Spirit Tracks Text Dump

Revision as of 03:25, July 31, 2012 by Locke (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<poem><onlyinclude>{{#ifeq: {{{1|1}}}|1|<noinclude> {{Tt|ID: 1}}</noinclude>OK|}}{{#ifeq: {{{1|2}}}|2|<noinclude> {{Tt|ID: 2}}</noinclude>Join Group|}}{{#ifeq: {{{1|3}}}|3|<...")
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?Join Group

?The players have been assembled!

?Choose a place to battle.

?Preparing stage...

?Choosing a stage...

?Connection lost.

?Get all the Force Gems you can!

?Someone is making a selection...

?Connection lost. Please turn
the power off.

?Rank Points

?Rank Points




?Connection has been
terminated. Returning to
the file-selection screen.

?Connection has been
terminated. Please power
off the game and
try again.

?Communication error.
Returning to the file-
selection screen.

?Communication error.
Please turn the power off
and try again.

?Zelda: Spirit Tracks

?Collect Force Gems in
this multiplayer game.

?[var] till the thunder!
Get someone close by!

?[var] left till the
thunder! Get away fast!

?Pitfalls have appeared!
Watch where you step!

?Pitfalls have appeared!
Watch where you step!

?You're invincible now!
Now's your time to shine!

?Someone's invincible now!
Don't let them touch you!

?Good for beginners.

?Slide along the floors.

?Watch out for the lava!

?Slide along the floors!
For advanced players.

?Watch out for the lava!
For advanced players.

?Watch for unseen enemies.
For advanced players.

?Two-player battle!
Perfect for beginners.

?Two-player battle!
Slide along the floors!

?Two-player battle!
Watch out for the lava!

?Slide along the floors!
This stage is for experts!

?Watch out for hot lava!
This stage is for experts!

?Watch for invisible foes!
For advanced players.

?All of [player]'s
records will be erased, and
you won't be able to
retrieve this data. Are you
sure you want to proceed?

?[sfx][player]'s data
has been erased.

?You reached battle rank

?Your battle rank has
dropped to [rank].




?Create Group

?Player List

?Four-player max.
Only one Game Card is
needed to play.

?Searching for other players...

?Close Room

?Now recruiting players...

?Tap the group you want to join.

?Waiting for other players...

?Delete from List


?Last Played


?Player List

?I'm so glad you made it,
Did any of the guards see
you on the way here?

?Well, I suppose it doesn't
matter that much.
I'm hoping you can help me.

?Really? That's great!
Listen, you're the only one
who can help me.

?I have to ask a favor of
you, [Link].
As you know, the Tower of
Spirits has protected our
kingdom for ages.
The tower connects all the
Spirit Tracks that crisscross
the land.
However, for some reason,
they seem to be vanishing
from everywhere.
Something must have
happened at the tower
to cause all this.
I must go there to

?I've heard tales of a sage
who guards our land and
lives in the tower.
Perhaps she might be able
to shed some light on
what's happening.

?Chancellor Cole forbids me
from leaving the castle
due to "safety concerns."
I think he just doesn't want
me going to the tower,
But why? It's clear he's
hiding something...
I have the feeling that
something terrible is about
to happen!

?That's why I absolutely
must get to the tower.
What do you think? Will
you take me on your train?
[.]OK.[.]I can't.

?Thank you so much,

?All right, please put this
on right away. It's a
recruit uniform.
The guards are starting
their patrols, so getting
past them won't be easy.
But if you wear this, they'll
think you're one of them!

?Yes, I realize I'm asking a
lot of you.
But the castle guards are
under the chancellor's
Whether I order or plead,
they won't listen to me.
You're the only person I
can trust.

?Please, [Link]!
Will you take me to the
[.]Oh, OK![.]I can't.

?I see... So you won't help
me, no matter what.
Well, thank you for listening
to me, [Link].
I guess I'll just have to do
it alone, even though there
will be many hardships.
I shouldn't have asked
you to go with me. After
all, we just met today!
Yes, I understand that now.
But such is my mission...
[.]OK, OK.[.]I'll help.

?What? What was that?
You mean you'll really take
me to the Tower of Spirits?

?Please get changed so we
can go.

?Looks...good enough, I
suppose. Now let's go
before the guards find us!

?Let's get to the Tower of
Spirits! We don't have any
time to waste!

?...Oh, I-I'm sorry! I'll look
the other way.
But please hurry!

?Now what? You're going to
quit before you even start?
You'll never be a good
soldier with that kind of
work ethic!

?Gah ha ha ha! Only [var]
?! That's nothing to
write home about!
You can try again anytime,
so come back when you're

?Hmmm, [var] ?
Not bad for a new recruit!
Here, let me give you this
reward for your effort!

?You'll be a real swordsman
in no time!
Come polish your skills
whenever you feel like it!

?What?! [var] ...
Uh, very good, Recruit.
Here's your reward!

?There's still much to learn
of swordsmanship, though!
Keep practicing!

?...My word, [var] !
Ho ho ho! That's quite the
achievement, Recruit!
I never thought I'd see one
of my men break that
number! Here, take this!

?You could be the only one
to beat this room's record
for hits.
And that record would be
900 hits!
Compared to that, your
record is just a drop in the
ocean, so keep practicing!

?Ho ho ho! So you've done
it at last!
We may have a new
captain of the guard on
our hands! Ho ho ho!

?It looked like you took a
lot of swings, but you only
connected a few times...
Well, I guess you still
earned one of these. Here
you go.

?Oh, quitting, are you? Are
our training methods so
Gah ha ha ha! Well go on
then, if you can live with
the shame!

?Har har har! I didn't think
you'd be cutting corners
for us!
I guess you got another hit,

?Ha! Nice work, Captain!
Think you can give them a
break now?

?Aw, take it easy on them,

?Unngh... My head...
Did they hurt you,
And what happened to the
princess? Did she escape
As long as I'm laid up,
you're responsible for her
safety, [Link]!

?I'm feeling better now. You
shouldn't feel bad for me
After all, I failed to protect
the princess.

?Ah, [Link]...
So you got my letter, did
I can finally get around on
my own again, but what
hurts most is my pride.
How could I fail to defend
the princess?
[.]Truth is...[.]Um...

?What's that? The princess's
spirit is here with us?
You have to go to the
Snow Realm to get her
body back?

?Well, normally, I'd say you
were crazy. But you seem
pretty serious.
The thing is, from here
on out, there are going
to be lots of monsters.
And an ordinary train like
yours isn't going to be able
to stand up to them.

?Oh, I have an idea! But we
have to go back home to
Aboda Village first.
Use your new train to
take me back there. I'll
be waiting at the station.

?Uggggh... My head...
Who were those guys?
I hope the princess is OK.

?Hello! Hello! Guards!
Please help me!
...Can any of you see me?
I need your help!

?He's right, [Link].
Heading to the Tower of
Spirits without a sword is
too dangerous.
Why don't you find the
guard captain and ask him
to loan you a sword?
He'll probably just think
you want it for training.

?You did a wonderful job!
That was just amazing,
Now that you have a
sword, we can exit through
the door in the back.
Let's go!

?Help! I need your help!
...Why can't anyone hear

?Wait just a second,
The tracks are gone, and
even if they weren't, we
don't have a train.
How can we get to the
Tower of Spirits?

?Oh, I know!
I've heard that there's a
path from the castle to the
But if it does exist, it
certainly hasn't been used
There's a door at the back
of the castle. Maybe the
path is somewhere there.
Let's go see!

?I'm glad to see you're
finally awake. There was
some hubbub outside.
When I went to investigate,
people said that the Spirit
Tracks were disappearing...
At that point, the guards
brought you and Alfonzo
in from outside.
Both of you were out cold,
so I've been waiting for
you to come to.
Now tell me, what

?What a story... Could it
really be true?

?So, what you're saying is...
The chancellor is some kind
of monster? And he
kidnapped Princess Zelda?

?My goodness, what a story!
You're just pulling my leg
though, aren't you?

?So it was just a rumor.
Well, if you think these
eyes can't see, you're quite
You engineers were passed
out! And the tracks have
Still, you say you made
it all up?

?What's this? Teasing an old
man? What a naughty child
you are!
But I'm not the kind of old
man to be taken in by
those tales.

?So it's true, you say...

So...what you're saying
is...the princess has been

?This is terrible! I must
inform the princess at once!
...Ah, yes, that's right.
She's not here. Well, I'm at
a loss as to what to do.
Hmm... What to do... What
to do...

?Oh, what should I do?
Perhaps I should talk to the
chancellor. But he's not
here either.
Not to mention...he could
very well be a monster.
What a terrible mess...

?What to do, what to do...
Oh, dear, what a mess!
I must find the princess!
Oh, but where do I look?

?Hmm... What to do... What
to do...
The princess is always
flitting in and out of the
castle on adventures.
Perhaps that's what she's
doing now. Perhaps she'll
be back any moment...

?Welcome back, boy.

?What's this? I carry you
all the way back here
and not a word of thanks?

?Ah, it's you again...
Listen, the princess still
hasn't returned.
It's very troubling...
Whatever should I do?

?Teacher! I'm right here!
Oh, drat! He can't hear me.

Please tell Teacher that he
doesn't have to worry
about me!

?...What was that, young

?You mean the princess's
spirit is here right now?
[.]Yes.[.]Of course.

?You talk as if she's passed

?How incredibly insensitive
of you! I'm sure she's just
out wandering somewhere.
But if I sent the soldiers
out looking for her, the
kingdom would panic.
I suppose I'll just have to
go out and find her myself.
Move aside!

?I guess no one is going to
believe us... Come on, let's
hurry to get my body back.
I have to let Teacher know
I'm OK!

?I'm the only one who
can save the princess!
Hmm... But where do I
begin looking for her?

?All right, time for a little
sword practice.
These fellows are here to
help you train...
So don't hold back when
you're attacking them!
First, the targeted attack!
Hit each guard twice with
a targeted attack!
If you don't know how to
do a targeted attack, just
ask me!

?Good! The targeted attack
is the most basic attack!
Next is the side-slash
attack. Hit each guard with
two attacks.
Get moving, Recruit!

?Nice form!
Now for the spin attack!
This one's a little bit
If you don't know how to
do this attack, just ask me!
Now hustle!

?Good work, Recruit!
You've completed all the
training exercises!
Since you've got the basics
down, I'll give you this
Now, keep up the good
work, and come back here
to polish your skills!

?To do a targeted attack,
you just tap on the target
you want to hit!

?Doing a side-slash attack is
simple! Just slide the stylus
after tapping the target!

?To do a spin attack,
quickly draw a circle
around yourself.
Doing a spin attack allows
you to hit all the enemies
around you!
Use it at the right time
and the bad guys don't
stand a chance!

?What are you doing?
Don't just flail around like
a maniac!

?Hey! Quit pointing that
sword at me and get

training! Where do you
think you're going?
I don't tolerate deserters!

?Captain! Where are you
Are you...obeying nature's
call? ...Well, nature can
wait till practice is done!

?What is it, kid? We're kind
of busy protecting Hyrule
Castle right now.
If you've got no business
here, I'd suggest you scram!
What's that?
You're here for the engineer
graduation ceremony?
[.]Yes, sir![.]No, sir!

?What?! Then why are you
talking to me? Can't you
see I'm busy?
Go on, get lost!

?Ah, I'd completely forgotten
that today was the
graduation ceremony.
Huh, I didn't know they
gave engineer certificates
to little kids like you...
I guess times are
a-changing. Well, go on in.

?Anything interesting going
on? All we do is train,
train, train! BOOORING!

?What? The princess has
been kidnapped?!
Oh, stop messing with us.
It's not our fault we don't
have anything to do!

?Go up the central stairs
to the throne room. That's
where Princess Zelda is.
And don't you go wandering
around the castle!

?YAAAAAWN! I'm sleeeepy...
I've been standing here
since dawn...
Hey, why don't you stop
bugging me and get

?So you're saying the
princess is in trouble, eh?
You think I've got nothing
better to do than listen to
your crazy stories?
Don't bother me anymore.

?So you're here for an
audience with Princess
Don't do anything foolish
in front of her! Now hurry
and don't keep her waiting!

?The princess's throne room
is up these stairs.
Only invited guests are
allowed in.
What that means for you
is...GET LOST!

?What's all the commotion

?Oh, good day, Chancellor
Cole! Apologies for the
This boy says he's come to
see the princess!

?Is that so? You're here for
the graduation ceremony?
But you're so young.
What a waste of resources.
The Spirit Tracks are
yet the princess insists on
performing these ridiculous
Well, come along, boy. We
must get you to your
ceremony! Follow me!

?Don't just stand there
drooling, Private! Move

?Yes, sir!

?He's so full of himself!
Princess Zelda is so nice,
she lets the chancellor get
away with anything!
Now he struts around the
castle as if he were king!

?Oh, so the ceremony's over
already? How did it go?
Isn't the princess pretty?
I wish she'd look at me,
just once! Um... Anyway...
Since today is a special
day, you're free to wander
around the castle.
Just stay away from places
where you don't belong!

?Did you hear that voice?
Or did I just imagine it?
I really need to get more
sleep. I'm so tired that I'm
hearing things.

?You're crazy for wanting
to go to the back of the
This door will take you
there, but...why head there
in the first place?

?Looks like the Spirit Tracks
are back to normal.
But now the princess has
gone missing...
Honestly though, now that
the chancellor's gone,
I'm kind of relieved...
He's not the nicest guy
I've ever met.

?You know, you might want
to talk to the guard
He's probably in the
training hall here.
But as a guard, shouldn't
you know that?

?AUGH! You scared me! ...I
mean, HEY! Who are you?
Where'd you come from?
L-let me just tell you, um,
I'm a lot tougher than I
But I'll let you go this one
time if you hurry!

?This is the place where
soldiers can take a break
and nap.
Oh, but not like I was
napping on the job or
anything like that!
Somebody's got to be on
guard everywhere, all the
time. Even the break room!

?...I really have no idea
what you're talking about,
little guy!
And I certainly don't know
anything about the princess
being kidnapped.
Or, for that matter, the
chancellor being a monster!
That's just crazy talk!

?The chancellor hasn't
returned since the incident.
Is the princess really gone?
Well, that kind of thing isn't
my concern, so I'll just keep
it to myself for now...
After all, making a ruckus
by yourself isn't any good.

?When he was carried in,
he was covered in wounds,
but now he's just fine...
He's nothing short of

?This room is where we train
the castle guards. I'm the
captain, Russell!
As you can see, this is no
place for an engineer like
you! Har har har har!

?What now, Recruit?
Eh? You want a sword so
you can leave through the
back of the castle?
Did I get that right?

?So you're the new recruit?
Listen, the secret to
becoming a great warrior is
practice and more practice.
So be sure to stop by here
later to polish those skills!

?Some swordsman you are,
running around with no
There's something fishy
about this... Are you really
a new recruit?
Heh heh heh! Your eyes tell
the whole story! All right!
Take this one!

?If you want to be a great
swordsman, the first step is
to stop goofing around!

?But listen, just because you
have a sword, that doesn't
make you a swordsman.
Let me see if you're truly
worthy of handling a
weapon like that!

?Remember to keep
practicing every day.
Come see me again when
you want to train some

?Oho! So you've come back,
Recruit? Have you been
Well then, let's have a little
training game, shall we?

?Har har har! Too soon for
the chick to take flight?
Well, come back when
you're ready!

?Yep! The rules are simple:
hit my three men there as
many times as you can!
If you hit them enough
times, I'll give you
something nice.
Want to try?
[.]Yeah![.]Not sure.

?Har har har! That's the
spirit! OK, just one last
thing before we start.
I'm going to need 20
Rupees for training costs.
[.]Sure thing.[.]What?

?OK, begin training!

?What's this? You don't
have enough money!
Come back when you've
saved enough!

?Ugh! We need the fees to
make the kingdom a safer
It's not like I'm going to
pocket the money myself!
The way of the sword is
not for those with small
hearts...or small wallets!

?Welcome back, Recruit!
How's your sword training
Perhaps you'd like to train
a bit with us?

?Oh, Captain! Want to
practice again?

?I doubt you need any more
practice, to be honest.
Ha ha! Good for you!

?A captain needs to have
the right attitude toward
Of course, the rules are
still 20 Rupees a go!
[.]OK.[.]Forget it.

?...I see how it is.
Oh, but it's not like I think
you're stingy or anything!
Come back once you've
saved enough! Har har har!

?Ho ho, Captain! You
haven't got enough cash
Sorry, but why don't you
come back after you scare
some up? Har!

?Gah hah hah! You've got
time to talk to me in
the middle of training?
While you're jabbering,
something might come up
from behind and eat you!

?Wow, you're good enough
to chat in the middle of
sword fighting?
Those are quite the skills
you've got, Captain!

?What is it, Recruit? Eh?
You want to leave through
this door?
Well, I can tell just by
looking at you that you
aren't adequately prepared.
There are all sorts of
strange beasts on the other
side of this door.
It's not the kind of place
you want to go without
a sword!

?I can't let you out without
a sword at least.
What was that? The guard
He's in the training hall
working with the other
The entrance to the training
hall is right here!
But it is kind of strange
that you don't have a
weapon already...

?Hey, Recruit! There are all
sorts of monsters on the
other side of this door!
I've told you already that
I can't let you out there
without a sword or--
Oh, I see you got yourself
a weapon. All right then.
Be careful out there!

?It's tough going past here,
Recruit! There are monsters
It's no place for little
pups like you to be out
for a stroll!
Go play somewhere else!

?I wonder if someone will
relieve me soon.
I've been here all day by
myself. It's a little lonely...

?Oh, erm, hey there.
It's dangerous being out
here by yourself with all
these monsters!
What? You're searching for
a tunnel that will take you
to the Tower of Spirits?
Well, there was a path up
that way, but recently the
rockfalls have closed it off.

?I'm not exactly sure where
it was.
But if I were you, I'd
investigate that wall.

?AUGH! AUGH! Get away!

?Princess Zelda's private
quarters are through here.
No one enters without
By the way, I noticed that
she gave you something at
the ceremony...
You can see what it was in
your Collection screen.
...It wasn't a love letter,
was it?!

?I thought I saw someone
moving out of the corner of
my eye.
This castle can be awfully
creepy sometimes...

?You want to go out behind
the castle?
Well, there are lots of
monsters in that area, so be
Go through that left door
and down the stairs.
That's the way out.

?With the princess gone, the
castle just isn't the same.
I wish I could go look for
her, but then who would
watch this...empty room?

?The private quarters of
Princess Zelda are through
this door.
But you can't go in there
without permission. You'd
better get out of here!
Go on, shoo!

?Nice weather we're having!
And the view here is really
something else!

?Oh, hey, you! You shouldn't
just wander around the
castle like that.
People might think you're

?Attack, defend, attack,
defend! That's all there is
to mastering the art of war!

?No matter how talented you
are, you have to train to
keep up those skills!

?The only way to put on
muscle is the old attack,
defend, attack, defend!

?Ah, the captain is here for
inspection! Welcome,

?It's important to develop
your own battle cry.
Like this: "HYAAAAARGH!"

?Now that the princess and
chancellor are gone, what
will happen to the castle?
I guess we'd better train
extra hard just in case!

?I guess you make
allowances when it's time
to practice.
Don't think we're going
to go easy on you,
though! Get ready!

?Oh, Captain! Can you give
us a few pointers?

?We have to do a thousand
reps before dinner.
I tell you what, this sure
works up an appetite...

?Not bad!
Of course, I've been
training all morning, so my
muscles were pretty tired!

?How long are they gonna
make me do these boring
They wouldn't be so bad if
we could do them outside...

?Oh, Captain! I'm still
practicing! See?
I even stopped snacking
between meals! I want to be
lean and mean like you!

?Hey, what are you up to?
If you're not supposed to
be here, quit skulking!
Eh? Graduation ceremony?
I guess I heard something
about that. Well, it's up
in the throne room.
The stairs will take you

?Congratulations on your
If you want to look around
the first floor of the castle,
go right ahead.
But the second-floor rooms
are off-limits!

?We're all waiting to see
what's going on with the
disappearing Spirit Tracks!
And do you know where
the princess and the
chancellor are?
We could really use their
help right now!

?I heard the tracks were
back, but who knows if
that's true.
Working this post, I don't
exactly get tons of
opportunities to go outside.

?HALT! You can't go any
What's that? Why are my
clothes different from the
other guards, you ask?
Well, I'm still a recruit,
you see.
But once the higher-ups
see how good I am, I'll
get a regular uniform.
Hey, you just made a face!
Don't think I didn't notice
just because I'm new!

?Just 'cause you're an
engineer, it doesn't give
you the right to snoop.
Even new recruits like me
know there are places
you're not supposed to go!
I hope I get promoted soon.
I'm tired of wearing this
goofy recruit uniform.

?I heard the Spirit Tracks
have all disappeared!
Now how am I gonna get
back to my grandma's
farm? What a hassle!

?Now that the tracks are
back, I can finally get back
to my grandma's farm! Yay!

?The graduation ceremony
is over, so it's time for
you to go.
Well, that's not entirely
true. You CAN look around.
Just nowhere off-limits!

?I heard people talking
outside. Did something
We soldiers aren't allowed
to leave our posts, so I'm
in the dark here.
Y'know, most crimes occur
when people are distracted
by events like these.
Hey! Maybe you should
stop distracting me!

?The training room? Yeah,
you can find it downstairs.
Just head down the stairs
in front of the throne room.
The guy on duty at the
bottom of the stairs can
help you out.

?Hmm? The Spirit Tracks
have returned? Great!
But you know who hasn't
returned? The princess!
Where could she be...

?Please wait for me,

?Wait for me! Are you trying
to leave me behind,

?Would you mind walking a
littler slower for me,

?Y-Your Highness! What are
you doing here? You're not
allowed out on your own!

?Princess Zelda! What are
you doing here? Please
return to your room!

?Your Highness! You mustn't
wander outside like this!
To your room, please!

?What's that look for? Is
something in my teeth?

?Why are you skulking
around me? It's creepy!

?Scram! You're interfering
with my duties!

?You! Why are you throwing
rocks at me?

?Hey! Quit messing around!
I mean it!

?Why'd you do that? I've
got a bad heart, you know!

?OK, let's go! C'mon,
Keep an eye on the top
screen to make sure we
aren't found again!

?I'm sorry for getting you
caught up in all of this,
But I must get to the
Tower of Spirits.

?Come on! Let's go! What's
wrong, [Link]?

?Go distract him. If you can
get him to look the other
way, I can slip past him!

?Do you think we can get
that guard to move?
If you can surprise him
somehow, I think he'll get
out of the way.

?We made it to the exit!
Let's go, [Link]!

?These guards are pretty
serious, so just pretend to
be a new recruit.
That way, if they see you,
they'll just think you're one
of them.
But if they see me, I'm sure
they'll make a big fuss and
won't let me out.
So please help me get
past the guards without
them seeing me, OK?
I'll follow behind you,
but if you want me to take
a different route...

?Look! That guard isn't
moving. He's just standing
in the same place...
Why don't you try to
distract him somehow,
I can slip past him when
he's looking the other way
if you draw a path for me.

?That guard seems really
serious about his job,
I don't think you can
distract him with small talk.
Is there some way you can
get him to move from that

?Touch the marker at my
feet and draw a path for
me to walk on.
Just draw the route you
want me to follow!

?This is the switch icon!
If we get split up, just tap
it to see where I am.

?And this is the call icon.
Tap it to call me over to
where you are!

?I know you're going to do a
great job! Let's get moving!

?Tee hee! Suddenly things
got a bit more complicated,
didn't they?
It's OK. I'll explain again!

?Did you understand my

?The first rule of patrol duty
is vigilance, even when
people are talking to you.
Furthermore, if you hear
any suspicious sounds,
investigate them at once.
Only once you can do these
things on instinct will you
be a true watchman!

?Don't you have work to do,
rookie? Why don't you go
cut the grass or something?

?You can't come this way!
This post is for elite
guards only!

?Just a recruit, but already
on special patrol duty?
You must be good!
We have to make sure that
there are no unwanted
guests hanging around.

?Yaaawwrrrnn... Guard duty
is a total snoozefest.
I don't think I've seen you
around. Did you just
enlist or something?

?Recruit, you should be
patrolling outside!
Only elite guards have what
it takes to guard areas
near the princess!

?Howdy! Sure is nice
weather we're having!
Not that I'm--heh--slacking
on my patrol duties or

?Whew! For a little guy, you
sure are fast!

?There's something strange
about the flute Princess
Zelda was playing.

?Unauthorized personnel may
not enter the second floor.

?I need some backup here!

?You got the recruit's sword!
Tap an enemy or slide the
stylus to attack.

?You got a recruit uniform!
Wearing this, you can pose
as a soldier and move
freely about the castle!

?You got us to Castle Town!
And you know what else?
You look good handling a
That's the surest sign
you're going to make a
great engineer.
Now just head to the castle
for your graduation
It's to the north. You can't
miss it. Good luck now!

?Head on over to the castle
now. Once the ceremony is
done, you'll be an engineer!
Don't keep Princess Zelda

?What took you so long,
Did you keep me waiting
just so you could change

?Oh! Hello, Your Highness!
What are you doing here?

?Hello, Alfonzo! Have you
been well?
I'm so sorry we haven't
spoken since you left the
castle guard.
I must admit, I miss hearing
you bellowing orders in the

?To the Tower of Spirits?
Whatever for?

?We don't have time to
discuss it right now!
I'll tell you all about it
when we're aboard.

?But what if something

?"If something happens" is
exactly why I need you!
You were once the greatest
swordsman in the whole

?Yes, but that was a long
time ago.
Now I'm just a simple train
engineer, living in the
I can't be more than that,
but I'll come along with you
if you wish.

?Thank you, Alfonzo.

?You're too kind to me. I'm
sure hearing me yell all day
was far from pleasant.

?Are you responsible for this
somehow, [Link]?

?But you shouldn't distract
me with talk about the
old days!
I'll just come out and ask.
What are you doing here
without a proper escort?

?I asked for his assistance.
And I hope I can count on
your help too, Alfonzo.
I would feel much safer
with you at my side.
Please come with us to the
Tower of Spirits!

?OK, [Link]!
To the Tower of Spirits!

?Aaaaall aboooard!

?That's my line...

?Is the graduation ceremony
What do you mean, "it's
over, but..."?
If you have something else
to do, hurry up and do it!

?All right, let's get back to
Aboda Village!

?Fine, but hurry it up


?Come on! Let's head to
Aboda Village!

?I miss the castle already.
If I'd known this was going
to happen, I would've eaten
all my favorite foods.
Now I don't even have a
No, no, I can't think about
that now. We have to go!
[.]Right![.]Hold on...


?Really? OK. Well, I guess
it's nice to stop and smell
the roses sometimes!

?I wonder what Alfonzo's
good idea is?
Let's head back to Aboda
Village with him!

?Come on! Let's hurry,
[.]Aye aye![.]Wait...

?The monster attacks are
growing fiercer.
Setting out by train right
now could prove awfully
What's that? You want to
drive out anyway?
[.]Yes.[.]No way.

?Then let's get moving!

?Well, we can't really move
forward like this. Hmm...
What to do...

?Hey there, [Link]!
So I hear your graduation
is today.
You know, I've always had
a lot of respect for
Thanks to them, we can go
anywhere we want in the
Plus, they even transport
our goods to different
places for us.
Yep, when you graduate, I
sure hope you'll take me
out for a spin somewhere!

?By the way, do you know
who built these railways?
People say that they've
been here since before we
came to this land.
But how could that be?
You're an engineer, right?
Do you know anything
about this?
[.]I do.[.]Well...

?Look at that! The tracks
leading to this city have
vanished too!
Now what are we supposed
to do?

?I thought the rails had
disappeared, but I guess
they're back now.
What in the world is going
on here?

?Oh, well... I guess I didn't
really expect a kid to know
the answer to that.

?What's that you say?
The tracks were built...by
the spirits of good?
...Where do you get these
crazy ideas from?

?We did it! We made it out
of the castle!
Now, let's board the train
and head for the Tower of

?Hello there, my green
friend! How are you?
This is where we play
Take 'Em All On!
As the name suggests, your
mission is to knock down
every enemy in sight.
Now make no mistake, this
isn't a game for the faint
of heart.
Want to play?

?Well, I've got no use for
lily-livered brats anyway!
Go on, get out of here!

?Is that a twinkle I see in
your eye? OK, listen up,

?Playing once costs 50
Rupees, OK?
[.]Yup![.]No way!

?Heh heh heh! A little too
rich for your blood, eh?
If you change your mind, I'll
be waiting, greeny!

?What's this? You don't
have the cash! Come back
when you've saved up!

?Good! Then I'll open the
door on the right!
Have fun in the wonderful,
wacky world of "Take 'Em
All On!"

?Ho ho! Back for more,
You sure you want to

?Then you'd better run home!
Go cry to your mom!

?Want to hear how it works

?It's simple! I'll open a door
for you in a second.
Just past the door is a
monster-infested dungeon.
It's no place for weaklings!
Your goal is to get rid of
all the baddies and get to
the end of the dungeon.
However, you'll find nothing
to restore your health
inside. Nothing at all!
Depending on where you
are, your items won't work
either, so watch out!
If you pay attention, it'll be
lights-out before you know
it, greeny.
Now, what'll it be? Want to
play Take 'Em All On!

?This isn't a place for
kids, kid.
Now run home to mommy!

?Hoo! So you're back, are
you? Looks like you're a
bit more confident now!
I suppose now you want
to go up against level-two
They're much tougher than
the level-one variety, and
there are more of them!
Which level do you want
to try?
[.]One.[.]Two.[.]Forget it.

?Hey, kid, ready to battle
some monsters?
OK then, what level do you
want to try?
[.]One.[.]Two.[.]Forget it.

?OK, the level-two door is
on the left. Now it's time
to face those enemies.
If you get beat, don't come
crying to me!

?Now, go on through the
door! Put up a good fight!

?Hey, you're looking real
tough these days, boy!
You look like you're not
scared of anything!
[.]Yeah![.]Not really.

?Is that so? Well, that's a
real shame...
I can't let someone with no
self-confidence go in here.
You'll get torn apart!

?That's what I like to hear!
I'll open the door to level
three for you.
But I'll be honest with you.
The last stages were child's
play compared to this one.
Even I couldn't make it
to the end.
But I think you've got what
it takes to do it.
Are you ready to take them
on, boy?
[.]Yes![.]Next time.

?Good answer. Which level
do you want to try?

?All right! So you want the
final door, level three.
It's going to be tough, but I
don't want to hear any
whining from you!

?Hey! Want to battle some
monsters, boy?

?Good work, greeny! You
made it to the end of the
Your time was [var]:[var].
Not bad at all!

?What now? Quitting before
you finish? Shameful.
Try harder next time!

?Got nailed, did you? Aren't
you ashamed?
All you can do now is try
again, boy!

?Here's your prize this
time. Hope you like it!

?I hope you'll come try
again. I'm expecting big
things from you, boy!

?You cleared out level two?
You're something special,
aren't you!
For your information, your
time for this level was

?You mean you cleared out
level three, too?
Even I couldn't do that.
And I made the place!
Just so you know, the
your time for this level was
[var]:[var]! Nice going!

?What now, boy? A real man
wouldn't turn his back and
run away!
Come back here!

?What is this? Have we
arrived while I slept?
But I missed all the scenery
while I was snoozing...

?At least I am finally here
now. I have always wanted
to see the big city!

?Princess! Princess Zelda,
where are you!?

?Whew, finally we are here.
The trip was so dangerous,
I thought we would never

?That Goron child looked
so happy!
But I wonder if he'll really
get a chance to meet the

?What am I saying?
Of course he can't meet the
princess! I'm right here!

?So, this is the big city!
How very exciting!
All the houses are made of
stones! And delicious ones
at that!

?At last, I have found the
I have been looking forward
to this very much!

?Oh, there you are, Princess!

?Ugh! What is this rocky
lump? And why is it talking
to me?

?I cannot believe I am
actually conversing with
the princess!

?Huh? "Princess"?
...Well, it's true that I've
always thought of myself
that way.
But I'm happy to hear that
others share that point of
view as well!

?But she is different from
how I imagined.
Maybe the imagination
makes everything prettier,
Reality can be very harsh

What a horrible little rock
you are!

?Eep! These city princesses
sure are short-tempered.

?I am going to learn about
all these strange city
customs. You will see!

?Now to find the real
princess. Wherever could
she be?

?Even so, I want to spend
some more time in the big
Thank you for taking me

?Oh, let me tell you, friend...
It is hard times living in
the city, especially for
a Goron like me.
I go to the castle, and the
guards tell me no rocks are
allowed inside.
Most folks think that I look
like a boulder and that I
should be treated as one.
And do not get me started
on the prices. One Cucco
costs an arm and a leg!
I am broke. Just the other
day, I used the last of
the money Gramps gave me.
This place is so different
from Goron Village...
And I am so very tired.
[.]Go home?[.]Cheer up!

?Thank you very much for
the suggestion...
But I cannot do that yet...
It is like Gramps said!

?Thank you for the words of
You are right. I will not let
this city beat me!
Here, let me give you
something for those nice
words of yours!

?Now, I have to get back to
looking for the princess.
She is out there. I know it!

?Thank you for the pep talk!
Thinking about it, Gramps
said the same thing. Well,
more or less!

?"Gorons tackle every task
head-on and do not let up
until the job is done!"
Since I am a Goron, I must
do things the Goron way
and make everyone proud!
Then, when the work is
all done...
I can go home with a smile
on my face!
[.]Good luck![.]Great!

?You will see. I am going to
make BIG things happen
here for me!
Then I can finally go back
home...and greet Gramps
with a grin!

?I saw you driving your
train. You look like you
know what you're doing!


?I'm embarking on a journey
to see every station I can.
Would you mind if I catch a
ride on your train?

?Oh, no! Poor Teacher is
running around trying to
find me!
Please, you have to stop
him, [Link]!

?Ah, if it's money you want,
I have a bit...
What's that? The princess
is fine, you say?

?You have quite the
imagination there.
You must be mistaking me
for someone else.
I have no idea who this
"Teacher" fellow is!

?Now please, may I board
your train?

?So you still refuse me, even
though I'm practically
begging you...
That's a cold heart you
have, young man.
I suppose I'll just wait
here until the next train
comes along.

?Good, good! I'll go wait for
you on the train.
And don't worry about your
compensation. I've got
plenty of money.
I only ask that you please
drive safely!

?Oh, I feel just terrible. Isn't
there some way we can
ease his worry?
I guess we could take him
somewhere on the train.
But please drive safely!

?Oh, what now? I'm just an
old man...
Ah, you mean you'll let me
ride your train after all?

?Here I am, back at the
castle again.
What could've happened to
my little princess? I must
know what's become of her!

?Ah, home sweet home!
I wish we had time to chat
with folks and hear the
latest news...
But we should really get to
the Forest Sanctuary.

?Oh, by the way... Whenever
you want to take the train
somewhere, just tap me!
I'll pop up like this
whenever you approach
the train.

?It's been so long since I've
been home...
I wonder how Alfonzo and
Teacher are...

?Oh, hello, [Link].
How are you?
So, today's the big day!
You're becoming an official
You know, I've been raising
Cuccos recently to sell in
different towns!
Once you graduate, maybe
you could help me transport
them. Wouldn't that be fun?

?What's all the hubbub at
the station?
You must be joking! The
Spirit Tracks have
Noooo! My plan to sell my
fine Cuccos to other towns
is ruined now!

?Oh, did you hear the great
news? The Spirit Tracks
are back, [Link]!
But I still wonder why the
tracks vanished in the first
place. Wasn't that weird?

?This city is the biggest in
the kingdom. Hyrule Castle
is up north.
It's pretty impressive, but
it should be, because that's
where Princess Zelda lives!
She's awfully pretty. But
lately...she doesn't come
around these parts much.
I guess she must be busy
doing princessy stuff.

?They say the Spirit Tracks
have disappeared.
We bring in food and other
things by train, so now
what are we going to do?
I always get fresh fish
delivered from the Ocean
Does this mean I'll never
eat another fish burger
again? Oh, the horror!
Princess Zelda! You must
do something!

?The tracks are back! Isn't it
just wonderful?
Huh? You say you're the
one who restored them?
Oh, stop pulling my leg!
Well, whatever. At least
now I can have fresh fish
If you get a chance to
transport some goods,
please bring me some fish!

?Oh, looks like your train
can transport cargo now.
So, how about bringing me
some yummy fresh fish?
I'm hungry, so I'd like 10
of them at least. What do
you say?

?If you're talking to
me...that must mean you
got me some fish! Yesss!
Please please please sell
them all to me!
I could eat at least ten.
Probably more.
So, how 'bout it?

?Well, if you have to deliver
them somewhere else, I
guess I can't force you.
But next time, bring them
all to me!

?Oh, you don't have 10
there, do you. Too bad...
Well, I guess I can still
give you this!

?Next time, bring me 10 fish
or more!

?Wow, I can't believe how
many fish you scored!
You're an amazing guy.
You really are! Thank you!

?Now I can finally make that
giant fish casserole I've
been dreaming of.
I'll let you know if I have
any other orders. Thanks a

?Fish, fish, my only wish!
Heh heh heh!

?My, look at all the fish
you've brought me!
They look so delicious!
I'm overjoyed! Here, take
this with my thanks.

?Feel free to bring me more
fish anytime!

?It's said that our kingdom
was established about a
hundred years ago...
But I hear that the Spirit
Tracks are even older than
the kingdom.
And did you know that they
all meet at the Tower of
Spirits that's nearby?
It's all very mysterious,
don't you think?

?It's true! The tracks have
all disappeared!
But my husband is out
traveling! How is he
supposed to get back?!

?Now they're saying that
the tracks never really
I don't know who to trust
What's more, my husband
hasn't come home yet.
What happened to him?
He's just a decent, nice
fellow who likes rabbits. I
hope he's all right!

