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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

Apr 30, 2019
i understand being in self pres mode killjoy but you're tryna save yourself more than trying to find the wolves. if you're wolf it ties some loose ends for me at least

if anyone has a cop feel free to check me btw

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Final Sexy Vote Count

(1) - Zinger
Killjoy (5) - Viral, Minish, SMS, Ex, Killjoy
Not Voting - Funnygurl, MapelSerup

The day slowed down and Mellow Ezlo was scared that people had forgotten about his game! But, need to worry he did not, as activity picked up and people pointed their fingers at a large couch! Was there maybe someone behind the couch? Nobody knew, but the couch had to go.

Well, sure enough, there was someone behind the couch! Killjoy! And what did he do? He stood the couch up, got underneath it, and then dropped it, right on top of his own head. He died instantly. The couch was like a giant hammer except instead of being a hammer it was a couch. The polite Canadians (and the impolite ones too, we don't discriminate here) approached his limp body and found a microphone next to an opened bag of sesame seeds that was now spilling everywhere and making a mess of Mellow Ezlo's living room. Mellow Ezlo disposed of the body (but kept the Grammys and VMAs and BMAs for himself). Killjoy could no longer feel his face, since he was dead, and his face was crushed, and now he was rising up to the stars like a mufukkin starboy.

Killjoy was The Weeknd.
Hey, how ya doin Killjoy? Welcome to Canadian Mafia II!

I don’t know about you, but I truly feel blinded by the lights. You will be playing the role of The Weeknd. The Weeknd, of course, is a stage name, as your real name is Abel Makkonen Tesfaye. After independently releasing music in the late 2000s, you began truly making a name for yourself after performing at Coachella in 2012. The release of your 2015 album Beauty Behind the Madness propelled you to international fame with hit songs such as “Can’t Feel My Face” and “The Hills”. Now, you are one of the biggest artists in the world, one of the best selling artists worldwide, one of the most streamed artists on Spotify, and the recipient of many prestigious accolades including three Grammy Awards, two MTV Video Music Awards, and nineteen Billboard Music Awards. Your 2019 single Blinding Lights spent more than a year in the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100, the first song in history to do so, along with being the most streamed song on Spotify in 2020.


In this game, you are town aligned and must work together with the rest of the townies to bring down the mafia. In order to emerge victorious, you simply need to eliminate every member of the opposing team from the game.[/B]

The Living: (7)
  • Morbid Minish
  • FlexLight
  • Viral Maze
  • Spiritual Mask Salesman
  • MapelSerup
  • Zingerpunk2077
  • funnygurl5555555555
The Dead: (5)
  • Storm ([any word but lynched] Day 1)
  • Kirino (killed, probably by vengeful entrepreneurs, Night 1)
  • Ragnarokio (indirectly murdered by Santa Claus Day 2)
  • Chevywolf30 (killed in a Chevy Night 2)
  • Killjoy269 (crushed his own head with his own couch Day 3)
Night 3 begins!

Those with a night action have until Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at noon MDT to submit.


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
All Day 3 Questions and correct answers:

Founded (and headquartered) in Edmonton by University of Alberta alumni, this video game developer - now a subsidiary of Electronic Arts - is responsible for the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series along with the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. - BioWare. The company was founded by Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk shortly after they graduated from University of Alberta in the medical field. With both of them having backgrounds in programming, they developed a medical simulation programme before beginning work on their earliest game, Shattered Steel. They then turned to Dungeons & Dragons for influence in developing Baldur's Gate, which became one of their most successful franchises. The company was purchased by Electronic Arts in 2007, but BioWare was able to retain its own branding whilst living under EA. Their current headquarters are in Epcor Tower in Edmonton, a building in which I have performed.

Fun fact: I applied for a job at BioWare doing sound, receiving no call back! Also, the founders were graduates of the university I currently attend.
Beginning his career as a child star alongside Justin Timberlake on Disney's The Mickey Mouse Club, this actor is considered one of Canada's “hottest exports". - Ryan Gosling. Other stars who were on the Mickey Mouse Club around the same time include Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Gosling's first real big role was in The Notebook. Since then, his films have gotten him two Academy Award nominations for Best Actor and a Golden Globe Award win for the same category. He is married to, and has two children with, Eva Mendes, and co-owns a Moroccan restaurant in Beverly Hills, California.
Acting as a temporary home for scientists and a small number of others, this is the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world, located on the northern tip of Ellesmere Island, Canada’s third and the world’s tenth largest island. - Alert, Nunavut. While not actually a town, as it has a population of roughly 60 people, most of them scientists, it is inhabited permanently which makes it the world's northernmost permanently inhabited place. Most of the Canadian Arctic is uninhabited wilderness, so Alert is incredibly remote (Ellesmere Island is the tenth largest island in the world, yet it has only three "settlements", with only Grise Fiord being an actual town). The only way to access Alert is by plane or helicopter, and while incredibly shy of any kind of tourists, the settlement does have a gift shop!

Special note about this question: The answer originally submitted was Cape Columbia. Cape Columbia is not a settlement, but rather the northernmost point of land in Canada, at the far northern tip of Ellesmere Island. Since Alert is not technically at the northern tip, I deemed this question unfair and allowed the answerer a chance at a different question.
Something of a television mogul, this eccentric personality is responsible for the creation of Saturday Night Live and continues to produce the popular show to this day. - Lorne Michaels. In 1975, he created a show called Saturday Night, the name of which was changed to Saturday Night Live in 1977. Saturday Night Live is now one of the biggest reality shows on TV, having been on air for almost 50 years and having featured an incredibly long list of stars. Lorne Michaels also served as producer on the Late Night and The Tonight Show.

Interestingly, his place of birth is disputed. While some sources claim he was born in Toronto, Ontario, others claim he was born in Palestine and immigrated to Canada with his Jewish parents. Regardless, his nationality is Canadian.
An extra large Tim Hortons coffee costs $2.19CAD. You give the barista a toonie and a quarter and they give you a "this", the name of a popular group of entertainers that are loved to be hated. - Nickelback. A toonie is a Canadian $2 coin (it features a polar bear!) while a quarter, similar to American currency, is worth $0.25. In 2012, Canada ceased production on pennies (the $0.01 coin) and businesses began rounding to the nearest $0.05 for cash purchases. Hence, if you give the barista a toonie and a quarter for a $2.19 Extra Large Double Double, all they will give you in return is a Nickelback. I had to do the pun, of course.

Fun fact: One of Nickelback's drummers was a graduate of the very same drum program I was in for my undergrad!
Opening in 1962 as the longest uninterrupted highway in the world, this coast to coast highway - connecting all 10 provinces from Victoria, British Columbia to St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador - acts as the only direct road link between western and eastern Canada. - Trans-Canada Highway. The main route of this highway (from Victoria to St. John's) is roughly 7,821km long. The highway opened in 1962 as the longest uninterrupted highway in the world, and the main route was completed in 1971. The highway currently provides the only direct vehicle link between Manitoba and Ontario, leading to its status as an incredibly important traffic route. The Confederation Bridge, from an earlier question, is part of this highway system. With enough electric vehicle charging stations installed to allow electric vehicles to drive its entire route, the Trans-Canada Highway is the longest fully electric vehicle ready highway in the world!
This lake monster, similar to the myth of the Loch Ness Monster, is said to reside within the Okanagan Lake in British Columbia. - Ogopogo. This myth is extremely popular in Canadian folklore, particularly in the west. Its origins date back to the Indigenous peoples who originally settled in the Okanagan region and it retains a large following to this day. Many cultural practices in the Okanagan, especially around the city of Kelowna, include references to the Ogopogo and there are several witnesses who claim to have seen it (there are also several videos of supposed sightings on the internet). Its appearance is said to be that of a large serpentine sea monster.

