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Is It Weird for Girls to <3 LOZ



my name is Jordana i got minish cap for my birhtday few years back ever since then im obsessed. I just wanted to know what you guys out their think of girls playing loz

BTW it's nothing sexist
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I am baaacccckkkk
Jan 25, 2010
Not weird at all :P

Girls can enjoy the Zelda-games as well. They are just not introduced to the series.
You know how girls like Twilight? If I showed a girl in my class Twilight Princess, I bet she would be interested.
To women, games are more like movies. They play through it because of the story.
That is why most Zelda-fans play Zelda, story.
So girls may like movies with good stories, as well as games with good stories.
It's not weird if you like Zelda. Everyone with a sense of games does :)


Jul 15, 2009
You don't speak for all of us females then, my friend. I play Zelda first and foremost for the gameplay :D A good storyline's nice, sure, but many older games survived without them! Leave the storytelling to the movies and books I say! But it's true, girls are simply (and supposedly) less likely to come into contact with the games- gaming (used to be) seen as a 'guy' thing. Didn't throw me off though, I grew up gaming ^__^

Though oddly enough, I actually know more girls that guys who've completed OoT xDDD
Anyway, long story short, gaming is something that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their gender, as long as they are determined and willing to give things a try~! And I mean gaming as in your typical "games", not as in some of the more recent stuff *looks at Nintendo* that's been made for the "wider audience"... But I wouldn't say we're at all weird for liking Zelda~!

*stares at guys* And you'd all better think the same thing xDDD (Kidding, you're allowed to have opinions, but still.)


Dec 16, 2009
I think it's fun that girls play Zelda too.

It's not for boys only. Why would it be? Zelda is not a sexist game or anything.
Maybe at the beginning (before zelda 1 and games alike, when games got stories), videogames we are true nerd thing for boys who can't hook up with babes. Personally, I can't play such thing for more than a few minutes.

It still has that image for most people though. Many people still think all the games are like pong or pac-man, they will say without any hesitation that it's a nerd thing. I showed some people the Zelda games once in a while, and both boys and girls seem to like it once they noticed it actually had a story to it. Heck, even some of them started playing games on their own after I showed them my SNES and ALttP actually.

Especially the later games like OoT or something, I can't think of anyone saying that it was plain stupid or childish or nerdy or only for boys. Some of them admitted that they didn't have the patience for it, but I can understand that. Pretty much all of them admitted to like the overworld themes and other music from games as well as riding Epona.
Some of them were even impressed by Ganondorfs appearance (OoT - when Zelda escapes the Castle with Impa) and considered him to be as good as a bad guy from a random movie.

I showed Spirit Tracks to and old lady in the train recently. She was wondering what on earth I was so stoked about. Obviously, I wasn't having a conversation on a mobile phone, as I kept silent for the whole time. When I was blowing into the microphone, she couldn't recist to ask what I was doing. So I told her a bit and showed the screen for a few seconds, to convince her that it wasn't some early 90's crap like the game 'Snake' anymore, but that it actually had good colours and stuff.

She made me believe that she was heading for the stores to get a DS too. If my grandson asks me why the box was already open, I'm gonna tell him that I got the showmodel for a discount prize... she whipered. Then she left the train a few stations before me.

I'm glad that videogames starting to loose the taboo for a bit, although playing videogames is not something I mention when I meet people for the first time...

The only thing that worries me would be males playing Style Boutique and stuff like that. That IS a girls game. No?
Of course, they can if they want to. Quite a lot of woman are 'into' car racing and motorcycles too...
Oct 26, 2008
No, I don't see why you gender should make a difference, if your personality leads you to like games that other girls wouldn't usually play then that's partially up to you and nature. I have plenty of female friends that like to play games, one of them even likes to play games that would scare most guys out there.

No where on this planet does it say that if a girl likes to play a game of any sort, that they are weird because of this. It's like there are many guys out there who like to play sports that are usually considered a girls sport but are actually very fun to play (over here Hockey is an example). I'm trying to get my girlfriend into Pokemon and Zelda because it would give us both another thing in common and I'd find it quite cool if she did.

It's quite common for girl gamers to love games like Zelda, Fable, Bioshock...etc. It's just guys don't ever see girls as nerds or even gamers, they just think girls like to wear make up or the things that girls commonly do, just means your unique among the girls around you because of your hobbies. It'll become less weird as well as the newest generations are depending more and more on video games for entertainment, soon most girls will come to like this game.


May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
I think it's perfect normal. As long as someone Likes the game, they play it Regardless of their Gender. I mean come on, Playing a Zelda game and your a girll? What's wrong with that?? As long as you want a game play it! Some girls are into other games that guys usually play but man they are better than the guys who played Tekken.