?My husband has vanished!
Where could he have gone?
He's such a gentle man.
You should see how he is
with rabbits...
I hope he's not hurt. Oh,
whatever has happened to
Have you heard anything
about where he is?

?Oh... Then...I guess I'll just
have to wait and see.
He's probably just fine...
Wherever he is...

?Really?! Can you take me
to him?
[.]OK.[.]Not now.

?What?! How can you say
something so horrible?

?Oh, my sweet, sweet
husband! I can't wait to see
him again!
Let's leave soon! I'll be
waiting for you at the

?Augh! You're driving like a
You have to promise to
drive more safely, or I can't
ride with you.
Do you promise?
[.]I promise.[.]Never.

?So, I'm never going to see
my husband again because
you won't drive safely?
What kind of an engineer
are you?!

?Now be a good boy and
take me to my husband.
He's such a good man,
always so kind to rabbits!
You'll see what I mean.

?What's this? You've got
someone else on board
Oh well, when that person
leaves, please come back
for me!

?Oh yeah, that's right! I
heard your last passenger
got kidnapped by pirates!
I could never ride on a
train that dangerous!
When's the rescue?

?Oh, good news,
My Cuccos are getting so
big, it's almost time to
start selling them!
If you hear of anyone who
wants to buy some Cuccos,
please let me know!
The price is 50 Rupees
for five birds! Is that a
screaming deal or WHAT!
Would you like to purchase
some of these fine fowl?

?Oh! That's too bad!
Another time, maybe.

?Uh-oh! Looks like you don't
have enough money.
Why don't you come back
some other time?

?Oh, looks like your freight
car is already full. I don't
think there's enough space.
You'll have to toss some
freight to make room for
these Cuccos.
Do you want to do that?

?It looks like you already
have a bunch of Cuccos
roosting in your freight car!
They get awfully upset if
they're overcrowded, so we
can't squeeze in any more.
Replace the ones you have
with new ones?

?Thank you very much!
I'll put them on your train
for you.
You might know already,
but the Cuccos will run
off if the carriage is hit.
Some bandits even aim to
hit your train and steal
Cuccos, so watch out!

?Here to buy some more
Cuccos, [Link]?
Five birds will run you
50 Rupees. Sound good?
[.]It does![.]Nah.

?Was it my imagination, or
did that stone just move?


?Hello there, Mr. Engineer.

?We have anything you
might need here!
^ÿCastle Town Shop^ÿ



?Stamp Book


?Dear [Link],
Our new postal system has
started running today. If
you're reading this letter,
it means my new postman
is doing his job right.

?He's as hardworking and
efficient as they come! So
be nice to him, won't you?
We'll be in touch again if
anything new comes up.
-- The Postmaster

?I have a great favor that I
must ask of you in person.
Follow this secret path at
the top of the castle. Tap
the map icon to copy the
location to your map.

?Please come to my
quarters as soon as you
can, and don't let anyone
see you.

?Dear [Link],
I'm sorry I wasn't able to
help you more. That guy
really did a number on me,
so I was feeling pretty
rough for a while.

?Luckily, I'm feeling better
now. Would you mind
coming to get me at the
castle and taking me back
to Aboda Village? Thanks!
-- Alfonzo

?Hello, Recruit!
How's the sword training
going? You should consider
testing your skill against
more experienced

?If you want to take your
technique to the next
level, stop by the training
room in the castle. We're
waiting for you!
-- Guard Captain Russell

?My dear boy,
Even though I'm no longer
with you, I'm sure you're
faring well. But just in
case you run into some
hard times...

?I've buried the Regal Ring
in a safe spot for you to
claim. It wouldn't be fun if
I told you exactly where,
though, would it? Use
these clues to find it.

?1. To enter the hiding
spot, sound the light and
follow its beam.
2. Inside, go 4 steps north
and 6 steps west from
where the lights cross.

?And that's where you'll
discover the treasure! Best
of luck to you! HA HA!
-- Linebeck Senior

?Greetings! There's a new
shop in town--Beedle's Air
Shop! We're having a
bomb-bag blowout, so keep
your eyes peeled for our
hot-air balloon!

?Whenever you see me,
drive up close and blow
your train whistle. Hope
to see you soon!

?Thank you for joining the
Beedle Members' Club!
Please take a look at the
club rules below.

?Earn a point for every 10
Rupees you spend. Get a
Silver Card for 200 points,
a Gold Card for 500
points, and a Platinum
Card for 1,000 points.

?At 2,000 points, you get
a Diamond Card. Every
time your status improves,
you get a bonus gift! But
remember, you can't use
the cards at other stores.

?These cards are for Beedle
shops only!
Finally, remember that
shopping is most enjoyable
when it's done responsibly.

?Keep to those simple rules
and we'll both be happy!
See you soon!

?Thank you for shopping at
Beedle's Air Shop. You
now have 200 points!
Here is a Silver Card,
which gives you a 10%
discount on all items!

?Save up those points, and
we hope to see you at the
shop again soon!

?Thank you for shopping at
Beedle's Air Shop. You
now have 500 points!
Here is a Gold Card, which
gives you a 20% discount
on all items!

?Save up those points, and
we hope to see you at the
shop again soon!

?Thank you for shopping at
Beedle's Air Shop. You
now have 1,000 points!
Here is a Platinum Card,
which gives you a 30%
discount on all items!

?Save up those points, and
we hope to see you at the
shop again soon!

?Thank you for shopping at
Beedle's Air Shop. You
now have 2,000 points!
Here is a Diamond Card to
commemorate this
monumental occasion!

?From now on, all our
merchandise is available to
you for half off! Wow!
We always appreciate
your business.

?See you again soon!

?You've achieved a battle
rank of D and have been
registered as an
intermediate competitor.
To celebrate, here is a
prize for you. Enjoy!

?To boost your competitor
level, you'll need to
attain a battle rank of A.
Best of luck, and fight the
good fight!
Battle Committee

?You've achieved a battle
rank of A and have been
registered as an advanced
competitor. To celebrate,
here is a prize for you.

?To boost your competitor
level, you'll need to reach
a battle rank of **.
Best of luck, and fight the
good fight!
Battle Committee

?You've achieved a battle
rank of ** and have been
registered as a master
competitor. To celebrate,
here is a prize for you.

?Congratulations on
reaching such a high level
of competition. Please
continue to show the
rookies how it's done!
Battle Committee

?Dear Self,
I know you'll forget, so I'm
leaving you instructions to
get to the ocean floor.
-- Carben

?How are your travels
going? Are you collecting
lots of stamps for me? I
hope to see your smiling
face back in Aboda Village

?Oh, when I was cleaning
up the other day, I found
this map. Why don't you
check it out?

?Tell me, does this place
look familiar to you?
I'm over here trying to
snap some shots of an
awesome armor-plated
version of that new train!

?I'll be around here for a
while, so come pay a visit
if you get a chance. That
would be sweet.
Your buddy,

?Tell me, you ever seen this
place before?
I was so caught up
snapping trains in action
that I got lost!

?I love me some alone time
with my camera, but I'd
like to go home. Could
you pick me up?
Your wandering pal,

?Tell me, do you recognize
this locale? You remember
the Ocean Temple you
brought me to before?
I found something NEATO

?If you want to come visit
me, I'll give you this thing
I found. Stop by when you
Your aquatic pal,

?Hi, little engineer! How has
your freight car been
holding up? Things here
have been peaceful, and
the mountain is silent.
Thanks for all your work!

?Here is a map I drew as a
young Goron. Use it to
find some treasure I hid in
the Dark Ore Mine as a
young one.

?I cannot remember where I
hid it. The hints on the
map might help you find
it though. Hope to see
you soon!

?From the Postmaster

?From Princess Zelda

?From Alfonzo

?From Russell

?From Linebeck

?From Beedle

?Beedle Club Mailing

?Silver Membership

?Gold Membership

?Platinum Membership

?Diamond Membership

?Battle Rank Notice

?Battle Rank Notice

?Battle Rank Notice

?From Carben

?From Niko

?From Ferrus

?From Ferrus (2)

?From Ferrus (3)

?From Kagoron

?Song of Awakening

?Song of Healing

?Song of Discovery

?Song of Light

?Song of Birds

?Recruit's Sword




?Lokomo Sword

?Sand Temple Clear!

?Engineer's Clothes

?Recruit Uniform

?Forest Temple Clear!

?Snow Temple Clear!

?Ocean Temple Clear!

?Fire Temple Clear!

?Spirit Flute

?Prize Postcard

?Shield of Antiquity

?Swordsman's Scroll 1

?Swordsman's Scroll 2

?Engineer Certificate

?Rabbit Net

?Compass of Light

?Bow of Light

?Club Card

?Silver Card

?Gold Card

?Platinum Card

?Diamond Card

?Freebie Card

?Quintuple Points Card

?Fossil of an ancient demon.
Sounds rare, but it turns up
all over the place.

?This artifact's eerie aura
makes it the ultimate
collector's item.

?A sparkly stone that fell
from the sky. It's said to
be a piece of a star.

?Readily found in beehives.
These energizing larvae
sell for quite a bit.

?Whether this acorn is a
treasure is debatable, but
it does have its fans.

?Rare dark pearls, strung
together into a stunning

?Pure white pearls, strung
together into a luminous

?Some say this regal crown
was worn by generations of
Zora princesses.

?It's said that this scale
came from a dragon, but no
one really knows its origin.

?Once worn by a pirate
captain who raided the
seas. It has an evil aura.

?Priceless dish used by past
royalty for eating dessert.

?This tasty Goron treat is
valuable because it
contains a bug!

?Captivating and very
valuable because of its
beautiful form and color.

?This ancient artifact makes
you feel like you've
stepped back in time.

?Desired by many, this
artifact is said to bring
riches to its owner.

?A princely ring handed
down by royalty for

?Demon Fossil

?Stalfos Skull

?Star Fragment

?Bee Larvae

?Wood Heart

?Dark Pearl Loop

?Pearl Necklace

?Ruto Crown

?Dragon Scale

?Pirate Necklace

?Palace Dish

?Goron Amber

?Mystic Jade

?Ancient Gold Piece

?Alchemy Stone

?Regal Ring

?You can be sure that any
shot fired from this
cannon will hit home.

?This wooden cannon
resembles a stately tree.

?This steel cannon has
unmatched accuracy. Its
only hurdle is its weight.

?This cannon might be
brightly colored, but it
packs quite a punch.

?This extra-tall cannon
resembles a soaring

?It's hard to tell which
part of the dragon this
comes from. The chest?

?Even if you can't eat it,
this cannon is sure to

?This cannon might look
fancy, but it's strong
enough for heavy jobs!

?Practical Cannon

?Wooden Cannon

?Heavy Cannon

?Skull Cannon

?Tower Cannon

?Dragon Cannon

?Honey Cannon

?Brawny Cannon

?There's no need to worry
about damaged goods
with this car.

?This wooden car catches
your eye, but it's easy on
the wallet.

?The sleek, black luster
is reminiscent of trains
from the good old days.

?It's not clear how this car
floats. Maybe there's a
magic carpet inside?

?While very pretty, this
mobile garden might not
be the best for hauling.

?Mythical beasts are
great--especially when
they haul your stuff.

?This car is designed to
make train enthusiasts

?This freight car can
double as an extravagant

?Trusty Freight Car

?Wooden Freight Car

?Efficient Freight Car

?Skull Freight Car

?Garden Freight Car

?Dragon Freight Car

?Pie Freight Car

?Golden Freight Car

?This esteemed train has a
long history of keeping
evil at bay.

?The retro style of this
train is popular with the
younger crowd.

?This steam train appeals
to strong, silent types

?Created by a gearhead,
it's unclear whether it
can even go underground.

?This train is sure to get
people's attention.

?This train was created in
the far past and seems to
harbor a great spirit.

?This train looks good
enough to eat! But that
would be a bad idea.

?Even the smoke on this
spectacular wonder seems
to have some gold in it.

?Spirit Engine

?Wooden Engine

?Steel Engine

?Skull Engine

?Stagecoach Engine

?Dragonhead Engine

?Sweet Engine

?Golden Engine

?Whoever crafted this
well-made carriage must
have been a true master.

?The natural wood of this
carriage puts passengers
at ease.

?There may not be much
room in this carriage, but
it's incredibly safe.

?This car has all the bells
and whistles technology
experts could cram in.

?Passengers like this
carriage for its homey

?The strange design of this
carriage is appealing,
but would you ride in it?

?Anybody would be happy
to ride in a car this

?This car is opulent
enough for a king!

?Solid Passenger Car

?Wood Passenger Car

?Sturdy Passenger Car

?Skull Passenger Car

?Quaint Passenger Car

?Dragon Passenger Car

?Cake Passenger Car

?Royal Passenger Car

?Select up to three items to trade.

?Trading items...

?Don't turn off the power

?or remove the Game Card.

?Feel free to close the DS.

?Trade complete.

?You traded with [player]!

?This is a tale from long
ago. It's the tale of the
first settlers of this land.

?In the beginning, the people
followed the spirits of
good, and all was peaceful.
But that era of peace soon
came to an end.

?The evil Demon King rose
to power, destroying
everything in his path.
The spirits of good had no
choice but to face him in

?The war that ensued
seemed to last an eternity,
and much blood was shed.
Finally, the spirits subdued
the Demon King, though
they could not destroy him.
Their powers were greatly

?With their remaining power,
they buried the Demon
King's spirit in the ground.
They built shackles to
imprison him, and a tower
that acted as a lock.
These shackles cover the
land to this day.

?With their power drained,
the spirits of good returned
to the heavens.
Suddenly bereft of both
demons and spirits, this
land was entrusted to us.

?Well? Do I know how to
tell a story or what?
I call it "Spirits and
Demons...at War!"
I only do this show once a
year, you know!
It's a blasted masterpiece!
A...a...a blasterpiece!

?What's this? You fell asleep
during my magnum opus?

?Plus, I'm not getting any
younger here.
This story might be the only
thing that proves I existed.
Can't you pay attention for
one minute...
And listen to an old man's
final creation?

?Are you listening to me,
[.]Sort of.[.]Zzzz...

?OK, OK, I can take a hint.
Sorry for boring you.

?Look, here comes your
Hello there, Alfonzo!

?Why are you still here,
Come on now--wipe the
sleep out of your eyes!

?Wake up, wake up, wake
up, wake up!

?Today is a very important
day, you know!
It's your audience with the
[.]What?![.]Uh, right.

?Don't tell me you forgot!
You won't amount to much
if you don't pay attention.

?Don't you want your
engineer certificate?
Well, the graduation
ceremony is at the castle.
Princess Zelda herself is
going to do the honors!

?I'm heading to the station
now, so meet me there.
Remember, the station is up
the road. Don't get lost!
Got it? Good! Then get a
move on!

?See you later, Niko.

?I can't believe this! You
know, [Link]...
A lot of people would love
to be in your position.
As my roommate, you get
to see my work for free!

?Raising your head without
You ill-mannered urchin!

?Don't pay any attention to
Chancellor Cole.
You must be the new
What's your name?

?Oh, [Link] is a
wonderful name!
Well, [Link], by
the power vested in me,
I hereby proclaim you...

?We're wasting our time
here, Your Highness!
Please just hurry up and
finish this foolish ceremony.

?...Very well, Chancellor.

?Thank you, Teacher.

?I hereby recognize our
newest royal engineer...
Work hard, for we all rely
on you, [Link].

?You got your royal
engineer's certificate!
Now you're a full-fledged

?Shh--take this. No! Don't
say a word right now.

?Read this later...and
beware of the chancellor!

?The ceremony's over, so I
suggest you move along.
Why don't you go...polish
your train or something.

?Not that it matters much.

?The thing will be useless
before long...

?Your Highness! Look over

?What's happening to the
Tower of Spirits?

?Out for a leisurely stroll,
Your Highness?
Tsk, tsk, tsk! You know
that's not allowed!

?Allowed by who?
You, Chancellor Cole?

?Who else? Who do you
think is really in charge?


?My goodness, pretending to
be human is exhausting.
Who knew that chancellor
was just another word...
for royal babysitter?!

?I had meant to keep up the
ruse a bit longer.

?But you pushed me to this,

?What are you talking

?I'm talking about your
infernal meddling!

?But now that those vile
tracks are disappearing,
the time is finally at hand!

?All we need now is...

?A little help--hee hee--from
you, Your Highness!

?I don't know who these two
are, Your Highness.
But with your permission...

?I'd be happy to teach them
some manners.

?Nyee hee hee hee hee!
How gallant! How brave!
How incredibly foolhardy!

?Enough out of you!
My family has served the
royal house for generations!

?Melodrama bores me.
Byrne, would you kindly
dispose of this fool?

?This man speaks the truth,
His movements are not
those of an amateur.

?But he is only human.

?I told you, I will defend the
princess at any cost!

?And I told you. You're only

?Nyee hee hee hee hee!
Oh, Byrne, you do know
how to put on a show!

?It was hardly a fair fight,

?Help me, [Link]!

?No! Don't come any closer!

?Good work, Byrne.
That takes care of the first
step of our plan.

?Nyee hee hee hee hee!
Our work is done here.
Come now, Byrne!

?Bringing in the boy and the
engineer didn't help either.

?What's this train?

?This, my dear, is the
spirits' train.
They entrusted us with its

?How did you know that?
And...you can hear me?
Are you...the sage of this

?Well, I wouldn't put it
exactly that way.
But I do watch over the
Tower of Spirits.
My name is Anjean.

?Am I glad to see you!
There's something we have
to talk to you about!

?Mm, yes, that pallor you're
sporting is quite frightful.
One might even call
it...rather hideous, in fact.

?Hideous?! How dare you?!

?I see that feistiness runs in
your family, my dear.
But there's no need to get
your feathers all ruffled.

Did you know someone in
my family?

?Feisty AND bright, just like
she was!
The fruit doesn't fall far
from the tree, does it?
Yes, I knew one of your
I met her when she had just
arrived here.

?She and I were friends for
a very long time.

?My family first arrived here
about a century ago.
Were you already here in
the tower then, Anjean?

?That's a story for another
time, my dear.
Right now, we must discuss
a matter more grave.
Tell me, do you know the
story of this tower?

?Only what the folktales
Long ago, the spirits of
good and the Demon King
were embroiled in a never-
ending war.
In the end, the spirits could
not defeat him.
But they did manage to
imprison him in this tower.

?It's not chains or bars that
keep him imprisoned,
but an energy that flows
between the tower
and the four temples that
surround it.

?Oh, of course! Anjean, then
the Spirit Tracks--

?Correct, my dear. The Spirit
Tracks carry that energy.
If the tracks are lost, the
tower's energy will fade,
and so will the Demon
King's prison.
And that's just what the
evil ones are after!
They aim to resurrect
Malladus, the Demon King.
Right now, my strength
maintains his shackles,
but it's only a matter of
time until they're broken.

?Of course, in order to
resurrect Malladus,
they need one other key

?A vessel from the royal
line of ancient Hyrule,
with sacred power coursing
through its veins.
Yes, Malladus requires YOU
in order to return.
But...only your shell,
my dear.

?It would be the only vessel
suitable for him to inhabit.


?The Demon King is going to
run around in MY body?
BLECH! That's too
disgusting for words!

?We HAVE to stop them!
We can't let the Demon
King return!

?My thoughts exactly,
my dear.
At the top of this tower
is your body.
The Demon King's spirit
is also there.
To prevent him from
possessing your body,
you must fortify his prison.
To do this,
restore the energy between
the temples and this tower.
In other words...
Restore the tracks between
here and the temples.

?But how?!
How do we restore the
Spirit Tracks?

?The answer lies above us in
the floors of this tower.
Four stone rail maps are
enshrined there.
You must retrieve them.
As you know, this tower
connects our kingdom.
Right now, the tower is
filled with an evil energy.
If you can get far enough
to retrieve a rail map,
a portion of the tracks will
be restored.
Start your search by
climbing the stairs.

?Of course! Thank you,

?You have a very important
mission ahead of you.
The kingdom is in danger.
We're all counting on you.
You understand the gravity
of the situation, don't you?
You must find the sacred
rail maps in this tower!
I will wait for you here.
That's what princesses have
always done.
From what I understand, it's
kind of a family tradition.
No need to be scared. Just
buck up and get moving--

?Sorry to interrupt such, um,
an enthusiastic pep talk,
but ascending this tower
alone would be impossible.
There are traps set to snag
Not to mention that pesky
little monster infestation...

?...Is that so? Well, I feel
terrible asking, but...
Anjean, can you guide
[Link] upstairs?

?Have you already forgotten
what I said?
I have my hands full just
keeping the tower together.
I'm sorry, my dear, but I
just can't leave my post.

?Then what should we do?
Should we go back and get
Oh, but he's wounded.
Teacher? The captain of
the castle guard?
But I suppose there's no
time for that, is there...

?What if you went with him,
my dear?

?...Me? Go with him?
But I'm not sure how much
help I'd be in this state.

?Well, my dear, this kingdom
is your responsibility.
You mustn't ever forget
I'm sure you'll find a way
to help out somehow.

?Well... All right.
We'd better get going then,

?Look out, [Link]!


?Wh-what just happened?

?Don't look so scared,
It's me! It's Zelda!

?I don't know what
happened there!
But when I saw that
Phantom corner you...
I just leaped at it without
even thinking!

?Oh, this is really not my
day, is it!
First I lose my body...
And now I look like a heap
of scrap metal.
And did I mention it's kind
of hot in here?

?Oh... Wait a second...

?Maybe I can be of some
use to you like this.
It's not exactly what you'd
expect from a princess...
But right now that can't
really be helped.

?Come on, [Link],
let's get moving.
We need to find my body--
I mean, that rail map!

?So this is your handiwork,
is it?

?Restoring the Spirit
Rebuilding this tower...
You two were behind it
all, weren't you?

?It didn't have to come to
this, you know.
If you'd just minded your
own business...

?Stop, Byrne.

?I always suspected this day
would come.
Indeed, I had a premonition
the day you left the tower.

?No matter how many times I
corrected your behavior,
you never were very good
at listening, were you?
You were an unworthy


?And now look at you.
How can I face the spirits
of good?

?The spirits sent us here
to continue their work!
That you would try to
resurrect the Demon King...
It's unfathomable to me.

?I have no wish to continue
the work of the spirits.
Why would I want to serve
the spirits...
When I can become as
powerful as they are?

?That was the reason why I
came to study with you...

?But the spirits never
answered me.
No matter how hard I
worked, or how long,
they never granted me any
more powers.

?Tell me, Master...
When you realize that your
wish will never be granted,
what do you do then?

?The answer was clear...
Become even more powerful
than the spirits themselves!
And the only being more
powerful is Malladus!

?...Your thoughts are
It's obvious that the time
for saving you is past.
My words would only be
lost on you.

?Hurry to the Fire Temple,
Your Highness. Quickly!
You too, [Link]!
Restore the Spirit Tracks!

?But, Anjean--

?Go! I will handle this

?Now then...
Shall we begin?

?Perhaps this time, things
will be different.

?Are you all right there,

?But Anjean... She's up
there all by herself now.

?...I guess we just have to
believe that she'll be OK.
Let's do as she said and go
to the Fire Temple.
We must hurry to restore
the Spirit Tracks in time!

?I see you fixed the Spirit
Tracks. My congratulations.

?And you almost did it in
time to prevent all this.

?Unfortunately for you...
Malladus has already begun
the final stage of rebirth.
His resurrection will soon
be complete...
And I can't let you cause
any more harm.

?Hey, that's what we were
going to say!

?Well... Maybe WE won't let
YOU cause any more harm!

?I will become as powerful
as the spirits.
And anyone who gets in my
way will be eliminated.

?No matter who it is.

I've trained for longer than
you can even imagine.
How could a pair of human
children defeat me?

?Yes, we are humans.
We have neither the power
of spirits nor demons.
But when we combine our
No one can defeat us!

?Right, [Link]?

?Hey! Wait! We're not done
with you!

?Cole! Was the resurrection

?I'm very disappointed in
you, Byrne.

?What?! Why?!

?Even those children proved
to be too much for you.
Well, at least you bought
us some time.

?Behold! The Demon King's
return draws nigh!

?No! Not with my body!

?Congratulations on your
resurrection, Your Majesty!

?Oh, Demon King Malladus...

?I am the one who has freed
you from your prison!
Grant me the power I have
dreamed of!

?Nyee hee hee! Thank you
for your help.
But you are too gullible,
my friend.

?Don't you know that he will
never give you new power?
After all...
You were once the servant
of those disgusting spirits.

?What a buffoon you are.
Thank you for your help,
indeed, you blind fool!

?Now then, Your Majesty!
Let us sacrifice these base
creatures to your glory!

?Unnnnngh... Groorreeerk...

?Do not fear, Your Majesty.
You simply aren't used to
your new body yet.

?None of you can stop us!

?Listen well, you lapdogs
of the spirits!
When the Demon King's
revival is complete,
you will take your last
I would suggest you tremble
in fear!

Give my body back to me!

?It's useless, my dear.
There's no way you can
hope to defeat him now.

?Anjean! You're not...a
ghost...are you?

?The only ghost here is you,
my dear.
I am still among the living.

?Oh, no...

?I...I couldn't best Byrne.
I have to admit, he has
grown very strong.
Of course, he's had a
century to train.
And he's always had the
drive to succeed.

?And now Malladus has
been resurrected...

?Yes. And once he adapts
to your body, my dear,
even the spirits of good
would be nothing to him.
They would be unable to
seal him away again.
Such is the extent of your
body's sacred power.

?Is there no way to force
him out for good?

?In the battle between the
Demon King and the spirits,
there was a weapon called
the Bow of Light...
Perhaps it can drive his
spirit from your body.

?There's not much time to
rid your body of his spirit.
Resting even a moment
could cost you your life.


?If we force out the spirit
of Malladus, my dear,
I don't know what will
happen to your body.
If things go wrong...
Your spirit might not be
able to reenter.

?No... It can't be!

?Could I really be trapped
like this...forever?

?What will I do if I can't
return, [Link]?

?What will I do?
[.]Relax![.]It'll be OK.

?...Thank you,

?Where can we find that
bow, Anjean?

?Go to the final temple, the
Sand Temple.
The Bow of Light is located
deep inside.
It will be the most difficult
place you've visited yet.
It was built only to protect
the Bow of Light,
so it's full of the trickiest
of traps and surprises.
The temple will test all of
your abilities.

?We have to go now. There's
no time to be scared.
We must return before
Malladus fulfills his plan.

?Please make sure Byrne
remains unharmed, Anjean.

?Are you sure, my dear?
He is the one who stole
your body, after all.

?Yes, but once I reclaim it...

?I would like to have words
with him!

?Anjean! Anjean! We got the
Bow of Light!
We won't have any trouble
defeating Malladus now!

?Good! An arrow from that
bow is sure to fell him.

Now all we need is to know
where Malladus is.

?I'm sorry, but I can't help
you there.

?But, Anjean...

?While you two were busy
obtaining the Bow of Light,
I have been searching for
the Demon Train.
That's the train that
Malladus used to escape.
But he and Cole have
hidden it too well...

?There is a way to find it.

?Byrne? I didn't realize you
were awake...

?The area where Malladus
was resurrected...
Below that altar is a
hidden section of tracks.

?Somewhere down there is
the Compass of Light.
Only it can lead you to the
Demon Train.


?The Demon Train comes
from the Dark Realm.
But even Cole didn't know
its exact location at first.
He had me build a compass
using the spirits' power
to find the Demon Train
in the Dark Realm.
Since the compass uses the
power of the spirits,
Cole and Malladus can't
touch it.
That's why it should still be
where we left it.

?...Thank you.

?Let's go, [Link].
We must get the compass
as soon as we can.

?Before you go, please take
this, [Link].
I think you're the one
who is meant to use it.

?This Lokomo Sword was a
gift from one of the spirits.
As such, it is filled with
sacred energy.
It has felled many evil
creatures in its lifetime.
Until now, only the spirits
have wielded this blade...

?[sfx][Link], Princess,
it's in your hands now.

?Use it wisely!

?This is it.
Once we defeat Malladus,
all of this can end.

?I shall accompany you from
here on out.
It's too dangerous for just
the two of you.

?But your wounds from our
battle are still fresh.
And what's to come will be
very demanding.
It's my turn now, Master.
It's...the least I can do.

?Yes, Anjean, it's time for
you to rest.
[sfx][Link] and I can
take care of them.
After all, it's just Malladus
and Cole.
It'll be a piece of cake.

?You should stay behind too,
You're both too injured to
help us now.


?As you wish, my dear.

?It's up to you two, then,
[Link] and Zelda.
May the spirits be
with you.

?I can do no more. You must
go forth on your own.

?Thank you for everything,

?It's time for us to go,

?Oh, but one last thing
before we go.

?Once we put all this
ugliness behind us,
we'll both resume our
normal lives.

?When that happens, what
are you going to do?
What will you become?

?I see... Well, I think we can
go now, [Link].

?Her ancestors would be
proud of her.


?You've gone far enough,
Cole. This is where it ends.

?You again...
The Demon King's return is
nigh, you know.
Yet, here you are, making a
nuisance of yourselves!

?You insolent little fools!
It's time you received the
punishment you deserve!

?Your Majesty! Your
resurrection is complete!
Please use your power to
destroy these two!

?This is it, [Link]!

?Your Majesty...

?You won't escape this time,


Be careful!
Don't worry about me! Just
get away from Malladus!

Please open your eyes,

?Are you all right?

?Oh, no...

?Stop! That vessel belongs
to His Majesty!

?Quickly, Your Majesty!
You must hurry back to
Zelda's body!

?Why...why isn't this

?You cannot give up now!
Your body has the sacred
power of the spirits!
Now concentrate on
reclaiming it!

?After all...
Didn't you say you wanted
to have words with me?

?If there really is a sacred
power in my body...
Please let it hear me!

?Tetra! Please give me your

?Go now! Right now!

?Mmmhh... Am I...back?

?Bravo, Your Majesty!

?But time is short, Your
Please do away with the
boy and capture Zelda.

?...Your Majesty?

?Please, no!

?This vessel...is...rejecting
my spirit.
I'm...slipping from it...

?I can't hold on for long...

?But the world will crumble
in the time I have left!

?Come on, [Link]!
Let's settle this, once and
for all!

?So it's all over now.


?We were too late.

?Oh, Anjean...

?I'm so sorry. Byrne was
trying to protect me...

?Yes, but there should be no
He wouldn't have had it
any other way.

?Besides, our kind are the
servants of the spirits.
We don't disappear that

?What do you mean?

?The spirit is persistent,
my dear.
Byrne may not have any
memory of these events,
but years from now, he'll
return in a new form.

?You see, as Lokomos...
We weren't only meant to
protect the Spirit Tracks.
We were also meant to
watch over mankind.

?But our protection is no
longer needed.
Even without the spirits'
guidance, you will do well.
So I think I will return to
the heavens...
In the company of my old
friend Byrne.

?Anjean, wait!

?Please watch over this
land, my dear.
And, [Link]...
You must help her.

?Good-bye... And thank you.
Thank you both.

?...Can you...see me,

?...I must apologize to
Alfonzo for what happened.
And to you too.

?I never knew the chancellor
was capable of such evil.
All these years, and I never
noticed what he really was.
I was a fool.

?And the Tower of Spirits
breaking apart...
You saw it too, didn't you,

?It must have something to
do with the dark forces.

?After all, they made the
Spirit Tracks disappear.
This must be the handiwork
of Cole and his cronies.

?But what could their
goal be?

?He said something about
the Spirit Tracks vanishing.
What did he mean by that?

?And why would they take
my body away with them?
What will they do with it?

?Oh, I'm sorry.
It seems I'm much...lighter
without my body.

?Listen, [Link].
Let's try again to go to the
Tower of Spirits.
Now more than ever, we
must find the tower's sage!
But before we go, I want
to show you something.

?This Spirit Flute is a prized
family heirloom.
It's been handed down for
It originally belonged to one
of my ancestors,
the one who founded this
It is my greatest treasure
of all.

?I can't carry it while I'm in
this state, as you can see.
But I'm certain it's meant
to protect me.
I can hardly ask you to do
any more for me...

?But...will you take this?
And will you come to the
tower with me?
You're the only person I
can turn to now.

?You got the Spirit Flute!
This pan flute will probably
come in very handy!

?Thank you so much,
Now then, shall we go?
I will travel alongside you.

?This heat is something else.
I'd just melt...if I had a
body, that is. Tee hee!
Seriously, though, I can't
help but wonder what's
become of my poor body...

?Want to board the train?
[.]Yep.[.]Not now.

?Very well. Let's be on our
way, [Link]!

?Hmm, yes, I suppose we
should look around here a
bit more. Let's do that!

?Oh? All right then, as
you wish.

?We should do what we can
to help Rael with his Cucco
Anyway, shall we go?
[.]Sure![.]Hold on.

?I hope Rael's Cucco study
goes well...
OK, shall we get going?

?I wonder what those three
trials will be like...
Shall we get going?
[.]Yep![.]Not yet.

?Find me by blasting the
area where the gazes of
the big statues meet.

That was a nice nap!
Do not dwell on what's
inside. Instead, turn your
gaze outward.
There are no statues here.

That was a nice nap!
The lake forms the sea.
The paths forms the rails.

?Hm? Oh, you mean
Embrose. Yes, he can be a
bit stuffy at times.
Anyway, you came here to
fix the tracks, right?

?Now that's music to my
After all, you are a key
component in restoring this
area's lost Spirit Tracks.
I take it that you've heard
of the Lokomos' songs then.
[.]Of course![.]I forget.

?You're being completely
serious? Well, don't mind
me then.

?Young man...be honest with
me now.
You've come to restore our
tracks, yes?
[.]It's true.[.]Nope!

?Each area has its own
special song that restores
the Spirit Tracks there.
That song consists of two
parts that are played with
two different instruments.
When the parts are played
together, the song emerges.
Let's start by practicing the
part you'll be playing.
Listen carefully and repeat
what I play. When you get
it, put your flute down.

?As you know, each song is
a duet that requires two
I'll teach you your part
now, so listen closely. Then
play what I just played!
When you think you've got
a handle on it, set down
your flute for a moment.

?Um...hi. Nice to meet you.
You are the keeper of this
realm, aren't you?
Anjean told us about you.

?Oh, hello there!
So wonderful you could
make it, Your Highness.
And you too, young man!
Call me Rael; it's my name!
I am the guardian of the
Sand Realm!

?The Lokomo of this realm is
awfully different from
Embrose, don't you think?

?That was music to my ears.
Would you care to try a
real performance now?
Or would you like to
practice more?

?All right, let's get started.
And don't let my part
confuse you, young man!

?OK, let's take it from the
top. I'll play your part, so
pay attention!

?What was that? Didn't you
see me signaling that it
was your turn?

?You can't just play
whatever you feel like,
young man!
That's called noise, not

?Your timing is off. Hmm... I
bet you missed your cue to
start playing.
Wait for my sign and then
play your part. You can
do it!

?Improvisation is nice and
all, but it won't do for this
You must play the notes
that you practiced.
And don't let my part
confuse you, all right?

?Hmm... That was a little
If you really want to pull
this off, we have to play
our parts correctly.

?Ready to try it again? Or
do you want to practice?
[.]Try again![.]Practice![.]No.

?Let's take it from the top.
I'll play your part again, so
pay attention!

?Very well then.
Come talk to me when your
mind is clear and you're
ready to try again.

?The Spirit Tracks to the
Sand Temple are restored!

?...Now there is something
I must tell you.
In order to reach the Sand
Temple, you must pass
three trials.
First, you will encounter
the big eye that looms in
the shadows.
Then you will need to
navigate the twisted
And finally, you will face
the impenetrable temple.
What awaits you there,
you'll have to see with
your own eyes, young man.

?Are you ready to perform
Or do you want to practice

?All right! Just remember,
we each have our own
parts to play!
When I give you the sign,
start playing the part you
practiced earlier.

?All right then. I'm going to
show you your part once
more. Listen carefully, OK?

?I see... Well, when you're
ready, come talk to me

?Very well. What trial would
you like to know about?

?To get to the Sand Temple,
you must pass three trials.
First, you will encounter
the big eye that looms in
the shadows.
Second, you will traverse
the twisted tunnels.
And finally, you will face
the impenetrable temple.
What awaits you there,
you must discover with
your own eyes, young man.

?Hey, aren't you the young
man from earlier? Did you
make it to the temple?
Well, I've got a favor to
ask you.
Do you know about the
birds called Cuccos?
They are flightless.
But when cornered, they
can call their friends to
unleash an amazing power.
I want to study this
phenomenon more closely...
My goal is to harness this
unbelievable Cucco power
for the good of mankind.
And this is where you come
in, young man. Would you
bring me some Cuccos?
The more Cuccos, the
better. At the very least,
I'd like five.
Once you bring them to me,
I'll give you something nice.

?I see you've brought me
some Cuccos.
...They are for me, right?

?Oh, you're delivering them
somewhere else? Well,
that's a shame...
I hope next time you'll give
me priority. Remember, I
need at least five.
And, of course, I'll give you
something nice for them!
OK? Thank you!

?Eh? Do you have trouble
counting, young man? There
aren't five of them here.
Well, all right. I suppose I
can give you this at least!

?Next time, please bring at
least five Cuccos. I'll
make it worth your while.
Thank you kindly!

?You've brought me so
many Cuccos!
Well, color this customer
satisfied! Thank you!

?You can bring me Cuccos
anytime. The more Cuccos,
the better! Bye now!

?It's that time again... Time
for more Cuccos! Will you
bring me some?
The more the better. I'll
give you something nice.

?Eh? So, you will be giving
me the Cuccos after all?

?Well, maybe next time you
can bring me some. I'll give
you something nice!
Remember, I need at least
five Cuccos!

?Hey, remember those
Cuccos I asked you for?
Well, I still need lots!
You've got to bring at least
five Cuccos. I'll give you
something nice in return.
If you think you'll forget,
why don't you write it
down? Thanks again!

