Shoot. Well Batman got it right. See it is a trick question it shows how much adults complicate things. Had you asked a child this question they'd more than likely get the answer right by saying,“you have one coin left!” Children see the simplicity of the question. When asking an adult this question, and by implying that the coins equal to a certain amount adults will look at it as a question of either what type of coin is left, and how much one or the other costs.
Maybe the real answer to the question should be that maybe we should anaylse things from a simple standpoint first, then really start to ponder the question if a simple explanation doesn't exhist. There is no need to complicate something simple, but we do it anyway.
That was the whole point of the question. No I'm not stupid I know that using U.S. currency having two coins equal 52 cents is impossible. I did say the question is possible to answer with U.S. currency, it technically is, if you had two coins, threw one away you'd end up with one coin, this is certainly possible with any currency. Sure maybe I worded it weird, sorry, but I did that on purpose to get you all thinking about what the coins cost, and how much the coin you have left is after throwing one away.