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MM-3DS Changes You Want To See In Majora's Mask 3D

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
With the announcement of Majora's Mask 3D earlier today, I'm curious what changes, if any, you would like to see in the game so it can be up to modern standards. If you're still not entirely sure what I'm referring to, I'm talking about touch-ups like the Sheikah Stones in Ocarina of Time 3D.

Are the minor additions from OoT 3D sufficient or does MM 3D require a bit more?

The Omni Triforcer

Hero Of Time And Space
Mar 31, 2013
With the announcement of Majora's Mask 3D earlier today, I'm curious what changes, if any, you would like to see in the game so it can be up to modern standards. If you're still not entirely sure what I'm referring to, I'm talking about touch-ups like the Sheikah Stones in Ocarina of Time 3D.

Are the minor additions from OoT 3D sufficient or does MM 3D require a bit more?
This might be major but whatever can't find another place to put this fix the Saving system please


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
I'd like more flexibility with fast-forwarding time. In the original, you could use the Song of Double Time and that would fast forward you to 6:00 AM or PM, but what if a certain event occurred at, say, 2:00 PM? Well then you'd have to wait. Waiting is no fun. So I propose the option to fast forward in smaller intervals, like "use the Song of Double 25% Cylinder Squared Time to fast forward by two hours" or something of the sort.

The Omni Triforcer

Hero Of Time And Space
Mar 31, 2013
Changes You Want

What are some of the changes you want personally i want them to change the save system because i know one day i'm gonna open a save file for a second and forget it doesn't save and you have to save every time you open a file they can keep the bird system but not the save every open thing.
Jun 14, 2011
I would like Majora's Mask 3D to get the Master Quest treatment. Majora's Mask on it own is fairly challenging, imagine what it would be like with changed dungeon layouts, double damage, faster time cycle etc. That would put a interesting spin on the difficulty.


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
Make it fun. Ooooooh shots hired.


OT: IM SO EXCITED! Finally it's here! I have no clue what should be improved in this remake. I'd love a master quest mode, like in OoT 3DS. But other than that and the improved graphics, they shouldn't change anything about this masterpiece.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I doubt we'll get an MQ. I would, however, love a system that lets us go to any hour of the game we want. This would remove a lot of waiting and remove one of MM's largest flaws.

And--while this isn't something I personally need--I think making a "stop time" feature would make the game more accessible.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Christ no not streetpass. That literally sucks for people in my area. I am the only one (that i know of) in the area that actually has a 3ds. I'd personally like to see a revamp to Ikana. I mean that place is freaking epic but i want to know more of the Garo/Ikana war.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I have a really nasty feeling what they're going to do is make MM a lot easier than the N64 version. That's my argument against more time travel flexibility and things like that- kids these days should have to suffer as we did!! No, in all honesty, I think they need to change the save system because it was the MM save system that always screwed me over, personally, especially when you can't always complete what you're doing before you have to stop playing for some reason. That's the only change I really want to see. What I don't want to see, is like what they did in OoT-3DS with the Water Temple, where they colour coded the doors and things like that. I know that was a hard dungeon but now people get confused when us old N64 lags talk about that dungeon being hard because they had the easy way out. I guess it's a bit of nostalgia mixing with bitterness, but I don't genuinely believe that major alterations need to be made to the gameplay, just maybe a few tweaks here and there given the capacity the 3DS has in comparison to the N64, which couldn't even hold MM and you needed the expansion pak for it. Idk.

End of rambling on, I'm not sure about MQ. I don't really think it needs it, this game is already hard. Perhaps make the overworld more accessible in some way? Just in the sense I never got the feeling I could really explore Termina outside of the storyline without triggering a quest I didn't want to do yet or something. Perhaps one way would be to make it so that if you miss something or don't want to do a particulat sidequest yet, it doesn't mess you up in between dungeons. Like, not to make them completely skippable but... I'm explaining this badly.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I do think what Avagon and DarkestLink said about more control over time is a great idea that only adds to the experience. Playing the Song of Double Time should allow you to go forward to any time. The owl statues can still be used for saves,, but they should hold the save until the next save is done. The way it was originally done didn't make much sense, and it was too easy to lose progress. I think a little more mask functionality would be nice too which may involve more unique dialogue depending on what mask you are wearing. Very simple things like the couple's mask making hearts appear more frequently or the mask of truth letting you read people's minds in addition to animals' minds would be appreciated by me. Also just for a random reward, I think once you max out the bank you should be allowed to buy the key to a house in Clock Town. Inside the house you can refill all your items that require ammo every time you reset time, and as an easter egg there are pictures of characters from other games in the house.
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Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
How does waiting around doing nothing do anything but bore the player, let alone challenge them?

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