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Zelda Art Adventure Of Shad


Nov 12, 2010
Interesting chapter, however I noticed your word usage could use some work. At best sometimes, it's childish. And electric eels aren't dangerous to humans, you may want to pick a more threatening monster next time ;)


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Next chapter. hope you like it!

Chapter 13: Sage of Water​

Before Shad could think, Panda had already shot an arrow into the arm of The Demon. It dropped the Princess, and she ran at the group. Once the Princess had reached them, Shad yelled, “Guard her! I will defeat the Demon!”

The Princess backed up to the door, and Panda, Mirrom, and Keely formed a semi-circle around her. Panda drew her bow, and Mirrom grabbed a handful of needles.

Shad drew his blades and charged. He sliced at its chest, but the Demon blocked it. It whipped its tail at Shad and hit him directly in the chest. Shad was bleeding, but it wasn’t serious.

“You think you can defeat me, Byrne, The Demon Lord!” It yelled in a demonotic voice.

It tried to impale Shad with its claws, but he dogged it. Shad ran up its back, slicing as he got higher. He got up to its head but before he could kill it, he got thrown off and impaled by its claws. Shad hit the floor, knocking the breath out of him, which didn’t help because of the massive wound that now had formed in his chest.

Shad heard a thump, and he saw an arrow sticking out of its chest. Multiple arrows and needles followed. Panda got out the rope and attached it to an arrow. She shot next to its neck, and then gave the rope a sharp pull. The rope wrapped around the Demons neck, and the Demon fell. Mirrom ran up to the Demon and stabbed her Sai (ninja knives) into the Demons head.

It died, leaving a blue portal on the ground. The group walked up to it and disappeared with a flash. Shad appeared on the same platform he had when Keely showed him he had the Triforce of Courage, except that the platform looked like it was underwater was lit up, and the Princess was floating there. Shad heard Keely say that the Princess was the Sage of Water. She shot a ball of blue energy at Shad, and he did the same thing as the last one. He now felt like he could dive forever, if he had a steady supply of air. He was now one step closer to defeating Joseph the Brutal


Nov 12, 2010
Huh, interesting chapter. The fight did improve this chapter. Whenever I said paraphrase though, if it's just one bit of dialogue, use it. Like what you did here:

Shad heard Keely say that the Princess was the Sage of Water

Try something more like:

"She's the water sage..." Keely breathed, surprised.

I know I must sound like a nag, but it looks sloppy if you don't paraphrase correctly.


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Sorry for the shortness, it was more of a filler chapter. And sorry for no chapter yesterday, was busy
Chapter 14: Amaterasu​

Shad appeared outside the Temple, with Panda, Keely, Mirrom, and the Princess behind him. He looked at his chest, and the large wound was gone. He looked back at Panda, and her Navy tunic was missing its various tears.

“So, what’s your name?” Panda asked politely, looking at the Princess.

“Amaterasu. What are your names?” Amaterasu asked.

“This is Shad, Panda, Mirrom, and I’m Keely, Sage of Forest.” Keely said, gesturing at each one when she said there names. “We should head back to Zora’s Domain, they’re really worried. We’ll go there and tell them you’re ok, then head to Death Mountain.”

“Why won’t I stay there?” Amaterasu asked.

“Because the Demon was the minion of Joseph the Brutal, the person who murdered Shads parents, destroyed Castle Town, and many other things, wants you dead. You’re the Sage of Water,” Mirrom said, walking toward Hyrule Field.

Everyone followed her, and after half an hour, they reached Zora’s Domain. Amaterasu walked in, and told the King and Queen that she must go with the group, and received the Blessing of the Zoras, a magical necklace that reflected magic. She reached the group, and they headed for Death Mountain


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Sorry for the shortness, it was more of a filler chapter. And sorry for no chapter yesterday, was busy

Well at least you can get a chapter out everyday (with the exception of yesterday). I have been slacking off in getting my chapters up (if you haven't noticed). Good chapter though.:D


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
This chapter is finished! Hope you like it. Please leave feedback

Chapter 15: Kakariko Village​

The group walked through Hyrule Field until they reached Castle Town. The group entered and was surprised at what they saw. There were tents littering the streets, most a dull grey, but some were brightly colored and many people were going in and out. Those tents had signs outside of them advertising businesses.

“Look at what Zare did!” Panda exclaimed. Just then Zare walked out of a tent. Shad waved and he walked over. Shad looked at him, and realized something.

“You’re the Sage of Time!” He yelled, surprised, and then he appeared in the same room as before, and the Platform that appeared suspended in time was lit up, and Zare was there.

“You need to focus your power into a ball, and launch it at Shad,” Keely explained, and Zare followed his instructions. Shad felt like he could bend time after absorbing the ball of energy.

Zare stayed at Castle Town because the group knew that he could defend himself. The group went toward Kakariko Village and once they reached the entrance, Shad knew something was wrong. He smelt smoke.

The group ran into the Village, and it was ablaze. Amaterasu ran to a nearby stream and put her arms toward it. Water ran up her arms and shot it at the fire. It shot out of her palms at an incredible speed and the fire was gone within a minute. The whole Village thanked the group. The group started toward Death Mountain.

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