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Favorite RPG


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
What's happening forum!

I know there are hundreds of RPGs throughout almost every single console, and just want to know what's your favorite RPG of all time. Type its name and in (), put the name of console where it was originally played on.

My favorite RPG would have to be Super Mario RPG (SNES). I really loved the plot of saving the Mushroom Kingdom from the Smithy Gang. It also featured one of my favorite characters of all time: Geno!


Keyblade Master
Mine shouldn't come as much of a shock if you know me. It's Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. It edges out Path of Radiance by a bit. Okay, it's better in anything but characters and supports. Edit: oh, and a certain battle in both of them. (mutters something about hammers taking all the fun out of it.)
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Kid Buu

The Ultimate Majin
Mar 20, 2010
United States
The Fallout series. (Mainly the new ones from Bethesda) I love the style of how they are. You can do whatever the heck you want to do.
Sep 12, 2011
United Kingdom
Probably Golden Sun for me, but honourable mention must go to Tales of Symphonia and the Fire Emblem series. I'm also looking to get Xenoblade Chronicles before long and I'm about to play Chrono Trigger for the first time on the virtual console.
Jun 14, 2011
Mario & Luigi: Partners in time (DS). I really liked the battle system for this particular RPG and the Bosses were challenging. the story was great and there were some giggling moments as well. great RPG!


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I haven't played many RPGs, but I really liked when you could switch between Kafei and Link in Sakon's Hideout. Though more of a role-playing event, it was still fun and the most memorable ^^

I failed so many times...


the over analysing guy
Aug 17, 2011
South Wales
Earthbound, hands down, I'll probably get more into xenoblade chronicles soon, have only just beat metal face.


Jun 29, 2010
POKEMON. it's an awesome rpg with an awesome turn-based battle system and a shin-megami-tensei or dragon quest Joker style of monster collecting, which is all icing on the cake of great multiplayer function and a diverse story. in a nutshell, IT'S AWESOME. my second favorite rpg is Star Wars: knights of the old republic, because you can do almost ANYTHING with the freedom it gives you.
Jun 14, 2011
POKEMON. it's an awesome rpg with an awesome turn-based battle system and a shin-megami-tensei or dragon quest Joker style of monster collecting, which is all icing on the cake of great multiplayer function and a diverse story. in a nutshell, IT'S AWESOME.

God damn it! Why didn't I think of that? :P
Tho I still stand by what I said about Mario & Luigi: Partners in time.
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