?You know those Cuccos
I'm after? Well, the more
you can bring, the better!
I need at least five. And
don't worry about your
reward--it'll be good!
If you think you might
forget, why not write
yourself a note? Thanks!

?I see you've brought those
Cuccos I was after!
Who knew you were such a
mind reader?
Uh... Those Cuccos ARE
for me, right?
[.]Of course![.]No.

?Brainteaser Block Puzzle

?Braintwister Block Puzzle

?Brainmasher Block Puzzle

?I'm surprised there's a
station way out here.
I wonder why it's here?

?Wow, you were really
amazing, [Link]!
I'm no good at this sort of
puzzle, so I'm really
impressed with you!

?Nice job, [Link]!
You cleared those puzzles
right out!
Hmm... The architect of
this place is quite the

?All right! Let's go!

?Is that right? Did you
have a sudden vision or

?Wow, you did it! Nice job,
Even Teacher would've been
stumped by this one, and he
loves puzzles.
When everything finally
settles down, I'd like to
bring him here...

?So, would you like to get
going, [Link]?
[.]Yep.[.]Not yet.

?Really? Well, I don't think
there's anything for us to
do here...

?You did it! Nice job,
But I wonder what the
three trials are going to
be like.
Anyway, let's get going to
the Sand Temple!

?Thank you so much,

?Stay safe as you retrieve
the Bow of Light.

?You completed the duet
with Rael, the Lokomo of
the Sand Realm!
The Ocean rail map has
started glowing! New tracks
have appeared!

?Help, [Link]!

?Thank you for saving me!

?Shoot Malladus with the
Bow of Light now!

?You have to get away,


?Distract Malladus for me,

?I'll be right there. Hold on!

?Now, [Link]!
Give him your worst!

?We won't make it if we
continue like this!

?It's almost over now,

?Just one last push!

?Oof! Let's try it again!

?Help me...

?Don't worry! I'll save you,

?You get Byrne while I hold
him back.

?Here he comes!

?Watch out, [Link]!

?Now's our chance! I'll go
grab his gauntlet, OK?

?Leave it to me,

?Use your sword,

?That sound...

?Let's combine my sacred
power with the power of
the Spirit Flute!
I think we can use them to
weaken Malladus!

?Thank you for protecting
me! I'm ready now,

?This is the last battle, so
let's make it count!

?You distract Malladus,
When I see an opportunity,
I'll shoot him in the back
with the Bow of Light.

I'm going to concentrate
on channeling my power.
While I do that, please
protect me from Malladus!

?This is it. Just follow along
with me, [Link]!

?Are you paying attention?
You're supposed to play
when I give you the signal!

?Get it together!
All you have to do is play
the same notes I'm playing!

?Please watch me carefully.
I'll signal to you when it's
your turn to play! Follow
me and you'll be fine.

?Now, now, no need to get
so flustered.
All you have to do is play
the same notes I'm playing!

?Calm down and just try to
do your best.
All you have to do is play
the same notes I'm playing!

?Let's try it once more!

?Whew, we made it! Now for
the real challenge...
Are you ready?
[.]Of course![.]NO!

?Good! Then let's give it our
all and find the Bow of

?Well... I'm tired too.
But we've come all this
way. There's no turning
back now.
Come on, let's go for it!

?Shall we go?
[.]Let's do it![.]Not yet.

?That's the spirit! Let's go,

?Yes, let's explore the temple
some more!

?It smells awfully dusty in
here, and the air is really
It bothered me at first, but
I'm kind of getting used to
these dungeons...
Anyway, let's go find the
Bow of Light!

?What's this...stick thing?
Do you think we'll need it
to solve a puzzle?
Anjean did say that this
temple was full of tricks
and traps...

Th-that was loud. I hope it
was all right that we took
that wand...

?Between one and three...is
where...the key...hides...

?"Where the key hides"?
Sounds promising, but I
can't figure out that
diagram... Any ideas?

?So this is the famous Bow
of Light... I sense a strange
power coming from it...
But I'm awfully worried
about what Malladus and
Cole are up to.
Let's hurry back and tell
Anjean what happened!

?All right, Anjean's waiting
for us in the train!
Let's go tell her what

?Yes? I suppose it would be
good to see what Malladus
and his minions are up to.
Let's make this quick!

?Wait, you haven't got the
Bow of Light yet!
Are you sure you want to
go already?
[.]Yeah.[.]Not yet.

?Hey, Link!

?I know I don't look like my
usual self but it's me,
How about you and I work
together to get through this
I'll follow any orders you
issue, but you'll need to
take the lead.

?If you want me to move,
touch at my feet and draw
a line from there.
I'll move along the path
you draw.
Now, would you kindly
draw a line for me to

?This is the switch icon.
If we get separated, touch
this icon to find me and
give me new directions!

?This is the call icon.
Touch this icon when you
and I are on separate
paths, and I'll come to you!
Did you get that? Should I
repeat it?
[.]Got it![.]Again!

?Wonderful! Then I guess
we're ready to go now.
Let's get moving, Link!

?All right! I'll say this as
many times as you need me
to do so.

?Phantoms can walk
through fire unscathed.

?You can jump on top of a
Phantom from above. Use
this move to cross lava.

?Those who cannot flip
switches simultaneously
will never be reunited.

? 3 1
2 4
You cannot flip more than
one switch at a time.

?Hey, Link!
If you want to get off, tap
twice where you want to
hop down.

?It seems that the temple
sits here on the very
summit of the mountain.
Well, there's no time to
Let's restore the Spirit
Tracks and return to

?Hold on now. You haven't
restored the Spirit Tracks
Do you need to take a rest
from your work here?

?That's the spirit! Hang in
there, [Link]!

?Well, even the greatest
heroes need to rest every
now and then!
Come on, let's leave this

?I'm very worried about
Anjean. Let's hurry back to
the Tower of Spirits.
Are you ready to go,
[.]Let's go![.]Hold on...

?What's the matter? Did you
forget something back

?You've done it! Way to go,
You actually beat that
terrifying giant of a
monster! Amazing!
With it defeated, all of the
Spirit Tracks should be
Let's head back to the
Tower of Spirits!

?The Fire rail map started
The tracks to the Tower of
Spirits have been restored!

?What's this dilapidated old
thing? It looks like some
kind of vehicle.

?The pitfalls here mirror
those on the other side, so
make note of them.

?Aim for the eye above

?Aim for the eye above

?Aim for the eye above

?Aim for the eye above

?Remember, the only way to
open this door is with a

?Carry the Boss Key by

That was a nice nap!
If you're looking for the
stamp station, it's upstairs.
Jump in the cart and keep
an arrow ready for when
you find the switch.

?That big key looks like it
will open the door in the
center of the room.
Let's take it over there!

?Oh no! We've been caught!
They're going to take the
key back. We've got to get
away from them!

?A keyhole that big needs a
big key...

?It looks like a map of this
What are these skulls?
And what does this
arrow mean?

?So this is the Forest
Are you ready for what's
to come, [Link]?
[.]Of course.[.]Uh...

?Don't talk like that! You're
making me nervous!

?Good--then let's go!

?Here we are again...
I guess that means we can't
pass through here?
Anyway, let's get out of

?We haven't accomplished
what we came here to do,
Have you really lost your
[.]Yes.[.]No way!

?OK, then let's go!

?Well, now that we're all
done here, let's get going!

?Then let's go finish what
we came here to do.
You can do it! I just know
you can!

?Oh, now that's just
But I guess it IS pretty
creepy in there...

?So, did you forget
something in town?
Oh well, go ahead.

?Should we get going on the

?Look at that keyhole,
I think you'll need a special
key to unlock it.

?Good job, [Link]!

?The Forest rail map started

?Look, [Link]!
We can return to the temple
entrance from there. Let's
go back!

?You got the Whirlwind!
Blow into the mic to send a
cyclone in the direction
you're facing!

?You got the bow and
arrow! Tap the Touch
Screen and release to fire.
Keep your stylus on the
Touch Screen to aim and
look around.

?You got the boomerang!
This item follows the path
you draw on the screen!

?You got the whip!
Tap the screen to give
it a crack!
Tap and hold objects to
latch onto them and swing
from them!
Tap and hold certain flying
objects to hitch a ride!

?You got the Sand Wand!
Tap any sandy area to
raise the sand into a wall!

?You got the Bow of Light!
Tap and hold to charge and
fire bolts of divine light!

?You got the Song of
Play it in a dungeon to
restore your hearts one
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?Do you want to take the

?Really? Then let's go in the
Snow Temple.

?Aaaaall aboooooard!

?So this is the Snow Temple.
Are you ready for this,
[.]Oh, yeah.[.]No way!

?Aw, what kind of attitude
is that to have?

?Then let's go!

?Look at that bell over
I wonder if there's some
sort of trick to it...

?Great job, [Link]!
Let's get back to the Tower
of Spirits and tell Anjean
the good news!

?I don't really think there's
anything here worth
checking out anymore...

?But we haven't restored the
energy from this temple
yet, [Link].
Are we just going out for
a little bit?

?You did it!
You could have been frozen
stiff or burned to a crisp,
but you avoided both!
Sorry I couldn't, um, be
more help when you were
risking your life out there.

?The Snow rail map started
The tracks to the Tower of
Spirits have been restored!

?Step into the blue light to
return to the temple

?It's awfully dark here.
And it's kind of damp too.
Is this really the way to
the tower?
Oh, I'm sorry. I was just
thinking out loud. Come on,
[Link]! Let's go!

?That rock is blocking the
stairway, [Link]!
It looks like we can't get
to the Tower of Spirits
this way...
But since we have a train
now, we don't need to walk
around anymore, right?
Let's get back to the train!
Oh dear... It looks like
those horrid beasts might be
lurking around.


?Oh, how horrible!

?Do you hear...squeaking,

?Help me, [Link]!

?Wait! Don't get too far
ahead of me!

?Are you just going to leave
me here, [Link]?!

?Th-thank you...
Those beasts were just
terrifying! I never want to
see them again...

?The door won't open if you
just hit the switches in
a circle.

?The switch after the bottom
switch is the left one.

?Before you hit the bottom
switch, hit the top one.

?Hit the right switch before
the top switch.

?Tap a block to grab it, then
tap the arrow icon to push
or pull it around.

?So here we are at the
Ocean Temple...
You're ready to go on in,
right, [Link]?
[.]Oh, yeah.[.]Not yet.

?OK then! Onward!

?Tsk! Isn't this your third
You'd think you'd be better
at planning by now!

?Do you want to ride the
[.]Yep.[.]Not now.

?All right. Then let's go!

?Gotcha. If that's the case,
let's get back to the
Ocean Temple, shall we?

?You haven't accomplished
what you came here to do,
What's the matter? Did you
get spooked?
[.]Not at all.[.]Y-yeah.

?Of course you didn't.
So, do you want to ride the
train now?

?All right then...
How about we ride out
now and come back later?
[.]Sure.[.]Let's stay.

?Way to go! You did it,

?The Ocean rail map started
The tracks to the Tower of
Spirits have been restored!

?Come on--let's go back to
the Tower of Spirits,

?Astonishing! Stupendous!
Utterly mind blowing!
Thank you for bringing me
on this most stupefying of
I never thought that one
day I'd travel to the bottom
of the sea by train!
It's beyond my wildest
dreams, I tell you!

?As a token of my gratitude
which, by the way, is
ginormous, please take this!

?I'd like to stay here awhile
and study this marvel of a
station with my own eyes.

?Oh, and just look at this
incredible station!
I'm getting a little teary,
to be honest.

?Fascinating! Utterly
Without your help, I would
have gone my whole life
without seeing this.
Thanks a million!

?Ahh, so this is the
great train station of
the Ocean Temple.
Look at this design. Modern
stations just don't have
lines like this.
I need to study this area
some more. Leave me here
for now, will you?

?Three handles sit before
you. Pull only the one
farthest from your grasp.

?Three blades sit in a row.
Retrieve them all, and the
path may open.

?Remember the placement
of the blades.
That knowledge will be
useful in another, similar

?The first is above here.

?The second is above here.

?The third is above here.

?The fourth one is above

?There are no battle reports
at the moment. Check back
once you've played a few
Battle Newsletter Staff

?Competition Draws Cheers!
Today [var],
ranked at [rank], pulled
out an upset victory over
[var], who
had a rank of [rank]!
After the match in
[var], the
arena crackled with
excitement over this
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Force Gems Fly Fast and
[rank]-rank underdog
[var] beat
[var], who
sports a rank of [rank]!
After the dramatic match in
[var], it
seems we have a new major
player in the battle scene!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Underdog Fells Battle Giant!
Against all odds, [rank]-
ranked [var]
beat [var],
who had the superior rank
of [rank]!
After the match at
[var], fans
erupted in cheers at the
underdog's amazing victory
against all odds.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?The Birth of a Legend!
The raucous crowds at
[var] were
shocked when the [rank]-
ranked [var]
bested [var],
who holds a rank of [rank].
unexpected victory had the
crowd cheering long after
the action ended.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Losses Fuel Popularity
The new fan favorite is
[var], a
player who's been on a
losing streak for some time.
Why the popularity?
Perhaps it's the way this
competitor refuses to give
up, no matter how difficult
the situation. We can all
cheer about that!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?All Hail the King!
This last battle was all
about [var],
who crushed the
competition out to steal his
Force Gems.
How long will this king
reign, and when will his
dynasty finally end?
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Sparks Fly in Rookie
All eyes were on
[var] and
[var] in
today's battle.
Amazingly, both of these
upstarts share a battle rank
of [rank] and an identical
win ratio! We can't wait
for their next match!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?A Legend Is Born!
[sfx][var], we'd
like to congratulate you for
your performance in the
last battle. It brought your
rank up to ***!
We hope you continue to
wow fans of this sport with
your daring moves and
skillful tactics.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?A New High-Ranking
[sfx][var], your
performance in the last
battle has elevated your
rank to A!
On behalf of all your fans,
we hope you continue to
leave the crowds speechless
with your daring moves!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?New Legends Emerge!
Hearty congratulations,
[var] and
[var]! Your
skill in the last battle
lifted your rank to ***!
We hope you continue to
wow fans of this sport with
your daring moves and
skillful tactics.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?New High-Ranking Players!
[sfx][var] and
[var], your
performances in the last
battle have elevated your
battle rank to A!
We here at the Battle Fan
Newsletter hope you
continue to leave the
crowds speechless with
your daring moves!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Gods of the Arena!
Today's match earned three
players the highly coveted
battle rank of ***!
Congratulations to
[var], and
We hope you continue to
wow fans of this sport with
your daring moves and
skillful tactics.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?New Pro Players!
Our last match saw three
players raise their battle
rank to A. Impressive!
Congratulations to
[var], and
We here at the Battle Fan
Newsletter hope you
continue to leave the
crowds speechless with
your daring moves!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Living Legends Abound!
The amazing battle we just
saw upgraded all four
fighters to battle rank

      • , the highest rank

and [var],
we offer our heartiest
We hope you continue to
wow fans of this
tremendous sport with your
daring moves and skills.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Four New Pro Players!
Would you believe that all
four players in our last
match were just elevated to
a battle rank of A?
Congratulations to
and [var]!
We here at the Battle
Newsletter hope you
continue to leave the
crowds speechless with
your daring moves!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?This Week's Rookie Pick
Fans in search of more
thrills need to check out
While his battle rank is still
only G, his fresh tactics on
the field suggest that he's
bound to rise through the
ranks before long.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?An Authentic Rivalry!
All eyes are on
[var] and
[var], both
rank-[rank] fighters!
In a dramatic twist, both
are currently standing equal
with [var] ! Could
this be the dawn of a new
era of heroes?
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?The Thunder Rumbles!
In the last match, the most
interesting turn of events
was the use of thunder by
Seeing the electricity flow
through him as he chased
down opponents was like
watching the Demon King
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Hero Zaps the Competition
[sfx][var] made
quite an impression during
the last match by using a
special move... Thunder!
The match took a frantic
turn as the competition
scrambled to get out of
[var]'s way!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?The Untouchable Giant!
The star of the latest match
was the invincible
Watching him gain
invincibility numerous times
and chase down opponents
made even the most jaded
fan's blood run hot!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Invincible Hyena Laughs to
In the most recent battle,
reigned supreme using
invincibility powers!
Laughing all the while, our
hero chased down his
fleeing opponents, seeming
more like a wild animal
than a human being!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Star-Crossed Rivals
The war between rank-
[rank] superfighters
[var] and
refuses to end!
Including today's match,
each have [var]
under their belts, and each
have the same win rate to
boot! This must be fate!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Battle of the Titans
The most recent battle on
[var] with
[var] and
reached a fever pitch!
Nothing gets the blood
pumping like watching two
players lay it all on
the line!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?What a Battle Royale!
The complex techniques
[var] used
in his latest match at
[var] simply
boggled the mind.
This titan proves that
battling can be as cerebral
an experience as it is
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Epic Battle Tests Players
The big match the other
day seemed to last an
eternity, as opponents did
their best to whittle away
at each other.
Of particular note was
[var], who
demonstrated an almost
Herculean effort. Bravo,
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Monumentous Battle Thrills
The recent match between
[var] and
[var] was
one for the books.
As it raged on, entranced
fans wondered how long the
fighters could maintain such
brutal effort.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?The Many Sides of a
Strong fighters bring
excitement to the game, but
watching how they handle a
loss can be interesting too.
No question, battle titan
[var] rules
the arena, but it might be
nice to see how he handles
adversity once in a while.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Underdog Is a Fan Favorite
The mark of a true fighter
isn't just the number of
wins under his belt, but
also his ability to
That's why fans everywhere
root for their beloved
[var]. Keep
fighting the good fight,
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?Balanced Fighter Thrills
Fans Everywhere
[sfx][var] may
not have any flashy wins
or devasting losses.
But it's this reliability and
balanced approach to
fighting that shakes fans to
their very core.
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?The Fans Have Spoken!
The results of the voting
are in, and the best stage
according to fans is
These polls are held at
different intervals, so be
sure to watch out for the
next one!
Battle Newsletter, [Link]

?I'm returning home to Castle
Town. I've been away far
too long.
Perhaps in my absence, the
princess has returned too.

?I'm heading to Aboda
Village. I can only hope
that she's there!

?I'd like to go to Anouki
Village. Perhaps I'll find her

?Please take me to Papuchia
Village! Perhaps I'll uncover
some clues there.

?I'll try looking in Goron
Village. Perhaps there will
be a hint there.

?Ah, so we meet again!
I hope you're doing well.
Could I bother you for a
ride on your train?

?...You again. I don't really
want to ride on your train
But it doesn't look like
there are any others
So... Could I trouble you
for a ride?
[.]Sure.[.]No way.

?Let's see... Where should I
go next?
Ah, yes! I've got it!

?So we meet again, young
I'd like to go for a ride on
your train. Is it possible?

?I see. So you've decided to
refuse a poor old man...

?What's this?! You're
refusing a poor, helpless
old man?

?So you've decided to give
me a ride after all?

?You shouldn't talk to
someone unless you have
something to say!

?No, it's all right. I'll just
wait for the next train.

?Oh, I hope this works!
I simply must find her!

?No, no, I'll just wait for
the next train.

?It seems you're already
transporting a passenger on
your vehicle.
Well, you'll just have to
kick out your current fare
and take me instead!
A bit rude, perhaps, but
it's--ahem--a matter of
national security.

?You lost a few of your
passengers to kidnappers,
did you not?
Yes, our kingdom has many
informants keeping me
abreast of these matters!

?Oh, no I couldn't possibly.
Go ahead and save those
poor people first.

?You must go help those
poor abductees as soon as

?Finish transporting your
passenger, would you?

?Oh, go ahead and finish
transporting your current
passenger first.

?Excellent work! You have
what it takes to be the
princess's personal driver.
And here's your fee--
[var] . See you
next time, young man.

?You're a very competent
driver. Your future's bright,
young man.
And now, here's your fee--
[var] .
I'll see you next time I need
a ride!

?Not bad, young man. And
here's your fee for the ride:
[var] .
Keep working on those
driving skills!

?That was a bit bumpy, but
you'll be fine with just a
little more effort.
And now for your fee--
[var] should be
enough, shouldn't it?

?Are you really an engineer?
If so, you must've forgotten
many of the basics.
But I suppose I should still
give you something for
your trouble.
Here's [var] . But
you should really think
about finding a new career.

?That monster ate your

?I wonder what he meant
by something "cold"...
I have never seen anything
like that before.

?Your face is unfamiliar to
me, stranger.
Have you come to visit our

?Well, either way, you
cannot get there, stranger!
You see, the lava from the
last eruption has destroyed
the way into the village...
If you have important
business here, you must
talk to Kagoron.
Follow that road up, and
you will find him.
[.]Kagoron?[.]Got it.

?Kagoron is the mountain
goddess's messenger.
He is praying at her altar
for a stop to the volcano's

?But because of the
eruptions, the path to the
altar is very dangerous!
Go with caution!

?If you decide to go to the
altar, be very careful.
Because of the eruptions,
the path there is paved
with danger!

?If you have important
business, bring it to
He is at the altar up
ahead. But be careful,
The path to the altar is
within the eruptions'
striking zone.

?Hmmm? Who is this strange
face before me?
This is a sacred place of
the Gorons! You cannot
just come here on a whim!
Hmm... I see you are still a
child. Tell me, did you
travel here by yourself?
...I must salute your
bravery, young stranger.

?Tell me, is there something
you wish to discuss?

?If you have nothing to
discuss, then go home.
This place is forbidden to

?You are still here?

?I will tell you more once
you descend the mountain.
I have preparations to
make, so you go ahead
before me.
Make sure your train is in
good repair!

?Oh, it is you! How is that
freight car holding up?
Well, practice makes
perfect. Take good care of
it now!

?This train of yours is a gift
from the spirits of good.
You must not go around
driving it like a madman!

?I used to work at the Dark
Ore mine...
I can tell you this--there is
some strange energy that
sleeps there.
Maybe that is the reason
why I now speak for the

?You wish to hear about
the Fire Sanctuary?
Unfortunately, the way
there is hidden to us.
Only the elder would be
able to tell you that secret.
Do you wish to meet him?

?What?! Then why do you
insist on asking all these
questions? Move along!

?Good, good! Nice to see
young people with some
The elder is in the village,
and there is a way to get
But first... You are an
engineer, are you not?
[.]Why?[.]Uh, no.

?Those who drive trains
have a special aura about
them. I can see it on you!

?Kagoron does not tolerate
fibbing! I am the mountain
goddess's messenger.
I am untrickable! All you
engineers have the same
look in your eyes!
I can see it in yours.

?Only the village elder knows
where the sanctuary is.
Do you want to meet the
[.]Yes.[.]Not really.

?...But moving on! Your
train may come in handy.
But let us descend the
mountain so we can speak
in peace.
I have some work to do
first, so I will meet you
down there.
You go ahead and get your
train ready!

?Kagoron! Why have you
left the altar?

?I was thinking of giving a
freight car to this child,
and I need your help.

?If you say so, Kagoron,
then I have no complaint!

?This is the favor I require
of you, young stranger.
Use the freight car to bring
back something cold enough
to cool the lava.
Go talk to the merchants in
the various villages. They
may be able to help you.

?Goron-brand iron makes the
world go around. It's heat
resistant and super tough!
If you have the money, you
should buy some!

?Hrm? Well... I guess that is
fine. Come back when you
need some.

?...Play-shopping is only fun
for you. Please bring the
money next time.

?May I toss what you
already have here?
[.]Sure.[.]No way.

?Iron is really handy,
especially Goron-brand
You are going to wish you
bought some...

?You can boil it! Smash it!
You made a good buy

?All iron has a shelf life,
you know, even Goron-
brand iron. Use it up soon.

?Our iron is 100 Rupees.
Want to buy some?

?Oh ho ho! so you are
interested, are you?

?The Goron iron we mine
here in this village is
famous for its strength!
But it does have one
weakness. Lava!

?This is the first time you
have shopped here, yes?
The iron we sell here is
Goron brand, our local
Kagoron let you borrow a
freight car, did he not,
You can use it to carry
iron and share it with
the world!

?Is that your train?! It is
looking good!

?That eruption was so loud
it hurt my ears!
I hope Gramps is OK! I need
to get to the village so I
can check on him.

?I live with my gramps in
the most northerly house in
this village!
If you are looking for
Gramps, you will find him

?My gramps always said the
mountains were dangerous,
even for adults...
Be careful out there!

?Your train looks safe
enough to handle the

?I hope Gramps is OK...
He is the oldest Goron in
our whole village!
Everyone calls him the
Goron Elder.

?I hope Gramps is OK...

?Hey! If you are going to
see my gramps, go to the
most northerly house!
I will check with the other
Gorons and go up after
Tell him I am OK!

?Even we Gorons cannot
defeat the lava. I am afraid
we are not much use...

?Greetings, stranger. The last
eruption blocked the way
into the village.
I fear the mountain goddess
must be very angry...

?When you have lived as
long as I have, you witness
a lot of strange things...
I never thought anyone
could stop a volcano from
It must be the will of the

?Oh, it is you again!
I must thank you. The
volcano has become a much
more pleasant neighbor.
We Gorons are so happy,
we are actually going
outside to play!

?Since you like traveling so
much, you should take a
trip around the mountain.

?There are three keys to the
Fire Temple in all.
If you do not get them all
back from the monsters,
the door will not open.
Be sure to ask the villagers
about the monsters, though.
They can give you some
tips on how to defeat them!

?Oh! It appears everything
went well! You must be
quite the musician.
Will you go directly to the
Fire Temple now?
[.]Of course![.]Not sure.

?Well then, just remember
this much.

?Hmmm...I see. Well, at least
try to remember this.

?There is a gate to the Fire
Temple that is protected by
three locks.
But some mischievous
monsters stole all the keys!
Without getting all the keys
back from the monsters,
you can't open the doors!
Did you write all that
[.]Yes.[.]No need.

?The people of the mountain
village know a lot about
the monsters.
Go ask them for advice.

?You should take this very
Hmph! Well, even though
you're acting flippant, I
will share this with you.
The people of the mountain
village know a lot about
the monsters nearby.
It would be wise of you to
ask them for advice!

?The sanctuary is farther
on. You can go in now.

So you are the human
Kagoron spoke of. I am the
elder of this village!
Thank you for your help.
Now you are like a Goron
to us all.
I have heard why you want
to see me.
You want the secret that
has been entrusted only to
the Goron elders, yes?
Well, on this special
occasion, I will allow you
to pass.

?No one has been this way
in a while, so be careful.

?Hrrm? Who are you?

?The Elder certainly is
imposing, isn't he?
If we want him to help us,
you'd better make a good

?Gramps! Gramps!

?Oho! My grandchild! Are
you all right? We were all
so worried about you!

?This boy fixed the path to
the village, Gramps!
That is how I could make
it back home!

?Is that so?!

?Did you happen to see my
grandson out there?
Lately he has been talking
about how he would like to
go to the city...
He always was such an
inquisitive boy.
I am sure he would be
fascinated by your train.
Though other places can be
nice, we Gorons know our
village is paradise.
But my grandson is still too
young to understand that

?Perhaps he must visit the
city once to figure that out
for himself...

?Ah, so you have returned.
Thank you for taking care
of my grandson.
I think that being in the
city will open his eyes.
He will finally see how
blessed our Goron Village
really is.

?I will be counting the days
until my grandson is ready
to come home.
I wonder when it will be?
Please bring him back here
when he is ready.

?What is it, young stranger?
[.]I have it.[.]Nothing.

?What did you bring? We
asked for something to cool
down the lava.

?Oh! Wonderful!
We can use it to chill the
lava that is separating us
from the village.

?Come on, everybody!
Come help me move this
off the train!

?Thank you! Now you should
go meet the elder.
His house is at the most
northern part of the village.

?To get to the other side,
we need something to cool
down and harden the lava.

?Use that freight car to
bring something that can
cool down the lava.
Try visiting the different
towns and talking with the

?I hear that monsters on that
mountain do not like big
I am not sure what noise,
Maybe you should imitate
animals they don't like.

?The monsters on the
mountain don't like a
certain noise.
The noise goes like this:
one short noise, then one
long noise.
Like "gon-gorooooooon."
I don't know what sound
that is, but it works.
Just don't forget now:

?Actually, I tried to get rid
of the monsters on that
mountain myself.
But they are all big
cowards! They are only
fast when they run away!
Do not do anything fancy
like try to get behind them.
Just hit them straight on!

?Are you going to the
The monsters there are
strangely powerful.
Once you retrieve three
keys, just return here as
fast as you can!

?The elder's house is at the
top of this mountain.

?Ahhhh... It is good to be

?That explosion earlier was
too scary. That is why I
am hiding at home.

?The sky is raining
dangerous objects.
Please be careful.

?Such nice weather! The
goddess must be feeling

?I wonder if it's safe to
leave my house now.

?Is there still lava flowing
everywhere outside?
Staying inside all day
turns you into a rock!

?What good weather! I have
been in my house so long,
I was getting moldy!
I decided to take a walk
and dry out.

?Ah! You are alive and well,
I see. You are luckier than
a four-leaf rabbit foot!
Maybe I should head off on
my own adventure one of
these days...

?Maybe I should go outside

?Ahhhh... It is so nice being
outside! I guess you cannot
stay indoors forever!

?Hmmmm... That is what my
friend said, too.
Outside your skin dries out,
but inside you get no sun.

?My neighbor says he gets
dry skin outside, so he
never leaves his house.
He is probably a moldy
hunk of rock by now.

?My neighbor told me he is
leaving the village!
He said you showed him
that cold stuff you brought.
Once he gets an idea in his
head, no one can stop him.
He is probably waiting for
you at the station.
Please give him a ride!

?He must be waiting for you
at the station. Please let
him on your train!

?My neighbor just left the
He said he was tired of the
dry, dry air and wanted to
visit someplace humid.
I hope he does not get
too moldy...

?! Path to the Altar of the
Mountain Goddess

?Goron Country Store
Up Ahead ’!

?Shortcut Back Down
the Mountain ’!

?As soon as the path to the
village was restored,
everyone went home!
Boo on them! You see,
there is one place left
that is blocked off!
Waaaaaaah! I want to go
home too!
Will you please bring more
of the cold stuff?
[.]Sure.[.]I'm busy.

?Oh! I just noticed that your
train is different!
Does that mean I should be
calling you "Captain" from
now on?
Well, like I was saying,
there is still lava here,
Captain [Link].
So we will need 10 blocks
of the cold stuff!
Can you do it?
[.]You bet![.]I can't.

?I knew you would do it!
I can tell that you have a
soft spot for us Gorons.

?OK then, Captain! Please
bring us 10 blocks of the
cold stuff! Thank you!

?Gah! All I want to do is
go home!

?What is it? You heard the
amount, and suddenly you
cannot do it?
Well, OK. When you are
ready, just come tell me.

?Aha! You are back! I knew
you would never abandon
us when we need you!
Let's cool down the lava
in front of this house!
[.]OK.[.]Not yet.

?How about it? Will you
help us?

?Ah, home, sweet home.
I love it so much, I might
never go outside again!

?We need at least 10 blocks
of ice to cool down this
lava, Captain!
We can count on you,

?Is something the matter?
[.]Got it![.]Amount?[.]Nothing.

?I just want to get into my
house and relax...

?We need at least 10 blocks.
Please hurry!

?What did you bring? We
need something cold to cool
down the lava.

?Um, Captain? This is not
There is more lava here
than there was at the
village gate.
That is why we need at
least 10 blocks of the cold
stuff this time.
Can you bring us some
more? Thank you!

?What a go-getter!

?What a go-getter!

?Good work, Captain! I am a
big fan of yours!
And now I am all full of
grateful feelings...

?Great! I cannot wait to
start loafing around
at home!

?We Gorons heard about this
stuff called snow that you
can find in Anouki Village.
It could be a rumor, but we
hear it is cold, fluffy, pure
white, and oh so nice.
Have you ever seen this
stuff before?
[.]Of course.[.]No.

?Oh, wow. I wanted to roll
around in this "snow." Ahh,
I bet it is so fluffy!

?Well, I bet it must feel nice
to roll around in something
that white and fluffy.

?Would you please take me
to Anouki Village?

?Oh, joy! My first-ever trip!


?I never would have guessed
what a terrible driver you
are. I hate bumpy rides!
But I do not give up so
I am going to roll around in
that snow! And I am going
to say "Wheeeeee!"

?Oh, what was that?
So you will take me to
Anouki Village after all?

?Maybe you should practice
driving some more...

?Drive better next time so
I do not get trainsick!

?Next time you have a spot
on the train, please give
me a ride.

?I do want to go see the
snow someday...
But I am not getting on
your little kidnapping train!

?Drive safely this time, and
take me to Anouki Village!

?Next time there is a spot
on the train, I am going to
give it another shot!

?...But your train gives me
the heebie-jeebies, so I am
not getting on.
I heard the rumors, you
know, and I just do not
feel like being kidnapped!

?Heeeeeeey! Engineer kid!

?This may seem a little
random, but I have made
up my mind.
I am tired of living in the
sticks, so I am moving to
the big city.
I will not change my mind,
so do not try to stop me!
[.]Oh?[.]I won't.

?You are so aloof. A cold
cucumber--that is what
you are.

?You are just like my
Gramps! He is always
telling me,
"The city is full of bad,
scary guys and Goron
Village is best!" Hah!

?The city is where the castle
is. And the castle is where
the princess lives.
See what I am getting at?

?I am off to follow my
dream! Woo!

?I do not want to spend my
whole life here...

?Hey, engineer fellow! Will
you please take me to
Castle Town?
All you have to do is
take me. The rest I will do
all by myself!

?Yesss! You came back!
I still have not given up
on my dream of life in the
big city.

?Hey, it is the fellow who
cannot drive. You are back!
Last time I was too scaredy
scared, but this time, I am
sure I can handle it!

?It is not that I have given
up my dream...

?I have to get used to riding
the train without getting
all queasy-queasy...

?I am going to try my
hardest not to get sick this
time around.

?One one-way ticket to the
big city, please!

?When you are free later
and have no passengers,
please take me to the city!

?But... Your train has a bad
reputation. I do not want
to be kidnapped.

?Take me to the place where
the pretty princesses live.

?I hope you will take me
sometime when you are
free. Please!

?But... I will not climb
aboard YOUR train.
I heard the pirates have
their eyes on it!

?Hello there!

?WHEEEEEEW! It's like a
sauna here!
Oh, and your driving was
pretty decent. Thanks for
the ride, guy.

?Hey! Guy! So, listen, I've
decided to make this my
new home.
What's that? Ya say it's
too hot? Pfft!
The fellas back home are
always worried about their
electric bill.
So who's laughing now?
ME, that's who! Ha ha ha!

?The locals come out to say
hi because I'm a rare breed
in these parts.
I guess they like my thick,
luxurious fur. But who can
blame 'em?

?We have a strange visitor.

?He must be roasting under
that fur coat...

?I heard from the fellow who
was visiting here. He is
living in the cold place.
And he is doing just fine.
I am so happy to hear he
is good!

?He always wanted to visit
somewhere cold, and now
something cold has come.
Too bad he is not here to
see this.

?You may be small, but your
attitude is BIG.
...Are you a child or just a
very small human?

?Now, I kind of want to visit
someplace outside the
village too...

?Whew, it sure is hot here...

?And who are you? Ah, yes,
the engineer.
What was that? You're
looking for me--er, this
teacher fellow?
Well, I can assure you, I
don't have any idea who
you're talking about.

?Oh, poor Teacher!

?I'm sorry Teacher's acting
so strangely. Usually, he's
very sweet.
He's just anxious because
he's looking for me.
[.]It's OK.[.]Oh...

?Thanks for being so
Once I have my body back,
I'll have to start school

?Well... Thank you for being

?This village looks like it's
seen better days.
I wonder if there's anything
we can do to help...
But first things first.
Someone must know where
this realm's Lokomo is.
Why don't we chat with the
villagers, [Link]?

?Whew! Looks like we made
it somehow. Why are we
doing such--
No no, that's not princess-
like to say!
Come on, let's find Kagoron
and tell him about the ice,

?We still don't know
anything about the Lokomo
who protects this realm...
Are you sure you want to
go, [Link]?

?Great! Then let's do a little
more asking around.

?Hmmm... Well, OK. Do you
have a new idea?

?Something cold? Hmm...
Oh, right! I know where to
get something cold!
[.]Right![.]Hold on.

?It might take a little
practice to get the hang of
driving with a freight car!

?Please drive safely!

?We haven't restored the
tracks to the temple in this
Are you sure you want
to go?
[.]Let's go![.]Wait.

?OK, then let's stay here for
a little longer.

?Well, I guess if something is
on your mind, we should go
take care of it first!

?So the Fire Temple is up
the mountain. Shall we go?
[.]Let's![.]Hold on.

?I feel a battle brewing!
It's important that we
prepare for it!

?OK, but let's be careful!

?Shall we go?
[.]Yes.[.]Not yet.

?My skin would definitely
dry out in a place this
arid. If I had skin, that is.

?Aaaallll aaabooooard!

?This is the Goron Dark Ore
mine, for those shoppers in
the know.
Is this your first time here,
dear shopper?

?Playing it cool is not cool
when you are passing up a
real opportunity.

?Since you are new here, let
me explain.
The Dark Ore we mine here
disappears when exposed
to sunlight.
So we work all day in the
dark like this. I so need to
go out and get some sun!

?Welcome! We have some
Dark Ore today.
It is stronger than iron and
fresh from the mine!

?Dark Ore is 200 Rupees.
Want to buy some?
[.]Oh, yes![.]Nah.

?Oh ho ho! You are
interested, yes?

?Dark Ore is very precious.
If you are unsure about it,
do not buy any just yet.

?...I do not appreciate this
play-shopping. Have some
money next time.

?May I throw out what you
already have in there?
[.]Sure.[.]No way.

?You can only get it here...