Like a river's flow, it never ends...
Jun 2, 2009
Personally I see nothing wierd with girls liking to play Zelda. (The main reasons why is because I'm female myself and that I'm also a HUGE Zelda fan. :P )

I grew up with gaming as one of my many favorite things to do and the first video game that actually got me into the gaming was ALttP. Since then I've played many other games and found myself getting into other game series like: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Super Smash Bros., etc.

So yeah, if a girl likes to play Zelda games, I see nothing wierd about it.
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Sage of Tales
In a word, NO.

Then again, I'm not the most "normal" girl out there. I'm a 30-year-old woman. I'm also into anime and manga to quite a large degree and I seem to have a preference for "sienen" (men's) titles over the sugar-shojo. I've always been into "nerdy" things like high fantasy and sci-fi (I cannot stand romantic comedies, do not take me to see one - action/fantasy/sci-fi all the way...). I also fish as a hobby in the spring and summer (bait, lure and fly), and have no qualms at all about doing "icky, girls aren't supposed to do that!" stuff like cleaning my own catch... I *never* wear makeup.

I'd site my ranchhand job, too, except that *everyone's* female over my barn. Tough, outdoorsy women.

I never really *got* the whole thing about gender-roles, myself. I say like what you like and dont' apologize for it. This kind of sexism in society annoys me, and is why, when I present my fantasy novels to potential publishers and literary agents, I *never* sign my gendered name, but always in initials. (The idea that fantasy and sci-fi lit is a "man's game" you know).

I've found Zelda fandom to be welcoming to girls, though. Still, I did have someone on here once yelp in surprised upon seeing me addressed with a female honorific "Shadsie's a girl?!!!" And, as a friend of mine says "Some guys are just flabberghasted that female gamers are out there." (He's obviously not one, as I've gotten to play most of the Zelda series and a bit o' Metroid by borrowing his games).

Octo Rocked

Dr. Octorokapus BLAAAAAH!
Dec 8, 2009
The American Midwest
I'd say that girls playing the LoZ games is much less unusual than other games. After all, the Legend of Zelda games are kind of masterpieces. The games often focus more on puzzles than combat or "gaming skill," aren't overly violent, and don't appear to be "just kiddie games" like some other great Nintendo games. The Legend of Zelda series seems to be geared towards girls almost as much as it is towards guys.
Jan 3, 2009
This is a really dumb thread IMO. Is it weird for a girl to love Zelda? No. Sure, those peppy hyper radio-oxide girls who love texting, Justin Bieber, and the Jonas Brothers would find that as "totally whacked", but honestly, if you like Nintendo's 2nd or 3rd most popular franchise, I see nothing wrong with it. Heck, half my friends are girls and they play Zelda (then again they're tomboys...) without criticism from other girls. If you like Zelda, it's about as weird as it is likely that Reggie Fils-Aime will allow Mother 3 to be released in NA.

Dark Princess

Weeaboo :D
Jun 11, 2009
Horrid, Ohio
No, it's not. I find Zelda games amazingly fun, and that goes for a lot of other games, too. I grew up playing video games because my mom got me into them (See, my mom even likes video games :P), and a few of my friends think that's cool. But there are a few guys at school who looks at me weird when I have my DS out. >_> But it's still completely normal for a girl to play a game, especially the Zelda games. ;P
Nov 26, 2008
Not even remotely.

As Shadsie was mentioning, "gender roles" have no real validity. It's just stereotyping and assumption. People associate certain things with other things automatically. It's not really sexist or prejudiced, but it can become that if the person takes it too seriously. I've never been one to assign certain things as only for guys or girls, so I don't see how there could be anything weird with it.

All that aside though, Zelda is fairly feminine, so even if you were to say guys have to be manly and girls have to be girly, it still wouldn't be that odd. ;) Sure, there are things in the series that you wouldn't think are "girly" or "feminine", but there's just as many that are.
Jan 24, 2010
welll yeah i made a nintendo class project and made a paper mache mario and all the others done theirs on Facebook Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus.

lol, win.

I highly support Female gamers. Whether they are fans of games I love, like, or dislike. I don't find it weird at all, and think we need more of them.


You guys have metioned that Zelda might be more 'girl-friendly' (so to speak) than some games. But don't count us girls out. We can game as hardcore or more than any boy. About any series. A gamer's a gamer.

Goron Guru

Ha! Paper mache Mario. That is the way to go. That's flat out awesome. No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a girl liking LoZ. Actually, I wish there were more girls like that at my school. It is waaaaaaaaay low on the geek level.

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