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Zelda RPG Restart Sign Ups


May 21, 2011
This is an RPG that Linkthe8th origanally posted a long time ago. He left and left the RPG to Elvenknight and I, and we've decided to reopen it. Anybody who was part of the old one is automatically aproved, just post your character so others can see it.

Storyline: Link stared at the wall of his cell with eyes as dry as the desert. He wasn't even sure he could cry anymore. Ganondorf had kept him in this jail cell for the past five years. Ganondorf had killed his mother and father, and his foster parents, too. He had forced Zelda to make him king, then threw her in a cell as well. Link wished desperately he could squeeze through the bars, grab his sword, and decapitate the wretched monster of a man. He wanted to save all of Hyrule from the dark clouds that covered it everyday. But most of all, he wanted to escape. He wanted to feel the wind blow through his hair, and the sun on his face. And little did he know, in a dingy little tavern, many, many towns away, a small party of heroes were about to do just that....................

Character Formula:

True Name:
Species/Race: Ex: (Goron, Hylian, Zora, (Dare I say it?) and Gerudo.)

Physical Info
Skin Colour:
Magic (Cuz everybody wants it)

This is mine.
Name: Amaterasu
Aliases/Nicknames/Titles: (nick) Ammy (Title) Zora Outcast
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species/Race: Zora

Physical Info
Height: 5' 6"
Build: skinny, seems to be constantly tired but really isnt
Skin Colour: Reg. Zora Colours but a slightly darker shade
Magic: Elements (Fire, all forms of water, earth, air)
Eyes: Brown
Quirks: Can understand and respond in any language. Also has great Ninja skills, but doesn't like to show off.
Magical/Elemental Skills: Can "Water Bend"
Clothing: None really, being a zora
Weaponry: Bow and Arrow as well as Zora Boomerangs with deadly aim for both
Personality: Funny and witty at times, but mostly quiet
Backstory: Amaterasu hatched late and was always shunned by the other Zoras for being darker than most. Hated in every way, Ammy took her bow and quiver and roams Hyrule from the Gerudo's Fortress to Death Mountain to Lake Hylia, and everywhere in between, looking for acceptence.
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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Here's Tennor, my character from the old RPG:
True Name: Tennor
Aliases/Nicknames/Titles: Hro of the Great Bay.
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Species/Race: Zora
Physical Info: A tall, blue-and-white Zora. Extremely
General Description: (more details on this please?)
Height: 6' 7"
Build: Tall abd skinny.
Skin Colour: Blue-and-white.
Eyes: Blue
Quirks: Self-centered and always believing that fans are stalking him.
Magic: Can create an electrical field around his body. Extra powerful when in the water.
Clothing: None (Zoras are weird like that), but he carries a small satchel.
Weaponry: His razor fins and the Guilded Sword (he calls the Hero's Sword) left behind by the Hero of Termina. He also has a boomerang.
Personality: Self-centered and always trying to lead. He went slightly crazy after his battle with the Second Demon to attack the Great Bay, but has managed to keep some sanity. At times he has no mmory of where he is or who his friends are. At those times he attacks wildly until his mind clicks back into place.
Backstory: After Link left Termina, another creature threatened the Great Bay. This creature was killed by Tennor, and he was given his title. He was told the story of the great Hero of Termina (aka Link) and set out to find him to protect Termina. After many years, he came upon a man who never lost his smile (HMS), who told him that the Hero had returned to his homeland, a place called Hyrule. He followed the man's directions and entered Hyrule, only to find it a gray wasteland. Infuriated with rage, he entered the tavern and found a group willing to defeat the Tyrant King who had taken over. Tennor joined them.
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Suzune Supporter
Apr 17, 2011
Here's mine as always!!!!

Character Formula:

Name: Mirrom Saki
Aliases/Nicknames/Titles: (Nick) Mym (Title) Triblal Healer
Gender: Female
Age: 14, but looks and acts older
Species/Race: Sheikah

Physical Info
Height: 5. 8
Build: Average, not skinny, but not too muscular either
Skin Color: Peachy, with a slight hint of carmel (the color, not the candy)
Eyes: Golden, glow in the dark slightly
Hair: Sandy brunnete
Quirks: Drinks Caumen Jasmin Tea to calm herself while reading through Nayru's magical book of spells and potions. . .(works too)
Clothing: (You've seen her head and shoulders) Has a shawl like Sheik, but it's not torn,
and the eye symbol is gold, and wears a long wide apron around her right hip and ends at her ankle (wears an aqua cotton double layered body suit under-neath)
Weaponry: Knives, needles, chain whip (uses braid as Whip) and other ninja-like weapons
Personality: Kind, caring, get frustrated at times, and is very determined
Backstory: (Ugh, gotta do this again??) She was found near a Great Fairy spring, and raised as a Sheikah,
she was blessed by the fairy and is able to heal, decided to open up an antique shop in Castle Town.
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Keyblade Master
I wanted to sign up for this but it was apready closed when I finally saw it...

