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  • Users: thePlinko
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  1. thePlinko

    Rank the remasters.

    The Zelda remasters are an interesting topic. All 5 classic styled Zeldas have had a remaster at some point (and OoT3D and WWHD are older now than OoT and WW were when they got remasters so they might be up for new ones soon), but not all of them are created equal. Some fixed a ton of problems...
  2. thePlinko

    Hey, I didn’t know I could do that!

    Think of a game that you’ve put a ton of hours into, a game you maybe even grew up with, one that you think you know like the back of your hand. Has there ever been a trick, secret, or feature that was so well hidden that it caught you completely off guard? One that was potentially so useful...
  3. thePlinko

    Scrapped content/designs you wished were used.

    Zelda is no stranger to cut content. Heck, the story of Windwakers development process can be mostly summed up with “so we had to scrap that idea.” Sometimes it’s for the best, but sometimes it legitimately pains you to know that a feature or idea that could’ve made the game so much better was...
  4. thePlinko

    New Zelda Lego Set Officially Announced.

    https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/great-deku-tree-2-in-1-77092 I think we all saw this coming once the Mario and Animal Crossing Lego’s got popular. The first Zelda set is a 2 in 1 of the Great Deku Tree. You can either build the version from Ocarina of Time or Breath of the Wild. As much...
  5. thePlinko

    Bad box arts

    Box arts can make or break a game. For the longest time they were the only way most games could ever stand out. There are some good ones out there, there are some bad ones out there. And then there are ones that are so notoriously bad that they end up being one of the most memorable things...
  6. thePlinko

    Obscure gaming consoles.

    Every single console ever made has a story. A story of how it was conceived, how it was designed, how it was marketed, and how it performed against its competition. Sometimes the lesser known ones can be particularly interesting. Inspired by my purchase of a 3DO yesterday, are there any...
  7. thePlinko

    What launch titles do you expect for the next Nintendo console?

    Launch titles are a make it or break it thing. In order for a console to be successful it needs to have games to play. Sometimes those launch titles contain one of the most widely praised video games of all time like the Wii and N64. Other times it’s the 3DO system, which released with a single...
  8. thePlinko

    Hopeful 2024 gaming news.

    2023 was a rather full year for better or for worse. At the same time it also felt like things were slowing down towards the end, particularly for Nintendo. 2024 has potential to be even bigger because of it. What announcements and releases are you hopeful for next year? For me the obvious...
  9. thePlinko

    Mobile Ports of Console Games

    I think most of us have experienced a few of these before. Back in the late 2000s/early 2010s, companies thought it was a great idea to port many of their classic games to mobile. It made sense, smart devices were just starting to hit it big, so offering games everyone loves on platforms...
  10. thePlinko

    What Did You Learn Today?

    It’s important to continue learning things, that’s how we grow as people. This doesn’t need to be a skill or a habit, it can be as small as a fun fact that you can then share with others. This thread is for the latter. What is an interesting fact that you learned today? It can be about a...
  11. thePlinko

    Video game stores

    For those of you who like having physical copies of games, both new and old do you prefer shopping in a traditional brick and mortar store or do you prefer to shop online? If you like shopping in person, do you tend to go to a big chain that specializes in games like GameStop? Or do you have a...
  12. thePlinko

    What is the maximum age that you have to start with something in order to be considered to have “grown up with it?”

    This is a question that pops up for me from time to time. What age do you consider “growing up” with something? For example, I never personally felt like I “grew up” with Zelda because I didn’t start playing it until I was 14 and in high school. I could say the same thing about my major...
  13. thePlinko

    Congressional hearing on UAPs (UFOs but with a fancy name invented by the government so they don’t have to imply that aliens exist)

    So this morning the US government had a congressional hearing on potential government coverups. https://www.youtube.com/live/KQ7Dw-739VY?feature=share I’m not going to expect anyone to watch the entire thing, but the basic gist from what I gathered was that these three men, two representing...
  14. thePlinko

    Nintendo Switch Successor Teased / Rumored Details.

