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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame


Staff member
ZD Champion
I like how SMS throws shade at minish asking whether or not a Godfather might be in the game but once he realizes that's not likely they start saying his alignment is tied to hers to try to surf on the cop check

I'm dead set on him unless someone presents a REALLY good case
Jun 15, 2020
I'm dead set on him unless someone presents a REALLY good case
*slaps Ex across he head*

Wake the F up man. You almost got lynched today already because of your tunneling (and still might). I stood up and argued in your favour that tunneling is NAI. Don't make me regret that.

SMS is pretty high on my scumspect list too, but the only thing that tunneling on him to the exclusion of all others will get you is a hard and fast lynching.

You don't know how hard I am fighting the temptation to vote you right now.


Vote: Funnygurl

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I like how SMS throws shade at minish asking whether or not a Godfather might be in the game but once he realizes that's not likely they start saying his alignment is tied to hers to try to surf on the cop check

I'm dead set on him unless someone presents a REALLY good case
Ok have fun game throwing if you are actually just stubborn town here amd you ger a mislynch on me, I really just hope you are scum though.


Staff member
ZD Champion
You won't look elsewgere, you won't entertain the notion I'm not scum even though I'm now active, you have to just be scum otherwise you are playing sub optimally. Which is it.
Am I supposed to not go after my main scum lean just because they don't like it? I already wrote in my post that there isn't much to the PoE after last night action's, all remaining scum possibilities probably have you and fg in it

you said you had a case on me, is that your case? because I'm tunneling you? that's literally just OMGUS
You're not even thinking about the night actions, if I were scum why would I target another player with a cop shot and expose myself more? and if I were lying about the cop shot then why was minish not blocked and alive? Who would even BE my team in this PoE if you keep flipflopping on minish

You keep contradicting yourself saying "minish is null but if she votes me lynch her" and "my alignment is tied to hers" and I just can't not see this as you setting up to get her dead first despite a cop check or at least before yourself

but the only thing that tunneling on him to the exclusion of all others will get you is a hard and fast lynching.
I'm not excluding all others!!
And the way he's been playing always showing up only to defend himself, which shows he's been keeping up with the thread, while abstaining from participating just makes me go arghh
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I'm just sure SMS is scum here, and I'll probably help everyone lynch someone that I agree makes sense he's scumbuds with


Staff member
ZD Champion
if anyone gets a role that can verify alignments or previous actions (do not claim in-thread though because scum has roleblocker) they could probably aim for either me or minish to possibly clear two people or maybe gambit a third target if they believe one of us will die tonight (although that's more unlikely imo since scum would end up clearing the other)

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Am I supposed to not go after my main scum lean just because they don't like it? I already wrote in my post that there isn't much to the PoE after last night action's, all remaining scum possibilities probably have you and fg in it

you said you had a case on me, is that your case? because I'm tunneling you? that's literally just OMGUS
You're not even thinking about the night actions, if I were scum why would I target another player with a cop shot and expose myself more? and if I were lying about the cop shot then why was minish not blocked and alive? Who would even BE my team in this PoE if you keep flipflopping on minish

You keep contradicting yourself saying "minish is null but if she votes me lynch her" and "my alignment is tied to hers" and I just can't not see this as you setting up to get her dead first despite a cop check or at least before yourself

I'm not excluding all others!!
And the way he's been playing always showing up only to defend himself, which shows he's been keeping up with the thread, while abstaining from participating just makes me go arghh
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I'm just sure SMS is scum here, and I'll probably help everyone lynch someone that I agree makes sense he's scumbuds with
Just hammer me then and fet this over with because your mind is set. If there is even a D4 gl town.

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