True name: Kaira Lowell
Nicknames/Aliases: Nicknames: always goes by Kai Aliases: will sometimes go by Tana and Mist
Gender: I'm getting tired of saying what gender she is all the time
Age: 19
Race: Hylian

Physical Info
Height: 5'9
Build: is pretty strong, but doesn't look like it
Skin: slightly tan
Eyes: emerald green
Hair: so black that it can sometimes look blue; shoulder-length
Quirks: She has a huge weakness for chocolate (explanation: my sister got me to do her chores by giving me two bags of Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate.)
Clothes: black pants, black combact boots; jade-green tunic; also has a black cloak; wears a silver key on a chain around her neck
Weapons: sword and spear; keeps a knife hidden on her at all times
Personality: tired of putting this too; youll find out because I usually slightly change it anyways
Backstory: she grew up in Kakariko, learning how to fight from her father, a retired Hylian Knight. When Ganondorf took over, he killed her entire family. She traced to Whatever town it is and that's where the story begins.
Magic: can use light magic
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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
it'll be its own thread once we get more people.
Anyway, just remember, it'll be Amaterasu who is allowing the characters.
Caeda: Quirks, as in little things that are different about them from most. What makes them unique.

Firice da Vinci

Distinct lack of Leonardo
Jun 15, 2010
Renaissance Italy
True Name: Lilly Florecer
Aliases/Nicknames/Titles: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species/Race: Hylian

Physical Info
Height: 5' 3"
Build: Average. Yep, nothing special.
Skin Colour: Her skin is somewhat pale, but you can see a pink tint to it.
Eyes: Her irises are bright green. The sclera of her eyes are pure white, due to getting plenty of sleep.
Hair: Blonde. Her hair is long enough to touch her waist, that naturally flows down and keeps it that way. She also has a bang that covers her forehead.
Quirks: Hums in almost any situation.
Magical/Elemental Skills: Earth manipulation. In case you don't know, its' the ability to control earth; sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, or other minerals.
Clothing: She wears a straw hat that has the flower of a pink and white day lily on it, found on the left side of the hat. She wears a black shirt that has white sleeves. Frills on the shirt that can be found at her wrists an waist. She has long, dark green skirt that goes down to her feet. The bottom-right of the skirt has a hand-stitched daisy on it. The skirt allows enough room for maximum running ability. She wears bright yellow rain boots that you can see stick out from the bottom of the skirt.
Weaponry: An old wooden spear.
Personality: Careful, quiet, and determined.
Backstory: (This backstory stuff is hard. How am I supposed to make it not cliche/stupid?) Lilly got separated from her parents in a fire that spread from the Lost Woods to Hyrule Field. Now she roams Hyrule by herself, but with a smile on her face.
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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
OoT gone wrong. Ganondorf captured Link after he escaped the ToT after bing awakened by Rauru. Only rauru is awakened.
Anyway, I like Caeda's character and FvI, when you get a backstory Ammy will probabaly agree with your character.
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Black Cat Royalty
Jun 22, 2011
On An Adventure
True Name: Alpha Winset
Aliases/Nicknames/Titles: Alias: Darci or Chroma
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Species/Race: Ex: (Goron, Hylian, Zora, (Dare I say it?) and Gerudo.) What do you have on good Gerudos? That's what I am.

Physical InfoHeight: Mid height.
Build: Thin but strong
Skin Color: Light tan
Eyes: Stone Blue
Hair: Vibrant brunette
Quirks: Hates when people get close to her because she is ticklish and being subjective to laughter goes against her nature
Clothing: Aqua blue mouthcover and those armwarmer thingies, tannish capris, purple foot covers that are below the ankle bone and cover everything but her toes. Two gold bracelets and a string of gems across her forehead.
Weaponry: Double gerudo thief blades
Personality: Shy and silent, dark, occasionally bold
Backstory: She was forbidden to explore the lake, for her parents and all other Gerudos were voluntary workers for Ganon, and as Alpha had a pure heart, she wouldn't want to. Her parents knew this so they never told her she was working for him. She got out to the lake one day and saw a world of havic. She fought off some monsters that were threatening a Zora, and had a conversation that went a bit like this:
Zora: Please don't hurt me!
Alpha: I won't! What's going on?
Zora: Don't you know? The Gerudo's are working for Ganon! aren't you?
Alpha: WHAT?!? I would never do such a thing! Run Zora, I don't want to get you in trouble.
Zora: Yes, thank you!
The Zora ran off, but was still killed later by Ganon. Alpha ran away from home, determined to help change the world, even as it made her an enemy of Ganon.


May 21, 2011
ooh. a Gerudo who's a traitor to ganon. kinda like Nabooru or somthing. Everybody is approved so far except FvI, cuz she still needs a backstory, and I don't really want Elements in the RPG. I wanna keep it a lot like LinkThe8th did it. But everything else is perfect!


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Did Link8 give us magic? I know old Tennor had none, but new Tennor does... just asking. Does anyone want to see the old thread for a picture of what it was like?


May 21, 2011
i actually got the charascter formula from the old thread. your Zora only has electricity cuz he's from the Great Bay. In AoW my Termanian Character (Chailyn) taught the other Zora how to use electricity.

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