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How is C.O.D Better Than LOZ


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
FPS isn't always a matter of preference. The gamers of the world have abandoned games that have simple fun combined with soul, atmosphere, epic music, and some actual attention to balancing change and sameness. They want the same stuff they always did. . . and that's about it. They play COD and God of War and Halo and whatever other simple games they play like there's no other way of doing things. They're great games, but what's been done, or rather what hasn't been done, with them is a disgrace. I mean Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, and the Fire Emblem: Awakening I have next to me have been forgotten for games and their million similar clones.


Jul 1, 2012
To be honest I think it's pointless comparing two completely different series, I mean for one Call of Duty is the biggest game in one of the most popular genres while Zelda is on the other end of the spectrum in a genre that is isn't a trend of recent years. There is also the fact that Call of Duty is a 3rd party series available on three platforms while Zelda is an exclusive only for Nintendo consoles unless you get an emulator but legit games are Nintendo only. Now I think a lot of people compare success on sales figures however this is just wrong and one of the main arguments I see Cod fans bringing up is sales figures. Like I mentioned earlier, Cod is the top series in a genre that is all the trend while Zelda isn't in a genre quite as popular, there is also the trend of more of a mature game while Zelda is seen as a tame series or not "hardcore" enough. With this and the fact that Zelda is an exclusive series I think it's bad to judge on sales figures, so I'm just going to throw that argument out the window.

I think a lot of the defence that Zelda fans seem to have on Cod is "Cod is the worst series ever and you're not a true gamer and so on....". Now I think this is a weak argument, I know it's cool to hate on this franchise but to completely disregard the series is wrong, if it's one of the most successful series ever it must being doing something right, am I wrong? Call of Duty has become much more than a game, it's become a social trend, a necessity for some and a massively competitive game. Don't get me wrong I do see the reason for the hate, as I do believe it's overrated but is it a bad series? No. Its a highly active, intense First Person Shooter- Using real life war situations to portray a story, it has solid game play making it accessible to almost anyone making it very easy to play and enjoy. It has great visuals and effects that can make some cut scenes seem very movie like and not to mention it's highly competitive, addictive and fun multiplayer with a near unlimited replay value. Now the series has become bland in my eyes through very similar releases and not much diversity but still millions of people enjoy and play the game regularly, so I think that deals with all the hate.

Zelda on the other hand is a game with a huge legacy and a fan base that is decreasing compared to other modern franchises. In my opinion I find Zelda games to be the better experience as it utilises a lot more features and depth but one cannot disregard the fact that Call of Duty is still a GOOD series, maybe even great in some peoples opinions. However I find it possible to compare the two anyway, just stating my opinion on the matter.
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Look, the fact of the matter is that Call of Duty has made more money in the few years its been around than Zelda did in 25 years. CoD is the better series due to that - personal enjoyment does not matter in this regard.

Which one do you enjoy more? I like CoD better for short-sprints of fun; Zelda is more of a prolonged-duration sort of game. You CAN turn voice chat off in CoD, I do not see how the fanbase is a problem because of that. :I


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Call of Duty is part of a larger trend that steals all creativity and wonder out of games and replaces it with shooting, shooting, kids on the internet screaming out profane words I didn't know at their age, and some more shooting. Its a trend combining the developer's who won't do anything new, and gamers who only desire shooting.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Call of Duty is part of a larger trend that steals all creativity and wonder out of games and replaces it with shooting, shooting, kids on the internet screaming out profane words I didn't know at their age, and some more shooting. Its a trend combining the developer's who won't do anything new, and gamers who only desire shooting.

And...? What does that have to do with making money? If the consumer wants to be monotonous in what products they buy, let them be so. If you don't want to have a share in that, there's no obligation on you. Whether CoD existed or not, Nintendo would've done what they have and will do. Hell, Zelda is very much in the same boat as CoD, with menial changes from each release bar the one change that is ever so drastic that causes consumers and fanbase alike to flee for the hills (TWW - art style; SS - motion controls). CoD isn't the reason why consumers don't care what they buy - it's the power of consoles.


