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  • Oh, It's not exactlly like that, I just exagerated for it to be funnier :P but it's something like this.
    And yeah, I usualy keep my door closed while playing too. And my mother often just walks in, as if nothing is happening and starts to do something, like cleaning, talking (or complain) to me WHILE I'M PLAYING OR WATCHING TV, and stands IN THE FRONT OF THE TV. It doesn't what I do, I can't make her get out of there! And when she leaves, gess what, she leaves the door opened -_-".

    Yeah, One Manga closing is bad news. I didn't use it much, since I don't like reading inthe computer, and prefered buying the manga. But the mangas sold here are so limited that sometimes I don't have a joice.
    Ha, true.
    My mother always do this. Everything I don't do right she blames something I like.
    For example: "You let your fork fal, on the floor! It's just because of that new manga you have been reading all the time. You keep so much time passing pages that you can't even use a fork properly anymore!"
    My parents are just like yours. They don't like me seeing/playing violent stuff (which I personally don't cxare too much since I'm not quite into it) and do/did not want me to have videogames afraid that I'd get addicted to it, and my school performance would get worse. But once they saw I could get good grades withouth even studying they relaxed a little bit :P
    But now they complain about me not studying, even if I get good grades -_-
    Meanwhile, people in my class get, like 3 of 10 in every test and have PS3s and Xboxs and Wiis (or all of them!!!).

    And yeah, the recent pokemons are kind of weird. I don't know, they have too much... stuff in them. They don't have the simplicity of the first pokemons.
    It is sometimesw sad to think about what the old games you liked became.
    Lots of them, like Crash Bandicoot, Spiro and even banjo Kazooie became unknow for new gamers and the old fans don't care about them, either because they have changed too much or aren't as good as before.
    I have never played games like halo, modern warfare or even Resident Evil, but now I would like to try to play different kind of games, but unfortunally just like you, I suck at shooters. I don't have the motion coordenation to control the aim, and having to walk at the same time just makes it worse :P

    I know how you fell, my parents don't like me to have videogames too. They wouldn't let me have a videogame at all! But now they are more tolerant aboutit. But why don't your parents let you have videogame consoles?
    I think my life is resumed to playing videogames, reading/watching mangas/animes and surfing in the web XD
    I would like to do something useful in my life -_-"
    Really? I think most people don't like it because they say that the controls are bad. But I have to admit that those animations were kind of creepie o_O
    Really? but I heard that you had to play it with GBAs conected to the gamecube.
    About the CD-i games, I know they suck, but people talk so much about them that I get curious to play it :P
    So you have played four swords adventure!
    I have never played it, and I think I never will. Too many cables and GBAs.
    I think very few people played it.
    But there are some Zeldas I would like to play: the ones realesed to the CDi.
    I'm curious to know how they were..
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