    So it’s almost time. The other day we finally got official confirmation that the successor to the Switch is on its way. The only official news that we have is that it’s going to use the same account system as the Switch (which probably means that NSO is going to carry over in some way)...
  15. thePlinko

    Best Direct Sequels in Gaming

    I’m surprised nobody has made this thread yet. Sequels are an inevitability in any storytelling medium. A game releases, it’s successful, it gets another one. Sometimes these sequels are perfect continuations of their predecessors, fixing their flaws and expanding on everything they set as a...
  16. thePlinko

    Fan games that are better than official games.

    Sometimes fans happen to know their favorite series better than the owners of said series, whether that be because of a lack of talent on the developers side or because of a tight grip on them from their corporate overlords. What are some examples of games and projects that you’d rather play...
  17. thePlinko

    Duel screen games on single screen devices.

    So now that the 3DS and Wii U eshops are gone, the demand for more legacy content on the Switch has grown even more. To an extent, Nintendo has done something about it, adding GB and GBA games to NSO along with 50% of the Switch library being nothing but Wii U ports, but sometimes it’s not that...
  18. thePlinko

    The Non-Nintendo Direct presentation News and Discussion Thread

    I didn’t see a thread for this yet, and I feel like there’s enough of these out there that ones in order to justify one. This is the same kinda deal as the Nintendo Direct discussion thread, just for Direct-like presentations that have little to nothing to do with Nintendo. Notably, Level 5 is...
  19. thePlinko

    Games that are ruined by a lack of restraint.

    We’ve all played at least one. Games that bring a lot to the table, too much to the table. Occasionally developers will bite off more than they can chew and the result is a game that feels like no one aspect had nearly the time or effort put into it that it really needed. It’s particularly bad...
  20. thePlinko

    Gag gifts

    Do you ever give people funny gifts for the holidays? Something that you know that they’re gonna find funny, be it just from the absurdity of it all or just referencing an inside joke? It doesn’t have to be for Christmas, it can be for any occasion. My sister and I started a yearly tradition...
  21. thePlinko

    Games that you respect but don’t like playing.

    When I say this, I don’t mean it in a “if you like that sort of thing” way. I mean it in a “I fully understand why this game is a masterpiece, but I don’t personally care for it” way. Undertale is a pretty obvious one personally. I get why it has such a massive fanbase, and can even share some...
  22. thePlinko

    Disappointing Direct Sequels

    We’ve all been there. We play a game, we love it, we find every aspect about it fascinating. Most importantly, we want more. Then a few years later, a sequel is announced, maybe its release date is far away, or maybe its just next month. Either way, we can hardly wait. The day comes, we hurry to...
  23. thePlinko

    The Best Marketing Campaigns in Gaming

    Must consoom. I was recently scrolling through my recommended videos on YouTube when I found this commercial: https://youtu.be/P9ARX_eupVk Now this alone is a pretty sweet commercial (I’m not entirely sure why its going for an early 1900s style though, the Layton games are set in the 60s) so...
  24. thePlinko

    What is an item/ability that you want to like more than you do?

    Pretty self explanatory. I’m not sure if there’s a thread on this somewhere on the forum from back when dinosaurs ruled the earth and people were still waiting for a new Zelda game on Wii, but I don’t feel like looking for one. I really wish that the Mirror Shield was a better item in...
  25. thePlinko

    Describe a Video Game with a SpongeBob Quote

    One of the first threads I made here was describing Zelda games with SpongeBob quotes. I enjoyed doing it and I’d figure that I’d make another one 2 years later. This time I’m not limiting it to Zelda though, so by all means go all out. Also, please don’t describe your own feelings on the...
  26. thePlinko

    Bad Movie Ideas

    This is a thread for you to come up with your own ideas for movies that are so bad, they’re good. All you need is a title and a basic premise, but feel free to include a story, actors, setting, whatever you want. To start, my first bad movie idea is a spy movie starring a pair of conjoined...
  27. thePlinko

    How did Martha die?

    We all remember this one part of LA, where in between the 4th and 5th dungeons a pink ghost comes to haunt you. She has you take her to her house on Martha’s bay (which leads me to believe that she is the Martha the bay is named after). It’s a pretty sad moment, which is odd coming from a game...
  28. thePlinko

    Would you like to see these in an Oracles remake?

