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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Tfw I fell asleep before I meant to post the next question, but here it is.

Question #6: This Alberta Provincial Park is one of the richest locations for Dinosaur fossils in the world, having been the place of discovery of 58 unique dinosaur species and the location of over 500 signs of prehistoric life; the town of Drumheller and the Royal Tyrell Museum of Palaentology, which houses one of the world's largest collections of authentic dinosaur fossils, are located nearby.

Submit your answers, but keep in mind that it will likely be several hours before either of us can confirm.

Next question will be posted in 6 hours.

Also, little more than 20 hours remaining in the day.


Jun 19, 2010
The two obvious choices for a lynch at this point are Storm and Zinger. I’d pick the former if I had to, since there’s more reason to suspect him, whereas the latter is either a jester-type role or just isn’t very interested in playing, so I’d prefer to have him be NK’d if possible.

There’s plenty of time for us to do better, though, and I’m not fond of how the game has basically died lately with no other real suspicions or discussions being brought up outside of the same couple we’ve been discussing. I’ll look through the thread and try to scumhunt when I have time.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Tfw you think Mikey's been unnaturally quiet and then check and he isn't even in this game.

I don't have any real leads atm. Storm is pinging me but that's pretty normal. I don't like that he seems to avoid replying to my points against him. Especially when he said knowing his luck I would survive to the end this game and I asked what he meant by that. Because the only thing I can think of would be that he's scum so he's afraid he would lose. But, it's always hard to tell with Storm and the fact he answered the first question in thread actually seems kinda townie.

Rag had one good point with the Ex thing, but has kinda dropped off since then. So she could really go either way for me, since I could actually see her making that point as scum too.

Ex has been a bit quiet compared to usual but I don't think that's AI. His reply to Rag pointing out not to say who hasn't gotten answers in thread was kinda interesting. I could see his actions as scum fishing, but I could also see his actions as just town that's not thought about the potential consequences. I want to lean town but I'll have to see more.

Seanzie seems to be genuinely scum hunting to me. Poking things and asking questions. Get a decent townie vibe from him.

Zinger could really be either alignment, I don't think his actions are really AI. Just chaotic either way.

Chevy feels good to me. He doesn't seem like he's in an informed scum position and seems to be trying to figure things out.

Viral has been really quiet. I know he's said he's busy with work before but he's been quieter this game than last.

SMS has also been pretty quiet and I feel like that can sometimes fit his scum meta.

Kirino also hasn't said a lot but that's not unusual. His tone doesn't feel too scummy to me (having been scum with him last game, so going off of how he sounded then to me). And I kinda liked his last post.

So atm I'm leaning towards either Viral or SMS I think. Wouldn't mind Storm either since I'm iffy on him.



The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I'd say a Storm lynch would be more productive. He's got the most posts, so to get him out of the way would give us a lot to work with, no matter which way he flips, then I agree to go for SMS or Viral.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Well there was that one time i redwashed my scumteam only because i wanted to be a pacifist


Jun 19, 2010
I guess I could at least say that I don’t really get why Zinger would be doing this as scum, since he should know that it’d be likely to get him lynched or killed.

Given that virtually all of Rag’s posts so far have been about her take on Ex and that she hasn’t posted since, I’m slightly suspicious of her, since it seems like her trying to look as if she’s scumhunting without actually putting much effort into doing so beyond that initial contribution.

I also like Minish’s read list and mostly agree with it. She’s also been questioning Storm well, but it’s interesting that she doesn’t really suspect him for it. If Storm flips town, I could potentially see this as a way to contribute to a Storm lynch without explicitly joining it and thereby inviting suspicion.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
But how about we make a deal? You let me live to tommorow, and we lynch Zinger today? It will be a whole lot easier to lynch me tommorow. You nees 7 to lynch me today. So what will it be? DEAL OR NO DEAL


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
ExLight - Town lean: The way he's playing isn't really giving me a reason to doubt him.
Ragnarokio - scum lean: Like with what Kirino mentioned, with the way she hopped onto poking Ex early on and then went abscent shortly after seems scetchy at best.
Spiritual Mask Salesman - Null: I'm going to cut him some slack for the time being because of the following;
Sorry I've been busy and haven't really been keeping up with the game, unfortunately.
Kirino - Town lean: Even with 7 posts so far, he hasn't said anything to make me question him.
Storm - Scum lean: His initial goings on about "How he always gets killed before D2, dodging Min Mins earlier posts about him, and, imo getting overly offensive regarding the way I misworded my question about his vote. (I swear I overlooked that you swapped from me to Zingy. Honest!)
@Viral Maze - Null: Where'd ya go? You aight? Where'd you get that awesome avvy?
Chevywolf30 - Null/Town lean: He has some good posts.
Seanzie - Town lean: he really seems to be scum hunting, Also the way he was poking at me in particular has me feeling good about him.
Zinger2099 - [Fry Squint]: His spamming pics/gifs WITH votes in them has me a bit suspicious.
MapelSerup - Null: I want to seem more from you pancake and waffle topping.
Morbid Minish - Town lean: I feel like she's got her "Fry Squint Mode" on.
To answer Min Mins question:
1) Storm
2) Rag
3) Zingy


Staff member
ZD Champion
there really isn't much for me to comment on to be honest

I kinda feel bad with storm always getting policy lynched and they seem to enjoy the trivia so I kinda want to let them play more lol

Zinger I already gave my opinion on
I don't think he's a Jester and I feel like he's just doing it to spice things up

unless someone has mechanical information on him like a cop check showing indept I don't think he's an urgent threat and if anything is more likely to be town due to all that attention attraction

it's kinda important to notice he's canadian so if he's town he's likely to get questions right which benefits us and it would make sense for scum to try pushing his lynch or nightkill, which actually makes me a bit iffy of kirino

Sorry I've been busy and haven't really been keeping up with the game, unfortunately.
and do you not plan to or

If this were a role requirement, it'd have to be a passive one, meaning that Zinger got a question wrong. They've been voting in every post before they had a chance to answer a question, however, considering they joined in the middle of the game. It's likely not a requirement.
also I'd be shocked if Jim Carrey ended up being the Jester considering character and alignments are not related

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