Jul 1, 2012
Call of Duty is part of a larger trend that steals all creativity and wonder out of games and replaces it with shooting, shooting, kids on the internet screaming out profane words I didn't know at their age, and some more shooting. Its a trend combining the developer's who won't do anything new, and gamers who only desire shooting.

How does it steal all creativity out of other games? I would really like to know why you think this...

Shooting is the genre, it's a first person shooter! It's not a game that is meant to be massively complicated, it's a first person shooter set in the context of a war setting. I see this argument time and time again yet what people fail to realise is that this is Not the game it is a small part of the community, kids are exposed to much more than shooting these days, this is just a part of trends that "some" younger kids are being exposed to. I can agree that Call of Duty is getting to familiar however what can you expect, it's a straight up successful formula that many people love, why change something that works? The series in my opinion makes enough changes each year to make the fans purchase each time November come round.

I don't know why you have a problem with shooting in games but this is the genre and it has produced some excellent games over the years, games that could be seen as greatest of all time, call of duty couldn't just take out the guns as that would just be stupid.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'll get to my other points in the next post, but what exactly do you mean by "power of consoles"?

Power of consoles as in, what a console can do graphically. Since great graphics and special effects sell a lot (see Star Wars prequel trilogy; CoD; Crysis series), devs have taken to going for the most powerful console and developing for that. It isn't due to an FPS existing (and thereby grabbing a huge portion of the market share), it's because consoles have gotten stronger and the only thing that needs to happen in order to allure customers is simply make your game "realistic". It's been this way since 3D gaming has come around, believe it or not.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
But is that the right way to proceed? There's often a difference between what's profitable and what's right. George Lucas didn't know this and now he is probably more hated than Justin Beiber. He was a total sell-out who did what was right for his wallet; while paying no attention to what was right for the movie as far as quality.

Anyway, graphics aren't sell-all and be-all. I love COD on my Wii. The controls are superior. I have no concern for HD graphics because the gameplay and basic presentation are excellent. Its about the battles; not the graphics. Graphics should progress with time, but the fact of the matter is that there are games on 8, 16, and 32-bit consoles that far outweigh what we've got now. Those games were better within story, feel, and gameplay. A focus on things other than graphics helped make my wii so meaningful, and it makes the 3DS so amazing. Long live gameplay over graphics.

And realism has little to do with it. Its about what looks good, not what's realistic. That's because realism rarely satisfies us, and thus even PS and Xbox games take on fake styles of art and design.
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Nov 12, 2010
Hanyou said:
“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis

This made my day. Great quote that I think plenty of people can relate to.

Anyway. looks like we have one of those irritating Call of Duty vs. Legend of Zelda fights to the death again. Not the first time I've seen one of these, and not going to be the last, I don't think. Now let's see.

willsfairysword said:
a lot of my friends and piers say the graphics are amazing but i tell them graphics dont matter and game play is the way a game is good but they say graphics do matter. so i say they have to look appealing they say the graphics of C.O.D are appealing.so i give them my definition of appealing graphics for graphics to look appealing in my definition is that they must be colorful and full of life and C.O.D just looks bland and lifeless in zelda the graphics are colorful and upbeat.

Not all Zelda games - recent ones at least; I don't want to single out the 2D games simply because they weren't technologically advanced enough to compete with Call of Duty graphics - are really colorful and upbeat. Majora's Mask is a pretty dark game, and the graphics do a good job to give off that feeling. Twilight Princess also aims to have realistic graphics, much like Call of Duty.

Call of Duty doesn't necessarily have bland graphics. It creates a feeling of war, that, well, is the point of the game. I think the graphics are as interesting as any other First-Person Shooter - a genre that I particularly like.

in zelda you find items like hookshots and musical instruments while in C.O.D all you get is gun that all feel the same in my favorite FPS halo all the weapons are different in they're own way not much else to say.