?Dark Ore melts and then
eventually disappears when
exposed to light.
So use it quickly!

?Dark Ore melts when
exposed to sunlight, so
transport it carefully.

?Welcome! This is the Goron
Target Range! As you can
see, it is a special place.
It is special because we
built it all by hand!
But it has been a long time
since we had a human
Would you like to try it?
It costs 20 Rupees.

?Hope to see you again

?Oh, back for more target
practice? You must be
Well, each session costs 20
Rupees. Are you in or out?

?Welcome to the Goron
Target Range.
It costs 20 Rupees to play.
Care to give it a shot?

?Choose one--either the big
treasure chest or the little

?A customer? So sorry, but
we are closed at the
After the eruptions, the
customers stopped coming,
so we are redecorating.
Once things settle down at
the village, we will reopen.
Come back then!

?It doesn't look like they're
open now. Let's try again

?This here is my bread and
butter, you know...
Next time, be sure to bring
20 Rupees, OK?

?We are not ready for
business yet...
We will reopen when the
village has returned to
normal. Come visit us then!

?You broke your previous
record! Nice work!

?Do you want the big
treasure chest or the
little one?

?You are really something!
You got [var] ,
enough for the Goro-prize!
It is a record for the ages!
You belong in the pantheon
of Goro-heroes!

?Congratulations! You got
[var] , so you get
a Goro-prize!
Any Goron you show this
to will be oh so jealous!

?Uh-huh, yes, [var] ,
yes? That's enough for a

?You only got [var]
. Here is something
small for your efforts.

?You are quitting now? Well,
OK, I suppose.

?Your [var] gets
you...a consolation prize.
Oh well. There is always
next time.

?All right then. Want to try

?Well, see you later.

?I can tell you the rules
again, if you need me to.

?The record right now is
[var] . Try to
beat it!

?There are three kinds of
target. Each kind has a
different point value!
But be careful not to shoot
any Goron faces!
If you do, you will get a
big, scary lecture.
Depending on your score,
you might win a fabulous

?Since this is your first
time, I will explain the
There are three kinds of
target. Each kind has a
different point value!
But be careful not to shoot
any Goron faces!
If you do, you will get a
big, scary lecture.
Depending on your score,
you might win a fabulous

?All right, good luck!

?You already got [var]
You are probably thinking
that this game is now far
too easy.
But if you think that, I
assure you, you are missing
out! Because, you see...
I have extended the course
just for you. Now go and
try to beat your high score!

?Ready to go?

?OK, all aboooard!

?So you are going to try

?I see...

?It looks like it's going to be
busy here for a while...

?Do you think it's OK for
us to be here?
It looks pretty deserted...

?So you've arrived at last,
boy! And you too, Zelda of
My name is Embrose, and I
am indeed this realm's
On behalf of the Fire
Realm, let me extend a
hearty, hearty welcome!

?Good answer! And good
posture and volume! You
remind me of myself, boy!
And I'm very impressed with
the courage it took to
make it here!
Now...in order to restore
the lost Spirit Tracks, I
need your help.
Do you know about the
Lokomos' songs?
[.]Of course![.]I forget...

?What's that? Was my
intuition mistaken?

?So... Have you really come
to restore the Spirit
Look me in the eyes and
answer honestly!
[.]I have![.]Um...no.

?Each realm has a special
song that restores the
Spirit Tracks within it.
The song is made up of
two parts, each played by
a different instrument.
First, I will teach you your
part, so listen well and try
to do the same thing!
Once you have it, put down
your flute.

?As you know, each song
requires two instruments
to play it correctly.
Now listen--I will play your
part first, so try to do
what I do!
When you think you have
it, put down your flute.

?Excuse me, are you the
guardian of this realm?
Anjean told us about you.

?Wow, he certainly is peppy,
isn't he?
You know, the Lokomos are
pretty unique people. And
Embrose is no exception...

?You need to make the other
person FEEL what you're
But I digress. In case
you're wondering, yes, I
know who you are.
You're here to restore the
Spirit Tracks, right?

?Oh! I-I'm sorry!

?You should look people in
the eye when you're talking
to them!

?Good! Then are you ready
for the real thing?
[.]Let's do it![.]Practice!

?Now, don't be confused
by my part!

?OK, let me show you your
part again. Concentrate
this time!

?What's the matter? When I
give the signal, that means
it's your turn!
You can take a break when
we're done!

?No, no, you've got to get
the basics down. Come on,
we practiced this.
You play your part, and I'll
play mine.
If we do it right, we'll
create a harmony!

?This isn't about your spin
on things--it's MY spin
that's important!
Start in with the Spirit
Flute after you see me spin
around to you. All right?

?I don't mind a little improv,
but I think you might be
overdoing it.
Just follow the score and
don't get confused by what
I'm playing!

?In general, things feel a
little too loose. And do
you know why?
It's because our hearts
aren't communicating!

?Should we try again? Or do
you want to practice?
[.]Try again.[.]Practice.[.]Quit.

?OK, let's try it again.
I'll show you how to do it,
so listen up!

?OK... Come back when
you're ready to play!

?I can't believe we were
able to restore those
Let this be a lesson to
always do things with

?That was inspirational!
Now, off to the Fire Temple
with you! Take care!

?Oh? You're ready for the
real thing?
Or do you want to
practice first?
[.]I'm ready![.]Practice![.]No.

?OK--don't forget now!
We've got to play the song
with our hearts!
When I give you the signal,
you play exactly like we
just practiced!

?OK! I'll teach you the tune
one more time! Listen, and
remember it!

?OK... When you're ready to
try again, come and get me.

?You did it! That was the
best performance yet,
Come on, let's make our
way to the Fire Temple!

?Thank you so much,

?Well done indeed! Just one
thing before you go.
The mountain's rife with
danger, so talk to people at
the village before you go!

?Opening the Door of
Once upon a time, two men
fell in love with a beautiful
One man was popular and
always the center of
But all he cared about was
the beautiful woman he had
fallen in love with.
Unfortunately for him, the
woman only had eyes for
the other man.
The battle for the woman's
love grew and sent sparks
hot enough to melt stone.
But eventually, friendship
shone between the men like
a light, uniting the pair.
It was as if a door had
been unlocked.

?What's up, kid? Lost your

?That place is full of
monsters. Better go in

?This cave is basically one
big maze.
But there's a riddle that
tells you the way to the
From a room that knows no
south, follow the rocky trail
north and north...
There in the north lies the
treasure, waiting to be
Got all of that?
[.]Yep![.]Uh, again?

?I don't know if I should say
this, but your memory isn't
the greatest, is it?

?You can have the treasure.
I don't mind.
Just let me know if you
find out anything about my
friend, OK?

?Hmm, what to do...
Oh, you're a recruit from
Hyrule Castle, aren't you?
What are you doing out

?Oh, what a pathetic story.
It's hard to believe that
someone this cowardly is a
guard from Hyrule Castle.

?Nothing, eh?
You must have a pretty
low opinion of me if you
think I'll be fooled by that.
But I guess I deserve it...
After all, abandoning a
friend is about as low as a
person can get.

?Oh, me. Right...

?What could have happened
to my buddy?
I guess he's still lost...

?Listen, you'd better just
take notes.
From a room that knows no
south, follow the rocky trail
north and north...
There in the north lies the
treasure, waiting to be
Got all of that?
[.]Yep.[.]Uh, again?

?See, I came here with my
friend to uncover a golden
Oh, uh... I'd appreciate it
if you wouldn't spread that
to the other soldiers, OK?
We got halfway in, but then
some big plant monster
showed up!
I was terrified, so I
hightailed it out of there
on my own.

?From a room that knows no
south, follow the rocky trail
north and north...
There in the north lies the
treasure, waiting to be
Sounds pretty tricky.
But we should do it for
the sake of that guard.

?Hey, you have a sword.
How about doing a bit of
recon inside for me?
I'm honestly too freaked out
to set foot in there...
[.]Sure.[.]No way.

?Now that's the spirit!
You do the Hyrule guard
proud! Good on you, kid!
Though I don't know how
much that means coming
from someone like me...

?Come on! Don't be like
I'll tell you what! You can
keep whatever treasure you
find. I promise.
I just want to see my friend
return safely.

?Now remember, this place is
a real maze, so you'd
better not get lost.
If you do, you might never
see the light of day again.
But don't worry! I know a
way to get to the treasure!
...I think.

?Then off you go!

?What a pain...

?So that is what he was
thinking in his last
And he wasn't angry at me,
even though... This means
so much to me.
I feel like a great weight's
been lifted off my
I'll live on, for his sake.
Thank you for your help.
Here, have this.

?What? You found the
And did you find my

?...Let's leave him be.
Come on, [Link].
We should go.

?I see... You don't need to
say anything. I know.
No sign of him, right?
How could I just abandon
him? What was I thinking?
I did the worst thing a
person can do!
But the fact that he's not
here still gives me hope
that he's not...not...
Anyway, I'll go take a look
myself. Thanks for

?What? You found a
message from my friend?

?I see... So you have no
idea what happened to
How could I just abandon
him? What was I thinking?
But the fact that he's not
here still gives me hope
that he's not...not...
Anyway, I'll go take a look
myself. Thanks for

?From now on, I'm not just
living for one person.
I'm living for two!
This is the first day for a
whole new me!

?I think I'll stay here and
wait for my friend for
a while.

?Well, this place is pretty

?Did you hear that?
I thought I heard something
from that cave...
Maybe they have some sort
of excavation going on in

?You want to go already?

?Good, because I want to
look around here too!

?Oh well, I guess you're in
a hurry.

?All right, [Link]!
Let's get going before all
the Dark Ore melts!
Are you ready?
[.]Yep.[.]Hold on.

?You're going without buying
[.]Yep.[.]Hold on.

?Hurry up!

?Choo choo!

?Seeing that soldier made me
miss the castle a bit.
Well, anyway, let's get
going, [Link]!

?All right, let's get going,
[.]Right![.]Hang on.

?Well, when you're ready to
go, just say so.

?Full steam ahead!

?Really? It doesn't seem like
there's much left for us to
do here.

?Greetings, customer. If you
want to buy our ore, talk
to the Goron next to me!

?Where is your helmet?

?You are in the way.

?I have not seen you before.
Children should not be in a
mine. Too dangerous.

?Do not go wandering. This
mine is pitch black, and
you may become lost.

?Have you been to our
Goron Village?

?Kagoron originally came
from this mine.
He has been training here
since he was young. Is he
not amazing?

?You should visit. The sun
shines down brightly on our
village. Unlike here.

?To leave, just go straight
north and then take a right.

?To my eternal friend and
treasure-hunting partner,
I can't seem to find the
way out. I believe I am
hopelessly lost.
I don't think I have much
longer left, so I want to
apologize to you.
I had originally intended to
claim the treasure for
Even though you always
looked out for me.
When you ran off, I thought
nothing of it and went on
to find the treasure.
I was a fool. I want you to
know that you shouldn't
waste any worry on me.
Just move on with your life
and please, think of me
every once in a while.
You are, were, and will
always be my dearest

?To leave the caves, go out
the southern exit.

?These stations really are
everywhere, aren't they?
It seems awfully deserted
here, though...

?Hold on a second!
Is that...a soldier from
Hyrule Castle?

?What's he doing all the
way out here?

?Is that the treasure the
soldier was talking about?
How did you manage to
find it so easily?
Or did you just get lucky?
Well, it doesn't really
matter. Let's get going!
...Uh, which way is the
way out?

?You completed the duet
with Embrose, the Lokomo
of the Fire Realm!
The Fire rail map has
started glowing! New tracks
have appeared!

?Oh, do you want to take
the train out of here?

?OK, let's go!

?Well, fine. But I really think
we should go soon.

?Let's head to the Lost
Woods, [Link].
[.]Sure.[.]Hold on...

?But we don't know the way
to the Forest Sanctuary
yet, [Link].
Have you asked the
villagers how to get there?
[.]Yep.[.]Not yet.

?I've been with you this
whole time, so please don't
lie to me.

?The villagers here may
have valuable information
to share.
Let's see what they know.

?Or do you want to take the
train out of here?

?Didn't the village chief say
you should speak with
Should we really go to the
Lost Woods first?
[.]It'll be OK.[.]Nah.

?Oh, but before we go into
the Lost Woods...
Have the villagers told us
what we need to know?

?Got it.

?Shall we get going then?

?If that's the case, do you
really want to go now?
[.]Yeah![.]Hold on.

?I hope you're ready. Let's
head to the Forest Temple!

?We have to let Anjean
know that the Forest Realm
Spirit Tracks are back!
Let's hurry back to the
Tower of Spirits!
[.]OK.[.]Hold on.

?Let's head to the Snow
Realm, [Link]!
[.]OK.[.]Hold on.

?Anjean is waiting for us.
Let's go to the Tower of
[.]All right.[.]Wait...

?Let's head to the Snow
Realm, [Link]!

?Howdy. I'm the chief of
this here village.
Word is that you brought
back part of the lost Spirit
We were in a real bind
here, so we're much obliged
to you, young fellow.

?Did you get a chance to
chat with some of the
Then you should probably
make your way to the
sanctuary to see Gage.

?I'm glad to hear you were
able to meet Gage.
Anytime you need anything,
come back and see me, you
I can tell you just about
anything you want to know
about the forest.

?The only thing our village
is missing is some nice
Yep, we're all bachelors
'round here. It has its
perks, but it can get lonely.
Say, do you happen to
know any nice single

?No one knows more about
the forest than the people
You should definitely listen
to what they have to say.

?I actually used to live in
the city back in the day.
But when the old village
chief passed away, there
was nobody to replace him.
So they called me back
here to take over for him.
That was decades ago...

?So you want to get to the
Forest Sanctuary, do you?
There's a path we locals
usually take. Just go west
of this village to find it.

?Gage, the forest guardian,
lives in those parts.
He'll be able to help you,
no doubt about it.
But listen, young fellow--
it's called the Lost Woods
for a good reason.
One wrong step, and boom!
You go right back to the
Talk to the locals here.[.]
They can tell you what you
need to know.[.]

?What? You went into the
Heh heh! It's not called the
Lost Woods for nothing!
If you take the wrong
route, you end up back
But once you do make it
through, you'll find the
forest's guardian, Gage.
Ask the villagers about the
forest. They're the ones
who know it best.

?You drive like a maniac!
How did you pass your
engineer's test? Cheat?
Please drive more carefully
from now on.
Now can we go meet the
lady of my dreams?

?Hey, how about this guy,
Think he'd be good for the
woman in Papuchia?
He's pretty old, but
he's definitely rugged.

?A wife, you say? At my
Hmm... Perhaps it would
be better to ask one of the
other villagers.
Then again, fate reveals
itself in strange ways.
OK, I'll go with you.
Are we leaving now?

?You were the one who
asked me to go. Well,
another time, perhaps.

?Then I'll go wait for you at
the station.

?I see you have another
passenger waiting.
I will wait for you to
complete your errand first.

?Wasn't one of your
passengers kidnapped by
I don't think I want to ride
on a train that dangerous.

?I enjoyed my time living in
the city...

?Oh, so you're going into the
Lost Woods? Well, here's a
little advice.
The forest will tell you
which way to go.
Just pay attention to the
tree branches.

?Oh, you made it through
the Lost Woods and met
Good to hear! I'm glad my
advice came in handy.

?If you need something, just
go talk to the chief. His
house is right behind here!

?I sure wish I could meet a
nice, pretty lady...

?The village chief went on a
date with the Papuchia
And they're very happy?
Why didn't she pick me?
What did I do wrong?
...It's not my looks, is it?
Do I look that bad? Oh,
this is terrible...

?I heard the village chief fell
in love and got married.
I also heard that his wife is
a real looker.
...You can't tell just by
looking at me, but I'm
burning with jealousy.

?What do you think about
this guy, [Link]?
Think he's good for the
woman in Papuchia?
His hair is kind of weird,

?I guess I'll never get
another chance with a
pretty lady...
What's wrong with me?
Is it my looks? No, it can't
be that...

?I'm finally going to meet a
lady! It's been so long!
I mean... I am calm. I am
composed. I'll meet you at
the station.

?Hey, you know that
someone else is already on
your train, right?
Come get me again when
you've dropped off your
other passenger.
I can't wait to meet that
lady in Papuchia, so could
you kind of step on it?

?Wait, wasn't your last
passenger kidnapped by
Sorry, but I don't want to
get a lift from a pirate

?What? You found someone
who wants to marry me?
Wait, is she pretty?
Then I'm all for it! When do
we leave?

?Whoa, whoa, do you really
have an engineer
That driving was absolutely
terrible! I've never been on
such a bumpy ride!
No use meeting that lady if
I don't get there in one
Can you take me again, but
be a little less psycho?

?What?! You tell me you're
bringing me to see a woman
and then--nothing?
Are you trying to make me
mad? I can be as mean as I
look, you know!

?You've been through the
Lost Woods? Nice job not
getting lost!

?I may look mean, but I'm
an old softie around the

?We don't have any women
in Whittleton, so everyone
is really lonely...

?You're going to the Lost
Woods? Then here's a little
advice for you.
To avoid getting all turned
around, listen to the trees,
'cause they talk a lot.
Just don't listen to that
fourth tree. It has no sense
of direction.

?Ah, you made it through
the Lost Woods?
I guess my advice really
paid off, huh?

?You know, living out in the
sticks is getting old.

?So I was thinking of setting
up shop in the forest
behind the village.
It's still in the planning
stages, though!

?I want to save up so I can
live in the lap of luxury.

?Hey, there's a games area
behind the village!

?You made it through the
Lost Woods? Good job on
not getting lost in there.

?We made it in one piece,
Look at all the trees in this
I bet it's crawling with
bugs here!

?Really? Well, good, because
I hate bugs!

?EW! I can't stand bugs!

?Well, let's go walk around.

?You'll have to go on
without me. I'll wait for
you here, [Link].
Just me and the bugs...
...On second thought, I
think I'll come with you.

?Oh, I almost forgot to
remind you...
When you want to get on
the train, just tap me!
I'll pop up like this
whenever you come near
the train, just in case!

?Welcome to Whittleton,
the village we forest people
call home.
You're the one who fixed
the rails for us, right?
Let me tell you, we were in
a real bind before you
stepped in.

?We've been having a little
monster problem in the
forest behind the village.
I'd watch my step around
there if I were you.

?Everyone in this village
respects the forest for
what it gives us.
That's why we give back by
planting new trees.

?We make a living selling
trees and lumber.
Let me tell you, we were in
a rough spot without those
Spirit Tracks.

?The forest provides for us,
so for every tree we cut,
we plant a new one.

?There's one spot deep in
the forest where we locals
like to kick back and relax.

?The only thing this village
is missing is eligible

?Hey, how about this guy,
Think he'd be good for the
woman in Papuchia?

?I'm finished with marriage.
I'm sticking to the single
life from now on!

?I can't believe the chief
would marry an outsider!
But they seem to be happy,
so I can't help but wish
them the best.
But if he's going to live
with her, what's going to
happen to our village?

?The chief and an outsider!
Who would've thunk it?
Then again, they seem to be
incredibly happy together.
Still, what happens to us
now? He's gone and left
the whole village behind!

?Let's go, let's go! Meet you
at the station!

?Um, there's actually
someone else on your train
Guess I have to wait my
turn, huh?

?Wasn't your last passenger
kidnapped by pirates?
Sorry to say it, but I really
don't want to travel with
someone that dangerous.

?Someone's looking for a
man to settle down with?
Well, I was just thinking
about how I'd like to meet
a nice lady.
OK, you win. Take me to

?Who taught you to drive,
a monkey?
Still, I guess it's worth it if
I catch myself a lady...
Never mind me. Should we
head out?

?What? Why are you
messing with my head?

?I sell the lumber that the
villagers cut.
You won't find better
quality wood anywhere.

?This here is genuine
Whittleton lumber.
Build a house with this
stuff, and it'll be around for
1,000 years.
It's 20 logs for 100
Rupees. Whaddaya say?
[.]Sure![.]Not now.

?Aw, what a shame. But
come back anytime!

?You don't have enough
money! Come back when
you do.

?Your freight car is already
loaded with something else.
There's no room for lumber.
Should I unload it and put
the lumber in there?

?Thanks, little man. Come
back anytime for more.

?That's too bad. Come back
when you've got some room
in your freight car.

?Your freight car is still
loaded with the lumber you
bought last time.
The new lumber won't fit.
You have to get rid of the
old stuff first.
Do you want to do that?

?Of course! Would've been
pointless to do that.

?So this is your first time
purchasing wood from us?
Then here's a little pro tip.
As you know, there are
lots of monsters in these
Be careful not to drop any
of your lumber.

?Got it. Then let me give
you some fresh lumber.
I'll take the old stuff off
your hands. I can use it, so
it won't go to waste.

?So you haven't brought me
that iron I asked for yet?
I need it soon, so hurry it
up, would you?

?Is that the iron I asked for?
Oh, happy day! I'm so
overjoyed, I'm speechless...

?Let me show you my thanks
by giving you this.

?You can come shop here
anytime you like.

?Hey, is that iron that
you're carrying on your

?My ax is getting all dull
and rusty, which is a big
no-no in this line of work.
To make a new blade, first
I need some iron.
Could you get me some iron
from the Fire Realm?

?Hmm... Thanks for thinking
of me, but I'm going to need
more iron.

?My ax is getting all dull
and rusty, which is a big
no-no in this line of work.
I see that you've got some
Think I could have some so
I can forge a new blade?

?Really? Thanks a ton!
Five beams or so should be
enough to make myself a
shiny new blade.

?Aw, now I'm all bummed
But enough about me. You
need some lumber or

?Aw, now I'm all bummed
But enough about me. You
need some lumber or

?Thanks a bunch, young
man. You've made me very

?So you've brought the iron
I asked for? Thanks!
But the thing is, I need five
beams. What you have
isn't enough.

?You want to buy the best
tree in the whole forest?
But even if you were to
buy it, it would be too
heavy for you to transport!

?Sigh... I was hoping I'd
catch a woman who would
help me with my work...

?Who trained you? You
couldn't drive your way out
of a paper bag!
I'm too queasy to work
Can you just take me to
see this Papuchia woman?

?Hey, how about this guy,
Think he'd be good for the
woman in Papuchia? He
seems like a nice guy.

?What? Marriage? Me?
Who? Where?
Well, I'm very busy with my
lumber business. It's just
me running it, you see.
Then again, if I had a wife
to help me...
Right, let's do it. When do
we leave?

?Well, fine, it was your idea
to begin with.
Anyway, moving on...

?Wait... Wasn't it your train
that got that one passenger
Sorry, but I'd rather work
than ride on that death

?There's already someone in
your train!
Go on, take that person to
their destination and come
get me!

?I hope she's a good worker.
I'll meet you at the station!

?I can't believe the chief ran
off for someone like that...
I should be happy for him,
but going to live off in
What am I supposed to do
with my lumber business?
I don't have a good feeling
about this.

?So the chief isn't coming
back? At all? But what
about our lumber business?
I guess it's up to me to
carry the torch...

?Hey, over here!

?Whittleton Chief's House

?Try your hand at a whip
race? It's just 50 Rupees!

?OK, off you go!

?Anytime you want to try a
whip race, come back and
see me!

?I've got no patience for
punks with no money. So
beat it!

?Good of you to come by,

?I'm glad you found us all
the way back here!
This is the ultimate place
for thrill seekers and locals
who like to "hang out."
A har har har har!

?Wow, the legend is back!
Just so you know, we're all
counting on you to break
the record again!

?You're playing, right? Then
it'll cost you 25 Rupees.
[.]OK.[.]No way!

?What, you're short on
Well, I guess it wouldn't
hurt to let you in for free.
But your score better
knock our socks off!

?Do you want to hear how
to play?

?There's only one rule.
Use your whip to swing
across to the finish line.
If you get a good time,
you receive a prize!

?Listen up! I'm going to
explain how to play!

?I don't care what people
are saying. I fully support
the happy couple.
They are a good match,
aren't they?

?Don't tell anyone else,
but I'm happy for the chief.
Why not follow your heart?
But anyway...

?Pfft, that woman doesn't
even have 10,000 Rupees
in her purse.
In the end, it's probably
a good thing it didn't
work out between us.

?Hey, kid. Did a clown teach
you to drive?
You're two inches from
going off the rails!
Drive more carefully!
Now, shall we continue?

?Hey, how about this guy,
Think he'd be good for the
woman in Papuchia?
He's young and seems to
dress decently. Sure, he's
on the skinny side, but...

?What? You've found me a
potential wife?
Oh, but I'm kind of
committed to the single
...Unless she's filthy rich.
Then I could probably break
that commitment.
You don't know if she's
rich? Well, let's go find out!
[.]Right.[.]Forget it.

?Well, it's no skin off of
my back. It was your idea,
after all.
Anyway, moving on...

?Great! Then I'll wait for
you at the station.
I hope she has her own

?Look here, there's already
someone on your train!
I'll wait here for you to
finish running your errand.
Don't be long.

?Wasn't your train the one
where a passenger was
kidnapped by pirates?
Then I'm afraid I can't go
with you. I will only accept
a first-class journey.

?I guess it's time to get
down to business!

?Your time was [file]:[var].[var]!

?That was...underwhelming.

?Don't feel bad, and be sure
to come back again, OK?

?Oh, you broke your record!

?Hmm... You need more
practice. But here's a
prize for your trouble.

?A passable effort... You
should keep practicing.

?That's a pretty good time!
I'll give you this for your

?That was lightning fast!
You even broke my record!
Please take this as your
prize. It is one of my most
treasured keepsakes.

?Come by again!

?I'll give you a 50 percent
discount next time.
So come "hang out" with
us again! A har har har!

?I'm no match for you!
Here, take this!

?Come back anytime you
want to hang out with us.

?Sorry, time's up.
Go on, try again!

?You crossed the finish line
for the first time! Good job!

?Nice work!

?Wow! You beat the

?Not a single miss! Wow!

?What? You're giving up?

?Connect the two stone
statues that face each

?Forest Sanctuary Ahead

?Did you hear anything
coming from that stone

?Would you like to take the
train out of here?

?All right--let's go!

?All right... Then let's go

?We finally made it out of
The forest was so creepy, I
thought a ghost might pop
out. Scary!
Anjean says that a Lokomo
by the name of Gage lives
here. Let's find him.

?One of the Lokomos should
be somewhere around here.
Let's search a little more.

?It's not good to quit
partway into things. Let's
go back and try again!

?The tracks to the Forest
Temple have been restored.
Let's go!

That was a nice nap!
That song just now... Was
that you who played it?!
Then I'll give you this
valuable piece of
information. Listen well.
That song you just played
is called the Song of
Guys like me are scattered
all over the place.
If you play us that song,
we'll tell you valuable
Oh, and you can also check
out that song on the
Collection screen.
That way, you can practice
it whenever you want...
And that's it! See you!

?Oh... Well, let me know
when you're ready.

?All right! Let's practice a
bit before we launch into
the real thing.
This song has two parts,
each of which is played by
a different instrument.
For now, just follow my

?So, shall we try to play
the song?
[.]Let's![.]Not yet.

?I'm going to start by
teaching you how to play
the Spirit Flute.

?Slide the Spirit Flute so the
note you want to play is in
the middle of the screen.
Then blow into the
microphone to play the

?Good! Now I'll teach you
your part. For this song I'm
about to play...
Imitate me as closely as
you can. Pay attention to
the timing.

?Just match the color of the
musical note to the color of
the pipe you want to play.
When you've had enough
practice, tap the arrow to
rest a bit.

?For the real performance,
you'll play that part after
I play my part.
It goes me, you, me, you, in
that order. And don't mess
up the timing, you hear?

?So, are you ready for the
real thing?

?I'll show you how to play
it one more time. Listen
carefully, and do what I do.

?Don't let my part confuse

?What's the matter? When I
give you the signal, it's
your turn to play.

?Hmm... That performance
was very, er, rough.
I want you to play the
song we just practiced.

?Oh, no, no, no. That won't
do. You aren't even looking
at me.
You have to watch me for
your cue to begin playing
your part. Trust me!

?Oh, no, no, no. Don't get
distracted by my part.
Just play that song you
were practicing a second

?Oh, no, no, no. Your timing
is all wrong!

?Would you like to try it

?I'll show you one more
time. Listen carefully, and
learn it well...

?I understand. Come talk to
me when you feel you're

?Wonderful, wonderful!!
The tracks to the Forest
Temple have been restored!

?Nicely done! The Forest
Temple is just up ahead.
Take care!

?I have nothing left to tell
you... So you'd best be
on your way!

?Would you like to give the
real thing a shot?

?OK! Remember, you and I
will be playing different
When I give you the signal,
you play the song that
you practiced earlier.

?I'm going to show you how
to play your part just one
more time.
Listen carefully, and learn
it well.

?I understand. Come back to
see me when you feel you
are ready.

?Are you Gage? Gage of the

?Why, yes! I'm Gage!

?Oh! He seems quite a bit
more informal than Anjean,
doesn't he?

?What was that now?! If
you've something to say, I'd
like to hear it!

?Oh, I'm sorry! I meant no
Actually, Anjean sent us to
speak with you.

?Oh, yes, of course! You're
the youngsters with that
wonderful flute!
And you're here to restore
the Spirit Tracks to the
Forest Temple, yes?

?Um... I mean, yes! Yes, of
We need to recharge the
Tower of Spirits with the
energy of the forest.

?Yes, that rail map of yours
can't do it alone. You need
more Spirit Tracks!
Well, there is a way!
Would you like to hear it?

?We'll never make it to the
Forest Temple like this,
Let's listen to what he has
to say!

?To restore the tracks that
disappeared, you need to
know a special song.
This Lokomo Song is a duet
that requires two sacred
My cello and your Spirit
Flute should do the trick!
With both instruments
playing the song...
We can restore the rail
map's energy!
So? Shall we try it?
[.]Yes![.]Not sure...

?It's normal to be unsure
of something the first time
you do it.
And I know I should really
be the one playing, but I
can't in this condition.
Just give it your best try.
I know you can do it,

?Best of luck to you,
I should really be the one
playing the Spirit Flute, but
I can't do it in this state.
I'm sure you'll do a
wonderful job though!

?You're a natural at that,
And you sounded really
good, too! Now, let's head
to the Forest Temple!

?Thank you so much, Gage!

?Good luck! But be careful--
the Forest Temple can be
very dangerous.

?You completed the duet
with Gage, the Lokomo of
the Forest Realm!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing! New tracks
have appeared!

?You got the Song of
Awakening! Play it to wake
up anything that's asleep.
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?Oh, no! Pirates! Dastardly,
kidnapping pirates!
You must protect me from
them, [Link]!

?YEEEARGH! Pirates heading
this way!
Someone help!

?Pirates?! It can't be!
We gotta get outta this

?These pirates are going to
get me!
I want my mom!

?These pirates are out to
get me, guy!
Ya gotta help me out here!

?Oh no! Pirates! They are
going to take me away!
Please protect me,

?Don't let the pirates take
me away!

?Eeek! Pirates! They're
coming to take me away!

?I mustn't be kidnapped!
Somebody stop those

?Uh-oh! Those pirates are
going to take me away!

?No, not pirates! They'll
take me away in chains!

?I won't let those louts take
me without a fight... Help!

?Thank you! You really
saved my hide there,
Well, now that that bit
of unpleasantness is over,
let's get to the sanctuary!

?Whew, that was freaky.
Thanks for holding it

?Hmph! Those pirates are so
tough! Right, kid?

?Hey, [Link],
you're pretty good at this.
I'm impressed!

?Whew! That was a close
one! Thanks, guy! I owe
ya one!

?Aiiyee! That gave me such
a fright. My thanks,
Mr. Hero.

?Whew, I thought I was done
for. You really saved my
bacon there.

?Boy, I thought it was game
over for me. You're really
something else!

?I thought I was getting
kidnapped for sure! Good
job there, kid.

?I was positive the pirates
were going to take me
again! Thanks, lad!

?Any ride where I don't get
kidnapped is a good one in
my book! You're the best!

?For a moment, I feared I'd
never see our beloved
princess again!
You have done me and this
kingdom a great service!
Thank you, young man!

?Help! They're closing in
on me!

I'm being kidnapped!

?Hurry up and help him, or
he'll be captured!

?Help! They're trying to take
me away!

?Please help me!

?Help! Help! They've got me!

?I don't want to be

?Somebody save me!

?Oh, goodness me!
Somebody! Please help me!

?Somebody! Anybody! Help!

?Please help me!

?I need some help here!

?Help me! They're after me!

?Can anyone help me?!

?Can I get a little help here?

?Help! The pirates want to
take me away!

?Soooo! We meet again!
I heard the ocean Spirit
Tracks had returned, so I
came to see for myself.
It's just a rumor, but I hear
there are even tracks that
run under the water...
Oh, and guess what else?
Just guess!
They say there are
sculptures that react to big
noises out there too!

?If you find the undersea
entrance, will you take me
with you?
[.]Sure.[.]No way.

?What's that? You've
already been down under
the water?
Amazing! Stupendous! Oh, if
only I could've seen it for
Would you mind taking me
there with you?
[.]OK.[.]I'm busy.

?Whooooo! Sounds choorific!
After you take me there, I'll
even give you something
from my collection!


?Really?! I'm all steamed up!

?And after I gave you all
that advice! You're just full
of hot air!

?I heard there are big rocks
in the ocean that react to
big, big noises!
Now, that sounds like a

?Hey, guy! So, about that
slick little freight car
ya got...
Why not load it up with
some of our fine, local
Mega Ice?
How 'bout it? The ladies go
wild for it, and I'll even cut
ya a special deal.
How does 25 Rupees sound
to ya?
[.]Sure![.]Too steep.

?Pleasure doin' business
with ya! Lemme know if
ya ever need more!
Oh, and I'll even load up
your freight car for ya.
How's that for service?

?Hey, what gives, pal? Ya
don't have enough Rupees!
Come back when ya do!

?Ex-CUSE me? Did I just
hear what I thought I did?
[.]Um, no.[.]Cheaper!

?Now we're talkin'!
Will ya buy our fine, fine
Mega Ice for 25 Rupees?
[.]Yes![.]I'll pass.

?Oh, I get it! You're sharp,
pal. I like that, so I'll
cut ya a deal.
How about just 25 Rupees
then? Do we have a deal?

?Now's a good time to let
ya know some things
about handlin' the product.
First, don't hit anything or
let the train sway when the
ice is loaded on.
If ya do, the ice'll spill
everywhere. Also, watch
out for monster attacks.
Second, you're carryin' ice,
pal, so naturally it's gonna
melt, yeah?
In nice, chilly places like
this, ya won't have to
worry, though.
But once ya travel to
warmer places, it'll start
meltin' before long!
Get to where you're goin'
before all the ice runs out.
If ya don't, be prepared to
say bye-bye to all the ice!

?Don't forget all those things
I was tellin' ya about the
ice, OK?
The ice is fine until ya
get to warmer areas. Then
ya gotta look out!
If ya putter around too
long in the grass, all that
sweet cargo's gonna melt.

?I get it, I get it. Well, if ya
have a need for Mega Ice,
ya know who to look for.

?...Whazzat? Ya sayin' I
didn't make it any cheaper?
Guess ya caught me there.
...OK, you're puttin' the
screws on me, but how
about 10 Rupees?
That's a steal, I tell ya!
NOW can we seal the deal?

?WHAT? I wouldn't even cut
a deal like that for my
own grandma!
...The price is 10 Rupees.
We goin' to do this?

?Sheesh, ya really know how
to twist a guy's flipper.
Tell you what--THIS time,
the ice is free.
Heck, I'll even load it on
your train for ya. Yes, for
free. Sheesh. Happy now?

?Hey! Guy! Did ya bring
enough Rupees to do a
little shoppin' this time?
This is the only place
selling Mega Ice, and it can
be yours for 25 Rupees!
What do ya say? Can I
put ya down for some?
[.]Oh, yeah![.]Cheaper!

?Hey there, kid. Did ya
bring enough Rupees to do
a little shoppin' this time?
This is the only place
selling Mega Ice, and it can
be yours for 25 Rupees!
...Whazzat? I sold it to ya
for 10 Rupees a load
earlier? Really?
Hmph, fine. Then the price
is 10 Rupees. Now buy it,
would ya?

?Oh, back for more of this
premium Mega Ice?
It's gonna run you a full
100 Rupees. You in?
[.]Sure am![.]Cheaper!

?What what? I musta heard
ya wrong. This primo Mega
Ice costs 100 Rupees.
Ya interested?
[.]Sure am![.]Cheaper!

?What was that you said?
"Steeper"? You want it
Aw, I couldn't do that to
ya, guy!
You're a pal, so this Mega
Ice can be yours for the
low price of 100 Rupees.
Whaddaya say, guy?
Ya in?
[.]I'm in.[.]Cheaper!

?...All right, all right, I get
the message. You want it
cheaper, I'll go cheaper.
Fifty Rupees. That's pocket
change, and you know it.
NOW will you buy it?
[.]Sure will.[.]Forget it.

?Hey! Guy! Look who's back
for more Mega Ice!
Yeah, yeah, the price is
50 Rupees. You in?
[.]Sure.[.]Forget it.

?Hey, what gives? You don't
have enough Rupees, guy.

?Oops, you've already got
cargo. Wanna toss it?
[.]OK.[.]No way!

?Hey, guy, ya already got
some ice aboard! Sure, I'll
load a new batch for ya...
But I gotta throw the old
stuff away first, OK?

?Ya sayin' that whatcha got
there is more important
than my Mega Ice? HMPH!

?Yeah, it's kind of a waste.
You're a real smart
shopper, guy!
Come back when ya want
some more!

?Pleasure doin' business
with ya! Lemme know if
ya ever need more!
Oh, and here, I'll even load
up your freight car for ya.
How's that for service?

?Hey, it's my pal green guy!
Thanks for all your help
Listen, I've started selling
Mega Ice, a great local
Say, you're an engineer,
yeah? Does that train of
yours got a freight car?
If so, buy some Mega Ice,
and I'll load it on the
train for ya.
Whaddaya say? Ya wanna
buy some?
[.]Nope.[.]I can't.

