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Games That Didn't Meet Your Expectations


May 18, 2013
First of, Twilight Princess, I really liked and enjoyed it, and I'm actually playing it currently, it's just that it was overhyped, and it turned out great, but not THAT great, I can't exactly pinpoint it down, it was things like too linear, an overworld that doesn't have enough things to do in it and stuff.

Resident Evil 5, it was too third-person shooter-like, you have a partner in it:dry:. At least RE4 had some semblance of survivor horror in it, even though it too had action elements. I didn't play the next one yet.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Paper Mario Sticker Stars, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Prince of Persia, and Mario Kart Wii. All dismal pieces of crap.


The Young Drifter
Jun 16, 2010
Skyward Sword, for many reasons I've said before and many that were already stated on this thread, and
Sonic Colors because I was expecting Unleashed-style gameplay and instead I got 80% uninteresting 2D sections and 20% slow, sloppy 3D sections.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Assassin's Creed: Revelations-Before this game was released, we already knew this was goodbye to two of the greatest assassins in gaming. They built it up with awesome trailers, and it seemed like a perfect fan-service. I guess it was too good to be true. Here I'm thinking that we're gonna have a past and "present" effect between Ezio and Altair, and that somehow Ezio was contacting Altair, but it was just keys. Five keys with unsatisfying Altair missions. Sure, we got some pretty good story from it, but it was nothing great. Just another Assassin's Creed game that didn't live up to the hype. Oh, and whoever the hell thought that stupid first-person Desmond crap was going to be fun, should be fired – no, killed.

Resident Evil 6-"This is Raccoon City all over again." A famous phrase Capcom likes tossing around the series as of late. When Leon uttered those ominous words in Resident Evil 6, what he meant to say was, "This is Operation Raccoon City all over again." Sure, that may be a bit harsh, the game wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty good despite the butthurt reaction. But speaking as a fan of the Resident Evil series, Resident Evil 6 went into overkill. Capcom tried to appeal to multiple audiences with one product which already spelled disaster. This wasn't about making the next great installment, this was about making the most amount of money by selling out to a Call of Duty audience. The story was tarnished, the action was turned up to 11, promises were broken, and Jake. Resident Evil 6 definitely didn't live up to the hype stirred by the initial trailers.

Gears of War: Judgement-From the start, I knew not to expect the next big Gears of War game with Judgement. I knew it was a smaller scale game being made by another studio. I was fine with that, Gears of War never let me down, People Can Fly are working with a great foundation, just another solid experience, right? Hell no. The game felt like an arcade shoot 'em up. The simplification of the gameplay was also very unnecessary. The game isn't terrible, it can be quite fun, but it's just so repetitive and the story is just so... meh. The lack of cutscenes, the limit of weapons you can carry, and the removal of certain things made GoW: Judgement feel very lackluster compared past games. After watching some videos leading the to release of the game, I was expecting some fast-paced kinetic action. It looked great, fine editions to the series, turns out that was just multiplayer. Honestly, the best part of the game was the aftermath, which played out more like Gears of War 3, with its solid level design. The only thing I can credit People Can Fly with, is contributing to multiplayer.
Aug 4, 2013
Luigi's mansion: Dark moon.

The controls are frustrating, and the ghost variety was toned down a lot.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Pokemon Coliseum. You get Pokemon on the home console. That should be awesome! I suppose it is a good game, but I just wanted something livelier and more visually impressive. i also really really wanted a traditional pokemon capture system.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere

Nevermind, only a few posts in and this topic has already become mediocre.

Are you surprised about this? On a Zelda site? Where the Zelda fanbase, one of the most spoiled and intolerable fanbases that hates every new entry (until the next new entry comes out), comes to hang out? I honestly expected more responses with that game listed.


May 18, 2013

Nevermind, only a few posts in and this topic has already become mediocre.

Are you surprised about this? On a Zelda site? Where the Zelda fanbase, one of the most spoiled and intolerable fanbases that hates every new entry (until the next new entry comes out), comes to hang out? I honestly expected more responses with that game listed.

With that attitude you're only PROVOKING more SS talk.:dry:


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Oh, my, you have NO IDEA how excited I was for this game. (...Okay, maybe you do, because I'm not the only one that anticipated this game like it was Christmas Day for the average 5 year-old, but whatever.)

I loved Knights of the Old Republic to death, and I first played it YEARS after it came out -- I'm talking I played it about midway into the 7th Generation. So when I saw the reveal for an MMO set in the same universe, I flipped out. I didn't hype it up, because I knew I'd be disappointed no matter what if I did, but I was SO goddamn ready to play that game.

And when I got it... holy ****. It was NOTHING like it should have been. Not just in comparison to KotOR, but in comparison to what we were promised. It was slow-paced -- yes, even for a turn-based game -- the classes were insanely underwhelming, and... man, even the animations were lackluster. Not even Duke Nukem Forever was this disappointing.

It's by no means a BAD game, but it just doesn't qualify for a game of the KotOR universe.

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