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Game Thread Round Robin Roleplay


Basically Tingle
Dec 21, 2022
And then, the lemon wore off. Munchie immediately turned back into a cute little mouse and Zerris also returned to normal, as did the soldiers. Munchie landed on Zerris' head with a squeek, bounced off and scurried away back to Alfonso.


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
“Damn it, mouse… I’ll have to finish this myself…”

For a moment, Cayde and Zerris were locked in a tearful embrace. The latter, unaware of the events that had occurred previously, was confused but glad that Cayde was safe. For the most part.

“Z-Zerris… I think I’m dying… the DNA is causing me to… change…”

“It’s okay, we’ll get you help. I promise you.”

“A doctor’s help, perhaps…?” the deadly voice of the Witch Doctor sounded out before he appeared out of thin air with Nugenerans behind him. Cayde and Zerris got to the opposite side of the room to make distance between the Witch Doctor.

“I have a proposition for you, Cayde Shilen.”

Cayde stayed silent, only responding with a look of anger.

“Eat the lemon.”

A lemon appeared in front of Cayde’s feet. She kicked it away in defiance. It then appeared in her mouth.

“Bite it.”

Cayde tried pulling the lemon from her mouth, but she couldn’t. Finally at her wits end, she bit the lemon and ate the large piece she took off.

Immediately, things started to change. Pain shot through every nerve in her body as her body began to change and reorganize to fit whatever she was transforming into. She curled up on the floor, yelling and screaming as her appearance began to change as well.

Then it all stopped. The Witch Doctor was confused as Cayde laid motionless, only breathing.

“This isn’t how it’s supposed to go…”

The transformation began to backfire, changing Cayde’s appearance even more and surging even more pain through her body. Her eyes turned various colors and grew bigger and smaller, face growing more unrecognizable by the second, ridges along her arms and legs, and bumps on her back.

Zerris was terrified of what she was becoming. When it finally stopped, Cayde did not look anything like a human.

“No! NO! This was supposed to make you into a perfect specimen! How could this go so wrong!?”

“Cayde is… allergic to lemons…” Zerris said quietly.

Cayde got up from the floor and looked at the Witch Doctor and then at Zerris. She then felt a wave of purple Arconian DNA surge through her body, and her transformation was complete.
“MAMA!” Luz cried out as she got smaller and smaller from the view of Bob Fett’s shoulder. She didn’t even care that her arm was cut, she wanted to make sure her mother was okay.

While Bob Fett chased Hector and Boskov, Camila got up slowly and adjusted her glasses while gritting her teeth. She knew what she had to do.


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
Cayde looked at her new form and back at the Witch Doctor, who was terrified. Still, he tried to control the transformed Cayde.

“K-Kill the boy! Do as I command!”

Staring at her bony claws, she roared either in fury or in pain and chose to go after the Witch Doctor. She pinned him down and swiped harshly multiple times upon him. Zerris turned away and refused to look at Cayde and the Witch Doctor as the latter screamed.

Utterly powerless to stop his creation, the Witch Doctor teleported away to tend to his (many) wounds. Zerris caught a peek of the transformed Cayde and cringed with sadness. She was now covered in scales and spikes, her skin purple with her eyes green. Her teeth were needles and her nails were elongated claws. She barely resembled her former self.

Zerris ran to go find a solution for bringing her back to her normal self.
“Ha ha! Boskov, you genius! We have the girl now!” Hector laughed as Boskov ran while Lola dangled from his grasp with Bob and Luz in pursuit.

The two chased the bear and brain into the forest, seemingly losing them. Luz looked around the area she stood in, feeling quite hopeless about Lola.

“She… she’s gone… we failed…”

“Not yet, we haven’t.” Bob said to reassure Luz as he walked forward.

“How do you know?! That stupid bear is probably long gone by now!”

“Do you know what a bear smells like?”


Bob sniffed, confusing Luz even more as he tried to find Boskov by scent. He looked over to his right and began running. “Wait! Where are you going?!” Luz asked as she ran after Bob.
Camila ventured her way through the forest carrying a UNIT rifle. She heard a Spanish voice and then a bear growl in response.

“Witch Doctor… come in, Witch Doctor!”

