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Favorite RPG


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Hmm, I'd have to say, FF5, FF4, Secrect of Mana & Chrono Cross. I'll probably be adding Chrono Trigger to the list once I get a chance to play it.^^

I didn't know anyone else on here even HEARD of that game!o_O I love that game, it is so much fun!XD Especially with my two sisters as the other characters.^^

My favorite RPG is a tie between Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 4, and Final Fantasy 6.
Chrono Trigger.

So you both have played Chrono Trigger eh? Have you heard of Chrono Cross? If so, have you played it?


Feb 25, 2010
Dragon quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
I love this game. The combat is amazing.The story is pretty good to, and one feature to note is how equips shows on your in game character, a sadly under used feature in most games. The wide range of monsters, the grotto's, the exploration, its just great.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
No love for The Elder Scrolls? That makes me sad.
The Elder Scrolls is my favorite RPG series by far. Which one specifically in the series is my favorite changes with my mood. At the moment it's Oblivion. I am sure it'll soon be Skyrim when it comes out. I honestly don't think any other series compares to it. I suppose Fallout might because it's by the same company. But I've never played any of them.
In second place, I'd put the Dragon Age series. In third I'd put Mass Effect. But those last two also depend on my mood. It's hard to choose, they're all so great. These three series. We're talking about ranking them when I personally give them scores in the upper 90s out 100. Very little separating them.
Those were western RPGs, I prefer them. The only eastern RPG I can say I really like is Pokemon. But others aren't too bad. Just not my first choice over western RPGs.


Stardust Crusaders
Feb 15, 2010
Seasons in the Abyss [Minnesota]
My two favorite RPG's are Pokemon and Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Pokemon is just fantastic I love it so much and I just got into it. IT's a very addicting game and once you start it's hard to put down. SMRPG however is amazing. It took Mario and gave him a complete overhaul and morphed a whole different world and characters. There is so many parodies in this game it's hilarious, like the Axem Rangers. You can tell the people writing the story for this game were having a great time because this is one of the few games I laughed aloud at. Characters like Geno and Mallow are fan favorites, Geno being my favorite. They took Bowser and gave him a totally different personality and made him the most hilarious character in the game. The enemies make the game shine too they can be funny and terrifying. This was also the first RPG to have a battle feature where you press a button to dodge or make your attacks more powerful. Over all it is just an amazing game.
Sep 17, 2011
Fav. RPG?

I think I've spent most time playing Pokémon - literally hundreds of hours gone into those mostly because they are so easy to pick up and play and there's a lot of content in them. But a fav. RPG game, not based on play time would have to be either Final Fantasy 6 or Paper Mario TTYD.

Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age are great series, but I didn't enjoy them as much as FF6 or PM.

I think I really should play Chrono Trigger though, everyone seems to love it.
Aug 17, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Hands down star wars knights of the old republic, I've tried to find every different possible scenario to every situation, needless to say i still haven't(about time for another play through).

Also POKEMON particularly the old pokemon when the pokemon were actually good(cant stand the new ones most of them look ridiculous). However I've NEVER complete a pokemon game 100%, i have never been able to catch all the pokemon although i did get about 140 for R/B unfortunately yu need to know somebody who has the opposite version and just happens to have the pokemon you're after to get them all to finish it.


The Legend of Time
Sep 24, 2011
Final Fantasies 1,7,10, and 13. Dragon quest series, pokemon(does it count?), Zelda, the Mana series, and the Kingdom Hearts series.


Golden Sun. I've had Chrono Trigger friends who tried to convince me otherwise, but I hold strong to my opinion XD Golden Sun 2 was the first out of the series I played however, so I have to say I prefer it to the first one though both are equally amazing. I still haven't played the 3rd that came out on DS ;c

Besides that however, the Tales series are always spectacular. My personal favorite is Tales of Symphonia (first Tales games I played), and though my friend didn't like it I also loved its sequel. Tales of Vesperia was a good one too!

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