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Zelda Art Adventure Of Shad


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Yep. I wanted them to be suprised when you use your powers
No more chapters today but at least one tommorow. did you like the twist at the end?


Nov 12, 2010
Definitely there was great improvement. It looked much better, and the writing was good. Your dialogue is alright, a bit childish, but you are a young writer, and will learn. Keep up the good work


May 21, 2011
lol. the twin sythe guy from Ganondork's Fanfic. wish i could post mine. : P
wait, i forget. did i use magic with my character? hmm. i'll figure it out when she comes into the story i guess!


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Hey amaterasu, you can look at my sig and check sign ups. i might post one more chapter and I think that your person will come in, Oh wait you did use magic i think


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Here is chapter 5, 3 characters introed in the next 2 chapters ( hopefully) I'm hoping to get more villans soon

Chapter 5: Village In Ruin​

"Shad, Shad, wake up Shad!" Keely said to Shad's unmoving body.

"Maybe we should slap him." Pandora suggested.

"I'm up! Don't slap me!" Shad replied quickly. "Where am I?" he asked, looking around at the bare walls, the cabinet of what looked like potions, and the man standing in the corner. "And who is he?"

"You're in the hospital, and the man is Zare, the spellcaster that was fighting with us. He healed you the best he could, but he isn't a healer though, so we should find one soon if it gets worse." Keely said.

"You got sliced in the arm, but I shot him and he fled, yelling that he will find and kill you" Panda said, absentmidedly removing, spinning, then sheathing her two hunting knives.

"We have to get to my village and warn them!" Shad yelled, getting his swords and bow from the end of the bed he was laying in.

"But you said its location is a well kept secret," Keely said

"It doesn't matter, I got to save them!" Shad yelled, running out the door.

"You coming, Zare?" Panda asked.

"No, I'm going to help the injured and gather supplies for them," Zare replied.

"Ok then. Wait up Shad!!" Keely and Panda yelled in union.


"Are we almost there?" Panda asked.

"Yes, in fact, we are entering the gate right now." Shad said while wondering why the welcome signal, the call of an owl, hasn't came yet

It was chaos. Most houses were on fire, some dead littered the street, and it looked like the people defending were outmatched. There was an army of dead fighting them, and it looked like Joseph The Brutal was leading them.

Shad unsheathed his twin swords and started fighting the undead. Panda was attacking with her knives and looked like she was a master. Keely was growing vines and making birds attack, but it didn't affect the undead. The people defending the village were relived when they came, and they started to gain the upperhand. A female zora who looked 15 with toned muscles was firing arrows at the resistance and the helpless. Shad saw an arrow and saw where it was going. It was heading straight for Emma's head.

"NO!!!!!" Shad yelled, throwing one of his swords at the arrow and stopping it.

"So she is important to you, huh little weakling. I will be taking her then!" Joseph the Brutal yelled, stabbing Shad, picking up Emma and dissapering with a flash, along with everyone and thing that was asisting him.

Shad fell and the world went dark.


Nov 12, 2010
I've seen great improved writing in these chapters. You seem more confident in your writing, and it's reflecting. Your dialogue is very good, and so was your description. Your fight scenes could use a bit of work; but because this chapter wasn't revolved around a fight, this time it can be ignored.

lol. the twin scythe guy from Ganondork's Fanfic. wish i could post mine. : P
wait, i forget. did i use magic with my character? hmm. I'll figure it out when she comes into the story i guess!

I was very confused when you mentioned my fan-fic. Then I realized you were talking about the first fight in it. If you recall, he had one scythe ;) And humorously, I did make Joseph the Brutal similar to him by accident. Same race and everything.


May 21, 2011
cool. just a random place for my character to come in, but then again, when isn't my character random? i like it.


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
here is chapter 6. I need sages, all besides forest. he will be going through temples. feel free to make more than 1 character. this chapter is shorter, its kinda the reason he go's to temples

Chapter Six: Power of The Sages​

Shad awoke standing on a small floating platform with a triforce on it. He looked around, and there were six other platforms around twenty feet away that were larger.Only one was brightly illuminated, and on that platform saw a mini forest,and sitting on the edge was Keely. Looking at the other platforms, they weren't completely dark, there was a dim glow emmiting from each one. One platform was on fire, one looked completly underwater, one was completly dark, one looked like it was inhabited by spirits, and the last one looked trapped in time.

"Keely, where are we?" Shad asked.

"Your in the Chamber of the Sages, and you need to awaken the five other Sages," Keely said, " So they can combine power with you and give you the strength to defeat Joseph the Brutal."

"But why me?" Shad asked.

"The same reason you could sense I was a Sage, and the reason Joseph the Brutal tryed to kill you. Shad, you have the Triforce Of Courage." Keely said. Just then, a triforce withe the Courage part glowing appeared on Shad's left hand.

"Shad, be ready to raise your left hand, palm facing you when this," Keely said with a green ball of energy in her hands, " comes at you." She pushed her hands out, and the ball shot into the triforce symbol on Shad's hand.

"The five temples that you must enter are skattered around Hyrule. One on the tallest mountain, one under the largest lake, one hidden in the shadows of your village, one in the middle of the desert, and one lost in time. I will acompany you and so will others that you know. Now, return to your village, everyone is worried" Keely said, and everything went dark again.
Apr 16, 2010
This is pretty good, nice dialogue. It could use a bit more description, but there's enough to be able to tell what's going on. Good plot too.

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