The Witch Doctor teleported to Hector and Boskov, viewing the terrified Lola with renewed hope. If one didn’t work, the other might.

Camila burst from the bushes with a yell and prepared to do battle with evil.
Last edited:


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
Cayde looked at her new form and back at the Witch Doctor, who was terrified. Still, he tried to control the transformed Cayde.

“K-Kill the boy! Do as I command!”

Staring at her bony claws, she roared either in fury or in pain and chose to go after the Witch Doctor. She pinned him down and swiped harshly multiple times upon him. Zerris turned away and refused to look at Cayde and the Witch Doctor as the latter screamed.

Utterly powerless to stop his creation, the Witch Doctor teleported away to tend to his (many) wounds. Zerris caught a peek of the transformed Cayde and cringed with sadness. She was now covered in scales and spikes, her skin purple with her eyes green. Her teeth were needles and her nails were elongated claws. She barely resembled her former self.

Zerris ran to go find a solution for bringing her back to her normal self.
“Ha ha! Boskov, you genius! We have the girl now!” Hector laughed as Boskov ran while Lola dangled from his grasp with Bob and Luz in pursuit.

The two chased the bear and brain into the forest, seemingly losing them. Luz looked around the area she stood in, feeling quite hopeless about Lola.

“She… she’s gone… we failed…”

“Not yet, we haven’t.” Bob said to reassure Luz as he walked forward.

“How do you know?! That stupid bear is probably long gone by now!”

“Do you know what a bear smells like?”


Bob sniffed, confusing Luz even more as he tried to find Boskov by scent. He looked over to his right and began running. “Wait! Where are you going?!” Luz asked as she ran after Bob.
Camila ventured her way through the forest carrying a UNIT rifle. She heard a Spanish voice and then a bear growl in response.

“Witch Doctor… come in, Witch Doctor!”

The Witch Doctor teleported to Hector and Boskov, viewing the terrified Lola with renewed hope. If one didn’t work, the other might.

Camila burst from the bushes with a yell and prepared to do battle with evil.
The Witch Doctor turned and raised his hands in surrender... only for beams of light to flash from those hands and disintegrate the rifle.

"A futile distraction," the Witch Doctor smirked. "What do you think, Mr. Carne? Medium rare?"

"Actually, I'm vegan," said Hector.

Bob Fett suddenly stumbled out from the bushes and drew a concealed firearm. Boskov held up Lola as a human shield.

"Mama?" Luz asked, confused. "What are you-"

The Witch Doctor sighed and snapped his fingers. In an instant, all six of them were teleported on board the Witch Doctor's mothership.

"The Nugenerans have disappeared, as have my primary minions. I alone cannot find them, let alone within the two hours left before the Nugenerans are all reduced to a purple puddle of single-celled organisms. Decades of research, wasted in one night!" The Witch Doctor scowled. "But it wasn't all for naught."

He turned to Lola. "She shall be studied, and cloned. I shall use the preexisting data to create a simulant army, which I shall present to the board on Arconia. Then, I will destroy this planet, and claim the Earthlings destroyed themselves in an attempt to overcome the Nugeneran hordes. If I can talk smoothly enough, I'll be able to claim my prize and flee before the charade is revealed."

"But what about your minions?" Hector asked, pretending he had any idea what the Witch Doctor was talking about. "What about the Lion, the Witch and the Doctor?"

On cue, there was a wheezing, groaning sound. Bob Fett turned around in horror to see the TARDIS materializing before his very eyes. Dr. Who, Paul McGannly as ever, stepped out.

"Doctor who?" he asked with a smile. He looked down at the mortified Bob Fett. "Oh, hello. I'm the Doctor, in case you hadn't figured that out by now."

"The hell you are!" Bob yelled, pistol-whipping Dr. Who to the ground and running into the TARDIS. He shoved Alfonso and Munchie aside and ran around the console room like a maniac. Panting and panicking, Bob finally removed his welder's mask. "Oh, god... you've redecorated!"

But of course, none of that really mattered at the moment. The Witch Doctor had hovered over to the control panel on the bridge, followed by Camila, Luz, Hector/Boskov, and the unconscious Lola. He pushed a button on the panel. On the screen, next to a live feed of the planet Earth, a countdown started.

FLARE RAY - 29:59...

