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Zelda Shirt and Animated Series Giveaway - The Hardest Zelda Level or Dungeon

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Dec 22, 2011
High Ground
I will admit that my Zelda experience is somewhat limited, and that my answer is rather typical, though maybe for an atypical reason. The hardest dungeon I have experienced is the Water Temple from OoT. Now here's the atypical reason: the Water Temple's difficulty scales up if you have to quit and resume multiple times while figuring it out. When I first played OoT, I was still in elementary school and had to follow my parents' rules for daily game time. As a result, long dungeons were multiple-day events for me. (And don't say I could just turn the TV off and leave the N64 on: I have a brother that used it, too.) While this added a new element to most of the dungeons, the Water Temple was most affected by it, due to trying to remember overnight which water level I needed and how to get to wherever I was from the beginning of the temple. At least once I needed to change the level twice just to get back to where I was the night before.


Hardest Dungeon

I would say it's a tie between Fire Temple or Shadow Temple from Ocarina of Time. :)


The hardest dungeon for me was Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly, because it was so confusing and it had some weird enemies.
Dec 22, 2011
Perhaps not qualified as a dungeon but i had a real hard time in the child dungeons in Majora's mask, particularly the goht child dungeon. My anolog stick on my n64 controller was a bit used and i couldn't keep my goron link in a straight line. I eventually bought a new controller and problem solved.


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
The hardest for me would probably be Misery Mire in A Link to the Past. I would lose a lot of health. If I died in the battle, I would be running all the way to the boss room, but still somehow losing health. Some of the puzzles were really hard too. Should've had some sort of shortcut to get there if you died in the boss battle instead of the temple entrance for the entire game.
Dec 19, 2011
for me its the earth temple in the wind waker because there were soooo many floormasters so medli or link could easily get kidnapped, plus there was a specific room in the dungeon where it was all dragging mirrors across the room which was really obvious because you just had to push all the mirrors until it gets all the way across as much as possible. And because there were so many mirrors it took a long time and didnt seem necessary at all.
Dec 29, 2011
Woodfall temple was very hard for me. I Didn't know you could save the game so every time I tried to beat it, time will alywas beat me first. Also, I thought you had to collect all the stray farries so I went crazy with that too. :( All in all, it was a good day when I finally conquered it, I also managed not to break anything to yay for me:mastersword:


Aside from the obvious: stone tower, and the water temples from TP and OoT, I'd say, the hardest dungeon for me would be the Palace of Twilight. It was hard to see Midna so upset in her own environment, where she should be happy. I've always been a fan of midnas character, and at this dungeon is where the story gets very deep.

Also, SOLS. DEAD GOD PLEASE, NO MORE ZANTS HAND. PLEASE. NEVER AGAIN. NONONONONOONONONONONONONONON NOPE. When i found out there were TWO of those hands, i cried. I hate them. My hands were sweating and it was hard to hold the wiimote.


Well for me, The Water Temple from OOT is still one of the most confusing and hardest temples in all the zelda games because theres too many floors and switches and you have to have a zora tunic or else you would like die. Somehow Dark Link was one of the mini-bosses. That's what makes it even harder.


Gotta love me!
Dec 30, 2011
California, USA
For me personally, I think the hardest dungeon is the Snowpeak Ruins from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess because of that Cubes Puzzle. That took me days to complete without a walkthrough video.


For me it was Ganons castle. In the Ocarina of Time it was hard and i was so excited.its the last level in that game sorry if i said wrong name ..i played the game years after it came out but to me it was all new and nerve racking,,it seemed like as soon as i thought i was done it kept going my hands got sweaty..funny to think back about that.zelda games are the best i think


For me the hardest temple for me was the water temple in ocarina of time. Even if i take a day to rest and start again I have no idea where I am and have no clue where to start off from. So i basically have to backtrack all over the place again until I have a clue where I left off. I also dont take water places to well since I am horrible at swimming. I get lost in other water temples but Ocarina of time water temple for the hardest for me.
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