?What's with the sad look?
If ya need Mega Ice, just
come back later!

?Booya! Is this a prime spot
for makin' Mega Ice or
Yep, this is it. I'm gonna
start up the business right
here, guy!

?OK, it's time to make the
Mega Ice!
Sorry, but could ya come
back in a little bit?
There are certain company
secrets I don't want
revealed to the public!

?Hey, thanks for helpin' me
out, guy!
I've actually decided to
start a Mega Ice franchise
Since you're an engineer,
ya could deliver my ice
if ya had a freight car.
So, what do ya say? Want
some primo Mega Ice?

?Ohhh, welcome, valued
customer! Whatever you
need, we've got it!

?So sorry!

?Here you go! A Freebie
Card just for you!

?Here's a Quintuple Points
Card for you!

?Today's special sale
happens just once every
five days, so buy, buy, buy!

?Ohhh, I see you have a
Freebie Card.
Would you like to use it?
[.]Yes.[.]Save it.

?Ohhh, valued customer! We
have everything you need
at Beedle's Air Shop!

?You've earned [var]
, which means you're
a Silver Member.
And I'm pretty sure I sent
you a Silver Card, didn't I?
But since you don't have it
with you, you'll get the
regular member price today.
Be sure to pick up your
new card, or you'll miss out
on your special discounts.

?You have [var] ,
valued customer.
Rack up more points for
a Silver Card and even
better rewards!

?Ohhhh... WOW! You've
collected the maximum
number of points.

?You've earned [var]
, which means you're
a Gold Member.
And I'm pretty sure I sent
you a Gold Card, didn't I?
But since you don't have it
with you, you'll get the
Silver Member price today.
Be sure to pick up your
new card, or you'll miss out
on your special discounts.

?You have [var] ,
valued customer.
Rack up more points for
a Gold Card and even
better rewards!

?You've earned [var]
, which means you're
a Platinum Member.
And I'm pretty sure I sent
you a Platinum Card, didn't
But since you don't have it
with you, you'll get the
Gold Member price today.
Be sure to pick up your
new card, or you'll miss out
on your special discounts.

?You have [var] ,
valued customer.
Rack up more points for
a Platinum Card and even
better rewards!

?You've earned [var]
, which means you're
a Diamond Member.
And I'm pretty sure I sent
you a Diamond Card, didn't
But since you don't have it
with you, you'll get the
Platinum Member price.
Be sure to pick up your
new card, or you'll miss out
on your special discounts.

?You have [var] ,
valued customer.
Rack up more points for
a Diamond Card and even
better rewards!

?I see. Oh, well...

?You have a Quintuple
Points Card.
Would you like to use it?
[.]Yes.[.]Save it.

?Huh? I sent you a Beedle's
Club Membership Card in
the mail...
But since you don't have it
with you, I can't give you
your points today.
Be sure to pick up your
new card, or you will so
miss out.

?What can I interest you in?
Just tap whatever catches
your eye.

?Bomb Bag: [var] Rupees
Carry more bombs. So
handy...and the last one!

?That will be [var]
Rupees for those 10 bombs.

?Treasure: [player]
[var] Rupees
You can't beat that price!

?Heart Container: [var]
Rupees. It's the last one!
Get it before it's gone!

?Red Potion: [var]
Rupees. Restores up to six
hearts. What a deal!

?Purple Potion: [var]
Rupees. Restores eight
hearts when you fall!

?Thank you! Can I interest
you in anything else?

?Bye! Please come again!

?Oh, I see you haven't yet
joined Beedle Member's
There are lots of great
benefits to joining
Beedle Member's Club.
And it's just 100 Rupees to
join! How about it?

?Ohhhh... You don't have
100 Rupees.
How sad for both of us...

?I'll be sending you a Club
Card in the mail, so look
out for it.
The more you buy, the more
points you earn. And more
points mean more rewards!
No other shop offers such
luxurious rewards, you

?And that's that. I'll be
around whenever you need

?Your point total has
climbed to [var] !
Rack up 200 points to
become a Silver Member!

?Ohhh! You have [var]
! You're now an
official Silver Member!
That means you get 10%
off all merchandise AND a
lovely prize!

?This puts you at [var]
Earn 500 points, and you'll
get the Gold Card!

?Ohhh! You have [var]
! You're now an
official Gold Member!
That means you get 20%
off all merchandise AND a
lovely prize!

?Your point total has
climbed to [var] !
Rack up 1,000 points to
earn yourself a Platinum

?Ohhh! You have [var]
! You're now an
official Platinum Member!
That means you get 30%
off all merchandise AND a
lovely prize!

?Your point total has
climbed to [var] !
Rack up 2,000 points to
earn yourself a Diamond

?Ohhh! You have [var]
! You're now an
official Diamond Member!
That means you get 50%
off all merchandise AND a
lovely prize!

?I'll send your Silver
Card tomorrow, so be sure
to check your mail.
And shoot for the Gold
Membership next!

?I'll send your Gold Card
tomorrow, so be sure to
check your mail.
Keep earning those points,
because the next level is

?I'll send your Platinum
Card tomorrow, so be sure
to check your mail.
Keep earning those points,
because the next level
is Diamond!

?I'll send your Diamond Card
tomorrow, so be sure to
check your mail.
Though you can't earn any
more points...
I do hope you'll think of
Beedle's Air Shop for all
of your future needs.
Thanks so much for the
business, valued customer!

?Ohhh, we don't have any
more discounts, but keep
shopping with us!

?You didn't bring your
membership card, so I can't
add your points!
I know I sent it to you,
so be sure to check your
mail at the nearest mailbox.

?Thank you so much for
joining, valued customer!
Please continue shopping
at Beedle's Air Shop!

?But you don't have enough
Rupees! This joke is not
funny, valued customer!

?Ohhh! But you have no
bomb bag. I can't sell you
bombs unless you have one.

?Ohhh, so sorry... You can't
buy any more of those!

?Ohhh, so sorry. We're sold
out of those. You'll have
to wait until tomorrow.

?What in the world? Where
are we, [Link]?
Can this thing...fly?
Are we going to fly?!
This is just amazing,

?And who's the funny-
looking guy over there?

?No! No, no! I am not funny,
and neither is your joke!
What's more, Beedle is
actually quite the ladies'
man! So there!

?There's something a little
weird about him, don't you
Oh, well, whatever...
Thank you for bringing me
here, [Link]!

?What? What is it? Why are
you smiling like that?

?OK, funny guy, let's fly!

?Really, stop it with the
teasing business...

?Heh heh! Soon I'll be flying
high above the clouds!
I can't wait!

?I flew, [Link]!
It was AMAZING! The
people below looked like
little ants!
Ohhh, but it was scary,
too. My body felt all floaty
and cold up there.

?Are you ready to leave?
[.]Yes.[.]Not yet.

?Then let's go buy some ice!

?Let's go, [Link]!

?All right... We'll hold off
on leaving for now.

?Let's try to keep a level
head this time.
So, shall we leave now?

?I'm surprised that anyone
lives all the way out here.
It's awfully remote.
Anyway, did you want to
get going?
[.]Sure.[.]Not yet.

?It's awfully quiet here.
I guess Ferrus must be out
snapping train photos,
as usual.
Well, should we get going?
[.]Yes, let's.[.]Hold on.

?I hope Ferrus made it home
all right from the Ocean
Anyway, should we move
on now?

?It looks like Ferrus isn't
here. He's probably still in
shock over Alfonzo...
Want to get going?
[.]Yes.[.]Hold on.

?This spring is absolutely

?Oho! That looks like a nice
place for Mega Ice over

?OH MY GOSH, you stopped!
Uh... So, how's it rolling?
When I first saw you
driving THE Spirit
Train, I freaked!
I was all like, "HOLY COW,
it's THE Spirit Train!"
Say, you're that guy who
just became an engineer.
[sfx][Link], was it?
I'm Ferrus. When it comes
to trains, I'm kind of an
You know, everyone else is
too spooked to take their
trains anywhere right now.
But here you are, driving
away. Very interesting...
You just GOTTA tell me
where you're headed!

?What's going on here?!
You've already got a
passenger on board!
Aw... Guess the autograph
is gonna have to wait.
Well, come by later, OK? I'll
just be here snapping some
hot steam-engine pics!
Write it down so you don't
forget! Later, pal.

?Oh, hey. I, um, heard that
one of your PASSENGERS
I know everything. You
can't hide this kind of news
from me!
So, don't worry about me
right now. You really
should go rescue him ASAP!
He's probably freaking out
now, so come back for me
Write it down so you don't
forget, OK?

?Oh, and I definitely want to
evaluate your driving skills!
I can't believe I get to ride
with the apprentice of the
legendary Alfonzo!
This is the greatest day of
my life. Anyway, I'm ready
when you are!

?Oh, listen to this! I just
figured something out...
There are two types of
trains that explode when
you touch them.
The blue ones will slow
down a lot if you blast it
five times.
But the other type has
this armor on it, so it
doesn't slow down.
I've been here trying to
snap a shot of the armored
type for my collection.
But they never seem to
drive by. Bummer.

?So we meet again!
I've been trying to snap
some glamour shots of an
armored exploding train.
They never seem to come
my way, though. It's such
a bummer.
But on another note, aren't
you the apprentice of the
legendary Alfonzo?
He's my all-time favorite
engineer! My hero. LOVE
Oh, I just had a sudden
brainflash! You could
introduce me to him!
I carry a pen and paper on
me at all times just for
situations like these.
So, please please please
take me to get my hero's
You'll do it, won't you?

?Aw, come on!
A small side trip for you
could make my life's dream
come true! Please...
OK, fine, I can see that
you're not going to budge
right now.
I'll be here for a while
snapping trains.
If you change your mind
at any time, PLEASE come
get me!
Write this all down so you
don't forget, OK?

?Oh em gee! Yessss! Then
let's go!

?Y-you'll really take me to
get THE Alfonzo's
You're not pulling my leg,
are you?
[.]Hop in.[.]Psyche!

?Um, no offense, but that
was terrible. If you ask me,
your driving gets one star.
I expected more from the
top student of THE
You must not have been
giving it your all.
Do you want to try again?

?Uh, you're all bent out of
shape by what I just said,
are you?
Come ON. Don't be so
sensitive. I didn't mean
it in a bad way, honest.
Will you please take me
one more time?
[.]Hop in.[.]No.

?OK, I get it. If you ever
change your mind, please
give me another chance!

?Then pull yourself together
and let's go!

?Wait, but there's already
someone else on the train.
You should probably finish
this job first.
You can come back for me
later. I'll be here for
a while.
Just please don't forget
about me! I'll be waiting!

?Are you serious? You're
free to take me now?
All riiiight! Let's go to
[.]Let's go.[.]Nah.

?You really should go rescue
your kidnapped passenger
He's probably freaking out
now, so come back for me
Write it down so you don't
forget, OK?

?You should probably finish
this job first. You can
come back for me later...
I'll be here for a while.
Just please don't forget
to come back for me!

?Man, talk about rotten
You become an engineer,
and then this whole thing
with the tracks happens...
Trust me, I know what it's
like to yearn for some time
on the rails. I really do.
Still, you should give up on
driving for now.
Where are you trying to go,
[.]The temple.[.]Nowhere...

?OK then, you be extra
careful out there. Come see
me if you need anything!

?Really?! You're heading to
the Snow Temple? Chugga-
That place is impossible to
get to, what with the
blizzard and all...
But I hear that the tracks
linking the Tower of Spirits
to the temple are safe!
As in, they're protected
from the storms! HOW
Say, maybe if you took
those tracks, you might be
able to reach the temple!
OH! I just remembered I
have an old map of the
tracks around that area.
Some parts are out of date,
but the Spirit Tracks you're
looking for are there...

?Need to get good shots
of these hot new trains.
I'll try these spots today.

?Well, if you ever wanna
look at my map again, just
stop by.
For now, I'll be here trying
to catch some killer pics of
locomotives in action!

?Oh, really? Well, if there's
dust on it, just blow it off.
But be gentle! It's vintage!
Wanna take another look?

?Heya! You craving another
look at my sweet vintage

?If the map's a little dusty,
just blow on it to clear the
schmutz off!

?You just can't tear yourself
away from my map, huh? I
know the feeling! Here!

?Oh? It's an old map, and
the lines from back then are
much more complicated.
You wanna take another

?Well, look who it is!
You know, Alfonzo totally
wasn't what I was
I guess I thought his life
would be more glamorous.
Anyway, how about you
take me somewhere
awesome now?
Like maybe...the ocean-
floor rails?

?Hey, quit playing dumb!
That routine hurts my
feelings, you know.
To make it up to me, you
should take me on a ride.
It's the least you can do!
[.]Hop in.[.]No.

?Uh, what's the big rush?
Where are you going?
Well, whatever. I'll be here
snapping some hot, hot
train pics.
Come back for me when
you've got some time.
Write it down so you don't
forget, OK?!

?YESSS! SWEET! Then let's
get going!

?Oh, hey. I, um, heard that
one of your PASSENGERS
I know everything. You
can't hide this kind of news
from me!
So, don't worry about me
right now. You really
should go rescue him ASAP!
He's probably freaking out
now, so come back for me
Write it down so you don't
forget, OK?

?Um, there's already someone
on the train.
I guess that means the
ocean floor will just have
to wait. Dang.
Well, that's OK. I'll be here
snapping some hot train
But promise me you'll come
back for me, OK? Write it
down so you don't forget!
All right, see you later!

?Oh, yeah. Will you let me
off at the Ocean Temple?
I've always wanted to go.
It's one of the top 100
most beautiful, supersecret
landmarks ever.
So, you got that? Thanks!

?You're going to give me
a ride? AWESOME!
Seeing the ocean rails is a
dream come true! I'm so
excited, I could scream!
...Um, waiting here all day
is cool and all, but let's go!

?Um, that was terrible. If
you ask me, your driving
gets one star.
Well, I guess there's no way
around your rotten driving.
After all, your teacher is
legendary SWORDSMAN
Will you please try it
again? And do it right!

?Oh, are you free now?
Well, shall we make our
way to the Ocean Temple?
[.]Let's go![.]No.

?Oh, don't give me that look.
I'm sorry if I offended you
with what I said.
I didn't mean to hurt your
feelings. What I mean to
say is...
Will you try again to take
me to the Ocean Temple?
[.]Hop in.[.]Uh...

?What's wrong? Do you
have a bellyache or
Take care of yourself, man!
A good engineer knows
better than that.
Come back when you're
feeling better!

?OK, pull yourself together
and let's go!

?Oh, hey. I, um, heard that
one of your PASSENGERS
I know everything. You
can't hide this kind of news
from me!
So, don't worry about me
right now. You really
should go rescue him ASAP!
He's probably freaking out
now, so come back for me
Write it down so you don't
forget, OK?

?Wait, there's already
someone on your train.
You can come back for me
later. Just take them where
they need to go first.
I'll be here for a while,
but don't forget about me!
I'll be waiting for you!

?You really should go rescue
your kidnapped passenger
He's probably freaking out
now, so come back for me
Write it down so you don't
forget, OK?

?You should probably finish
this job first. You can
come back for me later...
I'll be here for a while.
Just please don't forget
to come back for me!

?Oh, look. There's a note on
top of the desk.

?How'd it go? Were you
able to decipher your path?
[.]No sweat.[.]Nope.

?A lot of the map is
outdated, but the Spirit
Tracks are the same!
Here you go!

?Greetings, [Link]!

?How'd it go? Did you
figure out where to go?

?How'd it go? Did you
figure out where to go?

?Locomotive Musings by
You know those archway-
gate things you see on the
rails sometimes?
Who MADE them? WHEN?
I was up all night pondering
these questions, but I
worked out a hypothesis.
I think you can use them to
break the space-time
continuum! Cool, huh!
There seem to be two types
of these space-time gates.
I'm pretty sure you can use
both of them to warp to
and from places.
One type has a triangle at
the top of the arch, and the
other doesn't.
I think they work in pairs
and that hitting the triangle
does something.
I tried throwing rocks at a
gate triangle to the south
of Anouki Village...
But bummer of all bummers,
I couldn't reach it. I guess
my arm is too weak.
That's why I'm starting a
new push-up regimen until I
can hit the darn thing!

?Rule One of the Rails
If you see a whistle sign,
pull your train whistle
before you pass the sign.
And put some real feeling
into it!

?Rule Two of the Rails
When you see a slow-down
sign, check your speed and
drive in the lower gear.
When you've passed the
slow-down sign, shift back
into high gear as before.
Do this smoothly. It should
be like second nature.

?Rule Three of the Rails
When pulling into a station,
don't stop beyond the stop
You don't want your
passengers to panic and
think you forgot their stop.
That would be inexcusable!
Give them a first-class

?Rule Four of the Rails
You'll scare and endanger
your passengers if you
reverse suddenly.
Transport them delicately,
as if they were glasses of
water filled to the brim...
Because what is done
cannot be undone.

?I guess this means you got
my letter! Surprised you
found the place, though.
Anyway, here! I want you
to have this!

?Isn't this treasure the most
brain-explodingly awesome
thing you've ever seen?
I got it when you took me
to the Ocean Temple. I
think it's pretty valuable.
But, man, arrows were
flying at me and huge
boulders were rolling at me.
Shoot, I put my life on the
line to get this.
Would it kill you to show
me a little appreciation?

?Aww, coming from you,
that means a lot.

?Um, OK, I guess you can be
like that if you want.
Well, I hope you know that
a real engineer should
always be gracious!
You're going to get into a
huge accident someday with
a cruddy attitude like that.

?Well, good luck with the
engineer thing!

?I'm sorry, but I don't have
anything more to give you.
Take care and enjoy the
rest of your journey!

?Hey! Good to see you.
What's shakin'?
As for me, I'm gonna hole
up at home for a while to
work on a report.
It's about those mysterious
trains that have recently
Yep, all this time, I haven't
just been hanging out. I've
been doing serious research!
So anyway, I think I'm
gonna get started on that
report tomorrow!

?OK, I'm gonna get started
on that report tomorrow!
The only way to stay sharp
is through hard work.
Don't ever forget that.

?Oh, hey there. No, I'm not
making much progress on
the report.
See, I got the sudden urge
to reorganize my entire
photo collection.
You know how it is with
It always sneaks up on you
just when you're trying to
start something big.
Anyway, I'm definitely
gonna get working on that
report...starting tomorrow!

?Let's go find the Sand
Temple and the Bow of
Light now!
But do the Spirit Tracks
even go to the desert?

?This Force Gem will serve
that very purpose. It will
open tracks into the desert.

?What? Anjean...

?As I am sure you know,
happiness and gratitude
create energy.
Well, I am deeply grateful
to both of you for all of
your help.
I cannot help you directly,
but I can at least give you
this Force Gem.

?OK, thank you, Anjean!

?Let's head for the Ocean
Realm, and from there, to
the desert!

?View Train

?The chest is empty.

?You got a shield!
Defend yourself from minor
attacks just by holding it!

?You got bombs! They come
with a bomb bag that can
hold up to 10 bombs.
Tap a spot to throw a
bomb there.

?You got a small key!
Use this key to open
locked doors!
Touch a door to open it.
You can only use the key

?You got a green Rupee!
It's worth 1 Rupee!
Once you have enough,
you can go shopping!

?You got a blue Rupee!
It's worth 5 Rupees!
Get a bunch together and
buy something nice!

?You got a red Rupee!
It's worth 20 Rupees!
Just a few of these will
buy you something at the

?You got a big green Rupee!
It's worth 100 Rupees!

?You got a big red Rupee!
It's worth 200 Rupees!

?You got a big gold Rupee!
It's worth 300 Rupees!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Ocean rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Ocean rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Fire rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?The Forest rail map has
started to glow ominously.
The Compass of Light has
revealed a track leading
into the darkness!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Fire rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Snow rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Fire rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a letter from the
postman! Go to the
Collection screen to read it!

?You got a Heart Container!
You increased your life by
one and refilled your

?You got the quiver! Now
you can hold more arrows.
Check the Collection screen.

?You got the medium bomb
bag! Now you can carry
more bombs!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Fire rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Forest rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Snow rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Snow rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Snow rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Snow rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Ocean rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got a Force Gem!
The Ocean rail map has
started glowing!
This Force Gem has
energized the rail map.
New tracks have appeared!

?You got 10 prize postcards!
Send them out in the mail
to collect neat bonus

?You got the red potion!
Drink it to restore six
It's stored in the Menu bar.
Tap it to use it, but it can
only be used once!

?You got the purple potion!
Drink it to restore eight
Keep it, and if you lose all
of your hearts, it will
automatically restore them.
It's stored in your Menu
bar. Tap it to use it, but
you can only use it once.

?You got the yellow potion!
Drink it to restore all of
your hearts!
It's stored in your Menu
bar. Tap it to use it, but
you can only use it once!

?You got the Demon Fossil!
It's like a normal fossil, but
it's much more valuable.
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?You got a Stalfos skull!
It's kinda icky, but it's got
treasure written all over it!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?You got a star fragment!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!
This beautiful stone is
rumored to have fallen from
the sky!

?You got some bee larvae!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!
Sure, they're gross to look
at, but they're precious just
the same!

?You got a wood heart!
Check it out on the
Collection screen.
Sure, it looks like a
chestnut, but there's
something special about it.

?You got a dark pearl loop!
This necklace glows
mysterious and dark!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?You got a pearl necklace!
This stunning pearl necklace
glows elegantly in the light!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?You got a Ruto Crown!
The Zoras have passed it
down across generations.
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?You got a dragon scale!
It's said this pristine scale
fell from a dragon.
But no one really knows
for sure. Check it out on
the Collection screen!

?You got the pirate
necklace! Check it out on
the Collection screen.
It can only be worn by one
who is destined to become
the leader of the pirates.

?You got a palace dish!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!
Long ago, this elegant dish
was a prized possession of
the royal family.

?You got some Goron Amber!
This hard, valuable mineral
has a bug inside of it!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?You got the Mystic Jade!
Check it out on the
Collection screen.
The mysterious light this
jade gives off makes it an
extremely valuable item!

?You got the ancient gold
piece! Check it out on the
Collection screen!
Just holding it in your hand
seems to take you back to
those long-forgotten days...

?You got the Alchemy Stone!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!
The golden gleam of this
stone entrances all who
behold it!

?You got a Regal Ring!
It's been passed down over
generations of nobility.
Only a small number of
these exist in the world!
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?You got the quiver! Now
you can hold more arrows.
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?You got the big bomb bag!
Now you can carry more
Check it out on the
Collection screen.

?You got a Swordsman's
Scroll! Memories of veteran
swordsmen flow through it.
You can now perform the
great spin attack,
Draw a circle around you
three times to execute the

?You got a Swordsman's
Scroll! Memories of veteran
swordsmen flow through it.
You can now send
shock waves with your
sword, [Link]!
Swing your sword to send
a powerful shock wave
surging out!

?You got the rabbit net!
Try using it while you're
riding the train!

?You got a Beedle Club
Card! Now you can collect
points at Beedle's shop!

?You got a Silver Card! Now
everything at Beedle's shop
is 10 percent off!

?You got a Gold Card! Now
everything at Beedle's shop
is 20 percent off!

?You got a Platinum Card!
Now everything at Beedle's
shop is 30 percent off!

?You got a Diamond Card!
Now everything at Beedle's
shop is half off!

?You got a Freebie Card!
Choose any item you want,
and you'll get it for free!

?You got a Quintuple Points
Card! Any item you buy
earns five times the points!

?You got Carben's letter!
It has instructions on how
to get to the ocean floor!
Go to the Collection screen
to read it!

?You got the recruit
uniform! It's the usual
outfit for rookie guards.

?You got the engineer's
They have a dove design on
them, the mark of a true





?Save and Quit


?Save and Quit



?You can't write on
this map.

?Save your progress?

?Saving... Don't remove the
Game Card or turn the
game off.

?Save complete.

?You can't read the sign
from this angle...

?End the game?

?Quit Minigame

?Did something just move?
It looks different...

?Nothing happened...

?Drink the potion?

?You played the Song of

?You played the Song of

?You played the Song of

?You played the Song of

?You played the Song of

?The Spirit of Healing can't
help you more than once...

?There's nothing here to
wake up.

?The Spirit of Healing can't
help you here.

?There are no birds around.

?There are no crystal
switches around.

?There's nothing hidden here
to discover.

?Tee hee! Just this once!
Mwah! *

?Hiya! Thanks for
summoning me!
As a reward to you for
awakening me, I'll lend
you my power one time.
If you're close to running
out of life, play this song,
and I'll come rescue you.
Nifty, huh?

?Oh, and one more thing!
You can't summon me just
Only a place with strong
energy, like a temple or the
Tower of Spirits.

?No Message

That was a nice nap!
You look like you want to
know where to find a
treasure chest.
For 20 Rupees, I can help
you. What do you say?

That was a nice nap!
Oh, you're searching for
hidden treasure?
Sorry, there aren't any
treasure chests left on
this floor!

?Write a note on the map so
you don't forget!
...Well, did you do it?
[.]Yep.[.]Not yet.

?I see... Well, whatever.
Do what you want!
Bye now!

?Better hurry up!

?What, you don't have any
Sorry, but you'll need
20 Rupees if you want any
information from me.

?All right! Here are all
the treasures chests on
this floor!

?This is a stamp station.
Would you like to stamp
Niko's stamp book?

?This is a stamp station.
But you don't have a
stamp book...

?Forest Realm

?Snow Realm

?Ocean Realm

?Fire Realm

?Tower of Spirits

?Tunnel to the Tower

?Forest Temple

?Snow Temple

?Ocean Temple

?Fire Temple

?Sand Temple

?Pirate Hideout

?Hyrule Castle

?Castle Town


?Anouki Village

?Papuchia Village

?Goron Village

?Trading Post

?Wellspring Station

?Aboda Village

?Forest Sanctuary

?Snow Sanctuary

?Ocean Sanctuary

?Fire Sanctuary

?Sand Sanctuary

?Bridge Worker's Home

?Stagnox, Armored Colossus

?Fraaz, Master of Icy Fire

?Phytops, Barbed Menace

?Cragma, Lava Lord

?Skeldritch, Ancient Demon

?Ghost Train




?Goron Target Range

?Snowdrift Station

?Lost at Sea Station

?Disorientation Station

?Ends of the Earth Station

?Dark Ore Mine

?Rabbitland Rescue

?Slippery Station


?Floor [var]

?Floor 1

?Basement [var]

?Don't leave without me!

?Hellooooooo there, valued
customer! We're here for all
your postal needs!

?Would you like to send any
prize postcards?

?But you don't have enough
postcards! Come by when
you've purchased more.

?Thank you--I'll take it from
here! I hope you'll come by
with mail for me again!

?You've mailed [var]
Just in case you were
wondering, you can mail up
to 20 a day!

?We've already had [var]
postcard today,
Any more and our bag
might burst at the seams...

?Hey, hey, howdy, mister.

?OK, I've delivered your mail
safely to you!

?Me? Oh, I'm no good at
long-winded introductions.
I'm just an average guy
who works the postman gig
to get by.
You can call me Postman.
All my friends do.
Now that you know my
name, next time I see you,
don't be shy! Say hello!
Speaking of names, you're
[Link], right?
I've got a letter for you,
so I'll just jump right in
and read it aloud.
Oh, wait--that's the way
we USED to do things. But
no more!
Apparently, some folks
thought our reading their
letters out loud was rude.
So now our policy is to
just hand-deliver the mail

?Well, my work seems to be
done here, so I'll be off.
See you around!

?Here you go!

?Oh, and I have this for you!

?Greetings. I'm here with a
letter from Mr. Alfonzo to
He told me he recently
suffered a nasty injury
but is now on the mend!
Now, where was I... Oh
yes, your letter! Sorry, I'm
easily distracted.

?Mail for [Link]
from the guard captain!
Seems he thought up a new
training regimen and is as
giddy as a schoolgirl.
Do the guy a favor and
show your face around the
castle sometime, OK?
Oh yeah, and before I
forget, here's that letter.

?I've got a letter for you
here from one Mr. Beedle!
He said something about
opening up a shop in a
hot-air balloon. Wacky!
Oh--here's your letter!

?I've got a letter and a
package for you from
Beedle, [Link].
Beedle's Members' Club
really has a lot to offer,
doesn't it!
I thought about becoming
a member, but I'm so busy
with my job and all...
I don't really have much
time for shopping and stuff
like that.
...Oh yeah, your letter.

?I've got a letter and
package for you from
Beedle, [Link]!
Apparently, his whole store
fits in a hot-air balloon!
Now isn't that something!
I wish I could fly like that.
Sure would be easier on the
old knees.
I've heard that he won't
come down unless you
blow your train whistle!
So, how are regular folks
like us supposed to find
his store without a train?!
...Oh, I can see by your
face you just want your
letter! Sorry! Here ya go!

?I've got a letter and
package for you from
Beedle, [Link]!
You must really be
shopping up a storm, huh!
Oh, I get it! You're trying
to save up points for one
of his "fabulous gifts," huh!
...Oh, right, right! Your
letter! Here it is!

?I've got a letter and
package for you from
Beedle, [Link]!
Just between us, he was
really happy when he sent
He said you were really
a great customer!
I dropped in on his store
the other day, but all of it
was so expensive!
You must have really
bought a lot for Beedle to
think so highly of you!
When you've got a sec, you
gotta let me know how you
earned so many Rupees!
...Oh, sorry, I guess I
lost my train of thought.
Here's your letter!

?I've got a letter and
package for you from
Beedle, [Link]!
I heard that someone
recently became a Diamond
Who would've thought it'd
be you, [Link]?
Yep, it's pretty amazing...
Oh, right, of course! Here's
your letter!

?Here's a package and a
letter from...the Battle
What's a "battle"? And why
does it have its own
There's so much in the
world I don't know about!
Hey, think I could take a
peek at that letter? Oh, I'm
being rude again, aren't I...

?Oh, here's another package
and letter from the Battle
You know, I've been giving
this whole "battle" thing
some thought.
Is it a bat-appreciation
club where you talk about
ferocious species of bats?
...No? Really? But it's got
bat right in the title!
Hmmm... Very strange.
Oh, right, I almost forgot.
Here's your letter!

?You got another package
and letter from the Battle
It's a little strange how
much mail you're getting
from such an odd place!
What in the world-- Oh, I'm
just thinking out loud!
Here's your letter, sir!

?You got a letter from Niko,
You know, for his age, Niko
sure has energy to burn!
How old is he anyhow?
When I saw him last, he
made me listen to his
so-called "masterpiece."
...Which is to say, the old
fellow pretty much talked
my poor ear off.
Now where were we again?
Oh, right, your letter. Here
you go, fresh from the bag.

?I have a letter for you from
Ferrus, [Link]!
That guy's a character,
isn't he?
He called himself a
"trainiac." Is that some
sort of disease?
...I guess I'll never know.
Well anyway, here's your

?It looks like you got
another letter from Ferrus,
When I picked this letter up
from him, he seemed really
down in the dumps.
He said something about
making a huge mistake...
I wonder what that was all
about. And now as
promised, your letter.

?Hey, you've got yet
another letter from Ferrus,
He seems to have perked
up since I saw him last.
He was all smiles this time!
Maybe it had something to
do with the underwater
tracks he said he found.
He told me to thank you
for all your help.
Now without further ado,
here's your letter!

?Hello there! I've got a letter
here for you from Kagoron,
You know, that's quite a
name he has. It's hard to
pronounce, don't you think?
Do you think his friends
call him "Koggie" for
Or maybe he goes by
"Ron" instead.
Sorry, I got lost in thought
there. Here's that letter I
promised you.

?The results are in from the
prize postcards you
Are you ready for the big

You won the first-place
prize, so here comes the
prize train! CHOO CHOO!

You won the second-place
prize, so here comes the
prize train! CHOO CHOO!

Oops, it looks like you got
a third-place prize. Well,
free stuff is free stuff!
Here, let's pop this guy
open and see what you got!

Oops, it says "no winner"
here. I guess all you get is
a smile from me.
But don't get discouraged.
Keep sending in those

?Wowee zowee! Some people
just have all the luck!
Just make sure you don't
use up all that good luck
on winning prizes!

?Not bad, if I do say so
But who knows? You might
just score the first-place
prize next time!

?Third place or no, winning
always feels pretty good.
Keep sending in those

?Howdy! How goes it,

?What would you like to
read about?

?Buy prize postcards and
win yourself some treasure!
The more postcards you
send, the better your
chances of winning!
Today's prizes are:
First: Mystic Jade
Second: Dragon Scale
Third: Wood Heart

?Buy prize postcards and
win yourself some treasure!
The more postcards you
send, the better your
chances of winning!
Today's prizes are:
First: Alchemy Stone
Second: Pearl Necklace
Third: 20 Rupees

?Buy prize postcards and
win yourself some treasure!
The more postcards you
send, the better your
chances of winning!
Today's prizes are:
First: Regal Ring
Second: Pirate Necklace
Third: Stalfos Skull

?Buy prize postcards and
win yourself some treasure!
The more postcards you
send, the better your
chances of winning!
Today's prizes are:
First: Ancient Gold Piece
Second: Dark Pearl Loop
Third: Star Fragment

?Buy prize postcards and
win yourself some treasure!
The more postcards you
send, the better your
chances of winning!
Today's prizes are:
First: Palace Dish
Second: Pearl Necklace
Third: Demon Fossil



















?Ancient Earth

?Frozen Plains

?Fire Arena

?Icy Plains

?Scorched Battlefield

?Shadow Stage



?Data could not be read.
Turn the power off, then
reinsert the Game Card.

?Data could not be written.
Turn the power off, then
reinsert the Game Card.




?Mic Test



?Hand Settings

?Mic Test

?Sound Settings

?Message Speed


?Select File






?Tag Mode


?Creating a save file...

?File created.

?Copying to file [file]!
However, Battle Mode data
can't be copied.
Any save data already in
this file will be overwritten.
Would you like to copy to
file [file]?

?Copying... Do not turn the
power off.

?Copy complete.

?Do you hold the stylus in
your right or left hand?

?You're right-handed?

?You're left-handed?

?Use these settings?

?New Game!

?Erased data cannot be
recovered! Erase this file?

?Erasing... Please do not
turn the power off.

?The file has been deleted.

?Is this what you want to
name your character?

?The data in file [file] is
File [file] will be deleted.

?Some of the data in file [file]
is corrupted.
The corrupted data in file
[file] will be deleted.

?The data in file [file] is
The previous data will be

?The Battle Mode data in
file [file] is corrupted.
The Battle Mode data will
be erased.

?The Battle Mode data in
file [file] is corrupted.
The previous data will be

?The Options data in file [file]
is corrupted.
The Options data will be

?Saving... Please don't
touch the Game Card or
turn the power off.

?Save complete.

?The data has been

?Please face the mic and

?Preparing the mic...

?Some of the Options data
in file [file] is corrupted.
This data will be deleted.

?Left Hand

?Right Hand








?Arrange Cars

?Sell Treasure

?Purchase Car


?Go Back









?Why, helloooooo! Welcome
to my store!
We have many fabulous
items that are sure to
please. Take a look around!

?Um, welcome? This is the
forest's general store.
We have a lot of items,
so, uh, please feel free to
take a look.

?Hey! Guy! This here is the
Anouki General Store!
We got everything ya need.
Check it out!

?Oh, welcome! It's not often
we see young 'uns 'round
these parts.
This is my shop, so don't
hold back on the buying.
Hyeh heh heh!

?Welcome to my shop,
We have many fine items,
so buy anything that strikes
your fancy!

?If you see something you
want, go ahead and give it
a little tap.

?Um... If you see something
you want, please tap it.

?See somethin' ya want?
Then tap it already!

?If there's something you
want, go ahead and tap it!

?If you see something you
need, please tap it!

?Oh yes, this lovely quiver
lets you carry more arrows.
That'll be [var] Rupees.

?That's a quiver... Use it to
carry more arrows. It's
[var] Rupees.

?That quiver will let ya
carry more arrows! It's a
measly [var] Rupees!

?That is a quiver! It lets
you carry more arrows. It's
yours for [var] Rupees.

?That is a quiver! It lets
you carry more arrows.
It costs [var] Rupees.

?Why, yes, 10 arrows! That
will be [var] Rupees. It's
a very good value!

?Those 10 arrows are [var]
Rupees. It's a good deal...

?Only [var] Rupees for 10
arrows! Don't pass up this
killer deal!

?Those 10 arrows are yours
for [var] Rupees. It's a
great value!

?Those 10 arrows are [var]
Rupees! The price is nice!

?Carry more bombs with this
bomb bag! It's only
[var] Rupees!

?That bomb bag lets you
carry more bombs... It's
only [var] Rupees!

?A bomb bag lets ya carry
more bombs around. It'll
cost ya [var] Rupees!

?A bomb bag lets you carry
more bombs. How does
[var] Rupees sound?

?You can use this bomb bag
to carry more bombs. It
costs [var] Rupees!

?Oh yes, 10 bombs! That'll
be [var] Rupees!

?Those 10 bombs will cost
you [var] Rupees. It's a
good deal...

?It's 10 bombs for [var]
Rupees! A good deal, guy!

?Those 10 bombs will cost
you [var] Rupees.

?Those 10 bombs will cost
you [var] Rupees.

?That [player] is a
treasure item. How does
[var] Rupees sound?

?That [player] is a
treasure item. It costs
[var] Rupees.

?That [player] is a
treasure item. It'll run ya
[var] Rupees.

?That [player] is a
treasure item. I am asking
for [var] Rupees.

?That [player] is a
treasure item. How about
[var] Rupees for it?

?That Heart Container gives
you one extra heart. And
it's only [var] Rupees!

?This Heart Container
increases your life by one!
It's only [var] Rupees!

?This Heart Container
increases your life by one!
It's only [var] Rupees!

