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  • No way! I mean it's lik-- ... It just keeps spinning and spinning and it's shiny and blue and vewwwy prettty and I stopped using proper grammar a few words ago and caps lock is cruise control for cool and I also stopped making sense a few words ago and now I'm going to end this sentence and I'm going to end it with an ellipsis...
    Um, what? You don't seem to have anything about deleted messages. And I couldn't do it anyway.
    Lol....................... well, try and think of something to say, hmmm? Like, how are you doing? :D
    Nice! My avatar sucks in comparison to yours. Then again, I rendered mine on my own (Google Sketchup!)
    There he goes, changing his avatar again. Lol, but this one is pretty cool. I might like the running Link more though.
    He just keeps running, and running, and running... And running. Did I mention he kept running? If I didn't, he's still running. Anyways, I've gotta run.
    yeah the running one doesn 't move on profiles, but he is running perfectly fine in your posts. had the same problem with other animated gifs that i used before as my avatar.
    all my avatars are found. i have a huge collection of animated gifs and pixelart.
    yeah thnx for the compliment, i love my transforming wii (if only in reality my wii could do suck a thing)
    i hope you like some of the avatars that i send you. ;)
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