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Your Favorite Villains of All Time


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
All people ever talk about is how great the hero is and blah blah blah. But let's not forget what makes a hero a hero, and that would be the villain. You can't have a hero without a villain. Everyone appreciates a good villain. So let's take the time to talk about some of our favorite villains as seen in all of entertainment.

Some of my favorites include...

Albert Wesker-A power hungry and knowledgeable man who would go through extreme lengths for his own gain. