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  1. AwdryFan1997

    Last person to post wins

    epic embed fail
  2. AwdryFan1997

    Last person to post wins

    I like feet too
  3. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Sounds really cool! I'm down
  4. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    I was gonna leave it there, personally, but I imagined there'd be at least a little more. I was just getting my characters out of the way.
  5. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    I wrote him really poorly, and I really shouldn't have introduced him in the first place. Writing Zerris' callout was cathartic, at least.
  6. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    The only thing Zerris could hear over his own wailing and sobbing was the sound of military-grade vehicles parking and boots clomping onto the scene. "What the hell happened?" an old man of no younger than eighty-five asked as his wheelchair was rolled up next to Dr. Who. "Why's there a bear...
  7. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    The Witch Doctor turned and raised his hands in surrender... only for beams of light to flash from those hands and disintegrate the rifle. "A futile distraction," the Witch Doctor smirked. "What do you think, Mr. Carne? Medium rare?" "Actually, I'm vegan," said Hector. Bob Fett suddenly...
  8. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Sorry, my bad. Okay, so, if I'm not mistaken, the new post order is Mighty, myself, OG, then Guinea?
  9. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    I'm back! Sorry for the wait. Not gonna lie, completely stumped on where to go from here. I'm just gonna skip my turn this time around assuming the thread's even still alive
  10. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    "NO, MOM!" Luz shouted, grabbing her mother's arm and dragging her away from the beast. Boskov gave chase, dragging Lola along the floor as the two Nocedas raced towards the broken window out of which Bob Fett had just leapt. Luz narrowly made it to the windowsill when Camila began to tug back...
  11. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    It was great to have you here, OG. Thanks for sticking around for as long as you did! We really wouldn't be here without you.
  12. AwdryFan1997

    Boo’s Pizza III: Supreme Toppings

    I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS I'M SO SORRY *Vincent Carbanzo suddenly jumps up onto the counter.* Vincent Carbanzo: HELP, I'M HAVING A STROKE! *TO BE CONTINUED???*
  13. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    Alfonso, having passed out on the floor due to shock from his TARDIS trip, woke up to a loud thud. It sounded as though someone had just driven a motorcycle directly into the TARDIS doors. Not wanting to disturb Munchie's epic gaming, Alfonso slowly got up and flipped a red switch. The interior...
  14. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    I'm not very well versed in either, but I wouldn't be opposed Uhhh well maybe it's some kind of artificial cheese?
  15. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Take all the time you need! No rush!
  16. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    Bob continued grasping for the gun that he just couldn't seem to reach. He finally looked down to try and find it, only for one of the soldiers to point one of their bigger guns at his head. Dr. Who stepped forward, holding out Bob's gun for one of the soldiers to take. "You shouldn't have shot...
  17. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    "Go Fish," Dr. Who said definitively. "We're not playing Go Fish," Bob Fett grunted, waving his UNO cards in Dr. Who's face. Of course, this meant that Dr. Who knew what was in Bob's deck. "What's your story, Bob?" Dr. Who asked. "I don't suppose you'd happen to be a shop teacher?" "I was,"...
  18. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    It's clear to me that the Nugeneran/Arconian plotline is winding down and headed towards a definitive climax, so I think now's a good time to take a quick survey. Do you like the format of the Round Robin Roleplay? Would you like to plot to continue, or would you prefer if it ended with this...
  19. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    Alfonso was just like: :oops: In the veterinary clinic break room, Bob Fett (still fully geared up with his armor, mask, and backpack) had dozed off on the couch while the others were off doing their own thing. Camila, still very concerned by everything that was going on (and unaware that Bob...
  20. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    My next post is going to be very large and very complicated. I'm gonna need to proofread it a few times and probably make a few alterations here and there but eventually I'll post it. Just added two paragraphs of vital context because nothing makes remotely any sense without it. If anyone has...
  21. AwdryFan1997


  22. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Alright here's my understanding of the current situation: Maxie hired Bob Fett to track down Slinger, framing Alfonso Maxie also lured Slinger to Wendy's to blow up his ship, using Alfonso Witch Doctor is following the Cayde clone The Cayde clone is at the very least under the influence of Dr...
  23. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    "What!?" Zerris asked bluntly. "What's wrong!?" Luz ran up to Zerris, so she wouldn't have to shout (imagine the scene that would cause). "There was this strange guy who was saying 'victory is in my grasp' and then he walked in the general direction of this motel. Good thing this is the only...
  24. AwdryFan1997

    Last person to post wins

    I don't mean to be that guy but This is hella sus
  25. AwdryFan1997

    Last person to post wins

    Video game theft is a good business, I hear...
  26. AwdryFan1997

    Is Using Save States Cheating?