"Of course it takes thirty minutes to warm up," the Witch Doctor grimaced. "Grand climaxes never come instantaneously."


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Before the Witch Doctor could say anything, Boba was on top of him trying to pin him down while. The Witch Doctor didn't feel threatened. He would simply teleport as usually. No problem. Except that he couldn't. No matter what he wasn't able to teleport. Come to realize, he wasn't able to use any of his power while in the TARDIS. The Witch Doctor was powerless in here.

Hector (well Boskov technically) gave a terrible roar and was about to pounce on Bob, but Bob was able to grab and fire ANOTHER hidden handgun firing a tranquilizer. (Geez, where does Bob have all of these secret shooters at?) Hector (well Boskov technically) fell like a sack of bricks right next to Lola who was still unconscious.

"Get over here, Munchie!" Yelled Bob, easily holding the Witch Doctor to the ground.

Munchie quickly ran on all fours over to the control panel and started to see if he was able to reverse the countdown...


Basically Tingle
Dec 21, 2022
Munchie squeeked, ran in a circle and jumped on a button. Nothing happened. He then pounced on a switch, still nothing. Furious, Munchie hopped onto the floor, ran behind the control panel and tore into the wires. He munched on the motherboard, rearranging everything, then hopped back onto the controls. With a loud squeek, he smacked a button with his tail. Suddenly, the Flare Ray was disabled, the countdown was halted, and every screen in the ship started to broadcast DOOM. Except, instead of the original gameplay, DOOM GUY was shown holding the Flare Ray, pointing it right at the Witch Doctors ship.

Alfonso saw his chance and he took it. He kicked the wounded Witch Doctor out of the TARDIS. Munchie had DOOM GUY fire the Flare Ray, then ran with everyone back inside the TARDIS. Bob picked up Lola, dived into the TARDIS, and Munchie activated the teleporter.

"So long you freaks!" Alfonso shouted right as the TARDIS teleported back to Earth.


Zerris was running in a frenzy, unsure what to do, when suddenly a massive explosion happened far up in the sky. He looked up in shock, then fell back as the TARDIS materialized right in front of him. Alfonos and the others exited, and Zerris stood up.

"What happened?!" he asked, then decided Cayde was more important. "Cayde transformed because of those goddamned lemons! Please, you have to help her, I don't know what to do!"

Alfonso grabbed Zerris by the shoulders. "Calm down, the effects of the lemons can be neutralized," he said.

"How?! She's turned into a monster!"

"Just give her this," said Alfonso, handing Zerris a bag from inside his coat.

"What is this?" he asked, opening the bag. Alfonso scratched his head.

"It's, uh... a lime. A space lime."


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
“…of course it’s more citrus… what’s next, an orange?!”

“There’s no time, dude! Go save your girlfriend!” Luz said, giving Zerris a push to go back to where Cayde was. He ran as fast as he could and got back to the room.

“Cayde, I need you to eat this lime… it’ll get you back to your normal self…”

He held out the lime to Cayde, who took and stared at it before taking a large bite. Immediately, the effects of the lemon began reversing, taking her back through the painful process of the transformation back into a human.

While this was happening, Camila checked on Lola and made sure she was still alive. A light blinked behind her eye and she opened them up.

“Camila? Is that you?”


“Is the Witch Doctor… gone?”

“We hope, the mouse made his ship blow up…”

Lola hugged Camila tightly, but her eyes gazed to the sky as she heard a Spanish sounding scream and a bear roaring in the distance. Boskov and Hector crashed to the ground, assuming the death pose from Family Guy. Hector slid from his jar from the leaking antiseptic fluid.

“Ooooooooh…” Hector said in pain. “You may have taken down the Witch Doctor… but I’m still going to get my revenge…!”

“In your dreams, estupido.” Luz replied before kicking Hector away like a soccer ball, sending him into a storm drain. Boskov roared out in surprise and went in after him, getting his butt stuck as he tried squeezing through the storm drain.

The lime had transformed Cayde back into a Human, but Cayde was very weak. A wave of purple liquid came from her mouth and she collapsed.


Zerris picked her up and held her in his arms. “Cayde!”

“I love you…”

Cayde’s eyes closed and she went limp.



you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
The only thing Zerris could hear over his own wailing and sobbing was the sound of military-grade vehicles parking and boots clomping onto the scene.

