this sort of thing, but it isn't acceptable to lie to yourself or get a bunch of people on a (ZELDA FORUM) to yes-man you so that you feel better.

I just find it a bit obnoxious when people make a stance of constantly correcting people on it so smugly and self-assuredly

I apologize for you finding me and my good friend obnoxious when I attempted to express what I see as a true, positive, and honest message that was potentially not stated in a way that carried that because I assumed it would be obvious based on my own "female gamerness".

for what I can only assume to be for the purpose of stroking their own egos,
Right, and like, I totally understand you think that, but like...here is another way to imagine Deus and I more complexly. (Keep in mind, it will be less fun and significantly lower the opportunity for self-righteousness than the way you currently have us pegged.)

We're just people, people on the internet. People behind a screen. People who have been gamers our entire lives so far and lived what that means. We've been lame or cool depending on who we were talking to. We grew up in an era and generation where being gamers at all, no matter gender, was pretty weird. It was the sorta thing assailed on the news constantly, related to being in a basement cheeto eater, awful, or somehow connected with school shootings and Marilyn Manson.

I cannot speak for Deus, maybe he came up really cool and all. But I will tell you from my point of view, as the daughter of a guy who owned a comic and gaming store, besides my mother, and the daughter of a guy who ran our magic tourneys, I was the only girl in that place from dawn until dusk for nineteen years. And I admit, among all those guy nerds, I was seen as pretty cool and swell. But among the rest of the world, I hardly met any women who shared my interests. And the girls I did hang with despite that, treated it like the herpes they'd accepted I had. Even in Uni, I didn't meet a lot of people who shared my interests, guy or girl, but if I did, they were guys. And the same has largely been true online.

And that sort of life, we're you know you're not normal or cool, or whatever way you wanna define that social phenomena, it has a shaping force. The best one possible, is that you decide you don't care and you just be you, because the other option is to be this horrible quivering mass who doesn't want to give up their passions but constantly strives to please a world that doesn't really like the thing you like.

And so every time I meet a girl or guy who games or is nerdy in some specific way and they're like "hey, Misty, is this thing I do "normal", I tell them no and that's ok, but not to even measure themselves near normal, because doing that only hurts, it's only a lie, it's allowing others to define something. And yeah, I probably say it in a somewhat caustic way, a mixture of answering a question a lot, finding the question dangerous, and not really being an outwardly "sweet" person.

But ya know what for all my egomanical flaws and cruelty, I did make an attempt to speak a truth, to free another human from chains that could easily bind them, and to offer them something I'd learned in my own life.

And I'll admit, I felt constrained, because a lot of the people here and around me have this very like...well a "**** you" attitude towards the world. It's the whole "revenge of the nerds" and "now I'm the one that's cool" thing that you can find underlying this "just be you" message. And like, yeah, on some level, it's pretty ****ty to have people judging and not liking you for a hobby or passion that isn't mainstream...but something about the whole "**** you revenge of the nerds" approach leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Because in some fundamental way, you allowed the people around you to form who you are. You aren't just a nerd or gamer, you're like a "**** you" nerd or gamer. And that's as much of a victory for the world to have made you a bitter, harsh, and self-consciously throwing them away sort of person.

It wasn't for my own ego, it was because I cannot imagine what it'd be like to live as a female gamer, caring what others thought in any direction, in a world that scorns gamers, and is particularly harsh in various subtle and strange ways to the females and males who game and I wouldn't want anyone else to have to live that. The only way out I see from this without letting them form you, is to accept you're abnormal and not really feel one way or another about it. Just let it stand as fact to yourself and others.

One of the first steps in that "right direction" (my perception), is being able to read on an internet forum of people like you some other gamer girl telling you the unvarnished truth, unfriendly, and sometimes difficult to swallow truth.

especially since the two main people I'm referencing here have a well-documented history of this across the forum.

Oh boy, I hope you're still talking about me. I'd love to have a well-documented history. That'd just make my little ego that I stroke daily explode.

Again, I could always be wrong, but I don't really think I am.

I'm glad for you. It is a very nice feeling to hold a truth in your hand and mostly know it to be true.

Considering who I'm talking to and referencing, I think the accusation of condescension is pretty hypocritical as well.

Hey, now, I never called you condescending, I said you had a certain limitation with your ability to imagine why people say things complexly. But I don't think it is possible to be condescending when you're almost certainly a better person than Deus and I. It'd be like calling Jesus condescending...is it condescending if you created the universe?


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I have encountered lots of girls that are really into Zelda, more than guys. And some guys I have known did wear things like Hylian crest shirts because they thought that was nerd girl-bait, it somewhat was. But I have met a lot of female Zelda fans in a few towns, lots in school (but t was an art school if that changes anything) and I played on a few League of Legends teams that were mostly girls, knew a few of those in school as well. Plus someone I work with now still plays League pretty often, and is a fan of Zelda. It is definitely not a new and strange thing at all.
Oct 3, 2016
Florida, USA
my name is Jordana i got minish cap for my birhtday few years back ever since then im obsessed. I just wanted to know what you guys out their think of girls playing loz

BTW it's nothing sexist

It is just as normal for a girl to play as a boy. I feel this for all games in general, not just Zelda games. Honestly, I've met more female Zelda fans irl then male.


Oct 1, 2016
A lot of my girl friends likes Zelda, and most of those who doesn't like it have their reasons, and being a girl isn't one.


Just a loser loving Legend of Zelda and anime
Jul 19, 2016
In an unknown universe.
Yeah, and I know a game they'll be pros at
I'm not playing that game or freakin Candy Crush or even that dam Farm Vile.
Oct 6, 2016
How arrogant can you possibly get? The purpose of the thread was to discuss if girls liking Zelda is weird or not, or people had the option of simply giving their opinion and leaving it be. You cannot decide what the thread should have been doing, as you are not the creator of it, nor are you in any stance to decide if someone is socially adept for discussing a matter, as discussing a topic is the purpose of a forum in the first place.

I don't understand how that person is being arrogant. I feel like you simply disagree and decided this was your best method of attack. Everything they said was perfectly rational and level-headed. "Weird" definitely does not require 50% of a population to do something. If that were the case men, in general, would be considered weird. Secondly, I'm pretty sure they're allowed to not like the direction a thread takes. I don't see how it's your prerogative to tell that person they're not allowed to like something and/or state whether or not they like something. Ironically enough, I feel like everything you just said could be rolled up into one word, "arrogant".

This is my first night in this forum, but I hope most of the negativity is contained right here in this thread, because I got tired of exactly this sort of thing on Reddit. People arguing and name-calling just for the sake of it.


Source of stink
May 21, 2016
5th layer
I don't understand how that person is being arrogant. I feel like you simply disagree and decided this was your best method of attack. Everything they said was perfectly rational and level-headed. "Weird" definitely does not require 50% of a population to do something. If that were the case men, in general, would be considered weird. Secondly, I'm pretty sure they're allowed to not like the direction a thread takes. I don't see how it's your prerogative to tell that person they're not allowed to like something and/or state whether or not they like something. Ironically enough, I feel like everything you just said could be rolled up into one word, "arrogant".

This is my first night in this forum, but I hope most of the negativity is contained right here in this thread, because I got tired of exactly this sort of thing on Reddit. People arguing and name-calling just for the sake of it.
It was arrogant because she said that we are socially inept for not sharing her opinion.

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