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Zelda Art Adventure Of Shad


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Another short one. I'll post next chapter tommorow morning.I really like making this story. Hope you like, and leave feedback.

Chapter 8: The Assassin​

"Chailyn! Is the Assassin here?" Joseph said, looking around the Castle Throne Room. It was filled with red carpets leading to doors, stained glass windows, and the demolished thrones. Joseph burned all the thrones and made his own. It was made of the bones of everyone he killed in Castle Town. After killing most guards at the Castle, the Royal Family surrendered and got locked in the dungeon, along with Emma.

"Yes!" Chailyn yelled back, walking in with a tall man who had green eyes and a black cloak with the hood up. " Isn't he Mister dark." Chailyn said with sarcasm in her voice.

The man pulled a knife out of his sleeve and had it to her throat in seconds. " No more sass from you or I'll slit your throat and feed you to the vultures," the man said in a serious tone.

" So, this is the infamous Zordo Danascus. Hear your up for hire," Joseph said with an equaly serious tone, " I'll give you 3,000 rupees if you kill my target."

"Go on," Zordo said, sounding interested with the high amout of rupees he will get when he has killed his target.

"Bring me the head of Shad." Joseph said. "You will find him heading on his way to Lake Hylia. I do not mind if you kill his companions, but you must kill him. Goodbye, and good hunting." Joseph said, gesturing his hands in a " go away" manner.

" Sheesh, you pay him 3,000 rupees for killing a puny hero, but you don't even pay me for everything I do." Chailyn said, walking out of the Throne Room.
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Suzune Supporter
Apr 17, 2011
Oooo, cool, well not the fact that Shad's gonna have an assasin after him. . .(Mirrom will protect him!. . .right?)


Nov 12, 2010
It was a short chapter. Interesting, and you did improve upon your descriptions. Now, your dialogue sometimes comes off as childish. The best way to explain it is think of what you would say in the situation, or blend your idea into their personality. Keep up the improvement. You're doing great.


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Thanks for the feedback. I was origonally gonna post chapter 7 and 8 as one chapter but I had to go before getting to the Assassin part. Doen't anyone think Joseph the Brutal sitting on a pile of bones creapy?


Nov 12, 2010
Not especially, his ability is to manipulate the dead. It might be intimidating, but he's more than likely grown used to it as time has gone on.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
I like it. I actually didn't find that creepy at all since he can manipulate the dead and all. You know, I think it's funny how in my fan fiction Zordo is a good guy assassin and in this one he (might be, I don't know yet) is a bad guy assassin.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
And in my fanfic he's a good guy as well. Anyway, I've caught up. When will you get up the the actual killing each other part? Or have you done so? Anyway, good job.


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
To answer you,^ Its today that the fight begins. So here is Chapter 9. It will probably be short, but there will be action.

Chapter 9: The Runes Revealed​

" Did anyone else hear that?" Mirrom asked, looking around. They were on their way to Lake Hylia, where the first temple was. They were walking on a brick path through Hyrule Field, and there were many trees nearby. "There it is again!" Mirrom said with fear in her voice.

" You're going crazy," Panda replied quickly.

"No, stop. I heard it to," Shad said, pulling out his bow and slowly sliding an arrow into it. He shot at a branch in a tree and it snapped. A man in a black cloak with the hood up landed on his feet from the fall and said, " So, it you. I can't belive Joseph the Brutal giving me so much for the death of a little weakling like you. Oh well, rupees are rupees."

Shad drew his swords and shouted, " Get back! I can't let him hurt you guys!"

The man pulled out his knives and lunged at Shad with lightning speed. Shad barely avoided a knife to the gut. Shad sliced one sword in an overhand ark, but the man, Zordo Danascus, blocked it. Shad sliced his other sword at Zordo's legs. It barely made contact, but it didn't even slow Zordo down. He sliced his knives at one of Shad's swords, and the sword went flying. The same thing happened to his other sword.

Then, right as he was bringing down his knives, he stopped. Shad took that time to grab his swords and see what happened. There were needles poking out of Zordo's back, but he oulled them out, injuring his back more. The needles were barbed. Shad went to stab, but as he started moving the sword closer, the runes on the blade glowed black, and a beam of black fire shot out of the tip.

Zordo was unconsious, so everyone started running, knowing that the man would come after them, but black fire is a damaging substance.


Nov 12, 2010
Hmmm, it was a decent fight. You hardly explained what happened, you just said the outcome. You have to make sure that you explain entirely each motion in a battle.

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