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Hyrule RPG


Junior Junior Member
knil walks back to his grave, sad that no one can see him. " why can't anyone see me?" " why don't you try to get them to see you?" knil turned around to see a ghostly figure wearing red robes and a golden crown with red, blue, and green jewels in it. " i am the former king of hyrule, pleasure to meet you. there is a room in this library in the south wing where the dead can come back." " how come i have never seen it?" asked knil. the former knig responded," only the dead can see it." knil started his journey to the south wing hoping to come back.
Meanwhile Gufuu was sleeping in a room in the Clock Town Inn ala Mutoh, that is until he heard something on the roof. He went outside to check only to find Watarara (if you do not know what that is, go here http://zeldawiki.org/Watarara). He goes near him but without him looking back he says, "I can hear you... I am Crowl the Watarara, my family decided to hunt during day instead of night but I can not sleep at night, so I went to a shawman to get a potion that would make me sleepy. I drank it and next thing I know I was in this kingdom, I have been here for half a year now. Unless I tell people this story first, they usualy go screaming 'MONSTER!' and everyone comes trying to hit me with a pitchfork."


Aaron walked towards a lone bookshelf, separated from all the others that were neatly arranged in rows. Looking closely, he noticed that the books here were not real, they seemed to be painted. Inspecting some more, Aaron realized the entire bookshelf was just a painted piece of granite, sitting next to the wall.
"I wonder why this is here?"
DL:"What do you mean?" DL walks over and looks at the bookshelf dropping everything on the floor before he came. "Hmm.... You are right, this is not a real bookshelf, it is an illusion. Maybe we shou- THE ITEMS!" When DL turned around he could see a Zuna running away with the Terminian Shilling and Papers.


"Wait, what is that?" Aaron said, looking confused as the Zuna ran off. He used Roc's Cape and managed to follow through the air, but he could only glide for a short while.
DL went into Panic Insineration mode and charged at the zuna in almost three times fster than his normal speed and managed to trip onto the zuna. He was nocked out for a while but when he woke up, Aaron finaly cot up with him. (Is cot spelled correctly?...) Then, DL noticed something, this Zuna had feathers. He attempted to take 'his costume' off thinking that he was disguised as a Zuna but realised that he is part Zuna part Rito. DL:"Give me those back you theif!" He said as he took his items out. And throughout this occurance, was knealed down on the Zunas back. DL:"Who are you?!"


(It's spelled caught. I think cot is like a hammock or something.)
"Why did you take our stuff?" Aaron said, catching his breathe.
DL then noticed a huge hole in the wall on the other end of the hall. DL:"Hay Aaron, we better check that out. You are cooming with us, zuna!" He said as he shrank the zuna down to size using the trident and puting him in the palm of his hand so that if he tries to escape he will fall to death. "Wait, this hole, it is in the middle of nothing, it is like a tear in reality. A door that leads somewere that is not here."


Junior Junior Member
on his way to the south end, knil saw a strange creature running past him, he was about to chase it when he saw aaron and Dark link going after it. he contenued walking south when he saw a hole in the wall. " so this is it." knil walked in and fell down, there was strangely no floor. when he hit the bottom there were spikes all around but he wasn't harmed by them.in the center of the room was a a desk with a book on it. knil walked to there and opened it. he heard loud, piercing screams and couldn't move. he felt different and jumped down onto the ground. a sudden burst of pain fell upon him and he jumped back onto the desk. he couldn't see the exit to the hole anymore either. on the desk appeared a strange magnifying glass. knil picked it up and saw a stair case through it.


Junior Junior Member
knil climbed the invisible stair case and was at the wall where the door should be.he pushed the wall but it didn't budge. suddenly he felt tingly and dropped the magnifying glass. a strange flash happened and he was on the other side of the wall.


(Sorry, took me a while to post.)
Aaron stared at the strange book, not wanting to get too close.

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