?This Heart Container
increases your life by one!
It's only [var] Rupees!

?This Heart Container
increases your life by one!
It's only [var] Rupees!

?Oh, that's a shield! It
defends you from attacks.
It's [var] Rupees!

?That shield will protect you
from enemies. It's [var]

?That shield will protect ya
from enemy attack for just
[var] Rupees!

?Carry this shield to protect
yourself from enemies. It's
[var] Rupees!

?That is a shield to
protect you from enemies.
It is [var] Rupees!

?Drink that red potion to
restore six hearts. It's only
[var] Rupees!

?Restore six hearts when
you drink this red potion.
It's [var] Rupees!

?This red potion restores six
hearts to ya for the low
price of [var] Rupees!

?Drink this red potion to
restore six of your hearts.
It costs [var] Rupees!

?The red potion will restore
six of your hearts. It costs
just [var] Rupees!

?Drink this purple potion to
automatically restore eight
hearts when you fall!
It's [var] Rupees.

?The purple potion costs
[var] Rupees and refills
eight hearts when you fall.

?The purple potion costs
[var] Rupees and refills
eight hearts when ya fall.

?The purple potion costs
[var] Rupees. It refills
eight hearts when you fall.

?The purple potion costs
[var] Rupees and refills
eight hearts when you fall.

?Drink the yellow potion to
restore your health fully.
It costs [var] Rupees!

?Drink the yellow potion to
restore all your hearts. It
costs [var] Rupees!

?That's a yellow potion!
It restores all your hearts.
It's only [var] Rupees!

?Drink the yellow potion to
restore all your hearts. It
costs [var] Rupees!

?That is a yellow potion!
It recovers all your hearts.
It's only [var] Rupees!

?Thank you very much! Can
I help you with anything

?Thanks so much. Can I help
you with anything else?

?Many thanks, buddy. Want
anything else?

?Appreciate the business.
Can I get you anything

?Thank you very much.
Would you like to buy
anything else?

?Come back again soon.

?Come back, uh, anytime!

?Come back soon, pal!

?Come back soon!

?Thanks! Come again!

?Oh, you don't have enough
money to buy that. Come
back when you have more!

?But, uh, you don't have
enough money. Come back
when you have some.

?Hey, buddy, ya don't have
enough money, so I can't
sell this to ya...

?You don't have enough
money! Come back when
you've saved some up!

?You do not have enough
money... Come see me when
you do!

?Oh, you don't have a bow?
Sorry, but you can't buy
arrows without a bow.

?Oh, but you don't have a
bow. I can't sell these to
you unless you have one.

?Oops! Guy, ya need a bow
before you can buy these!

?Oh dear... You need a bow
first if you want to buy

?Um, you do not have a bow
yet. You cannot buy these
until you get one...

?Oh, you don't have a bomb
bag? Sorry, but you can't
get bombs without one.

?Oh, but you don't have a
bomb bag. I can't sell these
to you until you have one.

?Hey, guy, ya don't have a
bomb bag yet, and ya can't
buy these until ya do...

?You don't have a bomb
bag, and you need one to
buy bombs.

?Oh, but you do not have a
bomb bag. You cannot buy
these unless you have one.

?Looks like you can't carry
any more items. Come back
when you have some space.

?Oh, so sorry, but you can't
carry any more. Come back
when you have more room.

?Hey, pal, your pockets are
stuffed! Come back once
you've used up some stuff!

?You can't carry any more.
Come back when you have
some room.

?You cannot carry any
more. Come talk to me
when you make some room.

?So very sorry, but that's
out of stock. I'll have
something good there soon.

?Sorry, but that item is out
of stock. We'll have
something nice next time.

?We're sold out of that
item, but we'll have
something good next time.

?Sorry, but we're all out of
those. Come back later, and
I might have something.

?Sorry--that item is out of
stock. We will try to get
more in soon!

?Those prize postcards are
[var] Rupees! Mail 'em
for a chance to win big!

?Those prize postcards are
[var] Rupees! Mail 'em
out and you could win big!

?Those prize postcards are
[var] Rupees! Mail 'em
out and ya could win big!

?Those prize postcards are
[var] Rupees! Mail 'em
out and you could win big!

?Those prize postcards are
[var] Rupees! Mail 'em
out and you could win big!

?You already have a shield!
You can buy this if you
lose the one you have.

?Hey, you already have a
shield. If you lose it, feel
free to talk to me.

?Ya got a shield already,
pal. But come back if
something happens to it.

?Hyeh heh heh! You already
have a shield! Come back if
you lose it.

?You already have a shield.
But if you ever lose it,
come back and talk to me.

?You completed the duet
with Steem, the Lokomo of
the Snow Realm!
The Snow rail map has
started glowing! New tracks
have appeared!

?You got the Song of
Discovery! Play it to find
hidden objects.
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?We still don't know where
to find the Lokomo in this
Perhaps we should chat a
bit more with the locals to
find out what they know.
Are you sure you want to
board the train?
[.]Yes.[.]Not now.

?I sure hope we can help
the village honcho pair
up the villagers.
Are you sure you want to
leave before we finish?
[.]Yeah.[.]Not now.

?I'm so glad we found out
how to get to the Snow
It took quite a bit of work
to get the information, but
now our course is clear.
Are you ready to set out
and meet Steem?
[.]Yeah![.]Hold on.

?Are you ready to go,
[.]Yeah.[.]Hold on.

?But aren't you getting cold,
Oh, me? I'm fine. Not
having a body really helps
me withstand the cold.

?I don't know how useful
Honcho's suggestion will
prove to be.
Still, it sounds like it's
worth paying this Ferrus a
Honcho said that we can
find him in the plains to
the east.

?OK, we can wander around
here some more. I hope I
don't get frostbite, though!
...Though I guess without a
body, that's not really a

?All right, let's be off then!

?We've been given quite a
task. Let's start by talking
to all the local villagers.

?Making these pairs is a real
hassle. No wonder Honcho
wanted you to do it.
I tell you what--from now
on, I'll do what I can to
help with this task!

?Brrr! This place is freezing!
...Though I can't really say
for sure, seeing as how I
have no body.
But enough talk. We should
ask the villagers about the
Lokomo in this realm.

?If you're lookin' for the
honcho of this place,
you're starin' right at him!
Whazzat? You ain't lookin'
for the village honcho?
[.]Mm-hmm.[.]Hi, honcho!

?Ya got a good head on
your shoulders, guy.

?Not only am I the honcho
of this here little village,
Honcho's my name!
Tell me, guy, was I not
made for this job?

?But enough about me. Is
there a reason ya wanted
to talk to me?
Whazzat? You wanna go to
the Snow Sanctuary?
But the tracks goin' that
way are all gone, guy!
...Honestly, though, when
those tracks disappeared,
us Anoukis were shocked.
Not only were the tracks
gone, but monsters started
poppin' up too!
We're in a real bind now!
There's danger around every

?So I don't really have time
to yak it up about goin'
to the Snow Sanctuary.
But I might be able to chat
more if you'd help this old-
timer organize some teams.
What do you say, pal?
[.]I'm on it![.]I can't.

?Ya think you're up to the
task, buddy? Yeah, ya got
a real capable look to ya.
Well, do your best, but
don't get worked up if the
goin' gets a little tough!
See, most of the villagers
are a little picky about
who they'll partner up with.
Pairin' them off is gonna
be a pain, but I think ya
got it under control.
Talk with folks in town, and
come tell me when you've
found the best pairings!
You catch all that, pal?
[.]Sure did![.]I'm lost...

?Either ya got a mind like a
sieve, or you're just not
payin' attention!
Anyway, listen for real this
One day, the tracks just
went kaput, cuttin' off our
access to the sanctuary...
Not long after that, we
started seein' monsters
right here in the village!
That's why I've been tryin'
to put together teams to
watch over the village!
Ya clear on everything
[.]Sure am![.]Uh, no...

?...That's cold!

?Ya gotta arrange the six
villagers, includin' yours
truly, into three pairs.
I'm happy pairin' up with
any old Anouki, but some
villagers are more picky.
Talk to the villagers, take
note of their preferences,
and find good pairs!

?Now you're just bein'
All right, more or less what
I'm sayin' is, I want ya to
pair up the villagers!
Talk to the folks, make
some pairs, and report your
findings back to me!
Make sense?
[.]Yep![.]Not really.

?I want ya to take the six
of us villagers and pair us
up into three groups!
I'm happy as a clam to be
paired with anyone, but
some folks got preferences.
It'll be up to ya to find
out what those preferences
are. Don't let me down!

?Hey there, guy! Thought
any more about my little
So ya gonna help me make
pairs for monster patrol?
[.]Sure am![.]Nah.

?Hey, it's my guy! Got those
patrol teams ready yet?
[.]Sure do![.]Not yet.

?Come on, pal--stop messin'
around, and start hustlin'!

?YES! I knew ya'd come
through for me! Gimme the

?Hey, guy, what's the big
idea? I thought ya had this
all figured out. Guess not.

?Ya sure about that, pal?
I don't think ya quite got
it down yet.
Why doncha go check your
facts with the villagers?

?BOOYA! There ya go! Ya
know, I think this is gonna
work out perfect!
I mean, you've just backed
up what I was already
I just needed ya to double-
check for me.
Just the same, here's a
thank-you gift!

?Why are ya still hangin'
around here, guy?
I thought we were all done.
[.]Actually...[.]You sure?

?Oh, right! I was so jazzed
about gettin' the teams
together, I almost forgot.
Ya were tryin' to make
your way out to the Snow
Sanctuary, weren't ya?
Meetin' with Steem, right?
Well it's a pain to get
there, but here's the deal.
The good news is that the
Snow Sanctuary isn't all
that far from here.
The bad news is that the
only way there is outta
Technically speakin', the
tunnel that goes there is
still intact...
But no one's used it since
that ginormous monster
moved in a few years back.
See, us Anoukis are
thinkers, not monster
But I can tell you're cut
from different cloth than
us! Sturdier cloth!
Sure, the tunnel to the
Snow Sanctuary is scary,
but you can handle it!
Here's the entrance.
If ya decide to use it, be
careful in there, OK?
You're a good guy. I'd
hate to see ya get hurt.
I'd look like a doof if it
got out that I showed ya
how to get there![.][.]

?You've just GOTTA help us!
Seriously, guy... Please.

?...Sorry 'bout that little
outburst. Us Anoukis can
get a little fiery sometimes.
Anyhow, I'm tryin' to put
together a village watch to
deal with our problem.
I'm thinkin' pairs of
villagers would work best.
Safety in numbers, y'know?
Did ya catch all that,
green guy?
[.]I follow![.]Um, no.

?What? You mean to tell me
I gotta run through all that
again? Sheesh!
Steem is livin' up in the
Snow Sanctuary, which is
located here.
But the only way to get
there is through a tunnel
that's got a monster in it.[.]
It's a dangerous journey,
but if ya can survive it,
it'll get ya there!
You can get in the tunnel
at this spot here.
Now, ya watch yourself
out there, OK?[.] If something
happened to you, guy...
I could be held partially
responsible, yeah?[.]

?Hey! If it isn't my favorite
green guy. Did ya see
that monster in the tunnel?
What was that? Ya wanna
pass through that blizzardy
area? Thing is...
the storms there will
just blow ya clear back to
where you started.
Whazzat? How do ya get
past 'em?
Boy, guy, ya just don't
stop with the questions,
do ya!
Oh well--you're a pal, so
of course I'll tell ya.
[.]Please do.[.]Spill it!

?...But the truth is, I don't
really know what to tell
We've had those fierce
snowstorms ever since the
Spirit Tracks disappeared.
It's made it so pretty much
no one can even get near
the place.
But there is this one guy
off in the eastern fields
who's nuts about trains.
Think he goes by the name
of Ferrus or somethin' like
Why doncha ask him if
there's a safe way through
that mess?
Ha! How's that for a great
idea? I'm not the honcho
for nothing, ya know!

?I hear a young guy named
Ferrus lives over in the
plains to the east.
He might have some
information that can help
ya! Why not go say hey?

?Hey! Guy! Looks like you
made it back from the Snow
Sanctuary in one piece!
And it's all thanks to that
solid-gold advice I gave ya,
am I right?

?How you doing, guy?
Ya need something?

?Aw, come on now. Did ya
even stop to think about it
before ya rejected me?

?Ice, huh? Hmm...
Well, in a chilly place like
this, ya figure there'd be at
least a little lyin' around.
Lucky for you, though, we
got a fine local product
called Mega Ice.
Take a look. The guy
livin' right here makes the
He can help ya out. Just
don't expect to get it for
free. It'll probably cost ya.[.]

?Baloney! I'm the village
honcho! Why should I have
to go on patrol duty?
I tell ya, guy, bein' a role
model is hard work.

?I'm tellin' ya, guy, I'm just
I don't know how much
more of this patrollin' I
can do.

?Is my shift over yet? It
feels like I've been on
patrol forever...

?What bozo thought settin'
up a village patrol would
be a good idea?! Hmph.

?This is crazy! What in the
world's been goin' on while
I've been on watch?

?Some big orange monster
decided to set up camp in
my place!
I can't exactly go home
now! Where am I supposed
to sleep? Tell me, where?!

Ya wanna know if this is
the village honcho's house?

?Is that so...
Then tell me this... Why
should the village honcho
talk to you?
[.]What?[.]Forget it.

?Whoa! Whoa there, guy!
No need to get that tunic
in a twist!
The village honcho lives up
in the hut sittin' above all
the rest.
It's so he has a good view
of this majestic village!
...All six huts of it, that is.

?Oh, quit with all the
questions, buddy. You're
killin' me.
There are only six of us
here! How hard is it to find
the honcho yourself?

?Hey! Guy! The name's Kofu.
Good to meet ya, pal.
So you're the guy puttin'
together pairs for the
watch? I can't wait!
My thoughts? I won't work
with anyone who's got big
horns like mine.
Mine are the best in the
village. Maybe even best in
the world!
So now ya know my only
request, pal. Find me a
good partner, OK? Thanks!

?Hey! Guy! I hear you're
headin' for that crazy
If I were you, I'd say ixnay
on the unneltay.
Ya wanna know why?
[.]No![.]Don't care.

?...Aw, come on, buddy.
You're killin' the flow of
our conversation here. Just
let me tell ya.

?No need to be so snippy
about it, pal!

?Come on--you're tellin' me
ya still haven't picked a
partner for me?
Just remember, I won't work
with anyone who's got big
horns like mine.
Anyone else'll suit me just
fine. Thanks, pal.

?The tracks might be back,
but the world's still a
dangerous place.
Stay on your toes, pal!

?Hey there, guy! I've just
been chattin' with my rocky
pal here.
He's really been talkin' up
Goron Village to me.
Apparently, it's toasty all
year round and the perfect
place for takin' it easy!
Personally, this Anouki
could use a break from
guard duty.
Whaddaya say to givin' me
a lift to Goron Village?
[.]Sure.[.]I can't.

?Aw, snowflakes! I guess
I'm stuck here for now

?Booya! I knew ya wouldn't
let me down, guy!
Well, I'll be waitin' for ya
on the train!

?I thought you'd be able to
do it, but turns out ya
already have a passenger!
I'll wait for ya, but be
sure ya write a memo so
ya don't forget!

?Hey, guy! I heard ya had a
mess-up with a passenger.
Bad news travels quick!
If ya don't go rescue that
sad sack, no one's gonna
feel safe on your train!
Go clear it up now, and
maybe I'll have time for a
ride before guard duty.
If ya go get him now and
bring him back, it'll be like
none of this ever happened!

?Lately, I can't get my mind
off this Goron Village I
keep hearin' about.
I hear it's toasty warm all
year round and the perfect
place for takin' it easy!
I'm sick of freezin' out on
patrol for hours on end. I'm
flyin' the coop, I tell ya!
Will you give me a ride
over to Goron Village?
[.]Sure.[.]No way.

?OK. This time, see if ya
can't keep this train ride
a little smoother, guy.
I'll be waitin' on the train
for ya, so come by when
you're ready to get movin'!

?I don't know how to break
this to you, guy, but...
Your drivin' was awful!
It made my fur stand on
end! Look, I'm still puffy
from it!
Are ya really gonna try to
do a better job this time?
[.]Of course![.]Hmmm...

?OK, then I'll hop aboard.
Are ya worried?
[.]Not at all.[.]Maybe...

?If ya gotta think about it
that hard, never mind!
I do wanna just take it
easy and wear shorts and
But if ya can't stop drivin'
like a maniac, then it's all
parkas all the time for me.

?Hurry up and save your
old passenger so you can
come back for me!

?Once ya deliver your
passenger, don't forget to
come back for me!

?The Spirit Tracks are
clearin' out, and monsters
are poppin' up everywhere!
I tell ya, us Anoukis are
havin' a tough time of
things right about now.
Ya see, we're a gentle
bunch. We're thinkers, not
Plus we don't really got the
guts for stuff like monster
hunting. You gotta help us!

?Hey there, pal. Name's
Whazzat? No, not Boohoo.
Ugh. That gag's as old as
the village honcho!
Hmm? So you're the guy
makin' pairs?
You must be really
bored--I mean, really nice
to help us out with this!
Just remember this! I can't
stand Anoukis who grow
out their facial hair.
They think they're so great!
I mean, who do they think
they are! Bah!

?Hey! Guy! Buddy guy!
Thanks for findin' me a
patrol partner!
Say, you're headin' to that
tunnel, right? You're either
bored or crazy, pal.
I mean, who knows what
freaky stuff you might find

?What? Ya still don't have
a partner for me? Will ya
step it up a little, pal?
I can't stand Anoukis who
grow out their facial hair.
Find me a partner with a
smooth face!

?Me? I'm busy protectin' the
village from monsters, can't
ya see?
This work is so intense,
I can't even stop to wipe
my nose.

?Just when ya start to get
warm again, it's time for
guard duty...

?Pain in the neck, right,

?Oh well, no use complainin',
I guess...

?Hey! Guy! Yeah, you!
You're not from these parts,
are ya?
Hey, what's with the stare?
You're eyeballin' me
something serious.
Don't tell me you've never
seen Anoukis before!
Pretty much, you say?
Well then, how d'ya do?
Nice to meet ya!
Since you've never been
here before, you oughta go
visit the village honcho.
Mr. Big Deal lives in the
house sittin' at the highest
part of the village!

?Hey, pal, I hear you're
findin' us partners out of
the goodness of your heart.
Real nice of ya! Maybe I
can repay ya in kind!
[.]Sure![.]No need.

?...Hey, I'm not sayin' I'll
find ya a patrol partner.
I just mean I'd do something
nice for ya!

?Wow, ya really do love
doin' good just for the
love of doin' good!
That's real bighearted of
ya, guy!

?But enough small talk.
How ya doin'? Call me
Listen, us Anoukis only pair
up with folks we find
Me? My biggest gripe is
guys wearin' yellow. I
As far as I'm concerned,
outside of bananas, nothing
looks good in yellow!
Oh man, I do love a good
banana, though! Anyway,
good talking to ya, pal!

?Looks like ya found me a
partner. I guess bein' so
nice to ya paid off!
...Seriously though, I really
made you feel at home.

?Whatcha wastin' time
jabberin' at me for? Go
find me a partner!
Like I said before, I hate it
when Anoukis wear yellow!
But I love bananas!
Now, would ya find me a
partner already? I'm itchin'
to start patrollin'! Thanks!

?A mean-lookin' train's
been spotted around the
fields to the east.
Me, I'm no fan of
high-speed danger.
But this kook who lives out
there is all excited about
the whole thing.
The guy's name is Ferrus,
and he just goes gaga over
all trains. What a weirdo.

?Hey! Guy! Even though it's
sunny out, it's snowin' in
our hearts.
As ya know, we sell Mega
Ice here.
But a little while ago, an
Ice Chu Chu fell in the
And ever since, there's
been a gooey film floatin'
on the surface...
It's revoltin', I tell ya!

?I see ya got yourself a
passenger car now! It's
fate, I tell ya!
What's that? Ya say you've
had it for a while? Well,
that's news to me!
Think ya can give me a lift
to a cold, clear spring?

?Thank ya kindly! I owe ya
one, guy! OK, I'll be waitin'
for ya on the train.

?Why, ya ask? Well, listen to
this crazy story...
Ya know how we sell Mega
Ice here? Yeah, it's our
village's major export.
Well, a little while ago, an
Ice Chu Chu fell in the
And ever since, there's been
a gooey film floatin' on the
surface... It's revoltin'!


?Guy, I gotta tell ya... Your
drivin' was a total mess.
I don't scare easy, but ya
had me whimperin' for my
mom back there.
Can I count on ya for a
smoother ride this time?
[.]Of course![.]Uh...

?If ya gotta think that hard
about it, let's just forget
the whole thing!
Once ya got some more
confidence, come talk to
me again!

?I'm gettin' on board. Why
are ya just standin' there?
Is something the matter?
[.]It's fine.[.]Well...

?OK, here it is again. I
wanna go to a nice, clear
natural spring!
It's gotta be somewhere
chilly though, 'cause I'm
gonna make Mega Ice there.
I'll be waitin' for ya
on the train, so when
you're ready, let's go!

?If we made Mega Ice outta
this water, our customers
would never come back!
So please, ya just gotta
take me to a lake or some
other body of water!
And it's gotta be in a cold
place, 'cause ya can't make
ice without the cold!

?Well? You're gonna take
me, aren't ya?
[.]Let's go.[.]No.

?If we made ice out of this
water, our customers would
never buy from us again!

?Do ya know where we can
find a place where the
water won't run out?

?Hey, do ya think ya could
give me a ride in that
sweet passenger car?
I gotta get to a cold place
with a nice, clear spring.

?Do I really gotta explain it
all again? Fine, here goes.
As ya know, we sell Mega
Ice here.
Well, we DID until an Ice
Chu Chu fell in the water
and contaminated it...
And ever since, there's been
a gooey film floatin' on the
surface... Gross, I tell ya!

?...But ya already got
someone on board, guy!
I'll wait for ya, so don't
forget to come back! Write
it down or somethin'!

?...But hold on a second.
I heard you had an incident
with another passenger?
That kind of information
gets around, ya know...
Ya oughtta rescue that
other passenger before ya
start givin' more rides!
That way, we can all ride
with peace of mind. I'll be
waitin' for ya here!

?If ya don't rescue your
passenger, how can I trust
ya enough to ride with ya?

?Ya already got a passenger!
Guess I'll just wait here
But don't forget to come
back for me! Write it down
or somethin'!

?...Eh? Ya already got
someone on board! I'll just
wait here for ya.
Just don't forget, OK?
Maybe ya should even
write it down.

?...Oh, that's right. There
was an incident with your
last passenger, right?
News like that gets around,
ya know...
Ya better go into rescue
mode, or else I can't ride
with ya!
I just wouldn't feel safe,
ya know? I'll be waitin'
here for when you do.

?Hey! Guy! Whatcha doin'
all the way out here in the
snow? Ya part snowman?
What what? Do I know a
fella named Steem?
[.]Do you?[.]Who?

?Steem... Steem... Steem...
Guy! I got it! EXTREME!
Extreme rhymes with Steem!
How good am I?
...I guess ya didn't need a
rhyme, did ya? Well, that's
all I got.
If ya need another type of
answer, go talk to the
village honcho!

?You're pairin' us up to
take out those monsters,
yeah? Aw right!
I, for one, am pumped and
ready to send those jokers
runnin' for the hills!
Ya wanna know my name,
huh? Well, I go by Agent
I mean, since we're formin'
elite teams, I figured I
needed a code name!
Seriously though, my real
name's Yefu.
Now let's get down to
business, yeah?
My partner needs to move
freely in the field, so flashy
horns are a major no-no!
Remember to keep it
simple. That rule may save
ya in the field one day.
...And NO, I don't just
say that 'cause I got small

?Oh, the teams are set?
Aw yeah, now it's monster-
bashin' time!
Whazzat ya ask?
How am I gonna put a
hurtin' on those monsters?
[.]Tell me.[.]Yeah!

?Well, ya know... I'll...sneak
up on 'em...
Then...WHAMMO! I'll just
drop the hammer on 'em...
Or something like that...

?Can't ya get those teams
together? I'm ready to
swing into action!
Just remember, Agent
Yellow--that's me, Yefu--
has one rule.
His teammate absolutely
cannot have big, flashy
horns! Good luck searching!

?I got a hot tip about a
guy out in the eastern
Apparently, he knows
everything about trains
AND the Spirit Tracks.
Sounds like a real winner,
doesn't he?

?The weather's so nice, but
it figures I'd get stuck with
guard duty.

?Won't someone PLEASE
gimme a break?!

?Time crawls when you're on
patrol duty, guy.

?Where did Honcho go?
Does this mean we're off
the hook for patrol duty?

?Hey! You! I know what ya
wanna hear. Ya wanna hear
our story, doncha!
Way back when, us Anoukis
lived on an island encased
in ice.
But one day, someone told
us we couldn't just crash
there forever.
So we packed up our junk
and set out in search of a
new land to call home.
Lotsa stuff happened after
that, but we ended up
here! Village, sweet village!
So how's that for drama?
Brings a big, fat tear to
your eye, right?
[.]Uh...[.]And then?!

?What, you're not moved?
You've got a heart of
stone, guy!
One day you're gonna
regret playin' the cool
guy like that! Trust me.

?Oh, intrigued, are ya?
Piqued your interest,
did I?
Sorry to let ya down, but
I've told ya pretty much
all I know.

?Hey! Little green guy! I
hear you're helpin' Honcho
form monster-huntin' teams.
I pity ya, I really do. See,
us Anoukis can be pretty
Not old Yeko, of course. I'm
a real peach! I've just got
one tiny preference.
I'm not gonna name any
names, but there's one guy
in our village I can't stand!
He's got wimpy horns and
dresses in blue.
There's only one Anouki
who fits that description,
so ya should know he is.
Ya follow me on all this?
Good. See ya!

?Hey! Guy! Thanks for
findin' rock-solid partners
for everyone!
Say, I hear you're headed
to the Sanctuary.
Ya do know that ya have
to pass through that scary
cave to get there, doncha?
I've heard of some crazy
schemes before, but this
takes the cake!

?Hey! Guy! Make with the
pairing already, would ya?
Just keep me away from
that wimpy-horned Anouki
who dresses in blue. Blech!
I mean, who'd wanna pair
up with that guy? He's got
terrible taste!

?Take a look, pal. We're
thinkin' about buildin' a
fence to keep monsters out.
Thing is, we don't have
enough lumber to finish it.
Talk about frustratin'!
Don't suppose there's a
chance someone'll come
by with some lumber, hm?

?You brought the bridge
worker here?

?Looks like you've got a
nice freight car, kiddo.
Why don't you use it to get
us some nice lumber to

?I'm glad the bridge worker
is here, but without lumber,
there's nothin' he can do.
Don't you have a freight
car, guy?

?Even if we have the lumber,
there's no one here who
knows what to do with it!
Hey, guy, could you find
someone who can build
things and bring him here?

?I know we don't got any
lumber around these parts.
And...we don't really got
anyone with the know-how
to build a fence.

?So, listen... Do ya think ya
can bring us both lumber
and a handyman?
We'd be eternally grateful,

?Hey, look at all that
lumber! Perfect!
We need 15 logs, OK?


?What? This isn't enough at
all! Please, guy, ya gotta
bring us some more!
We're gonna build a huge
fence, so we need at least
15 logs!

?Good job, guy! Now we
have enough material to
build our fence!
How can I say thank ya?
I know! Take this! Go on--
it's for you!

?Ya brought the bridge
worker? Awesome!
Let me express our thanks
with this!

?Now we can finally build
our fence!

?Now we have everything
we need!

?Next, we need ya to bring
the materials here.
So can ya pick up 15
logs of lumber for us?

?Now we just wait until the
fence is done. It's all
thanks to you, guy!

?Now that we've got all the
wood we need, all that's
left is finding a builder!

?When we get a fence, we
won't have to freeze our
horns off on patrol duty!
Ha, now that'd be the life!
I hope it gets built soon!

?I know, I know, no talkin'
while he's workin'...
The way he carries on,
you'd think this was a
Sheesh! Is buildin' a fence
really that hard?

?So if I have this right,
Kofu seems to dislike
Anoukis with larger horns.
To put it another way, he's
probably willing to pair up
with a small-horned Anouki.

?Let me review what we just
heard. Boohoo--I mean,
Bulu dislikes facial hair.
If that's the case, I bet he'd
be a fine match for an
Anouki with no facial hair.

?So it seems Noko doesn't
like Anoukis who wear
Put another way, he loves
bananas... Oh, wait, that's
all wrong.
What I meant to say is that
he'd pair well with someone
wearing blue, or Honcho.

?Yefu says he dislikes those
with large, grand horns.
Maybe you should pair him
with an Anouki with horns
on the smaller side.

?Yeko appears to dislike a
certain small-horned Anouki
who's dressed in blue.
It seems that he and Noko
would likely butt heads
then, doesn't it?

?What? We're here already?
Your driving was so smooth
that the trip just flew by!
I'm rested and ready to
tackle the work. Off I go!

?That wasn't the smoothest
ride of my life, but I've had
worse, believe me!
OK, talk to ya later.
I gotta get to work!

?Whew! Ya still have a lot
to learn about drivin', kid.
But at least we're here!
Well, I guess it's time
I got started!

?Whew! So should we get

?Ya don't have any lumber?
But that's the key

?Why don't ya go and pick
up some lumber from
After all, ya got that
terrific freight car.

?Ehh... Even if we found
some lumber, how would we
transport it?
That's the problem...

?Hoo! It's freezin' here!
My hands are so numb, I
can't do a thing...
I'll just warm my hands
until the lumber gets here.
It kind of a craftsman

?It's f-f-freezin' here, kid!
Hurry up and bring the
lumber already!
My hands are too numb
to do a thing!
I'll just warm up my hands
so I can start as soon
as ya bring the materials.
It's in the union handbook.

?What now?! I'm workin'
here! I got no time for

?Eh? What do you mean,
"no progress?!"
See, that's why projects
like this are tough!
Can't ya see? The base is
the most important! Ya
can't just throw it together!
If I leave this for later,
the end product is gonna be
completely off!
It's the details that make a
true craftsman! And I been
at this my whole life!
If ya understand, then
get outta my hair and let
me get back to work!

?Wow! So it was all true!
This whole place is covered
in white fluffy stuff!
I am so glad I made the trip
out here, and I am so glad
you gave me a ride!

?Oh, but I cannot forget my
First things first. I must go
meet the village head!

?Mmm? Yesirree, I sure am
the honcho... No doubt
about it...
Why else would I be sittin'
in his--I mean, MY house?
I just, uh, changed my

?Oh, I was just speaking
with the village honcho.

?Well, Honcho, since you are
going on a trip, thanks for
letting me use your house!
And you do not even know
me! For a politician, you
are most hospitable.

?It is true what they say.
The colder a place is, the
warmer the hearts are of
the residents!

?Well, what can I say? I'm
a real hospitable sorta
guy, guy.

?People in cold places have
warm hearts! And this place
is extra super cold.
Since Honcho was kind
enough to lend me his
house, I may stay for a bit.
The only problem is that it
is really cold here! It does
not feel...Goron-like...
Too bad, huh?

?Now where could she have

?Hey there, little guy!

?Would you like to board the
train now?
[.]Yep.[.]Not now.

?Oh? All right then, we'll
stay here a bit longer.

?Let's be on our way then.

?We couldn't find any
information about the
blizzard here.
Let's try another village!

?I'm so glad we found the
vessel Steem wanted.
Now that there are some
new train tracks, we should
see where they lead!
Are you ready to go?
[.]Yep![.]Hold on.

?All right, then let's go,

?The Lokomo of this land
should be around here
Should we look around or
go somewhere else?

?We keep getting knocked
back by the snowstorm...
Let's try it again!
Or do you want to go
somewhere else?

?Now that the tracks have
been restored...
What do you say we head
to the Snow Temple?
[.]OK![.]Hold on.

?Have we been anywhere
that sold vessels?
Well, let's get going!
[.]Yes, let's![.]Wait.

?Steem was really angry at
us... I hate to say it,
But it was your fault for
breaking that vessel. We
have to make it up to him.
So let's get going!
[.]Right![.]Hold on.

?What was that...that...
THING back there? I've
never seen a bug that size!
People weren't meant to go
there! Let's never go back,
You understand, don't you?
No going back there, OK?

?Hoo hoo hoo! I've heard all
about you two!
You want to restore the
Spirit Tracks, correct?
[.]That I do![.]Wrongo.

?Such exuberance! Such
vigor in that voice! Now
THAT, my boy, is a reply!
You've shown great bravery
in coming here, and it sets
my heart soaring!
You possess a power vital
to restoring the lost
Spirit Tracks.
Have you heard of the
songs of the Lokomos?
[.]Of course![.]The what?

?Oh, is that so. Well, my
mistake. Pay me no mind.

?Tell me the truth now...
You've come here in search
of my song, yes?
[.]Yes, sir![.]Not at all.

?Each realm has its own
song, and they all work to
restore the Spirit Tracks.
The songs are played by
two instruments, each with
its own part.
Only when all the parts
come together does the
song emerge.
Let us begin by practicing
the melody you will play.
Listen well, and play after
me. When you feel you've
got it, set down your flute.

?As you know, the songs are
made up of two instruments
that play different parts.
I'll teach you your part
now, so listen closely. Then
play as I've played!
When you've got it down,
set down your flute for
just a moment.

?Excuse me... Are you the
guardian of this realm?
Anjean told us you'd
be here...

?Hoo hoo hoo! Nice to
meet the both of you!
My name's Steem. I am
indeed the guardian of the
Snow Realm.

?Not hard to pick this old
guy out of a crowd, is it?

?Excellent! Now how about
we try a real performance?
Or would you like to
practice first?

?Just remember that you
have your own part to
play, my boy!
Don't let my part throw
you off!

?All right, let's try again.
I'll play your part, so listen
well and memorize it!

?What happened there?
Didn't you see me signaling
for you to jump in?

?You've clearly failed to
grasp the basics! Didn't
you practice?
How can we create music
if you just play whatever
notes you feel like?

?You must have missed the
signal I gave you to start
playing your part.
Otherwise your timing
wouldn't be so off.
Wait for my sign, and then
play your part. Got it?

?Hrm... You seem to be a
bit...improvisational with
your notes.
But it's not that kind of
song. Focus on playing the
notes from practice.
And don't let my part
confuse you!

?Hrm, yes. A little all over
the place, wasn't it?
If we're going to play this,
our hearts and minds must
be as one. Focus, boy.

?Ready to have another go
at it?
Or do you want to practice

?Let's try again. I'll play
your part, so listen closely
and commit it to memory!

?So be it... When your mind
is clear and you're ready to
proceed, come talk to me.

?I haven't been that nervous
about performing in I don't
know how long...
But now the Spirit Tracks
to the Snow Temple have
been restored.
Go forth, and may luck be
with you!

?Oh, but there is one thing I
should warn you of.
Ferocious blizzards have
been savaging the area
around the temple.
Be careful on your journey

?Are you ready to perform
Or would you rather
practice first?

?Good! Now remember, we
each have our own part to
When I give the signal, play
the part you practiced!

?Wonderful! I'll play your
part for you again. Listen,
and commit it to memory!

?So be it... When your mind
is clear and you're ready to
proceed, come talk to me.

?Wonderful! You've restored
the realm's Spirit Tracks!

?You'll reach the Snow
Temple before long. Have a
safe journey!

?Hoo hoo! What's wrong,
...Ah, the blizzard blew you
back to the start of your
journey, you say? Hrmm...
Perhaps you've chosen a
poor course to travel.
[.]Maybe...[.]No way!

?Then maybe it's because of
the disappearance of the
Spirit Tracks.
I must say, you've truly
baffled me here. Hrmm...
May I suggest you consult
someone more in the know
on trains?

?Hoo hoo hoo! It's just as I
suspected, eh? Truly, I
never fail to amaze myself!

?I don't know why you keep
getting thrown back. Sorry
for not being more help.
You should talk to someone
with more knowledge of

?So you keep getting blown
back to the start of your
journey in those blizzards?
Perhaps you're choosing the
wrong course to travel...
[.]Maybe...[.]No way!

?The skies have cleared, and
I no longer feel an evil
presence lurking over us.
I can see why Anjean sent
you, boy. Your bravery is
Here, take this. It's not
much, but I wanted to thank
you in my own way.

?Hoo hoo hoo! Stay strong
and alert on the rest of
your journey, boy!

?However, this evil has not
yet been completely
banished from the land!
You must gather your
courage and continue
on, boy!

?When the door opens, head
to the far room without
being seen...
And do it before the time
runs out...

?Ah, hello. I putt-putted
over to meet you when I
heard the train!
I'm looking to redecorate
my sanctuary, and I need
a nice vessel.
Can you bring me one?

?Once you have a freight
car, I'd like you to bring me
a vessel!
You might want to write a
memo so you don't forget!
Then I won't need to worry.

?Ah, hello! I putt-putted
over to meet you when I
heard the train!
I'm looking to redecorate
my sanctuary, and I need
a nice vessel...
...But I see you don't have
a freight car!
Well, once you do, see
about bringing me a nice
vessel, would you?

?Bring me a nice new vessel.
I'll be waiting here until
you do!
Ah... Well, perhaps that's
an exaggeration. But that's
how much I want one!
Don't forget, now!

?Ah, quite so, quite so! I
putt-putted over to meet
you when I heard the train!
I'm looking to redecorate
my sanctuary, and I need
a nice vessel...
...And I see you have one
aboard your freight car
As it happens, that's just
the kind I want! You must
have read my mind.
Will you let me have it?
[.]Sure.[.]No way.

?Oh, happy day! I've been
waiting for so long! That
vessel on your train...
You brought it for me,
didn't you?

?Y-you're really denying me?

?Oh, precious, precious
vessel! Thank you very
much, [Link]!
Let's take it to my
sanctuary right away!