There are a few "lake monster" myths in Canadian folklore, but this is one that I have followed since I was a kid since my family used to go swimming in the Okanagan Lake. We would always have contests to see who could spot the Ogopogo first!

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Good morning everyone!

Did you all sleep well? I hope you did. I know it's been a long few days, but bear with me, we are almost done here.

Now, when I woke up today, I did find a body. Whose body? Well actually, it's quite devastating, because I was going to make pancakes this morning but then I noticed MapleSerup had been killed, and I didn't have any left in my fridge. So I ended up just having a boring ol' bowl of plain cheerios for breakfast. That was a travesty. Now my entire day is going to be miserable. Thanks very much guys, that wasn't very Canadian of you eh.

Anyhow, that aside, Mapel was a pretty good guy. He was an action hero but he was incredibly down-to-earth and a truly genuine person, which makes this loss hit just that much harder. How could I let one of my favourite actors and pancake toppings get killed? Now I can barely even live with myself.

As an aside, through the night there was a large couch fire. Lol I can't imagine where that might have started, but that couch is no more. *whistles*

Now you all must be expecting me to tell you if the game is over or not, and hold your Mooses I'm getting there! I'm just trying to get over the fact that I'm never going to see another Bill & Ted or John Wick film. You guys really messed up. I can't believe you. You'd all better apologize.

Rest in piece MapelSerup.

He was Keanu Reeves.
Hey, how ya doin MapelSerup? Welcome to Canadian Mafia II!

Man, I am so glad I get to tell you that you are going to be playing the role of Keanu Reeves. Well not actually born in Canada (you were born in Beirut, Lebanon), you were raised in Toronto and only hold Canadian citizenship. Your career began as a theatre actor, with your first theatrical film appearance being in Youngblood. You have since made quite a name for yourself, first becoming well known for starring in the Bill & Ted films, then later for series such as The Matrix and John Wick. Other notable films you have starred in include Speed and the horror film The Devil’s Advocate. Most recently, you lent your voice and appearance to the video game Cyberpunk 2077. Your acting skills and contributions to the film industry have been consistently praised, with Glasgow, Scotland even holding an entire film festival dedicated to you in 2019 called KeanuCon. It goes without saying that you have had one hell of a career, on top of being known as a genuine and down-to-earth person, and Canada is lucky to have you!


In this game, you are town aligned and must work together with the rest of the townies to bring down the mafia. In order to emerge victorious, you simply need to eliminate every member of the opposing team from the game.

Oh, now what's this? Not a single member of the mafia team has died? And their numbers now equal the town's? Well this means just one thing...


Remaining players:

Congratulations to the winners!

Please sound off below with your thoughts as to how this game was. Did you enjoy the trivia? Did it make for a fresh experience? How about the longer days and shorter nights?

Quick thoughts: @MapelSerup you played well for your second game. You are very analytical and I hope you continue playing more games in the future!
@Seanzie you have a great personality in this game and I'd love to see you play more here. Hope things IRL get better for you.
@Killjoy262 your play has definitely improved since your first game and I hope you regain some confidence to play again soon. Watching Minish was genuinely great play on your part and I think if you stick to your guns a bit more you'll be a great player.
@ExLight @Viral Maze @Seanzie @Funnygurl555 you all played super well and did a fantastic job keeping yourselves hidden. I was worried about balance with this game, but it didn't end up mattering because your win mostly just came from pure skill, so congratulations!

And, lastly, here are links to the mafia and graveyard chats:


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I will post the rest of the questions I wrote soon, along with the remaining role pms and a full list of night actions along with who answered each question. Hope you guys all liked this little idea of a game I had! Alex Trebek approves!


Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
GG to everyone. Had to powerwolf at the end there to force a Killjoy lynch vs a FG lynch but I'm glad it came together.
Saw the opportunity and took it

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