"What the hell happened?" an old man of no younger than eighty-five asked as his wheelchair was rolled up next to Dr. Who. "Why's there a bear ass sticking out of the gutter?"

"Hello to you, too, Bill," Dr. Who said, the humo(u)r in his voice sapped completely.

"Oh, you're the Doctor? Wow... I... wow..."

Dr. Who turned to the old man. His mutton chops were white, and the hair on his head was grey and receding. The old officer was amazed at the Time Lord's dashing, youthful appearance. That hair just had to be a wig, he thought.

"This is turning into something of a reunion for me," said Dr. Who, trying to take his mind off of the tragedy. "I've got Bobby in the TARDIS. Remember him? The Australian kid who told you about the War on Terror before it happened? Not a kid anymore, of course..."

"It took me a long time to forgive you for lying to me, Doc." Bill wiped a tear from his aged eye.

Munchie squeaked something in Alfonso's ear. Alfonso turned and squinted at Bill for a few seconds. "You're Bill Filer?" Anyone who recognized that name perked up.

"When I heard the Doctor was here, I had to stop by... we go way back, y'see." Filer cleared his throat and shifted in his chair. "First, that Axos stuff in the seventies, with that Master guy... then that stuff with the Mars Observer probe; you didn't look hardly a day older even though it'd been twenty years... can you believe Kramer's passed away?"

"I feel like I just saw her yesterday," Dr. Who said, having just seen her yesterday, relatively speaking. "Anyways, after Bob clobbered the Ice Warriors, I didn't see you again until after I'd ditched Bobby and returned to UNIT, before catching radiation poisoning from a giant spider and finally getting some color back into my hair, not to mention the curls... when did we next see each other? Founding the Filer Institute in '05, after that horrible disaster on the New Jersey turnpike?"

"Your endorsement was vital, Doctor," Filer said, "I still don't know how you did it."

Dr. Who smiled meekly and grasped a pocket watch on his person. "I'm... influential among political types..."

"I don't know how to ask this, but..." Filer paused. "Have we been through that trouble with the President, Ed Sheeran, and the Terrible Zodin?"

"Ed Sheeran's the President?" the Doctor asked innocently.

"I'll take that as a no," Filer chuckled. "That means you weren't at the nightclub with General Sanchez Resurrected a few hours ago. At least, not yet. Not for many, many centuries."

"I hope so," the Doctor said. "I'd like to keep this body for a while. I liked the previous model, whom you can read about the adventures of in this blog, but the height and the hair are a non-negotiable upgrade. And these shoes-"

"Shut up."

Dr. Who and Bill Filer turned to Zerris. He had risen to his feet, and was staring angrily at the Doctor. The tears were still streaming down his face, but the mourning of his deceased love had been postponed. "Excuse me?"

"Shut. Up. It's your fault. All of this. It's all your fault."

"Zerris, please," Dr. Who said calmly, "I know I've kept my cards close to my chest, but I've been trying to prevent all of this. I tried to stop the Arconians from reaching Earth, and when that failed, I tried to stop them once they got here. I'm sorry about Cayde. I promise that the ones responsible won't go unpunished."


Dr. Who quietly turned to a UNIT officer. "The girl's body has to be incinerated. Scatter the ashes. Nothing can remain of her body, lest it falls into the wrong hands. Not Area 51, not the Arconians, not Faction Paradox, not the trolls of Alternia. Her body must be completely destroyed."

"What about the clone, sir?"

"Make sure she lives happily ever after," the Doctor said. "Make sure everyone gets a happy ending. That's an order."

Dr. Who turned away. He nodded to Bill Filer, with the mutual understanding that they'd see each other again. He then stepped back into the TARDIS, where Bob Fett was collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"All of it... storming the bunker of Magnus Greel, discovering the weakness of the Cybermen, the probe and the Ice Warriors, Karfel, the Master, all of it... that was you? You're the Doctor?"

Dr. Who pulled a red lever on the TARDIS console to close the doors. With a wheezing, groaning sound, the TARDIS dematerialized into the vortex, never to be seen again.

Bill Filer was wheeled away. Alfonso (and Munchie) caught up with him after a few seconds of awkward staring.

