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General Zelda Do You Want to See Overhead Continue?

Should the Overhead Style Continue to be Used?

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Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
It's actually very relevant. There are certain things you can do with 3D that you can't with 2D, such as with DKCR having Donkey go into the background and have things come at him from the background in real-time -- real-time being the key term. It also is what allows for transition between floors in the ALBW demo to be seamless, and what allows for things like Tektites being able to jump from the ground up on top of a small cliff that normally only Link would be capable of jumping down from, not to mention the "become a drawing" mechanic switching to a traditional 3D camera angle.

Maybe I should have worded this better... When people say they want an overhead Zelda, it doesn't matter whether it's 2D or 3D. Overhead is associated with a certain kind of gameplay that "we" want to see.


Jul 1, 2012
Well, we haven't had a 2D game since MC. They may never come again, and I find it unlikely another will ever.
Well you're probably referring to the "Top Down" style, which is what A Link Between Worlds is bringing back, so it's not unlikely, it's very much happening.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
When I said 2D, I meant 2D. As in the x,y style grid.

Overhead is something else. It features an overhead camera, and it can be in 2D or 3D.

Now PH, ST, and ALBW are 3D games. That's a fact. They use simpler XY combat in most cases; although we've seen 3D XYZ in ST and ALBW.( never played PH).


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Yes. They had a nice run, but it's time to move on. We need more 3D titles for Zelda.

I just have to stop you right there. there are a lot of us that love the 2d...ish zelda games. all my favorite zelda games are the top down view. it makes you think more in my opinion, if i can walk around and view the puzzle from all angles, as i could in real life, it's not as challenging! like i said, in my opinion. ALBW will prove that 2D Zelda games are still relevant, even if they go the 2.5D, that would just be going with the flow of time. you can still have a 2D play style game, using 3D polygons and i will admit, from what i see in ALBW, it does look a lot better than 8 or 16-bit graphics, and it pains me to say that cuz i love that style.

All im saying is you are being extremely narrow minded about the fact that 2D games can still thrive. thats what handhelds are for, yeah they can Power a 3D game, but its still gonna look 2 generations old compared to consoles, so why not keep it simple, and make it look pretty! and leave big budget beautiful graphics to the console that have the power to make 3D games that look good and still have room for other features.

Just makes sense to me to keep classic 2D style game alive cuz they are their own genre now if you think about it!


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
From a personal perspective, I prefer the 3D titles. The 2D titles don't hold a candle to them. From a business perspective the 3D titles do better. In my view I see no reason to keep an inferior version of the series. Who cares if it looks 2 gens old? That's completely irrelevant.


May 18, 2013
There's no reason not to have both.

From a personal perspective, I prefer the 3D titles. The 2D titles don't hold a candle to them. From a business perspective the 3D titles do better. In my view I see no reason to keep an inferior version of the series. Who cares if it looks 2 gens old? That's completely irrelevant.
Opinions, man.


May 18, 2013
^exactly, but then you mentioned business and said "inferior", implying it's an objective statement, so I got confused there, sorry.

Now, I don't think continuing the 2D games will ever detract from the 3D games in any way whatsoever.
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Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
^Now im with ya sroa! you had me worried till that last statement! That exactly what i didnt understand, is why go just 3D! its not like making 2D titles for handhelds is taking away any time, nor a cent of budget from the Triple-A Zelda Titles. its a different studio, so keeping the 2D or 2.5D trend going take NOTHING away from the 3D titles everyone loves, while keeping us old skin bag fans like me happy by keeping the traditional gameplay style of the old, and having cool new graphics at the same time

Short Version: I see no reason why both styles could live in perfect harmony together!


May 18, 2013
^Yeah, that's it, I want to see both styles continue forever, intact I would be happy if they did a Zelda 2 style game as well. All I'm saying is this; Nintendo, don't abandon any old idea, some old idea may need to be looked at again to see how to be implemented again.

What dissapointed me about the New SMB games is they they completely left out the Super Mario Bros 2 style, I would like to see another Mario game where you throw vegetables and monsters at other monsters, but that's a topic for another thread.;)


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
^Yeah, that's it, I want to see both styles continue forever, intact I would be happy if they did a Zelda 2 style game as well. All I'm saying is this; Nintendo, don't abandon any old idea, some old idea may need to be looked at again to see how to be implemented again.

I completely agree with this statement! nothing is broken with the old. Maybe some things need updated, sure! But if its not a broken concept, why can it!

As for the Zelda 2 style game making a return, as much as i would like to see that, it would take a LOT of work to make that game fit the Zelda Formula, as there was no real formula yet when the game came out, i just dont see how it would happen. Not to mention Miamato (sorry forgot how to spell the old mans name) has openly admitted that he is "embarrassed" of AoL, and admitted if he could go back in time, the game would not have been made.... at least not in that way.

But Hey you got company's like Wayforward Games, who can recreate old 2D classics, make them modern and fun, while still staying strictly true to the source material! so if anyone can do it, it would be Wayforward! Im in love with those developers now, and have already sent capcom an email asking them to give Wayforward a chance to make Mega Man X relevant in the industry again, seeing as to how everyone BUT capcom is showing Mega some love right now!

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