    So with LA switch being a fairly recent remake, and Zeldas 35th on the horizon, a lot of people are thinking that the oracle games could be coming next. I have 3 separate questions about them that could’ve easily gone into their own individual threads, but I decided to consolidate them in to one...
  29. thePlinko

    What would it take for BotW 2 to become your new favorite/least favorite Zelda game?

    We already have threads on what we do and don't want to see in BotW2, but lets take it a bit further. Most of the things we want or don't want come from our experiences from previous titles, so even if BotW had those things it most likely still wouldn't beat them. What would BotW have to do to...
  30. thePlinko

    What are some anecdotes from your life?

    This thread is just for telling stories of interesting things that have happened in your life. They can be as short or long as you wish, and can be anything from funny to interesting. We all have stories to tell, and I’d like to hear some of yours. I was in the Boy Scouts (if you ever have...
  31. thePlinko

    What is the rarest, coolest, or most interesting piece of Zelda merchandise you own?

    I’m a collector by nature. I think there’s nothing cooler than having a wall-to-wall collection of memorabilia of a certain series. So what is the coolest piece of Zelda merch you own? Later today I’m gonna go to my local post office to pick up something: the Legend of Zelda Game & Watch...
  32. thePlinko

    Smash Bros Is hero broken?

    All over the internet people seem to be in high debate over whether or not hero should be banned. I’ve seen people say things like (and I’m paraphrasing here): “hero has got to be the worst designed fighting game character ever” and “alright we get it sakurai, we’ll stop complaining about swords...
  33. thePlinko

    What’s next?

    So I’ve beaten the first real Zelda game on switch (Links Awakening) and I’ve been wondering what we’re likely to see next in terms of remakes/ports. Of course there are the obvious contenders - SSHD, a port of WWHD and TPHD - but what else could we see? Personally I would love to see the...
  34. thePlinko

    Spoiler Random theories

    This thread is for really dumb theories you’ve come up with or ones that don’t really deserve their own thread. I was told this thread didn’t exist already so here it is. My random theory: Happy mask salesman teaches you the song of healing Saria teaches you sarias song Sarias song = song...
  35. thePlinko

    What new Amiibo are you expecting?

    I know not everyone here likes amiibo, but I personally love them and am trying to collect every link amiibo made. Obviously there is going to be new amiibo released, the question is what will the new amiibo be, and more importantly what will they do? My guess is that they’re going to make...
  36. thePlinko

    What is the most useless item in the series?

    I’m not asking what the worst item is, that would require a combination of uselessness, how annoying it is to use, and how lame it is. I just wanna know the item that is never helpful in any situation, or if it is helpful it is very limited and situational. For me it would have to be the...
  37. thePlinko

    Spoiler Cadence of Hyrules non-canon timeline placement

    So I beat cadence of hyrule. First of all I absolutely love it, as it’s the closest thing to a real Zelda game we have on the switch for now. But something stuck out to me. In Hyrule Castle one of the items you can get is the Kokiri sword. It’s description states that it was meant for a future...
  38. thePlinko

    What’s one forgotten mechanic you wish they brought back?

    It’s always kinda sad to see a mechanic that was really fun never come back, especially when it’s a forgotten one. What is your favorite forgotten mechanic and why? My personal favorite were the reward orbs from Windwaker that occasionally dropped from defeated enemies. It was always fun...
  39. thePlinko

    How do you level up in AoL?

    lm replaying AoL, and I was just curious as to what people did for levels, did you focus on attack, defense, magic, or a mix of the three? Currently I’m on palace 5 and my levels are: Attack 7 Magic 4 Defense 2 I like maxing my attack, as it’s the most expensive, passing the threshold of the...
  40. thePlinko

    Describe each Zelda game with a Spongebob quote.

    I love describing things with spongebob quotes, and I want to see what you all have. Please don’t use quotes to describe based on you feelings toward the game. For instance if you hated Skyward Sword, don’t describe it using “too bad that didn’t kill me.” Just describe the game itself. Here are...
  41. thePlinko

    Which do you consider canon?

    I was wondering what the consensus was on remakes to the zelda canon. Do you consider the added features of remakes like the color dungeon and the Swift sail canon? Or do you think that the original is the only version that should be canon.
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