Halo is also an intergalactic game that takes place on an entirely different planet, with races outside of humans, and therefore new civilizations. New civilizations bring new weapons. We see this in our own world; the Byzantines fancied the sticky fire that is Greek Fire, while certain Native American tribes preferred tomahawks. The variety between the two people are on the same planet; imagine the difference in weapons in distant planets. Call of Duty can't use guns like Halo's, simply because the game aims to be realistic with weapons, and no guns like those in Halo exist on Earth.

most fans of zelda have opinions on other games they think some games are good or bad but they dont think there are "real or not real games"in most of the C.O.D fan base they often say if a game is "real or not" and a lot of they're definitions often say that a game must have shooting or killing other fans say zelda,sonic,pokemon and mario are for babies and have no contributions to the gaming industry and i often
think to my self what did C.O.D do.

Zelda fans can be equally obnoxious. They call for change, but the moment a game strays too far from the "Zelda formula," half of the fans cry out in disapproval. I've seen some vicious backlash from Zelda fans concerning First-Person Shooters as well. Plenty of Zelda fans don't want to even give that genre a chance, simply because of the big bad Call of Duty.

Call of Duty isn't better than Zelda, in my opinion, but the game has its reasons for being successful. They aren't the same reason why Zelda is successful, so comparing the two makes little sense. After all, the foundations of Call of Duty lies within its multiplayer - a game mode that Zelda doesn't even have.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
But is that the right way to proceed? There's often a difference between what's profitable and what's right. George Lucas didn't know this and now he is probably more hated than Justin Beiber. He was a total sell-out who did what was right for his wallet; while paying no attention to what was right for the movie as far as quality.

The right way to proceed, according to the developers/publishers, is whatever makes more money. "Right" means money in the business world, there's simply no ifs ands or buts about it. Cashtivision is smart in that regard. Nintendo? Nope, they go at a snails pace, constantly experimenting rather than going with what obviously makes the most cash (i.e Twilight Princess - refinement of its predecessor with graphics that APPEAL to the consumer)


Jul 1, 2012
But is that the right way to proceed? There's often a difference between what's profitable and what's right. George Lucas didn't know this and now he is probably more hated than Justin Beiber. He was a total sell-out who did what was right for his wallet; while paying no attention to what was right for the movie as far as quality.
Well if it's profitable it means people are buying the game, which mean people are enjoying the game.... If a company is making games that people like then in my opinion it is a successful series. Call of Duty hate is mainly due to the envy of their many sales compared to their preferred series, it seems like you're very biased the Call of Duty and I really can't see a decent explanation as to why.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Hell, Zelda is very much in the same boat as CoD, with menial changes from each release bar the one change that is ever so drastic that causes consumers and fanbase alike to flee for the hills (TWW - art style; SS - motion controls). CoD isn't the reason why consumers don't care what they buy - it's the power of consoles.

I disagree. Zelda has taken the opposite direction and has led to the series downfall each time. When was the last time you heard someone complain that Wind Waker or Skyward Sword was too similar to Ocarina of Time? "That one change"? Wind Waker had sidequest focus, sailing, toon style, etc. SS had motion controls, stamina, shield meter, etc. PH had stylus controls, mapped sailing with combat, treasure, and several other DS functions. It's a bit of an oxymoron to say something is barely changing and then admit it's drastically changing.

Also, isn't CoD on multiple systems? I could be wrong...
Apr 1, 2013
FPS isn't always a matter of preference. The gamers of the world have abandoned games that have simple fun combined with soul, atmosphere, epic music, and some actual attention to balancing change and sameness. They want the same stuff they always did. . . and that's about it. They play COD and God of War and Halo and whatever other simple games they play like there's no other way of doing things. They're great games, but what's been done, or rather what hasn't been done, with them is a disgrace. I mean Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, and the Fire Emblem: Awakening I have next to me have been forgotten for games and their million similar clones.

That's a little harsh bro, and somewhat false. The reason that COD particularly is popular is cause of multiplayer, and that's just something that Zelda, Mario, and Fire Emblem amongst others don't have. As someone who wasted their entire free month of live playing MW2 multiplayer, I can vouch for fans who buy the game solely for that reason (though I personally do it for the campaign and co-op myself).

BTW- God of War isn't an FPS, but it's **** either way.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Sorry, God of War just strikes me for its repetitive and simple gameplay every time around. I got caught up in it all.

And every Call of Duty game from 3-MW3 was on the wii.

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