?Well, all right. But if you
change your mind, you
know where to bring it!
And I don't want any old
pot that you find on the
ground. I want a vessel.

?But I don't want just any
old pot that you find on
the ground.
I want a genuine vessel,
all right? Thank you!

?Thanks for the vessel! I'm
all aflurry with gratitude!

?Wh-what is this?!
What do you plan to do
about this?!

?Don't you play innocent
with me! I saw what
happened! I saw everything!
If Anjean were here, she'd
never forgive you!
Now you've got to bring
me another vessel.
A replacement. Got it?!

?Is that all you have to
say?! "Sorry"?!
This isn't something you
can apologize your way
out of! It's unforgivable!
You'd better bring me a
replacement vessel to make
up for the way you acted!

?Thank you. That vessel you
brought is really something

?Don't be so destructive
in the future, all right?

?Bring me a vessel and
be quick about it! Or else
I'll never forgive you!

?Bring me another vessel! I
won't have anything to do
with you until you do!
Or do you already have
one on hand?
[.]I do.[.]No!

?Then hurry it up, you
inconsiderate little boy!

?Ah...I see. So you were
only joking.
Then I'm sorry for flying off
the cuff like that. I just
didn't think.
Here, let me give you this
to apologize.

?Oh, goody! You've brought
me my vessel, haven't you!
[.]Right.[.]Not yet!

?Oh, my heart feels like it
might burst with happiness.
It's true that you broke
the vessel, but you did
replace it.
I should reward you for
your thoughtfulness.
Well, since you worked so
hard, let me give you this.

?Oh, I do so love reliable

?The first and the last are
on the ends.

?Don't hit the false one in
the middle.

?The second switch from the
left is the third switch
to hit.

?The second one and the
fourth one are next to
each other.

?Those who get the order
wrong will fall into

?Are you ready to head out,
[.]Yep![.]Not yet.

?Then let's do it!

?Really? Well, OK, we can
hold off on leaving.

?So there's a station all the
way out here?
I wonder what surprises are
in store for us...

?How strange... I wonder
who built this place...and
for what?

?Really? I guess there's
nothing to do here, but

?Well done, [Link]!
Now let's head for the
Snow Temple!

?Thank you so much, Steem!

?Hoo hoo hoo! Good luck,
you two!

?Welcome to the Skating
Rink! You don't even need
skates to skate here!
We have three amazing
courses: Amateur, Pro, and
Pick your course, step on
the switch, then gun it to
the treasure!

?Amateur Course
Try your hardest and don't
give up!

?Pro Course
Time your spins carefully!

?Champion Course
Win this to be the top
skater in the land!

?You got the Forest rail
Some of the lost Spirit
Tracks on it are

?You got the Snow rail
Some of the lost Spirit
Tracks on it are

?You got the Ocean rail
Some of the lost Spirit
Tracks on it are

?You got the Fire rail
Some of the lost Spirit
Tracks on it are

?You got a Tear of Light!
Gather three of them to
power up your sword!

?You got the Compass of
It shines light upon the
world, revealing places
linked to the Dark Realm.

?Something's written here,
but it's too dark to read it.

?Look at those giant doors,
They look really heavy.
I don't think one person
could open them alone.

?Oh my gosh! What in the
world is that?!
I've never seen a monster
as ferocious looking as
that one, [Link]!

?I don't think you can get
through these floor spikes,
Leave it to me! I'll figure
something out!

?There's another Phantom,
But wait a second...
Now that I'm in disguise,
maybe I can trick him into
thinking I'm on his side.
I'll go try!

?Great job, [Link]!
This must be the rail map
Anjean was talking about!

?Ahhh... It's nice to get out
of that clanky outfit and
back to my old self.
There must be something
special about this room...

?What could that blue light

?This is Anjean here.
Good work, Princess Zelda
and [Link]!
You've done well obtaining
the rail map, but you can't
go any farther now.
Step into the light to return
to the tower lobby.

?Well, you heard her,
[Link]! Let's go!

?Let's get out of here,

?It looks like the light of
your sword has disappeared
too, [Link].

?There's something strangely
calm about this area here.
Do you feel it too,

?Princess Zelda... CAN YOU


?Yes, it's me, my dear.
The area you are in now is
a safe zone, one that is
protected by the spirits.
As long as you are in a
safe zone, you are hidden
from enemy view.
Furthermore, enemies
cannot enter safe zones.
Make good use of safe
zones to hide from the
Now, you have no time to
waste. You must go find
that rail map.

?Thank you, Anjean!
OK, [Link]!
Let's get moving!

?How can we get to the
treasure chest?
I can't fly... And you can't
reach it either, right,

?Let's get this door open.
We can do it together,

?That Phantom is still here...
Let's follow Anjean's
We have to grab all three
Tears of Light without
letting the Phantom see us.
I can tell it means business,
so we have to be brave!

?Do you want to go back to
the entrance?


?I'm back to the way I was
before, [Link].
That must mean the rail
map is in this room!

?We got the rail map, so
let's go talk to Anjean,

?This armor can withstand
any heat, so feel free to
hitch a ride on my shield!
Just tap it to jump aboard!
To jump off again, do a
double tap, OK?
Remember, you can only
climb on from someplace
high, like a platform.

?Whew, it looks hot in here.
Getting into one of those
clanky suits of armor is the
last thing I want to do.
But I'll do it if you think
it will help.
[.]Please![.]It's OK.

?Well, I'm not looking
forward to this. I hope I
can endure the heat...

?That's nice of you to say,
but I can't let you go it
alone. I'll do it.
I'll just pretend I'm
unwinding in a spa sauna.

?Hey, look! Now that I'm a
Phantom, I can walk
through fire and lava!
Hee hee hee! I'm like a
walking, talking shield,

?Eeeeek! What is that
disgusting monster?!
Phantoms are terrifying, but
at least they're not as
revolting as that thing!
Let's fight him together,

?We did it!
When we work together,
nothing out there can stop
us! Right, [Link]?

?I bet you could hop on top
of my shield from that

?Watch where you step.
Illuminate as much as you
can to find the answer.

?The seeker of the key must
draw the symbol that sleeps
in this room.

?Wow, it's awfully dark in
here. I can't see a thing,
A place this creepy might
even have ghosts floating
Wait...I'm a ghost. You're
not scared of me, right?
[.]No way![.]I am.

?Right? I'm not scary at all!
But even if it's dark in
here, we have to keep

?Don't say that! This is only
a temporary thing. I wasn't
like this before...
Just try your best to keep
us out of the dark, OK,

?This is just getting easier
every time, don't you
Well, should we try for the
next rail map?
[.]I'm tired.[.]Let's go!

?I don't know about you, but
I could keep going and
going and going...
Just kidding! We actually
can't go any farther than
this right now.
Well then, let's go talk to

?Now that's the attitude of
a true hero.
The thing is, the way to the
next level is blocked off,
so we can't go on.
Come on, let's go back and
talk to Anjean!

?Look, [Link]!
That Phantom has a light!

?We've been found!
I'll carry the key. You take
care of covering me,

?Yay! I'm a Torch Phantom,
so I've got this great sword
to light the way!
Now there's no need to
worry about the dark!
Come on, [Link]!
We have to move!

?Whew! That was getting
pretty scary!
Good thing I was here to
help defeat him, right?

?Yessss! I helped defeat a
Just leave it all to me,

?Oh, all you did was swoop
in and deliver the final hit!
You always get to play the
hero, [Link]!

?We've made it to the rail-
map room!

?We're going to need a big
key to open this.

?See that wall three steps to
the right? It's kind of thin.

?Blow out the lonely torch
in a corner on this floor
where the Phantoms tread.
Then you will see a
faint light.

?The lights have turned on,
I think this means the
monsters have found us...
Oh, no! I'll take the key.
You protect me, OK?

?Hey! That hurts, you know!


?Owie! I'm not a target!

?I'm coming!

?Wait for me!


?I'm sinking!

?That's a nice song.

?Quick! Run away!

?That was scary!

?Move it! You're in the way!

?You have to help me push
this, [Link]!

?Heave ho!

?Come on now. You're
starting to make me angry!

?Why are you being so
pushy? Just stop it!


?I'll show you what happens
when you make me angry!

?Move from the green tile to
the red tile.
Your path will form a
special symbol.

?We've made it to a new
level. I wonder what's in
store for us...
We've defeated so many
enemies, there's nothing
that can stop us now!
Right, [Link]?
[.]Go, us![.]Well...

?That's the spirit! Now
that's how a hero should
OK, let's go!

?Why are you mumbling?
You know I'm right!
And even if you are scared,
you should try to put that
out of your mind.
I'm pretty sure monsters
can smell fear.

?You know those eyeball
monster things? They're
called Phantom Eyes.
If you draw a line to a
Phantom Eye, I can teleport
straight there!
That sounds sooooo nice!
I'll never have to walk
anywhere again!

?Hey, check it out! I'm a
Warp Phantom now! Hee!

?Hey, look! I'm a Wrecker
Now I can roll around and
smash things up! But I hope
I don't get too dizzy...

?This is the final battle,
Once we go through here,
we'll be at the top of the
Still, I can't help but worry.

?It's just that I've been
separated from my body
for so long...
Don't get me wrong--I'm
very worried about Anjean,
too. I hope she's all right.

?...Oh, that's right! Anjean!
I hope she's OK...

?Uh-oh, I don't think I can
carry you when I'm all
rolled up...

?I don't think I can hold
anything while I'm all
rolled up...

?Oh, no! They're on to me!
You have to help me,

?I can't carry you over there
with this type of body,
What do we do now?

?Look! It's the Compass of
Light, [Link]...

?Follow those tracks to
the Dark Realm! Let's find
that Demon Train.
I want my body back, once
and for all!

?Who knew there was
somewhere like this under
the altar?
All right, [Link]!
It's time to end this!
Together, we can take on
anything! Right?
[.]You bet![.]No way.

?Let's get going!

?You say that now, but I
know you'll come around
and do the right thing.
It's because you've got
such a big heart. Tee hee!

?Look for two eyes in the
dark. Shoot them with light
to get the key.

?Only those without special
powers know the secret.

?Sometimes darkness can
open a path.

?Light them in this order.
The undefended flame, the
flame surrounded by sand,
the flame surrounded by the
abyss, and finally, the
guarded flame.

?Remember what Anjean told
us, [Link].
Your new sword is filled
with energy.
That means you don't need
to grab Tears of Light to
attack the Phantoms.

?Yessssss! We made it,
We're unstoppable when
you put us together. We
can take on any monster!
Do you think this is our
last battle?
[.]Yep.[.]Not yet.

?It's finally over! Let's take
those stairs.

?You're right. That was a
tough fight, but we can't
let our guard down.

?I guess we're not done yet.
Look, there's every kind of
Phantom here now.
But we must be getting
close to finding the
Compass of Light.
Let's do it!

?There are three locked
doors, [Link]!
Which door do you think
we should we take?

?The left one, you say?
Well, I've got a feeling we
should pick the right one.

?Yes, absolutely. The middle
door is the way to go. I'm
sure of it.

?I don't know how I feel
about the right door.
Wouldn't the left door be a
better choice?

?It's so dark in here,
We've been in a room like
this before, haven't we?
Then let's do what we did
last time!

?I have a feeling there are a
lot of enemies headed our
way, [Link]...
Ready? OK, Let's go!

?Now that you have all the
Tears of Light, your sword
is full of energy.
Now you can attack a
Phantom by hitting him
in the back!

?This sword is full of
There's no need for Tears
of Light anymore!

?Look, [Link]!

?The stairs go up higher
than they did when we
were here last time.
Let's go to the new floor
and find the next rail map!

?It looks like the light
from your sword is gone,

?I'm back to the way I was
And look at your sword!
It's not lit up anymore,

?So this is what the inside
of the tower looks like.
Let's head over to that
door, [Link]!

?All right, let's go!






























































































?You must ascend the tower
and retrieve the rail maps!

?Don't just stand there,
Go retrieve the rail maps
to restore more of the
Spirit Tracks!

?Go to the forest and find
the Lokomo Gage! Tell him
what has happened.
I'm sure he will know how
to help you.
[.]We're off![.]Wait...

?Hurry! We must stop the
Demon King from returning!

?Very well. Go when you
are ready.

?You met Gage and restored
a part of the Spirit Tracks!
You can now go to the
Forest Temple!
You must go there now and
restore the flow of energy!
[.]Let's go![.]Hold on.

?Thanks to you two, the
Forest Temple has been
And now the Tower of
Spirits has plenty of
energy too. Thank you.

?What temple should we
head for next?

?The next temple is deep in
the mountains and closed
off by snowstorms.
But again, you must first
obtain a rail map.
Now that the energy from
the forest is flowing into
the tower again...
You can go farther up the
tower to the level of the
next rail map.
Obtain it quickly, you two,
for you must get to the
next temple soon!

?Got it! You can count
on us!

?All right, let's go get
the second rail map,

?Ah, so you've retrieved the
the second rail map. Then
your next task is clear.
You must go to the Snow
Temple and restore the flow
of energy to the tower!
Find the Snow Sanctuary
where the Lokomo Steem
resides and talk to him.
He'll help you open the
way to the temple.
[.]Let's go![.]Hold on...

?You must go to the temple
hidden in the snow and
restore the energy flow!
The protector of the Snow
Realm, Steem, can be found
in the Snow Sanctuary.
The sanctuary is somewhere
within that realm.
Find it and then ask Steem
for help.
[.]Got it![.]Wait...

?Now go to the next level
of the tower and retrieve
the second rail map!
Or would you rather go
somewhere else by train?

?Very well. Be careful!

?Then take your time.

?So you have received
Steem's assistance.
Now you should be able to
enter the Snow Temple!
Once there, you must
restore the Snow Realm's
Spirit Tracks!
Do you understand?
[.]Got it.[.]Wait.

?The next temple is in the
Ocean Realm.
To get there, first you must
climb the tower and
retrieve the third rail map!
Or would you like to take
the train?

?Very well. If you want to
take the train, though, just
say so at any time.

?Very well. Which realm do
you want to go to?

?I see you've retrieved the
third rail map! Now you
can go to the Ocean Realm.
The guardian of that realm
is a Lokomo named Carben.
Find him, and ask him to
open the route to the
Ocean Temple.
You can reach the Ocean
Realm by way of the
Forest Realm.
The river in the south-east
divides the two realms, but
there is a bridge here.
You can use it to cross
over to the Ocean Realm.[.][.]

?Find Carben, and restore
the Spirit Tracks of the
Ocean Realm!
Now, ready to board the
[.]Let's go![.]Hold on...

?Ah, so you've found
He always moves to the
beat of his own pistons...
Quite a character!
Now you must proceed to
the Ocean Temple. The
entrance is deep in the sea.
Will you board the train?
[.]Yes.[.]Not yet.

?All right. What realm do
you want to go to?

?We're counting on you, so
go get the rail map.

?To go to the Fire Realm,
first get the fourth rail map
on the tower's next level!
Or would you rather leave?

?Ah, so you managed to
obtain the rail map!
You two just might be able
to restore the Spirit Tracks
in every realm!

?But, Anjean, the rail map
has only a small part of the
Spirit Tracks on it.
Where are the temples you
were talking about?

?In each of the four realms
is a temple. Look, my dear.
The closest one is here...
But I don't think you can
make it to the temple
as things are right now.
The rail map has imparted
energy to a length of the
Spirit Tracks here.
But because of the Demon
King's power, much of the
energy was lost.[.][.]

?Not yet. But there is a
way to restore energy to
the rail maps.
You can ask my people to
help you.

?Your people, Anjean?

?Indeed. We are called the
Lokomos. We are servants
of the spirits.
They have entrusted us
with protecting the temples
and the Spirit Tracks.
By playing our sacred
We generate energy that
powers the Spirit Tracks.

?So...we can't go to the
temples, Anjean?

?Sacred instruments?

?Yes, and the Spirit Flute
you hold is one of them.

?This flute was a gift from
my grandmother. I didn't
know it had any powers.
I'd only heard that it was
something precious handed
down from my ancestors.

?Yes! And it was I who gave
it to your ancestors!
But only under the
condition that they protect
the land for all time.
Of course, back then, I
didn't think things would
take such a perilous turn.
I'm glad that after all these
years it has found its way
into your hands.

?I had no idea this flute was
so important...
My grandmother used to
play it for me when I was
a little girl.
If I was sad or upset, the
sound of this flute would
make me feel better.
But even so, I suppose its
rightful place is with you,

?Oh...but we don't have a
train. How are we going to
get to the forest?

?No, you two will have need
of it. Please take it with
you! For now...
You must go find the other
Lokomos and restore the
energy of the rail maps.
Once you do, the Spirit
Tracks will reappear.
Go to the forest first,
where you must talk to the
Lokomo Gage.
South of the Forest
Temple is a sanctuary
where you can find Gage.
He will be able to tell you
where to go next.[.]

?[.]Got it!

?Let's go, [Link]!

?You may take this.

?This train is a symbol of
the spirits. People don't
ordinarily ride around in it.
But these are no ordinary
I'm sure the spirits wouldn't
mind lending it to you.

?Thank you, Anjean!

?We have to go to the final
temple and restore the last
of the Spirit Tracks!
We must hurry there...for
Anjean's sake!
[.]Let's go.[.]Hold on.

?What realm should we go
to, [Link]?

?But...we don't have much
time, [Link]!

?I just saw the rail map for
the Fire Realm.
New tracks have appeared
that connect the Fire and
Snow Realms.

?Let's find the next Lokomo
and restore the Spirit
Tracks to the Fire Temple!

?Embrose was a little scary
looking, but he was
actually very nice!
Now the Spirit Tracks to
the Fire Temple have been

?The Tower of Spirits is
back to normal!
Now we can get to the
altar where the Demon King
Come on! Let's head to the
top of the tower,
Or would you prefer to go
outside first?

?All right! Let's go,

?I see. Well, we probably do
need to make some
So we can go anywhere
you need to go first.

?What realm do you want to
go to, [Link]?

?Anjean said that the Bow
of Light rests in the Sand
We should be able to find it
if we look at the map.
Now let's get going!

?Got it! You want to go up
the tower again?

?So you've met Rael and
will be heading to the
Sand Temple soon.
Once you've obtained the
Bow of Light, you'll be
able to defeat Malladus!
Ready to board the train?

?To find the Demon Train
that Malladus and Cole are
we must obtain the
Compass of Light at the
top of the tower.
Byrne said there were
stairs near the altar where
Malladus was kept prisoner.
Let's go to the altar first,
Or do you want to ride the
train somewhere first?

?All right. We now know
how to enter the realm
where the Demon Train is.
Soon we'll have to battle
Malladus himself...
So, let's get going,
[.]Yes, let's![.]Hold on.

?It appears you succeeded in
restoring the second area
of Spirit Tracks.
Well done, you two!
I can feel the energy
flowing back into this

?It's true--[Link]
isn't one who gives up
I wish I could have helped,
but in this form, there
wasn't much I could do...

?It's enough that you are by
[Link]'s side.
That's all the help
[Link] needs.

?Thanks, [Link]!

?Now, where should we go
to restore the third section
of Spirit Tracks?

?Next is the Ocean Realm.
Once again, you must climb
the tower and retrieve the
next rail map.

?That's what I thought!
All right, we'll be back with
it soon!

?Come on! Let's go get it,

?What's the matter? You
look as pale as a ghost.
Though given the company
you've been keeping,
perhaps it's no surprise.

?Anjean! There was a
ferocious monster up there
with a great big sword!
I don't see how we can
possibly defeat it.

?Sounds like a Phantom, my
dear. They're the guardians
of the Tower of Spirits.
Though they look quite
sinister, they won't harm
anyone with a good heart.

?I know what I saw! It was
definitely after us!

?Why would it think
[Link] is evil?

?There is one possible
With the Spirit Tracks gone,
perhaps an evil spirit has
possessed the Phantom...

?If that's the case, we might
have trouble beating it...

?Hitting the Phantom in the
back with your sword
should stop it for a while...
But first, you need to
gather all three of the
Tears of Light.
That will power up your
sword. Then you'll be able
to face the Phantom!

?Collect the three Tears of
Light, then hit the Phantom
in the back...
Sounds tricky.

?If anyone can do it,
[Link] can.

?All right, let's give it
a try, [Link].

?Anjean! The Spirit Tracks
between the Ocean Temple
and here have reappeared!

?Yes, nicely done! Now there
is but one temple left until
all the tracks are restored.
Once they are, we'll be able
to enter the altar of the
Demon King.
Just one more step!

?To get to the next
temple, do we have to go
to a new realm?

?Yes, the next temple is
hidden in a mountain of
But first, go reclaim the
rail map that will restore
the way to the next realm!

?Let's go, [Link]!

?It looks like the Tower of
Spirits is back to normal,
But I can still feel an evil
presence surrounding it..
Does this mean we stopped
the Demon King's
At any rate, we should
go to the altar at the top,
where he's imprisoned.
I'm also worried about
Anjean, so we really
should hurry!
Before we go, though, I just
want to say thank you for
everything! I'm so grateful!
But though we've come this
far, there's still more we
need to accomplish.
So, shall we press ahead?
[.]Of course.[.]I'm tired.

?That's great to hear!
Let's go!

You must be joking. You
can't really be tired?
[.]Kidding![.]I'll be OK.

?Uh-oh... The ice is gone!
Let's return to the village!
[.]Yes, let's.[.]No.

?Whoooa! What in the--?!

?Oh, no! Watch out!

?Look out! There's an animal
on the tracks!

?There's something blocking
the tracks!

?There's a big rock in the
way, so we can't get by.
But we need to go this
way to get to the new
Let's go back to Aboda
Village and ask around
about what to do.

?There's a big rock that's
blocking our way.
Looks like it's time to try
out our new toy!

?We just keep getting hit!
If this keeps up, our train
is going to explode!
Maybe we should go back
to Castle Town and see if
Alfonzo can help us.

?"To fire the cannon, calm
down and focus on what
you want to hit...
Then very smoothly just
tap your target!
Your pal, Alfonzo"
...That's the end of it.
Shall I read it again?
[.]Please.[.]That's OK.

?Oh, look! Alfonzo left us
instructions for the cannon!

?Let's try it out right now!

?...Goodness! Could you hit
the brakes a little sooner
next time?
We've got to go this way
to get to the new realm...
Let's go back to the village
and ask around. Someone
must know something!

?Oof... Would you mind
hitting the brakes a little
sooner next time?
Well, no harm done. Are
you doing all right there,

?Look out, [Link]!
Brakes! Hit the BRAKES!

?Look out, [Link]!
Hit the brakes! NOW!

?We can't make it over that
broken bridge...
Now how are we supposed
get to the new realm?

?There's something strangely
powerful about the rail map
you recovered.
If you trace your stylus
over the tracks, it will set
a path to your destination!
Go on and try it,

?Oh, just one last thing
about the rail map...
Should you decide to
change your destination
Redraw your travel route
by tapping Route in the
lower corner of the screen.
Unfortunately, I haven't
enough power to speak
with you beyond this point.
Be brave, you two!

?We can't take any more!

?Hang in there!

?Watch out!


?Hey, what's the big idea?!


?Steady, now!

?Aaaaugh! [sfx][Link]!

?Wh-what was THAT?!
I don't know what just
happened, but it doesn't
look good.
Let's just stay away from
those trains. I think that
would be best.

?Give that monster a
scare to drive it away!

?Listen, Princess Zelda and
Once you enter here, you
may not be able to return.

?The two of you must gather
your courage and proceed!

Look in front! IN FRONT!

?Who knew this was so close
to home?

?It's just like the village
chief said--we're back at
the entrance.
Let's try this again.

?We messed up again, so
let's take it from the top.
What did the villagers say?
We have to remember!

?Oh no--something went
wrong again. Now what
do we do?
Were there any villagers
we didn't talk to? Maybe
we missed something...

?What's happening? Why are
we back at the entrance?
What should we do?

?We're back at the beginning
again. Maybe we need a
better plan...

?Wow! It's breathtaking down
here, [Link]!
Who knew the Spirit Tracks
ran under the water?!

?Hmm, that didn't go so well.
I wonder what we did
Let's take another look at
Carben's letter.

?Oooh! Tracks through the
sea. Imagine that!

?Eeek! It's so dark in here...

?Golly, look at all these fish!

?I say, these ruins are a
sight to behold!

?Oh, no! This is bad! Our
passenger got kidnapped,
Come on, we need to go to
the Pirate Hideout and
make this right!

?[sfx][Link], look out!

?[sfx][Link], look out!
We need to protect our

?Those must be the pirate
ships we heard about...
They're coming this way,

?There's a battleship after
us, [Link]!

?Is that a pirate flag they're

?There's a battleship after
us, [Link]!
We have to protect our

?It's pitch black! I can't see
a thing!

?Oh, no! Pirates! We have to
protect our passenger!

?Well, that's odd. Where are
we exactly?
Hmm... It seems that the
blizzard pushed us back the
way we came.

?...You took notes, didn't
you, [Link]?
[.]Of course![.]Uh, notes?

?I see. So you didn't take
notes, even though I
reminded you.
Let's ask Ferrus to show
us his map one more time.

?Well, if that's the case,
maybe you made a
Let's ask Ferrus to see his
map one more time.

?...Looks like the blizzard
carried us all the way back
to the beginning.
Let's go to Anouki Village
and see if someone can
help us.

?The blizzard pushed us
back again...
It's like it's trying to keep
us from getting to the

?Look, it's snowing! I haven't
seen snow for years...

?Look, the sun came out!
Ah, it's so nice!

?This storm's something else!
I can't see anything!

?He said we'd need three
keys to open this door.
That voice we heard must
be the monster that took

?We need three keys to open
this door, right?
So we still have two more
to find.

?This door needs three keys,
so we have just one more
to find...

?Look! I think they're
planning on ambushing us,
If we keep going this way,
we'll get hit for sure. Let's
try the higher route.

?Those mountains sure are
steep. Whew!

?This is really steep! I hope
the train will be OK!

?Wow! Just look at that
amazing view!

?Gah! That's no good! This
isn't how you drive a train
at all! Let me off!

?Aw, he got off, huh?
Should we go back and
get him?

?You got the idea!

?No, no, no! Not like that!

?You missed the platform by
a little. Pay attention!

?Hey! You missed the whistle
sign! Are you dozing off?

?Hey, you missed the slow
sign! Pay attention, kid!

?Oof! Take it easy on the
brakes, will ya?!

?Bwah! Watch it, you

?What's going on up there?
Do you even know how to
drive?! Let me off!

?Uh-oh, he left the train.
Should we go back and
get him?

?That's the way you do it!

?Are you even looking at
the tracks?


?I can't take any more! My
life's in danger! I'm getting
off of this death trap!

?Uh-oh, he left the train.
Should we go back and
get him?

?Not bad, guy!

?Uh... Ya sure ya done this
before, guy?

?You drive like a maniac!
A maniac, I tell you!

?AUGH! Help! Stop! Is this
your first time driving a
train or what?
I can't ride in this death
trap! I'm getting off and
going home!

?Uh-oh, he left the train.
Should we go back and
get him?

?Woot! Nice job!

?YOW! What are you doing?!


?I can't take any more!
My life's in danger!
I-I'm getting off!

?Uh-oh...he left the train...
Should we go back and
get him?

?Ah, so you do know
how to drive!

?AUGH! This is just awful!

?Are you TRYING to crash
this train?

?I cannot take any more of
this! My life is in danger!
I-I am getting off!

?Uh-oh, he left the train...
I wonder if he will be OK
on his own...
Should we go back and
get him?

?Yes, that is how you do it!

?Is everything OK up there?


?Unnngh... This train shakes
far too much. It is making
me all queasy-queasy.
I am going home!

?Uh-oh, he got off the train.
Who knew that Gorons got
such bad motion sickness?
Should we go back and
get him?

?Yes! Just like that!

?Ooooof! Please be a little
less...gung ho.


?What's the big idea here,
I didn't think I'd be made
to ride in these kinda
conditions! I'm outta here!

?Uh-oh... He left the train.
Should we go get him?

?Nice one! That was pretty
great, [Link]!

?Come on, do it right,

?Waaaah! I want my mom!

?Enough! I can't ride like
I'm getting off this
roller coaster!

?Uh-oh...she left the train...
Should we go back and
get her?

?You're doing a great job,
Mr. Engineer!

?Excuse me! Do you realize
this carriage is shaking?!

?Wh-whoa there!

?Your driving is awful!
And you call yourself an
engineer? Let me off!

?Uh-oh...he left the train...
Should we go back and
get him?

?That's the way to do it!

?Come on! Pay attention!


?You got a grass rabbit!
Go show the guy at
Rabbitland Rescue!

?You got a snow rabbit!
Go show the guy at
Rabbitland Rescue!

?You got an ocean rabbit!
Go show the guy at
Rabbitland Rescue!

?You got a mountain rabbit!
Go show the guy at
Rabbitland Rescue!

?You got a desert rabbit!
Go show the guy at
Rabbitland Rescue!

?Aw... It got away...

?Terrible, just terrible!
I can't ride this train
anymore! I'm out of here!

?Uh-oh...he left the train...
Should we go back and
get him?

?That's the way to do it!

?Oooof! Ugh, this is horrible!

?All I wanted to do was get

?You're driving me crazy!
I can't travel like this!
Let me off!

?Uh-oh...he left the train...
Should we go back and
get him?

?That's the way to do it!

?Oooof! Ugh, this is horrible!

?All I wanted to do was
meet a nice laaaaaady!

?You're driving me crazy!
I can't travel like this!
Let me off!

?Uh-oh...he left the train...
Should we go back and
get him?

?Ah, so you do know
how to drive!

?This is just awful! What are
you doing there?

?All I wanted was to meet
that special sooooomeone!

?Hey! Your driving stinks!
Let me off this thing!

?Uh-oh...he left the train...
Should we go back and
get him?

?Ah, so you do know
how to drive!

?Gaaah! This is just awful!


?I can't take any more!
My life's in danger!
I--I'm getting off!

?Uh-oh...he left the train...
Should we go back and
get him?

?That's the way you do it!

?Whoa whoa! Watch what
you're doing there!


?What are you doing?
You can't be the same
engineer who just
I'll be taking my leave now.

?If he's going by foot, I
doubt we'd find him back at
Castle Town...
It's unfortunate, but I'm
sure Teacher can look after
himself. Let's keep going.

?Yes, that's it! That's how
you drive a train!

?Pay attention to what
you're doing!

?Pr-Princess! Oh, wait...no.

What in the world could
this be?

?Some text is appearing.
It's faded, and I can't make
out very much. Let's see...
"Pass through...the gate
either way...steam
whistle...will open..."
Uh... I don't understand
it at all. What does it

?...Goodness. What was that
light? It seemed to teleport
us somewhere else...
This must be how ancient
people traveled back and
forth between realms!
We should make note of
these spots where we can
Being able to move around
like this will be very useful
in the future!

?Could these be the twisted
tunnels that Rael was
talking about?
We must be brave and press
on, [Link]!

?Hold on now. It looks like
we've returned to where we
I don't think we'll make it
through here on luck alone.
Be sure you take good
notes on where to go,

?It looks like there are no
more tunnels up ahead,
That means we made it
through the second trial!
There's no time to dawdle.
The final trial is waiting
for us!

?Some words have been
engraved in this old door.
Let's see...
"If you wish to gain
passage, you must first
silence the turrets."
"Silence the turrets"...
Do you have any clue what
that could mean?

?The first trial is the great
eye in the dark...
Whatever that is, it gives
me the creeps.

?Whew! We seem to have
made it through somehow.
Catch your breath. When
you're ready, let's move on
to the second trial!

?Look at that huge statue!
Who do you think built it?

?The temple up ahead looks
like ancient ruins...

?OK, let's head back to the
Tower of Spirits!

?S-something's following us!

?Whoooa! What in the world
is that?!

?Is that a bug? I hate bugs!

?Why haven't we made it
out of here yet?

?Look! It-it's that thing

?Quick! We've got to
get away!

?No way that was a bug!
...Was it?!

?What if all the little ones
grew into things like that...
Ugh, it's too gross to even
think about.

This is bad!
You need to be careful if
we want to make it to the
other side!

?Listen up! I'm going to
tell you how to drive
this train!

?This is the Gear Box!
Touch the lever and
slide it to adjust speed.
Flip it to to go in
reverse or hit the brakes
if the train is moving.

?This is the whistle.
Touch the rope and give
it a good pull!
Got that?

?Fine. I'll explain it again!

?Slide the lever on the
Gear Box to to
go faster.

?Tap enemies to fire your
cannon at them!
Just keep in mind that
long range shots won't
be all that accurate.
To look around, touch
and hold your stylus
on the screen edge.
Touch up, down, left,
and right on the screen
to keep an eye out.
Got that?
[.]Yep! [.]What?

?Go on, give it a try!

?Try to listen this time!

?Next, I'll tell you how to

?The track branches up
ahead! You better make
a quick decision...

?This is a rail switch.
Slide the handle left or
right to switch it.
The map will show
you where the tracks
are going.
Got it?
[.]Yes! [.]What?

?If you don't know which
way to go, why not stop
and think for a minute?

?Come on! Try to listen
this time!

?There's a train up ahead
that will explode if it
runs into you!
You'd better use those rail
switches and be careful.

?There's an animal on the
tracks! Blow the whistle!

?Hey! There's something
blocking the tracks!

?The train can't take much
more! Link! Do something!

?Stay sharp!

?Stick with it, Link!

?Hang in there!

?I'm getting a little

?Keep an eye on every
direction for trouble!

?No problem! Just stay calm.

?Oh, no! We're wrecked...

?I turned on the engine, so
it will go on its own
toward the goal line.
Concentrate, and try to hit
the targets!

?Good! Now try to do it
by yourself.

?You've probably got all this
down, but humor me while I
tell you again.

?This here is the gearbox.
Slide the lever up and
down to change speed.
Slide to to go in
reverse. You can use it as
an emergency brake too!

?This is the whistle. Touch
it and give it a good pull
to blow the train's whistle!
Oh, and you can look
around by touching in the
direction you want to look.
Good engineers are always
aware of their surroundings,
you know!
So, you catch all that?
[.]Yes.[.]Not quite.

?All right, all right. Here it
is one more time!

?Now set the gearbox lever
to to ratchet up the

?Do you want to hear how
to drive the train again?
[.]I'm good.[.]Yeah.

?...Oh, all right. Here we go

?See how there's a fork in
the tracks ahead?
We'll need to use the rail
switch to decide which
direction to go.

?This is the rail switch.
Slide the handle in the
direction you want to go.
Your course is displayed
on the map too, so check
Got it?

?[.]From here on, we'll be
sharing the tracks with
other trains.
Keep an eye on the map,
and make sure you choose
the correct tracks!

?[.]What am I going to do with
you?! All right, I'll repeat
everything--so listen up!

?Wrong wrong wrong!

?Good job! You passed the
exam with flying colors!

?Animal on the tracks! Sound
the whistle to scare it off!

?We've got a clear view of
the Tower of Spirits today!

?All right, we're almost at
the castle!
Use the lever on the
gearbox to stop at the

?Remember what the
villagers told us!

?I can see why people get
lost in this forest.
Maybe we should go talk
to the villagers.

?This forest feels...odd.

?This is the nest of evil, the
Dark Realm. Cole is lurking

?The Tears of Light will give
us invincibility for a bit.
Let's use them to defeat all
the trains here.

?We've got [var] left!
Let's get the rest!

?Clear Time ##:##.
Now for the climax!

?Cole is somewhere up
ahead in the dark!

?You're the only one who
can stop his rampage!

?You'll be an engineering
legend if you pull it off!

?Hang in there!

?Watch out!

?What are you doing?!

?Nicely done!

?Don't let him get away!
Chase him down!

?Would you like to board
the train?
[.]Yep.[.]Not now.

?All right. When you're
ready to depart, please
just let me know.

?Let's be on our way then!

?Whew! It was no easy task,
but we've finally opened a
path to the Ocean Realm.
Are you ready to head out
there, [Link]?

?You're sure you want to
leave? There's so much left
here to investigate...

?Hey! Didn't I tell you that
the Regal Ring is hiding
somewhere in these parts?
It seems to me that you
should try looking around
here a little more!

?We found the Regal Ring!
It should cover the 5,000
Rupees for the bridge!
Now let's hurry back to
Linebeck's store!

?Just look at that bridge...
It's a complete mess!
How are we supposed to
get to the other side with
the bridge in this state?
Maybe someone around here
can fix it for us.

?Wh-what kind of nonsense
is this! 5,000 Rupees?
That's positively criminal!
How can we be expected to
come up with that kind of
Let's go give Linebeck a
piece of our minds!

?Finally! The way you were
jostlin' me, I felt like I'd
been riding forever!
Well, enough with the small
talk. I'm gonna go check
out the damage!

?Well, look at that! We're
here! Ya sure know how
to ride those rails, kid!
A ride like that puts me in
a workin' mood. I'm headin'
straight to the job site!

?I dunno if I'd call some of
the drivin' you did pleasant,
but I've seen worse.
OK, enough chitchat. I can
hoof it to the job site from

?Hmm, yep, this bridge got
a number done on it. It's
not beyond fixin', though.
It'll take a while, so go
kill some time and come
back later.

?There we go! It's not
perfect, but it's strong
enough to cross on.
Might be a little shaky in
spots, though, so you might,
uh, wanna cross quickly...
Oh, don't look so spooked!
It's fine, I tell ya! It'll get
ya to the other side![.][.]

?I'm pretty bushed. Lemme
just rest my bones here
When you head back, do me
a favor and lemme catch
a ride with you!

?But this place is kind of
a bore for a cosmopolitan
fella like myself.
Actually, I'm thinkin' of
headin' somewhere new...

?Well, say somethin'!
Don't ya like my bridge?

?What?! They're lookin' for
someone to build a fence
in Anouki Village?
What does that have to do
with me? I'm the BRIDGE
worker! Got that? BRIDGE!
Ya think I want to build
some ugly old fence?!
[.]Well, I...[.]...

