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Your Thoughts on Skyward Sword Surpassing the Legacy of Ocarina of Time?

Sep 12, 2011
United Kingdom
Maybe Skyward Sword will be a better game than OoT, maybe not. That's not the point, the point is that I don't think it is possible for SS's legacy to get anywhere near that of OoT. OoT's legacy is created because it created a blueprint for all future 3D Zelda titles and Skyward Sword will not do the same. The real innovation SS brings to the table is the motion plus control scheme, but the future of Zelda seems like it will be on the Wii U, utilising a more conventional control scheme, meaning that Skyward Sword probably won't have much of a legacy at all. However, if the Wii U is a success and its format lasts a while, there is no reason why a Zelda Wii U title can't develop an OoT-like legacy given time.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
It hasn't surpassed anything on Ocarina of Time yet.

Sure, it will feature innovative motion controls, but we still haven't seen whether they would better OoT's. Only a few presentations of others playing have been shown to us thus, and though we have witnessed the smoothness of the gameplay, that shouldn't be enough. We need to taste the sweetness of the experience for ourselves. But to compare both games offhand is nigh impossible; both are excellent in their own fields.

So, Ocarina of Time still has a legacy to uphold. I doubt even Skyward Sword could erase the memories we drew from it. Instead, I see both games making a legacy for themselves; one will not exceed the other. They are both equal in my eyes. :eek:carina: + :mastersword: = :)
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Jul 16, 2011
I believe very much that SS can surpass OoT as a game (not lagacy).

The previous console games all had big flaws for a Zelda game, while OoT was consistent all the way (kind of hard to point flaws in it). But if SS don't come with any big flaws, and evolve greatly key points (rewards, combat/challenge, exploration and story) it will surpass OoT in what a Zelda game is good for.

The SS will have the minus of being released in a very limited hw. for its time.
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Aug 29, 2010
I don't see why it wouldn't surpass OoT. It has so many new features and gameplay, it's like a massive leap from OoT. Still, OoT gets me for nostalgia, but i'm gonna have to let it go for SS. I guess in terms of evolution, OoT was revolutionary for it's 3D gameplay aspects, back then, but as for comparing as a game, not evolution, i'm going to have to for SS, in terms of gameplay, etc.
Jul 27, 2011
Ocarina of Time was released in a "Vacuum" of Zelda games, and it therefore got a tremendeous amount of PR, which combined with the game's concistency made it legendary.

In most cases, PR is more imprtaint for a game's legacy than the actual game (given the game is mostly excellent in the first place). Another example of this phenomenon is Final Fantasy VII. It certainly was one of many excellent RPGs of it's time, but the others never gained as much legacy because of less PR.

What I like is that this time around, with Skyward Sword, they have addessed some of the points I made in my post on page 1 of this thread. They have tried to deprioritize the consumers (AKA: our) expectations, and instead prioritized keeping the process effective. And finally, they have for once taken their time to develop the game rather than rushing it.
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Reviver of threads
Sep 8, 2011
I think there are two things stopping SS from surpassing Ocarina of time:
1: Theme. In my opinion, games without a theme (apart from the general theme of the series, of course,) are the best. I always liked OoT because of this. I think adding the sky theme is going to make it feel a little too "restricted" or some thing.
2: Timing. One of the reasons Oot is so famous is because it was the first 3D zelda game. This added a ton more depth to the game, along with just being cool.
Though SS does have new motion controls, I doubt that will be enough to steal the title of "best zelda game" from Ocarina.


the Wanderer
Sep 8, 2011
Someplace hot
I don't think Skyward Sword will be able to garner the same respect Ocarina of Time has gained just due to timing and different launch expectations, but I do think it'll be a better, more refined game. Ocarina of Time was great, but Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were more refined, and now Skyward Sword will take gameplay and lessons from both and package it into one neat, gigantic bundle. It makes for a great game, but it will be under-appreciated.


Jan 19, 2011
Of course it can. It will be a techically superior game. The title of this thread should be "Will Oot fan boys let Skyward Sword be #1?"

Seriously though, have any of you watched the new gameplay videos that give us only a taste of what Skyward Sword could popssibly offer. I have said this before, and I will say it until everyone agrees, Skyward Sword needs to have non-stop action, exploration and of course puzzle solving to be loved more than Ocarina of Time.

After watching the "Flying to Eldin volcano" video, part of what I said was confirmed. It took Link not ten seconds to have gone from running of a cliff in Skyloft, to be landing into the World below. This will allow for seamless action. Then, with the 4+ minutes of gameplay with Miyamoto, my point about non-stop action was confirmed. Having a dungeon like field, followed by an actual dungeon is sure to be amazing for sheer fun. It looks as though the bland, empty streches of Hyrule field are gone. In their place are super dense chunks of overworld exploration mixed with dungeon elements.

I bet you my Golden Wii remote that will come with my soon to be pre-orded special edition of Skyward Sword, that this will be my favorite Zelda game ever!
Sep 5, 2011
Yes it was revolutionary, and it had far more impact than ALTTP on most games since. The z targeting system had never been seen before and variations are used in games today such as assassins creed. OOT also introduced the multifunctional action button, a button that could be pressed and its function changed with context, for example opening a door or performing a forward roll. Ocarina of time was also revolutionary in the graphical department, and when it came out it had the best graphics in a video game anyone had ever seen. AND yes it brought zelda into 3d.

yea OoT was revolutionary to 3d games as a whole and thats great, but like i said "it brought zelda into 3d which is great but that's it", which is true, it borrowed everything else from alttp. and honestly the z targeting was the only big innovation and could be considered dated by now. maltifunctional buttons have been used way before and what do the graphics matter, every zelda game has brought great graphics fpr it's time
Sep 10, 2011
Of course it can. It will be a techically superior game. The title of this thread should be "Will Oot fan boys let Skyward Sword be #1?"
lmaoo I shoud've thought of that xD I agree with you though, technically and probably graphically speaking, SS will surpass OoT, but will there be that nostalgic value almost everyone has for OoT ?

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
So far, I've been extremely impressed by the videos of Skyward Sword. I'm willing to say that it can top Ocarina of Time. In fact, I'm hoping so. I'm hoping (like Cuju said) that OoT fans will be able to accept this new game...
Jul 16, 2011
Of course it will not surpass the legacy of OoT, since we will never have another transition as drastic as from 2D to 3D, and with so many impacts in every aspect of the game. But the introduction of the 1:1 is as near as we can get to the N64 revolution, in terms of depth of impact in how we play Zelda games.

But the legacy was never the point, when we mention surpassing OoT, or even the "best at his time" (that's kinda of impossible to surpass as well). We are talking about the best incarnation of the series, the Zelda closer to fans dreams etc.
Aug 1, 2011
Kalamazoo, MI
So far, I've been extremely impressed by the videos of Skyward Sword. I'm willing to say that it can top Ocarina of Time. In fact, I'm hoping so. I'm hoping (like Cuju said) that OoT fans will be able to accept this new game...
I highly doubt they will. OoT fans are die hard. It doesn't matter if Skyward Sword parts the Red Sea and leads us to the promised land, OoT fanboys will still insist that it is just an OoT copy and somehow less fantastic for it.

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
I would love if SwS became more revolutionary than OoT.

OoT does have perks as Thread Creator has already mentioned.

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