    Zelda 2 with save states and rewind is honestly a really solid game. I should definitely get back to it when I find the time. I haven't really been playing many games lately, but when I do I try to avoid using save states just for a more authentic experience. But there always comes a time where...
  27. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    "Sounds like a plan," Slinger said, totally planning to sell out Alfonso and as many of his accomplices as possible when he revealed his true loyalties. "I'm gonna call the Institute real quick. Be right back." Slinger then turned and shuffled back to his invisible speeder, where he'd left his...
  28. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Always gotta follow the dollar. That's my theory. I'll start writing my bit before long. Hopefully I can start to piece this puzzle together.
  29. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    You're not messing up anything! It's all good. Here's the story as I understand it: Maxie and Slinger have history Slinger and Alfonso also have history and have been working together all along Slinger is a hired minion of the Lion (Aericole), the Witch (Meaugradna), the Doctor (a clone of...
  30. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    "AFTER THAT CAR!" Slinger shouted, but by then it was too late. Maxie, Alfonso and Munchie were already well beyond the limits of the city zoo. Whereas Cayde, Zerris, and the clone had ran in the direction of the jungle, if they had just turned around and gone the other way, they'd already be at...
  31. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    Munchie narrowly avoided being trampled (or seen) by the Lion, who trundled by carrying what appeared to be an unconscious young man. He continued on, following Slinger to the main control room. The Witch was with him. "It is probably of use to know that the Filer Institute began firing on us...
  32. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    The projectile detonated well out of range of any of the ships. Still, this did seem to scare some of them off. "They know that if they try to beam us up or whatever, we'll just blow up their ship from the inside," Zerris thought aloud, his teeth chattering with adrenaline. "And probably blow...
  33. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Oh I only just got the "grimaced once more" lol sorry
  34. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    I'd be okay with that! I don't know who the white coat guy is (though I do have some suspicions) but if Mighty likes that plan then there you go. I did have my own ideas about who these characters are (beyond being a one-off joke), and did actually slip at least one of them in as a background...
  35. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    No pressure! Take all the time you need!
  36. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    Cayde was absolutely horrified. There before her was her father, who she knew for a fact was dead. Zerris was not faring much better, and was about to leave when Cayde's father closed the door on them, locking the four of them in the room. "Then we'll have to dispose of them," they heard the...
  37. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    OH MY GOSH GOLLY only just realized I'm supposed to post next I'm so sorry
  38. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Other methods of communication, perhaps. Like maybe some sort of telepathy in the style of Cally from Blake's Seven. The way it was phrased makes it a bit ambiguous as to whether the clone questions aloud or simply as part of an internal monologue. More clones, I'll bet.
  39. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Don't be nervous! You're doing excellent!
  40. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    The lasers illuminated the entire room as they burned holes through Cayde's table. The gunman continued firing until there were no rounds left in his blaster. The whole nightclub was silent. Maxie grimaced as he realized he couldn't take Slinger out when everyone was watching. The gunman, a...
  41. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    If you want to go, then you can. I only just saw this now, sorry.
  42. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    No one had spoken for over fifteen minutes. No one could possibly find the words to describe what they were going through. Finally they reached the base. It was surrounded by a wide, flat plain protected by a sufficiently tall fence. With nowhere to hide, let alone a good parking spot, Maxie...
  43. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    All good! See you next round!
  44. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    Zerris could only stand there, agape, as Cayde continued to exposit. "He wasn't invited to the funeral. The government, the Filer Institute specifically, didn't trust him." "The Filer Institute?? Like, the Area 51 guys?" Zerris was absolutely mortified. The Bill Filer Institute were, so far as...
  45. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    When swerving through the street like a drunken donkey didn't manage to shake the beast off, Maxie slammed on the brakes to try and send it flying. Instead, the creature maintained its grip and fell forward onto the windshield. The creature was ugly, hideous, and recognizable. Cayde, wincing...
  46. AwdryFan1997

    Sign Ups Round Robin Roleplay Signups

    Alright! I've added you to the rotation
  47. AwdryFan1997

    Last person to post wins

    Sorry, only just woke up! Yeah, signup thread is here: https://www.zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/round-robin-roleplay-signups.76158/#post-1426104
  48. AwdryFan1997

    Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay

    Maxie squinted through the mist as he began making his way down the sidewalk. Cayde and Zerris held their breath as the left-handed concealed carrier shuffled by. Maxie coughed as he waved the fog away from his face (with his left hand, of course). He hated the mist. In fact, he was almost...
  49. AwdryFan1997

    Last person to post wins

    Good game, definitely had fun
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