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for me its rare to have a dream because im too tired of my work...that is it rare to have a dream.but dream is a best way to thinks what will you be in the future


Milk was a bad idea.
Jul 21, 2010
My Casa!
Why the crap the F is there.. I have no idea. Sorry.
I searched to make sure there wasn't a thread like this, but in case I didn't go deep enough, sorry.

Thread for dreams. Woo.

My motivation for creating this was the fact that the last few days I've been encountering some pretty disturbing nightmares. I've been murdered, a murderer, raped, and a grave robber.. It's really starting to get to me. I was driving across a very big bridge to a local island, and I seriously saw myself drive off.

Discuss? Dish your own dreams?
Aug 18, 2009
I had a disturbing nightmare three days ago. Here's what I remember about it:

I found myself in some dark place, I didn't know where I was, it was just a creepy place with no trees about, rather barren and with several hills about. Suddenly, I felt a powerful force on top of me, as if a large boulder had fallen on top of me. I knew I was dreaming and yet I also felt the pain as if in real life, then I saw myself in the dream being held by the arms by two ugly creatures, which I will call demons. Anyways, they were uglier and scary looking than anything I'd seen in my life, and they were attempting to drag me to some dark hole in the distance...it's funny knowing that your mind can create those sort of vivid creatures, they looked so real, were they?

I dunno, but here comes the good part...I always call for help when I find myself in dreams like that...so I called help to Jehovah, my God. And as instantly as I mentioned his name and that he should help me, the ugly creatures cursed in some weird tongue, released me and vanished in a puff of smoke, and I woke up but wasn't sweating or anything like that. I was breathing hard maybe, but then I went back to sleep and don't remember anything else.


Milk was a bad idea.
Jul 21, 2010
My Casa!
Well thats pretty scary. From what I'd make of that the symbolism sounds pretty clear.. the "demons" had come to drag you to "hell" or whatever you may call such a place. Maybe it was because you feel like you are being pulled away from your relationship with your God. The dream could be telling you that you need to call upon him when you need him moreso than trying to handle things by yourself! Thats what I get out of that.


Milk was a bad idea.
Jul 21, 2010
My Casa!
I keep getting a nightmare after i have a good dream,in the dream im sleeping and i see a freaky picture with is probably the scariest pic in the world, with some freaky music.

What's in the picture? Colors, shapes, and numbers make a big difference in the meanings of your dreams ;)
Aug 18, 2009
Well thats pretty scary. From what I'd make of that the symbolism sounds pretty clear.. the "demons" had come to drag you to "hell" or whatever you may call such a place. Maybe it was because you feel like you are being pulled away from your relationship with your God. The dream could be telling you that you need to call upon him when you need him moreso than trying to handle things by yourself! Thats what I get out of that.
Not a bad assumption, and tbh with you, I've been pulled away from my relationship with God lately, I've sorta been doing things I should not. Maybe it is as you say, I need to keep my mind clear and keep my relationship going with Him, call for His aid and let Him handle the stuff I can't.

Anyway, hope I see others share their nightmares. I might share others if I happen to have some in the future.


Milk was a bad idea.
Jul 21, 2010
My Casa!
Anyway, hope I see others share their nightmares. I might share others if I happen to have some in the future.

Regular dreams have just as much meaning as nightmares!

Feel free to share any dream you have here!

I mean, I had a dream where I did nothing but read the back of bottles of ketchup once.


Feb 6, 2010
Bournemouth, UK
Most of my dreams are recollections of what I've been doing that day, most of the time they're great hehe! Mostly stuff such as; having a certain conversation with a friend, drunk memories, and moments with the opposite gender. However, a couple of weeks ago I had a pretty disturbing dream which woke me up at multiple times during the night. It wasn't a nightmare, it was just strange! I would basically dream as usual and then a veil of black liquid would descend from top to bottom, much like the opening credits to traditional James Bond movies. Luckily for me it was only one night so I'm happy!


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
I swear I have never had a nightmare before. And if I have, I don't remember it. At all.

Nothing but weird dreams. Seriously.
Here's one I recently had last night: (Note: Sarah is one of my friends. James is one of my sister's friends)

Sarah and I were trying to break into a castle because James, Shadow Link and Zelda had been captured. Iron Knuckles kept on attacking us but eventually we broke the door open and entered.
Next I remember we were sliding down a rocky hill on a sled. I saw a Registeel…too much Pokemon and Zelda Colliding Comic! Sometimes I fell off the sled because we were going through tunnels and sometimes we crashed but we made it. The wall was painted orange and there were a few windows next to each other.
I opened one up and saw the kind of sprites that it shows in FSA, but it still looked really down low. For some reason I was also holding Big Flat Duck.
Sarah picked up a stuffed animal that looked exactly like Furry except it was green and blue.
“What do we do with it?” she asked.
“I don’t know, read the intructions,” I replied. Sarah read the intructions and it said something like squeeze it’s wing. She did whatever it said and every enemy in the area slowly died. An Iron Knuckle who was dying approached me and tried killing me but it died.
Suddenly James and Shadow Link appeared lying on the ground. Sarah and I took turns hugging them. I mean, seriously. James. He doesn’t even like me!
Then Zelda appeared. I have no clue why James and Shadow Link were lying on the ground, but Zelda was already standing up as if she had just been released from a crystal or something. Then the world changed into sprites.
Shadow Link said some nonsense that I don’t remember, all I remember is that he said something like “A quart to go” or something.
Then we all jumped into a portal that Shadow Link made appear except for Zelda. She said something like “No, it’s a hazel quart and…” and Shadow interrupted her by pulling her into the ground by her ankle. I think we were in the Dark World, but I never got to see anything, after it changed to sprites I was basically watching it.
Then there were credits as if we beat a game. Shadow had apparently become friends with the four Links and they were going home. I didn’t even know they had a home.
The last thing I remember was that they appeared inside a building so they could get through it but they appeared behind a desk so they went into the Dark World and went under it.
That’s all I remember. Surprisingly, I remember more then I usually do of my dreams. It was fun hugging Shadow Link and I was laughing in the morning after seeing Zelda try to correct Shadow Link and get pulled into the Dark World because Shadow grabbed her ankle.

What the heck is Big Flat Duck and Furry? My brother is duck obsessed. Big Flat Duck is his duck pillow pet and Furry is just a huge stuffed duck.


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
I dream every night for the most part. Usually I can remember bits & pieces of the dream, then when I go and try to replay the dream in my head the next morning it makes no sense whatsoever. Like last night for example one part of my dream that I remember involved sort of a blend of the teleportation from the movie "The Fly" & the warp to a mirror world from A Link to the Past. I can't really explain it any better than that, lol.
Sep 7, 2010
i have had some interesting dreams lol
like if i play a video game for to long then i will start to dream about it (i've done this with OoT, fallout 3, GH3 and devil may cry 4)
or if i am really stressed out i will have bad dreams, like people i love get killed, it sucks they usually end in night terrors
i much prefer the video games dreams lol


Recently, I've been dreaming a lot about the boy I have a crush on. I'd rather dream something else to be honest >.>

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