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MM-3DS Changes You Want To See In Majora's Mask 3D


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Honestly, I don't think there are that many changes needed. The only thing I really want is the option to save whenever, like in OoT. The 3DS has the extra memory, it can do that. In terms of gameplay mechanics, that and streamlining Goron Link's controls to be a bit more precise and controllable.

OH! AND MAYBE A BEN DROWNED REFERENCE! Nothing too huge, just a little thing. Maybe a grave in Ikana Graveyard that says 'Here Lies BEN' or something, I dunno. BUT THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!


The Inquirer
Apr 4, 2012
Hm, I don't think they should or will mess with the time aspect or any other component of the game.
I remember Nintendo saying they were planning to remake OoT3D's soundtrack but in the end didn't to keep the games original feel (and to prevent complaints from fans), they obviously keep in mind that its only a remake of a close to perfect game. I kinda wished they had remade the soundtrack, with the option to switch between it and the original. But that's just me.

If they do add any new features, my best thought is to keep it passive and make it all optional. Anyone who complains would have to say they wished Nintendo never made the changes exist.


The Nintendo Knight


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
People talk about the save system a lot. I really think they should largely keep it how it is. Except for one thing, Owl Saves should be permanent, not wiped out if you load it. If you make an owl save, and, say, the battery dies or you close it out, you can go right back to that owl save despite already opening it. It's a small change but I think it'd make it better.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
People talk about the save system a lot. I really think they should largely keep it how it is. Except for one thing, Owl Saves should be permanent, not wiped out if you load it. If you make an owl save, and, say, the battery dies or you close it out, you can go right back to that owl save despite already opening it. It's a small change but I think it'd make it better.

Honestly, that's all I ask for.


The Inquirer
Apr 4, 2012
If there was something I really wish they would add (even in DLC form), it has got to be putting to rest the soul of the Deku Butlers son. That part made me seriously depressed to think that after all the souls that now rest peacefully because of me, the Butlers son still remains in his saddened and tormented state of being with no redemption to ever be given.

Then again, maybe Nintendo did that on purpose.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
Only thing I'm asking for is a slight change to the Owl statue saves. One thing that frustrated me about them was that they forced you to quit, so saving choices meant starting from the beginning of a cycle or quitting and coming back. It would be nice to be able to save some progress without interrupting what you're doing and going back in time(which wipes daily event progress and some item stuff anyway). I'd at least like an option to continue playing after saving at a statue, that way if the battery dies, data won't be lost.
Fix the way some of the masks in the game looked. In the orginal version some of the masks looked bigger and wider than link's head.

Just give the game a better save feature. That way I don't have to worry about getting the Ocarina of Time back in order to save my progress.

The save system is part of the challenge of the game, I say leave it like it is.
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Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
If Majora's Mask 3D doesn't remaster it's soundtrack I will be dreadfully let down. One of the things about Ocarina of Time 3D that I know a lot of people agree with me on, is that just copy and pasting over the original soundtrack with minor quality improvements was a huge let down. I feel like to not remaster the soundtrack with either Orchestra or at least better Midi instruments would be a huuuuuuge missed opportunity. Aside from that, I never got to play much of the original MM so I'd be fine if they left it the same in every other respect. Granted I guess I hope the Goron is made a bit easier to use.
Nov 16, 2014
Here's what I'm hoping for, off the top of my head:
*A Master Quest, of course. If the new puzzles don't force more in-game time expenditures, all the better.
*Add Owl Statues to the Deku Palace, the Goron Village, the Gerudo Fortress, and the Ikana Graveyard.
Jan 21, 2013
Clock Town
I wouldn't mind if they tweaked the Elegy of Emptiness, even if they just do what they did in WWHD and have it so the song only repeats the first time you play it. I mean, you have to play that thing about 20 times just to reach Stone Tower, then some more once you get inside. I'm not sure how else you could change it to streamline the process more short of turning the song into an item, except maybe generating all three statues you need in one play of the song if you're standing on a switch. Not entirely sure how I feel about either of those, though.
Nov 21, 2014
I think that a master quest will be added. It makes sense since Oot 3D had one and they would want the two 3ds Zelda games to have similar amounts of content.

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