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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
My apologies for the delay, I should've said 10pm instead of 9.

Nevertheless, here is the next question! An extra large Tim Hortons coffee costs $2.19CAD. You give the barista a toonie and a quarter and they give you a "this", the name of a popular group of entertainers that are loved to be hated.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Question time, oh golly gosh!

Opening in 1962 as the longest uninterrupted highway in the world, this coast to coast highway - connecting all 10 provinces from Victoria, British Columbia to St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador - acts as the only direct road link between western and eastern Canada.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Sexy Vote Count 3.3

(1) - (SMS)
FG (1) - (Zinger)

Not Voting (6) - (Minish, Ex, Funnygurl, Viral, Mapel, Killjoy)

With 8 alive it takes 5 to reach majority otherwise day ends in just under 9 hours.

(I think this is correct I'll get funnier to double check for me uwu)

(last question of the day will be around dinnertime)

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Oh ****, I thought we had another irl day left of this day phase.

I'm almost tempted to no lynch just so we potentially have better chances tomorrow after night actions but I dunno.

The only way for Ex and Viral to be scum are if the mafia's nk was also Chevy or they just didn't submit. But I don't see Ex visiting me but not submitting a kill. So I'm just gonna assume they're both town and if they're not then gg scum.

So Ex, Viral, SMS, and Mapel are off the table for me. Leaving FG, Killjoy, and Zinger. Zinger I want to believe was just town BG. So again I'm left with FG and Killjoy. Ngl, I considered viging Killjoy last night instead but decided on Chevy. So maybe I should just stick with my gut and go with my other choice. But Killjoy watching me not being fully aware what a watcher did kinda sounds townie.

I think if I lynch anyone today it's only ever Killjoy or FG.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Yeah we've slowed down, but its also Monday.

We got to focus up a lynch today.
The below is based on the assumption that Min, Ex, and Zinger are town.

My money is at KJ.
I'm iffy on SMS rn. He hasn't done anything outright to link him with any player. He's just gone after Ex mostly for trying to lynch him, and Min for not finding scum yet. It could be he was inactive and wishes to continue play, or it could be his scum buds told him to post a bit more to help seal their win at -Lo.
Mapel I believe scum-leaned KJ earlier. He had a bit of a back and forth between Storm and Zinger D1/2. His play those days, trying to point suspicion on Storm and Zinger for easy mislynches without actually voting them and keeping his hands clean(ish).
I'm hesitant to be very suspicious of anyone at the beginning, but this feels very weird to me.

I doubt Zinger is a jester, I think they just like spamming tbh
We still have Zinger to think about now that Storm was cleared
FG has been mostly null except her random votes on Ex. The recent vote and unvote without paying attention to the -Lo situation today is odd. I don't know if scum would miscalculate how scummy that looks, and if she was scum, would scumFG actually unvote (as FG did), or double down? I don't know her meta so its hard to chalk it to a specific alignment. An FG lynch doesn't allow me to link her with anyone else just yet. Just like Mapel, its a bit of a deader-end information wise for D4 since there's a chance we go back into -Lo.

KJ's flip can give us the next stop. He flips scum, and I'm looking at SMS or FG. KJ interaction with Mapel D2 about the Seanzie/Mapel pineapple confusion makes me leave FG closer to KJ, than Mapel to KJ rn.
You claimed that the pineapple has a use, while Chevy claims it's useless(?). I'm thinking someone's fibbin' or hiding something. Also you claim to be weary about claiming

[non-related sentences deleted]

Seanzie, Was the vote aimed ad the pineapple claim or something else?

My top is Killjoy, I believe he is scum. This cements my belief that either FG or SMS is the second and I'll reassess Mapel at that point depending on who we decide D4.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
I'm almost tempted to no lynch just so we potentially have better chances tomorrow after night actions but I dunno.
Tbh I'd rather loose with a lynch I feel good about than no-lynch and be stuck in D3 version 2.
Scum will find more excuses to slip, and with their PoE smaller in the search for town PRs to block, they can potentially block information, and score an easy NK.
Worst case scenario, a combination of being pragmatic and a little pessimistic, being 8 players with 3 scum.
We assume all 3 scum have powers or will have role powers. Leaves them 5 townies. Mezlo's first post said something like half the roster + 2 = role powers for the day. Meaning 6 powers today.
Leaves scum with 3/5 chance of hitting town PRs with NK and RB (3/5 first action, and 3/4 for the second). Plus whatever powers they gained.

I feel better with my 4 strong town leans against 4 possible scum (4/8), vs their 3/8 right now. No-Lynch will likely lead to one of me, Zinger, Ex or Min dead. Won't change the PoE.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
If y'all really feel like it's me, why haven't you solidified things and voted? Is it because you want me to talk? If so, I'm srsly mentally bricked up with massive uncertainty as to how to defend myself/what to say.

Though I will address this before I take an arrow to the knee:

But Killjoy watching me not being fully aware what a watcher did kinda sounds townie.
I actually had to google the term, which from the description, I assumed I'd get more than a simple "Such and such visited so and so.

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