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Ocarina of Time Did You Really Find the Water Temple As Hard As People Say?


Apr 22, 2011
I didn't think any temple was hard in OoT except for the deku tree, i still remember not knowing that I was supposed to set the deku stick on fire and burn the web down that blocked the door.

I was stuck in that part of the game (no joke) for about 2 months. When I FINALLY figured out how to get past I completed the game in 2 weeks with no trouble on the water temple.

THe water temple was fun in my opinion only thing that was annoying was switching boots.


It took me 3 days to complete the first time, the second time it took me a few hours due to Remembering All The Req's......



Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Hard? Definitely not! Annoying? Yes, sir!

The Water Temple was probably the most tedious dungeon in Ocarina of Time, but does not deserve to be called so because of it's difficulty. It was simple an annoying dungeon, and that's what has given it the reputation is has among Zelda fans. People aren't really being presented with any challenge, but their minds are being scrambled by the ever-changing physical aspects of the dungeon. People have to memorize where this is, what they can do to do this, etc. etc. I like to think of the Water Temple as a giant puzzle, but this puzzle is so annoying that it gets to the point where it almost isn't enjoyable. The puzzle itself wasn't actually hard because you can go through it by just spending time and not actually thinking about it. In other words, for a lot of people, the Water Temple could have been a trial and error situation. You could get through it just by thinking about it, but it was annoying even then to do so. A lot of people, even trying to analyze what they were supposed to do next, ended up in a sort of trial and error situation anyway. This doesn't make it difficult, but just plain annoying because of how confusing the design can be.

Azure Sage

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It wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. My friend kept telling me things like, "Your really gonna hate the Water Temple", and, "It's the most frustrating temple in the whole game", and, "The Water Temple's a *****"(yes he really did tell me that), but it wasn't really as hard as all that. The only things that really tripped me up were finding all the small keys and the miniboss, Dark Link.


I didnt find it hard just frustrating lol pause and change was annoying but that one area under the platform in the middle of the temple took me ages to figure out the rest of the temple was easy enough


Mar 11, 2011
No I've never had, not harder than other temples at least. Other, I just love the element water plus that Oots watertemple (which is rumoured to be the most hated) was wonderful and the best watertemple in my oponion.


Scrubbiest of scrubs
May 5, 2011
Deku Palace
I first played at 6, and i would always play up to the water temple, take one look at the water level stuff, and turn it off. It took me till 12 to actually make it past. Also dark link was annoying.
Dec 9, 2009
I heard stories about people actually taking weeks or even months finishing the water Temple. It took me about three or four hours. But, yeah, it's still pretty tough because everything looks similar and you constantly have to raise and lower the water level. What's easy to overlook is the basement under the central pillar. Once you find that out, the pieces start falling together. The Water Temple isn't just confusing, it's also very long and big, which adds to the challenge. It may frustrate many people, but it's also a testament to Nintendo's brilliance in level design.

PROTIP: Using Farore's Wind really helps during the water level puzzles.


Mar 11, 2011
Using Farore's Wind really helps during the water level puzzles.

I shall really be sure to both try that and remember that. Thank's for the tip, mate. Now hopefully I don't need to go back and forth just to change the waterlevels. Yes, those waterlevels gets a bit monotone after a while in my oponion.
Mar 30, 2011
Lake Hylia
Err, yes. Boot switching, water level changing, key searching, Dark Link fighting, and that one room just before the miniboss room with the ladder of platforms that you had to Hookshot onto as you sink down a waterfall. I was a very overwhelmed 10-year-old.
Sep 10, 2008
Nope. I didn't use a walkthrough or anything, but, to be fair, it was sort of hard. It's mostly because of all the infromation you have to carry while working things out, like stuff with water levels and so on.
I Actually liked the water temple.


Hero of Winds
Feb 19, 2011
One thing I realized a little ways into the dungeon was that every chest shown using the compass is actually a key since the Water Temple has so many. All I had to do was make my way to one of those chests that I knew was accessible and fetched the key to keep going. Still a bit annoying but all-in-all a good tactic for me.
Jan 24, 2011
the first time I went trough the water temple I gave up and stopped playing for like months...turns out my game was borrowed so I had to give it back to my cousin (it was the gamecube collector's edition, btw) and a short while after he took it I wanted to play again, so I bought the game on the VC and did it again...I had to use a guide on some parts because of the stress it created for me *facepalm*...and that's been the only time I've been trough the thing...next time I play OoT again will be when OoT 3D comes out :)


Twilight Princess
May 9, 2011
Puerto Rico
I hated it! It was very confusing,and I was very glad to finish it.The whole messing with the water level gave me a headache when I found out I messed up and had to go back.Truly aweful


Jul 13, 2008
I find every ones problem with the water temple is finding the one small key in which you have to go back change the water level and bomb the little wall. When I play through the water temple I always remember to get that key no matter what happens. Another problem I found in the water temple was fighting dark link because he was pretty hard to beat so I learned to bring a few green potions into the temple with me so I could completely kick his butt with din's fire :D XD Other than those two problems I really now can get past the water temple within an hour at least.

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