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Zelda Shirt and Animated Series Giveaway - The Hardest Zelda Level or Dungeon

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Dec 23, 2011
Well you see, I just got into zelda and have only played through about 2 temples. One was the fire one in minish cap and odolwa's temple in Majora's Mask. They were both really easy with the help of your walkthroughs on this site. I am about to play the Forest Temple in oot3d. So I guess none have been hard for me...Yet.:)
Dec 22, 2011
Spirit temple in Ocarina of Time because I went there before the Shadow temple and was stuck without the hoverboots. lol
Oct 11, 2010
This is definitely a hard one to pick. I might say Zelda 1's Death Mountain or Zelda 2's Great Temple, but I've really only played each of those games once just for the sake of beating them and never touching them again. Suffice to say that in each of these dungeons there were multiple deaths, but I think the Great Temple takes the cake.

side note: some ALttP dungeons may come close, like the 3rd, 5th, or 6th dungeons in the Dark World, but those were more puzzle tricky than combat heavy.
Dec 22, 2011
The wind temple on wind waker. I found that one really annoying when I first played it and then again when I played it a few years later. I kept looking for the switch to free Marka or whatever that cute little leaf guys name is spelt, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I still cant remember how I got him out hahaha but it was really annoying how he kept getting taken by the floormasters :c I also hated the falls and all that flying/hovering you had to do to get from 1 platform to the other x-x
Dec 19, 2011
Lanayru Mining Facility in Skyward Sword. I know it's only the third temple in the game but, desert/Egypt themes in video games are my weakness. I'm still on this temple! The quicksand drives my crazy, and the electric type enemies always end up shocking me once, and whats up the bird that tries to hit you with a rock ( I'm pretty sure it s rock) that magical comes from its mouth? It just seemed so out of place. So like I said, desert/Egypt themes in video games....not my thing.

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
I think the hardest dungeon will be Death Mountain from LoZ because I am stuck inside the demon dungeon and that is the 3rd to last dungeon, I can only imagine how hard the last dungeon will be.


Hero of Time
Dec 22, 2011
i did not like the shadow temple from OoT! i kept falling off the ledges and dying! took me about 4-5 times/one bottle of a fairy to get back to Bongo Bongo's boss room AFTER i died once already from him...
Apr 12, 2011
I think it was the 7th dungeon in The Legend Of Zelda for NES. I think there was a room with like 7 or 8 darknuts.

Death Mountain was hard, if you were going in totally unfamiliar, but if you know the level, or go in with a guide, it's very easy, and you don't even need to go in half the rooms.
Dec 22, 2011
Skykeep was terrible. Probably because it was the last dungeon I remember BUT I kept getting lost in it! Also, I must have stared at the dang map that rearranges each piece for at least 2 hours.


Like about half the people on this thread, the water temple from OoT still haunts my dreams at night. It is deffinantly the dungeon I remember having the most trouble with, though I don't think that it's the most difficult dungeon I've ever played. I remember it being terribly long, confusing, having a suffocating atmosphere, and being an all around miserable experience. The fact that it's design infulenced all the other 3d Zelda water dungeons untill SS just throws salt int he wound. I think most of the difficulty though, came from the fact that I was 10 the first time I tackled it rather than it's actual design...
Dec 22, 2011
Lakebed Temple from Twilight Princess! It was definitely the hardest...mainly because of the water rising and changing the directions of the big stair and lots of floors...I absolutely had to use walkthrough to beat it...I haven't tried beating it again....Maybe i should, and see if i can beat it this time without walkthrough!


The hardest dungeon for me has got to be the Stone Tower Temple from Majoras Mask. Mainly because I never bothered to get all the Stray Fairies in the other dungeons and it completly drained my magic meter. It was a real pain against the boss. There are also a couple of bits in the temple that aren't hard just time consuming like the room you have to keep flipping to move a block to the right place. And lets not forget the mirror room. THE MIRROR ROOM! That room is pure agony. It would be hard enough without the fact that loads of enemies keep respawning and attacking you!


The hardest Zelda temple for me has always been The Stone Tower Temple from Majoras mask, because when i play it i always struggle and become comfused.
Dec 14, 2010
The hardest temple ive played is the ice temple in alttp. it was so confusing with all the levels, and the icy floor did not help. every time i play through alttp i try to leave that temple tilll last.
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