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My username is a mixture of my favorite character and my first companion. Medli is my favorite character, Midna was my first companion.

Twilight Princess was the first Zelda game I ever saw.

I am a let's player and a game theorist, if that isn't copyrighted. I am on the channel soulofshadows and LOVE the legend of Zelda.

Navi is the best. Haters gonna hate.

I think Lenzo is WW Link's grandfather.

About Medna
MM This user's favorite Zelda game is Majora's Mask.
  This user finds the Kikwi adorable!
  This user's vortex manipulator is a secret to everybody!
This user knows where her towel is.
This user is a Zelda Theorist.
  This user plays the violin.
WW This user is currently playing through The Wind Waker.
12 This user is 12 years old
  This user is Atlantian.
  This user is funny.