?Speak up, kid!
If ya got somethin' to say,
just say it!

?What's that ya say? A
true craftsman can build
anything he wants to?
Hmm... I think I know more
about what a craftsman
can do than you do, kid!
Still, maybe ya got a
point there... Tell ya what!
I'll build that fence after
all! We can go right now!

?What?! Then why were you
givin' me the hard sell, kid?

?All right. I'll wait for ya
at the train!
Let's get to Anouki Village

?I don't know how ya can
call yourself an engineer
with drivin' like that!

?Are ya for real?
Ya want me to ride with
you again?
[.]Please?[.]Uh, no...

?I guess I did agree to help
ya. But this time, take me
to Anouki Village safely!
Don't drive like a maniac!

?Lemme give you a piece of
advice. Learn to drive
before you come back here!

?Well, whaddaya think? The
bridge hasn't fallen down
yet! Not too shabby, eh?

?What now, kid?! Either
you're goin' or you're not!
SO! Are you headed for
Anouki Village?

?What's this? You already
got someone on board!
Come back for me when ya
got an open seat!

?Wait up! Didn't one of your
passengers get kidnapped?
Yeah, I heard about it!
I can't ride on a dangerous
train like this!
You better go rescue that
passenger of yours first!
Then come back here!

?Who knew there was a tiny
station all the way out

?Why don't we see who lives
in that house over there?

?I see you managed to fetch
the bridge worker. Nice
going there, squirt.
You go ahead and show him
where the bridge is busted.
I'll head out later.

?What is it, squirt? You
look a bit worried.
Is it because a little kid
like you doesn't have
5,000 Rupees to drop?

?Well, relax. I've got a great
idea I'm willing to share
with you.
We can scrape that moolah
together IF you're willing
to do a little work for me.
Do what I say, and we'll
have 5,000 Rupees before
you know it!
What do you say, squirt?
Down for some side work?

?Go talk to the bridge
worker who lives in the
Snow Realm!
Oh--if you give him a lift,
watch how you drive! The
guy gets ruffled easily.
If things get too bumpy
along the way, expect him
to yell at you. A lot.

?Hmph. Someone's not a
team player.
I guess you'll just have to
fix this problem on your
own then!

?Excellent! Now listen
closely, as I only want to
say this once.
I've heard whispers about
some high-value loot that
was hidden here long ago.
What loot, you ask? A gem
of a treasure known as the
Regal Ring!
From what I can gather, the
thing's got to be worth a
cool 8,000 Rupees, easy!
My grandfather left a letter
detailing the ring's location
shortly before his passing.
I've read the clues he gave
and looked all over, but I
haven't hit pay dirt...
This is where you come in.
What say you find the ring
for me and bring it back?
Do that, and we'll generate
more than enough Rupees
to pay off your debt!
Should be a sweet deal for
all involved. Are you in?
[.]I'm in.[.]I'll pass.

?Fantastic! Here's the letter
Gramps left behind, for your
Figure out the riddle, get
your hands on the Regal
Ring, and make us rich!

?So, what do you think,
Want to do a little work?
[.]Sure.[.]No way.

?The ring seems to be near
Gramps's grave. You can
get there through here.
Read the letter and see if
you can suss out where the
thing is![.]

?My grandfather buried the
Regal Ring. You're going to
find it and bring it back!
Once I've got it, you can
kiss that debt of yours

?Whoa! Your shield was
eaten, was it?
Ha HA, yes--those beasts
will eat a shield right out
of a man's hand!
It's a very good thing that I
happen to have a shield
here I can sell you.
The price isn't half bad,
either. It's yours for 100
Care to purchase it?
[.]Sure![.]Too steep.

?Let's be realistic, kid. Do
you REALLY want to be
out there without a shield?

?Ha HA! Thanks for your

?How embarrassing! You
don't have enough money.
Come back when you do!

?Wonderful! Here we are!

?Ah, the bridge worker! How
have you been, good man?

?Linebeck? Well, I'll be!
How've ya been, ya old
treasure hound?

?Much better now that
you're here!
Do me a favor and work a
little of your magic on this
dilapidated bridge.

?Course, course. Just leave
it to me! Shouldn't be a
Assumin', of course, that
you've got my repair fee
on hand. Ya do, right?
Ya also still owe me for the
work I did on your house.
So along with the bridge...
Hmm, I'd say 5,000 Rupees
oughta cover the bill nicely!

?Five...THOUSAND?! Surely
you must be joking!

?Lucky for both of us, this
young fellow has kindly
agreed to foot the bill.
He's the one who wanted
the bridge fixed in the first
place, after all.
All I did was send him your
way, friend!

?Oh, is that so, little guy?
[.]Wh-what?[.]No way!

?Well, I'm glad we cleared
up that little bit of
unsavory business.
Oh, and you'd best get that
money ready, squirt. No
one likes a bill dodger!
Ta ta!

?Eh, I don't really care
who pays me, so long as I
get my 5,000 Rupees.
I'll go fix that bridge, but
that money better be ready
for me when I'm done!

?What's that look for?
You've got a strange
twinkle in your eye...
Why, you devil! You found
the Regal Ring, didn't you?
[.]Yup.[.]Not yet.

?Then quit standing around
with that dopey grin, and
get back to looking!

?Ha HA! I knew I could
count on you to bring home
the bacon, squirt!
Well? Where is it? Let me
take a look at the thing!

?Oh, it's just breathtaking!
Gramps always had an eye
for treasure like this!
The weight! The amazing
craftsmanship! This beauty's
worth a ton, for sure!

?Oh, ya don't say! Must be
one heck of a ring, then.

?You bet it is! It's gotta be
worth a cool 8,000

?Hey, when did you get
here?! How long have you
been standing there?

?Just came by to let ya
know the bridge is all
patched up.

?Oh? Oh yes, that's right.

?Sure is! And now that the
work's done, I'll take that
ring as payment!

?So this little doodad's
worth 8,000 Rupees?
Coulda fooled me.
Still, it beats takin' another

?If you need anything else,
just give me a holler!

?Can you believe he just
took off with that ring?
It's worth almost double
what I owed!


?I guess that's that. Still,
you've got a real talent for
sniffing out treasure.
Ooh! Tell you what--from
here on out, bring any
treasure you find to me!
If they impress me, I'll trade
you some lovely new train
cars for those trinkets!
Sound like a sweet deal?
That's 'cause it IS!

?Now get out there and find
me something shiny, my
little treasure hunter!
I can't wait to see what
you bring my way!
Bye now!

?Don't bother me right now!
Can't you see I'm workin'

?Well, well, well. What do we
have here?

?What do you want, you
Rupeeless ragamuffin?
This is no place for the
likes of you!

?Shoo! Shoo already!
Get out of here!
Hmm? What's that you
say? Who am I?
[.]Yeah![.]Tell me!

?Sheesh, kid--what planet
are you from? Do I LOOK
like I fix bridges? No way.

?But I agree that the bridge
is a sad mess.
The huge storms we had
really did a number on it.
I was going to call a bridge
worker I know in the Snow
Realm to fix the mess.
But with the Spirit Tracks
vanishing, I've got bigger
fish to fry.
See, I deal with merchants
all over the world, and I
can't get anywhere now!
Wait... You're an engineer,
aren't you? Well, that's just
Go fetch that bridge worker
so we can both get on with
our business.
Sound good?

?Whoo hoo! I knew I liked
you, squirt!
I'll wait here, so go fetch
the bridge worker. Chop-
chop now!

?Think about it, squirt!
If we don't get that bridge
fixed, YOU aren't getting
near the Ocean Realm!
We're both inconvenienced
here, so do the right thing,
and help me out!

?Why are you just standing
Hurry and bring that bridge
worker back here!
[.]Will do.[.]OK, OK!

?Listen well, and remember
the name, squirt!
I'm Linebeck III, president
of Linebeck Trading.
I hunt down the rarest
antiques from around the
Then I sell them to the
highest bidder!
How's that for an
Did I just blow you away?
[.]Oh, yeah.[.]Not really.

?Well, you do make a good
point there. I AM pretty
You know, I hadn't noticed
before, but you possess a
certain charm, squirt.
But what are you doing
here? You don't look like
you've got treasure to sell.
Hmm? You're trying to get
to the Ocean Realm, but
the bridge is out?
Well, that's a sticky
situation, isn't it!
[.]Yup.[.]Fix it!

?Oh, is that SO?!
Well, urchins like you prove
that the youth of today
are just clueless!

?I've got work to do, and
you're in my way! Go find
someplace else to loaf!

?You again? State your
business, or get lost!
[.]You rock![.]Nothing.


?Would you just get lost?
I've got things to do here!

?Hey, kid! You ever heard of
Dark Ore?
It shines in the dark and
melts if sunlight hits it!
Strange, eh?
Lots of folks are looking
for some these days.
If you stumble across some,
save a piece for me!

?Now don't forget, if you
find some Dark Ore, bring it
my way!

?Wh-what's this? You
actually brought me some
Dark Ore?!
Hyah hah hah! Well, fork it
over then!
...You are going to give it
to me, right?

?Hmph! So you've got
someone more important to
give it to?

?What's this? This is barely
a speck! I'm going to hafta
keep an eye on you!
I need at least five pieces!
Come back when you've got
them, OK?
But don't think I don't
appreciate the effort.
So here, take this!

?Oh, this is more than
enough! Thanks, kid! Let
me shake your hand!

?You and me, we're a good
team, we are.
Come back and see me

?Hey, ya got enough! And
these are good quality, too!
Thank you, and please take
this as payment!

?Hey! There's my little
moneymake--erm, intrepid
treasure hunter!
What can Linebeck Trading
Company help you with?
[.]Train car![.]Treasure![.]Nothing.

?Sweeter words have never
been spoken! Let's see what
you've got for me!

?If you've got the goods,
I've got a shiny new train
car with your name on it!

?I see! Well, when you get
some more treasures,
come back to me!

?Hey, squirt! You can't go
wandering around without
a shield!
I can sell you one cheap.
How's 100 Rupees sound?

?What train car tickles your
fancy today?

?If your heart's set on that
car, I'll need something like
this as payment...

?So all of a sudden, you're
not interested.
I've got lots of other great
stuff too, you know!

?Ha HA! A pleasure doing
business. Now let's fit that
new car to your train!

?Thanks, squirt! If you find
more treasure, you know
what to do and who to see!

?Tell me, what treasure are
you looking to part ways
with today?

?Mmm! [sfx][player],
huh? I'll give you [var]
Rupees for one.

?Wonderful doing business
with you. You got anything
else to sell?

?Oh, so now you've got
nothing to show me? Don't
toy with me, squirt!

?Here rests the legendary
Captain Linebeck.

?Beware of shield-gobbling
monsters ahead!
Those who've lost a shield
can procure a shiny new
one at Linebeck Trading!

That was a nice nap!
To find things buried in the
ground, play the Song of
You know it, right?

?Well, if you don't know it
yet... Look where the
Anoukis are...
That's the only hint I can
give you.

?Oh, you know it already?
Good, then get to work!

?Hey, kid!

?Hey, [Link]!
Today's your graduation
ceremony, right?
How can someone who
can't even do a somersault
be a train engineer?
If you can be an engineer,
I bet anyone can do it.
If you want to prove me
wrong, go roll into that tree
over there!
Just tap the screen twice in
the direction you want to

?Huh? Why are you dressed
in that soldier getup,

?Bwahaha! You're such a
klutz, [Link]!
Why are you just standing
there? Everyone knows that
getting stung by bees hurts!
When you see them buzzing,
start running or throw
yourself in the water STAT!

?Hey, don't get all bent out
of shape! I was just
goofing around!
Let me give you something
to make up for it! Here,
take this!

?You can find treasures
like this all over the world.
Try to get a whole bunch
of them, 'cause something
good happens when you do.

?Oh, hey, [Link]!
Um...good luck at the
graduation ceremony!

?Oh, I've got a favor to ask
of you, [Link].
[.]What?[.]I'm busy.

?Really? Is this because of
the pranks I pulled on you?
You should grow a sense of
humor! Sheesh!

?I've always dreamed of
seeing the world from high
up in the sky, like a bird!
I bet all the people in the
village would look like
teeny, tiny ants...
Do you know a place
where I can fly like a bird?

?Yeah, of course you're
right. Humans can't fly!
I just figured that if anyone
knew a way, it'd be you,

?What? Seriously? Then will
you take me to it, please?

?Yesssss! I'll be waiting for
you on your train!

?How'd you ever get to be
an engineer driving like
that, [Link]?
Do you want to try that

?Hmmm... Well, I do want
to go somewhere I can fly.
OK, let's try it again. I'll go
wait on the train!

?No?! NO?! Well, you'd
better quit your engineer
job! Hmph!

?Hey, what's this? You've
already got a passenger
Come back and get me once
your car is free!

?Oh, I heard all about it,
The passenger you had
aboard got kidnapped by
Could anyone ride with you
after that? You'd better go
and save them!

?Today is the day you
graduate from apprentice
to official train engineer.
It's quite an honor, and
you mustn't be late.
Use the stylus to touch
where you want to go. It's
as easy as that!
To talk to someone or use
an object, just tap what
you're interested in!
Now, off to the castle with
you! Scoot!

?Hi there, [Link].
How was the ceremony?
So you're finally a real
engineer. Ah, this is a
happy day!
Say, why are you dressed
like a soldier?
It's strange... You look just
like a friend of mine from
when I was a young man.

?So glad you've come to see
me again, [Link]!
You know, you are the
spitting image of one of my
dearest old friends!
Looking at you reminds me
of those golden days...

?That reminds me of
Since you can travel all
over the world by train
Would you mind doing a
favor for ol' Niko here?
[.]A favor?[.]I can't.

?What? What? These old
ears just don't work like
they used to.
I couldn't hear your
answer, so I'll ask again.
Would you do me a favor?

?Back in the day, I used to
love traveling. I visited
so many exotic places.
Every place I'd go, there'd
be a station where I could
get a special stamp.
I never did figure out who
built those stations...
Anyway, collecting these
stamps was a way to
record my travels.
I loved those little stamps
more than anything!
But back then...
I didn't have anything with
me to stamp them in. It
was a sad state of affairs.
Which brings me to that
favor I was talking about,
Would you use this stamp
book to collect those
stamps for me? Here it is!

?Please collect a whole mess
of stamps for me.
If you get a lot, I'll give
you something special.

?I'm counting on you,
Please get me stamps from
all the different places
you visit.

?But...you haven't gotten
a single stamp. Now this is
sad indeed.
I'm an old man! All I want
are some stamps! Come
show me one soon!

?Great to see you're back,
Have you been finding lots
of good stamps?

?I just love stamps! And
look, you've collected [var]
of them!
Show me 10 stamps and I'll
give you something neat!
Isn't that exciting?!

?Wow, did you really collect
[var] for little old me?
Thank you! In return, please
take this!

?You collected [var] for
me? I'm very impressed,
I can almost picture all the
places you've been.
Thank you so much.
As my way of saying
thanks, please take this set
of clothes!

?I see you have collected
all 20 stamps.
You're an amazing kid. You
really are.
You've made this old man's
dreams come true, and that
kind of thing is priceless.
After looking at this stamp
book, I don't have a single
regret left in this world.
I thank you from the
bottom of my heart...

?That shield once belonged
to an old friend of mine
from my adventuring days.
Seeing you with it takes me
back to when I was young.
Sorry if you already spent
money on a shield. Just
leave it here with me!
Come back if you ever
want to switch shields.

?Ah, yes, your engineer's
clothes! I think you look
much better in these.
That said, if you ever want
to switch back to your
soldier getup, talk to me.

?Oh yes, that's right, I owe
you a reward, don't I?
Here! How's this!?

?Oh, and this is something I
got from an old friend.
It's the great spin attack.
To pull it off, draw a circle
around yourself three times.
Pretty neat, huh?

?Thanks to you, I have
absolutely no regrets in the
world. Ahhh, feels good.
Thanks, [Link]!

?Great job! You've collected
[var] !
Come back when you've
collected 15 and I'll give
you something even better!

?Wow, you've found
[var] . That's really
There are 20 stamp
stations scattered
throughout this kingdom.
If you can show me all 20
stamps, I'll give you
something even better!

?So you'd like to change
your clothes?

?Come back whenever you
want to change your

?Well, go ahead and change
them then!

?Do you understand the
significance of today?
In order to become a train
engineer in this kingdom,
you must have an audience
with the princess.
If she grants you her
permission, you can finally
operate a train by yourself.
Now hop aboard! We're
going to the castle!
[.]Yeah![.]Hold on.

?All right, go do whatever
you need to do to prepare
yourself for the challenge.
I'll be waiting for you here
when you're ready.

?Good! Then let's get going.
Oh, but one last thing.
You're going to drive the
train to get us there!
Call it your final exam!
Don't look so worried--it'll
be a piece of cake.

?You need to get us to the
castle in 300 seconds.
Right now, we're here in
Aboda Village!
And our destination, Hyrule
Castle, is right here!
[.]There are other trains on
the tracks, so be careful
not to hit them.
The tracks you can drive
on are darker colored. The
other ones are off-limits.
[.]So think you got it?
[.]Yes![.]No way.

?Well, how about it? Ready
to go to the castle now?

?I like your confidence! I'll
remind you how to operate
the train on our way there.
So hop aboard!

?Come on, pay attention!
I'll explain it again, but
listen this time!

?What's up with your driving
today? You're not as sharp
as you usually are.
You're not nervous because
you're going to see the
princess today, are you?
Let's try again and get to
the castle!
[.]Yeah![.]I give up.

?Change of heart? Ready
Then off we go to the

?You're just nervous about
meeting the princess. It's
totally understandable.
I'll give you some time.
Go get some fresh air and
calm your nerves.

?OK, try not to mess up
this time!
Do you want to hear the
rules again?
[.]Tell me.[.]I'm good.

?All right! Then let's go!
Hop aboard!

?We must restore the Spirit
Tracks and ascend the
Tower of Spirits!
Should we get going,
[.]Let's go![.]Not yet.

Well, it might be a while
before you're home again,
so you can take your time.

?Aaaaall aboooooard!

?Alfonzo says he has to
prepare something. I wonder
what he has planned?

?This cannon is just what
we need! Now we can head
to the Snow Realm!
Let's go, [Link]!

?OK, time to go now,
[.]Right.[.]Hold on.

?I never knew Alfonzo
thought of me that way.
Of course, that's all ancient
history. I've grown much
more patient with time.

?Heeeeeey! [sfx][Link]!
Tap me! Tap meeeee!

?Good job, [Link]!
Tapping is your friend!
To chat, just tap the
person you want to talk to.
Wait a second! There are a
bunch of rocks in front of
the house!
Somebody must have been
up to no good when they
put them there!
Hey, you look like you've
got some free time on your
hands, [Link].
Instead of just standing
there, will you help clear
the rocks out of the way?
To grab something, just
touch it!
Then to throw it, tap in the
direction you want to
throw. Now, get to work!

?Thank you! Tee hee! You're
so nice, [Link]!
Here, this is for you!

?If you see my big brother,
get him good for me, OK?

?Hey, look who's back!
How was the ceremony,
Wait a second! Have your
engineer's clothes always
been that green?

?Hey, you collect treasure,
right, [Link]?
Did you know you can
trade treasures and things
with other people?
Yeah, you can even trade
stuff with complete
I hear you can do this in
something called Tag Mode.
Here's how it works.
Choose the items to trade,
and when you start a game,
select Tag Mode.
Honestly, I don't really
understand it myself...

?That is one fine-looking
train, if you don't mind my
And that ride was smooth
as silk!
Can't believe you got such
a nice train from the Tower
of Spirits...
But like I said, I don't think
it can handle the dangers
you're likely to face!
Let me rig something up
for you...

?Oh, but, it's going to take
some time to get it ready.
Come back here in a while.
Why don't you go visit ol'
Niko while you're waiting?
I'm sure he'd be happy to
see you.

?Oh, you got here just in
time. Check this out,

?It's a cannon for your
train! With this baby, you
can smash through boulders!
You can even knock out
any baddies that get in
your way!

?Now that you've got this,
you should head out to the
Snow Realm.
You've got to help out the
princess. We're counting on
you, [Link]!

?Stop spacing out, and hurry
to the Snow Realm! The
princess needs your help.
I'll be right here when you

?Hey, [Link]!

?So, how's it going? Does it
look like you'll be able to
save the princess?
What? She's here now? Is
everything all right?
To be honest, I'm finding it
a little hard to believe you.
I guess I just want to see
her smiling face again soon!

?Thank you, Alfonzo! You've
warmed my heart!

?You know, it wasn't always
a picnic. Sometimes she'd
get awfully riled up!

?What did he say?!

?Oh, [Link]...
This tiny village that you
call home is lovely.
Though I don't know if
I could live here...

?Oh, that's right... When you
want to board the train,
please tap me.
I'll pop up like this
whenever you get near the

?You're late!

?Ever noticed how this town
is crawling with doves?
Who cares about doves?
They might be pretty, but
Cuccos are where it's at!
Someday, I want to raise so
many that you can hear the
clucking a mile away!

?Oh, did you quit your
engineer job to become a
soldier, [Link]?

?Hey there, [Link]!
So, have you gotten the
hang of driving that train?
I see you've got a freight
car now, too? Excellent!
I'm planning on raising
Cuccos here. Think you
could bring some in for me?
If you could bring me
10 to start, that would
be great!

?Ooh! Those are some fine-
looking Cuccos in your
freight car!
Think I could have 'em?

?Awww... How can you
treat someone from your
own village that way?

But... Hmm... Do you have
any more Cuccos in there?
'Cause these aren't enough.
I'm hoping for 10 Cuccos.
So... Would you bring me
[var] more please?

?Hoo-ey! Look at all these
beautiful Cuccos! Thanks
a bunch!

?I can't wait to start my
Cucco farm up now!

?Cuccos are so beautiful...
I could watch these noble
beasts forever.

?Now, bring me some more
I want to round up at least
10 of those guys! Only [var]
more to go!

?Whew! We made it! So, this
is where you're from?
It's so peaceful here. It's
the kind of place I can
picture retiring in.
Not that I could ever retire
from the fast-paced life of
train photography!

?And is that where Alfonzo
lives? THE Alfonzo?!
Whoa whoa WHOA!
I can't believe I'm this close
to such a megacelebrity!

?Oh, man, I'm SOOOO excited
to meet him!
Well, here I go!

?That Ferrus is certainly
very...enthusiastic about
I never knew that Alfonzo
had fans!

?Well, I suppose it takes
all kinds!

You're Alfonzo!

?Yes, that's right. And, uh...
Who are you?

?OHMYGOSH, I can't believe
you're asking MY name! I'm
Ferrus, your biggest fan!
I even have dreams about
meeting you! You're a
living locomotive legend!

?A legend? Me?

?Yes, YOU! The legendary
engineer Alfonzo!
And here you are, standing
right in front of me! I'm so
excited, I might pass out!
Um, could I please have
your autograph, sir?

?Well, I don't know if I'm a
legendary engineer.
But back when I was a
knight, people used to call
me a legendary swordsman.
Especially after I did 900
reps in sword training!

?Are you sure you heard
them right?
Are you sure they weren't
actually saying "legendary

?Erm... I'm pretty sure it
was "legendary swordsman."
I'm not even sure there is
such a thing as a
legendary engineer...


?Well, this wasn't quite as
exciting as I thought it
would be...
But at least I got to ride in
that sweet train of yours.
So, as my way of saying
thanks, please take this!

?I'm just gonna hang around
here and photograph some
trains. See you later!

?Uh, who was that guy?

?Alfonzo was saying there's
no such thing as a
legendary engineer...
But I don't believe that.
There's got to be one

?Hmmm... I wonder where
she went.
She must get pretty bored
out here in the countryside,
don't you think?

?Hi there, [Link]!
Graduation day is a very
special day.
Being a train engineer is a
great honor, you know.
After all, the princess
personally reviews each
candidate herself!
And the ceremony is at the
castle! Now that's what I
call celebrating in style!

?Oh my, you're a full-fledged
engineer now!
Graduating is only the
beginning, and I wish you
all the best!
Did you go tell Niko yet?

?Lately, my kid has been
saying weird stuff about
wanting to fly.
If he starts in on any of
this oddball stuff with you,
don't pay any attention!

?I can't find my boy
anywhere. Where in the
world could he be?
Do you know where he is,

?Well, he's always out and
about. I'm sure he'll make
his way home eventually...
Wait... Your face tells me
you're hiding something.

?What did you say?! He's in
a hot-air balloon?
Sigh... That boy can be a
real handful sometimes.
He's in deep trouble when
he gets home!

?Hey, [Link]!

?Yo, [Link]!

?Hey, [Link]!
If you want to change up
your train, leave it to me!

?Which cars do you want to

?Is this good?

?There, I switched it for
you! Now go and get 'em!

?[sfx][Link] and Niko's

?Alfonzo's House

?You got the stamp book!
Get stamps from every part
of the world for Niko!

?You got the Shield of
Niko received this precious
shield from an old, dear

?You got Linebeck's letter!
It seems to point the way
to hidden treasure!
Go to the Collection screen
to read it!

?You got the Song of Light!
Play it to activate
Check it out on the
Collection screen!

?Want to take the train?

?Then why don't we look
around a little?

?OK, aaall aboooard!

?So this is where the bridge
worker lives.
If we ever need a
handyman, we'll know where
to go.
Well, ready to leave?
[.]Sure.[.]Not yet.

?This is our first passenger.
He seems pretty demanding,
so let's be careful!
Ready to take him to that
broken bridge?

?This time, let's try not to
make him angry!
On to the bridge!

?We've got to get the bridge
worker to go fix the broken
Otherwise we can't proceed
to the realm on our new
rail map.
Are you sure we should

?OK! Let's go ask him to fix
the bridge!

?Hey, whaddaya doin' here?

?What's the matter?
Is there somethin' you
wanna tell me?
[.]You see...[.]Nope.

?So you're trying to restore
all the Spirit Tracks?
Sounds like a lotta work!
Hmm... That's a big heart
ya got there, little guy!
I guess being an engineer
isn't all red carpets and
caviar, is it?
Sometimes, ya just gotta
roll up your sleeves and
put in some hard work!
See, I'm a bridge worker,
carpenter, and craftsman,
so I know all about work.
If ya need a bridge, I'm
your guy.
I'll travel to any place that
needs a bridge. It's called
bein' a professional!
That's why I expect ya to
restore the Spirit Tracks
like a pro, too!

?This is my workshop, so
there might be a few nails
lyin' around! Watch out!

?What? Ya want me to fix
the bridge?
[.][.]...All right, let me at it!
I got somethin' to tell that
Linebeck anyhow.
I'm ready to go right now,
so I'll head to the train
and wait there for ya.

?Got somethin' to ask me,
little guy?

?I'm the bridge worker, and
no one builds them better
than I do!
If ya need a bridge or fence
built, I'm your guy!

?Don't just stand there
starin' at me all googly-
What's up, kid? You want

?Kid, I gotta level with ya.
That drivin' ya did was
the absolute pits!
A real engineer knows not
to jostle the passengers
half to death!
Ya gonna do a better job
this time?
[.]Yes, sir![.]Dunno.

?UGH! What's the use of
even talkin' to kids these
That reminds me, I saw
that fella Ferrus wanderin'
Ya might try askin' him
what it takes to drive a
train with passengers.

?All right then, so ya know
where to go?[.][.]
And this time, no more
horseplay! Pay attention
to what you're doin'!

?So? Can ya make it?
[.]You bet![.]Um, no.

?Would you like to board the
train now?
[.]Yes.[.]Not yet.

?Very well. Let's be off!

?All right then. Let's look
around here a bit longer.

?If we see any rabbits, we
should be sure to try and
catch them with the net.
Now, are you ready to get
back on the train?
[.]Let's go.[.]Hang on.

?Is it that you want more
time to frolic with the

?I'm glad that woman's going
to try and work things
out with her husband.
Now, are you ready to get
back on the train?
[.]Yup.[.]Hang on.

?It's nice to see the place
filling up with all these
new rescued rabbits.
Now, shall we be off?

?Amazing! You caught 50
rabbits all by yourself,
The Rabbitland Rescue man
must be overjoyed to have
so many bunnies around.
So, are you ready to get
back on the train?
[.]Yeah.[.]Hang on.

?Well, I hope it works out
for the two of them.
So, [Link], should
we leave now?

?Goodness! You've caught at
least five more rabbits
Then here's that amazing
prize I promised you!

?If you can bring me five
cuddly bunnies, I'll give
you an amazing prize!

?Ooh! It looks like you've
managed to catch every
variety of rabbit out there.
I guess it's time for me
to give you that wonderful
present I promised!

?There are five types of
bunnies: grass, snow, water,
mountain, and desert.
Catch one of each for me,
and I'll give you a
wonderful present!

?If you can bring me 10
bunnies from the grass, you
get a prize!

?Well, look at that! You
caught 10 adorable bunnies
from the grass!

?If you can bring me 10
bunnies from the snow, you
get a prize!

?Well, look at that! You
caught 10 adorable bunnies
from the snow!

?Hey! You don't have a
single rabbit!
Get back out there and
snag me some bunnies!

?Collect all 50 bunnies for
me, and I'll give you the
neatest present ever!

?Wow! Just...wow! You've
collected every rabbit out
there. I'm speechless...
You've more than earned it,
so here it is, the neatest
present EVER!

?Just look at all of them.
They're so cute, it's almost
a crime!

?Well, someone's been busy
hunting bunnies!
Let me reward your hard
work with [var] .

?Welcome to Rabbitland
Rescue, a haven for rabbits
and their furless friends.
There are millions of poor
rabbits without a home or
human companionship.
Here at Rabbitland Rescue,
we save these bunnies from
the harsh wilderness...
And provide them with
much-needed frolicking.
You are here to frolic with
the bunnies, right?
[.]Sure am![.]No...

?Let me be 120 percent
clear. If your heart's not in
it, you're gonna get burned.
Are you SURE you want to
frolic with the bunnies?
[.]Of course![.]Hmm...

?I guess you're too young to
understand the importance
of helping those in need.
If that's the case, why don't
you just go back to playing

?That wishy-washy attitude
is no way to approach life!
I guess you just aren't
ready to get down with
the rabbits!

?OK, I'm convinced. If you
want to join the Rabbitland
family, you'll need this!

?Hm? Why'd I give you a
net, you ask?
Well...because if you want
to frolic, you gotta work
for it first!
I mean, what kind of person
frolics with a bunny
someone else caught?
Rabbitland Rescue takes
care of the bunnies you
bring in to frolic with.
We even frolic with them
when you're too busy to
stop by!
But never mind those little
details. Now you know
what we're about!
Does everything I've said
make sense to you?
[.]Yeah.[.]I'm lost.

?Hmm... Well, I'm going to
give you this net anyway.
All you need to focus on is
snaring bunnies and bringing
them back to me.
Sound good, champ?

?I'd like to touch on how to
use your net to catch our
furry friends.
You may have figured it
out for yourself already,
but let's review, shall we?

?Sheesh, this is taking
forever. I could be out
catching rabbits right now.
...Oh! Sorry, just talking
to myself. Let me tell you
how to use that net again!

Now go catch some of
those poor, homeless rabbits
and tote them back to me.
I've got lots of great prizes
for you, depending on how
many you bring back!

?Well, the secret's out now.
But actually, it's sort of
a load off my shoulders!
Now take her back to
Castle Town, OK? Thanks
a bunch!

?Look, all you have to do is
take that net and go catch
me some rabbits? OK?
You get it now?

?Whew... OK. Let's move to
the next thing that needs

?You really don't follow?
...OK, tell you what. Perk
up those ears like a bunny,
and I'll explain it again.
Here's how you use that
net of yours.

?When driving around, you
might see a bunny peeking
out from behind something.
If you spot one, blow your
whistle. The rabbit will
jump and be easy to spot.
When you see that, blast
whatever the bunny's hiding
behind with your cannon!
The rabbit will try to run
from you, but only 'cause it
likes being chased!
And then the hunt is on!
Once the hunting starts,
you'll automatically pick
up your net.
Then just focus on tapping
the rabbit with the right
timing to catch it!
If you're careful, you'll
have an adorable bunny in
hand before you know it!
But if you fail to catch it,
that rabbit will run off
before long.
Hopefully you followed that
long explanation of mine?
[.]Sure did.[.]Not at all.

?You can find 10 rabbits
in each of the following
The grass plains, the snow
fields, the ocean, the
mountain, and the desert!
Depending on what you
bring back, I might give you
a neat prize!
Is there anything else you
want to ask about?

?Well then spit it out. What
do you want to ask about?

?Rabbitland Rescue is a
place for all poor bunnies
without a home.
It's also a place for people
to relax and forget their
Here, you can indulge in
the simple pleasure of
frolicking with bunnies!
I'll watch over any rabbits
you bring back, so just
focus on netting them.
While you do that, I'll be
here, doing a little
frolicking myself...
Um...yeah. So did you want
to ask about anything else?

?OK then, I'll explain how to
hunt bunnies. This could get
long, so get comfy!
When driving around, you
might see a bunny hiding
behind something.
If you spot one, blow your
whistle. The rabbit will
jump and be easy to spot.
Then use your cannon to
blast the object the bunny's
hiding behind.
The rabbit will try to run
from you, but it's only
'cause it likes being chased!
And then the hunt is on!
Once the hunting starts,
you'll automatically pick
up your net.
Then just focus on tapping
the rabbit with the right
timing to catch it!
If you're careful, you'll
have an adorable bunny in
hand before you know it!
Just remember, the bunny
will hightail it out of there
if you don't get ahold of it.
Is there anything else I
can clarify for you?

?If we're done chatting, go
and catch me some bunnies!

?What do you want to know
more about?

?Happy hunting!

?Gosh, just look at all of
those long-eared darlings.
They're adorable!
I have to tell you, I never
imagined you'd catch so
many for me.
You've made me a very,
very happy fellow!

?What would you like to
hear about?

?If you can bring me 10
bunnies from the ocean,
you get a prize!

?Well, look at that! You
caught 10 adorable bunnies
from the ocean!

?If you can bring me 10
bunnies from the mountains,
you get a prize!

?Well, look at that! You
caught 10 adorable bunnies
from the mountains!

?If you can bring me 10
bunnies from the desert,
you get a prize!

?Well, look at that! You
caught 10 adorable bunnies
from the desert!

?Looks like my old lady's
gonna be here for a while.
I mean, I'm glad and all,
but things just won't be the
same with her around...

?...Oh brother, why'd you
bring my old lady here? Not
a bright move, genius!

?Oh, I'm so happy to finally
see my darling husband.
Thank you so much for
bringing me all this way
to meet him!

?Oh, what should I say to
him? It's been so long!

?HONEY?! What in the world
are you doing?! And what
is that ridiculous outfit?

?Ah! Sugar plum...this is...
It's not what it looks like.
There's a perfectly good
explanation for all of this.
Honest, there is! See--

?You've been frolicking with
those filthy wild rabbits
again, haven't you?
I can't begin to understand
your obsession with them!

?If I don't take care of these
poor rabbits, no one will!
You just don't understand
them like I do.

?I'd like to go home now!
Mr. Engineer, would you
PLEASE take me back to
Castle Town?

?Well, you sure know them
better than you know me!
Do you have any idea how
worried I've been about
I don't want to see you in
that ridiculous getup ever
For all I care, you can stay
here with your bunnies

?You know, I think I've
changed my mind. I won't
be heading back to town.
After all, it's my husband's
big heart that first drew
me to him.
Maybe I'm the one who
needs to change how I think
about things.
You've done me a huge
service in bringing me
here. Thank you so much.

?Maybe I'm the one who
drove my husband to spend
all his time with rabbits.
I'm going to stay here and
see if I can't fix things
between us!

?Welcome to the Rabbitland
Rescue, friend!
Aren't bunnies just the
absolute cutest?

?You've caught [var] of 10
grass rabbits.

?You've caught [var] of 10
snow rabbits.

?You've caught [var] of 10
ocean rabbits.

?You've caught [var] of 10
mountain rabbits.

?You've caught [var] of 10
desert rabbits.

?Well, this is an odd place...

?Aw, rats! I was gonna ask
you to take me to
Papuchia Village.
But I guess you're already
giving the bridge worker a
ride, huh...
Well, no biggie. I'll just
walk there.
It'll give me a chance to
take some killer pics along
the way.
Oh, but you should know
that the bridge worker is
super-mega fussy.
If you don't blow your
whistle when the signs say
Or if you don't follow the
signs telling you to speed
up or slow down...
Or if you don't stop right
at the platform...
Or if you[.] get hit by an
enemy while you're
He'll jump off the train
and yell at you till he's
blue in the face.
Also, don't use the reverse
on the gearbox to brake
That kind of thing is
dangerous for the
But this is all stuff a good
engineer already knows.
I have it all written down
at my house, so swing by if
you ever forget. Good luck!

?Oh, and watch out while
you're giving the bridge
worker a ride.
He's fussier than a squeaky
If you don't blow your
whistle when the signs say
Or if you don't follow the
signs telling you to speed
up or slow down...
Or if you don't stop right
at the platform...
Or if you get[.] hit by an
enemy while you're
He'll get all bent out of
shape. If you don't wanna
get an earful, be careful!
Also, don't use the reverse
on the gearbox to brake
That kind of thing is
dangerous for the
But this is all stuff a good
engineer already knows.
I have it all written down
at my house, so swing by if
you ever forget. Good luck!

?Looks like Mr. Bridge
Worker got all huffy and
went home.

?Say, if it isn't you again!
What's shaking, pal?
You ever seen that big
stone arch that stands
over the tracks?
Makes ya think, doesn't it?
Who MADE it? For WHAT?
What a mystery!
I hear the triangle-shaped
thing at the top of the arch
does something.
But only if you hit it real
But I don't even know what
that thing is! What could it
Ah, sorry for rambling. I
just get excited about rad