"Hey, uh, I know this is a bad time, but I'm an alien without a ride home, and I was just wondering..."


The Mightiest Mario
ZD Champion
Mar 27, 2020
Zerris stood for a bit, letting his tears dot the ground in front of him. While UNIT forces captured Boskov and retrieved Hector in the background, Camila came to comfort Zerris, along with Luz and Lola as he collasped into an inconsolable mess.

It wasn’t going to be easy without Cayde.
Six months had passed since the events that occurred. Lola and Luz were in school, Camila was at work, and Zerris… Zerris had disappeared. He left in the late hours of the night and never returned. Some say it was UNIT, some say it was aliens. No, those were theories.

Zerris left for many reasons undescribed. Maybe he found another place to live, where he wouldn’t be haunted by nightmares of Cayde’s final moments. Maybe he had a theory that Cayde was still out there.

Whatever it was, Zerris had disappeared.
Lola opened her eyes and stared around the bedroom. Luz was still asleep on the bottom bunk. Lola climbed down from the top bunk and exited the room, and exited the house soon after.

She walked several miles away from the town and several more to another city. Her long blonde hair flowed down her back, her blue nightgown swishing with every step she made.

Lola stopped and turned to her right in front of a building. An apartment building.

Zerris was there.

She climbed several flights of stairs to the eighth floor and knocked on the fourth door to the left.

“Zerris? It’s me, Lola.” she spoke softly. “I can sense your presence in that room. I want you to come home.”

The door slowly opened, with Zerris now having a beard and unkempt hair. He quickly closed it and yelled for her to go away.

“Zerris, don’t do this. Shielding yourself away from the world won’t make things better… I was born and raised under a freaking alien night club for heaven’s sake. Please…”

“Go away, Lola! You… you bring back bad memories…”

Lola sighed and sat down in front of the door, patiently awaiting Zerris to come out.

The light in her eye flashed.

Lola… it is us… the Lion, the Witch… and the Doctor… we managed to heal the Doctor and purge the evil from his system… you must-

Lola turned off the message and continued waiting.
Around 8:15 AM, Zerris opened the door and saw Lola still there. She turned to face him.

“Come in… I guess.”

Lola walked into the apartment, where she saw multiple photos of Cayde and him together on his nightstand.

“Why are you here, Lola? I just want to forget this whole thing and… you know, be left alone.”

“I wanted to make sure you were okay, Zerris. Luz and Camila are worried about you.”

“Tell them I’m fine, but-“

Luz and Camila stood in the door and embraced Zerris in a hug.

“Oh, Zerris, we’re so glad you’re okay!” Camila said, tightening her hug.

“Wouldn’t be the same without you!” Luz piped up cheerfully.

Zerris sighed and wrapped his arms around them. There was a wheezing, groaning sound from outside and the Doctor ran up the eight flights of stairs to his apartment.

“Zerris, I have a present for you. One you might remember…” he spoke from outside the door.

Zerris opened the door and saw the Doctor standing there. He moved out of the way to reveal his present: Cayde.

“H-How?! She’s dead…”

“Ah, but through a series of complex calculations and loads of favors, I was able to create a new Cayde, one without Arconian DNA.”
Cayde rushed and gave Zerris a hug and a kiss.

“You’ll never have to talk with me again if you don’t want to. Good day, Zerris.” the Doctor before running back down (the meter was only good for five more minutes).

Cayde and Zerris embraced once more, Zerris now happily crying tears of joy. For tonight, they stayed there, but then it was back to Florida. They said their goodbyes and drove off.

“Zerris, have you ever heard of the term ‘Round Robin’?” she asked to Zerris, who was now clean shaven and his hair back in it’s normal form.

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Well, I have this idea for a book about a story where a man and a woman try and fight off alien invaders, meet a clone of the woman, and ultimately come face to face with a bear and a brain. I’m thinking ‘Round Robin’ should be the title.”

“Hm, sounds like something a bunch of Internet people would come up with…”

“Yeah… you mind stopping at the store?”

Zerris pulled into a parking lot and the two got out, making their way down the street, when Cayde stopped suddenly.

“Oh no!” Cayde said, clutching her boyfriend’s arm.

“What is it, Cayde?” Zerris replied, making sure Cayde was alright.


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