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  • Yeah, it is good, but I'm a bit bored ^ ^"
    It's called like that because the main character go to three places in the world, the first to eat, the second to pray and in the third I didn't understand why, but she ends up falling in love with someone there. The good thing is that brazilian people and music appear in the movie \o/

    Whatching anime all day, that seems cool! Which anime(s) do you have in mind?
    Thanks. ^^ I love it so much. Lozzy made it for me.
    Not a lot is up, just massive amounts of school. Never ending school.
    How about you? How are you?
    I dont know, i loved the puzzles and to explore, and OoT was inmense and had a very interesting story plus fairies :D I like games were you explore, thats why I also like Metroid a lot, because you have that sense that your exploring a big world and slowly you're ganing much more access to different secrets and areas of that world :P
    Yeah, i like to enjoy all the series, I liek even PH and ST, and TP is also one of my favorite Zeldas. And why do you like MM? I like the way you interact with the numerous NPC's. :)
    OoT is my favorite Zelda, but I love the series in general, I personally love all the 3D Zelda's. Im sure your favorite one is MM, am I right? And speaking of Metroid, Corruption is an excellent game, Other M is not eprfect but ive liked it a lot. :P
    Yes, Im a Metroid fan! What about you? I really liked it, I love the exploration aspect of it, in some sense it reminds me to zelda.
    Not much.
    I have today and tomorrow off because of two holydays \o/
    I went to the movies yesterday and watched "eat, pray, love". It is really good.
    That's okey. I can't answer right away too, School is tough these days... :cry:
    Bake? Weird.
    Great, I want to buy a new guitar and I fell in love in bass guitars lately and I want to get one for my birthday (there's plenty of time).
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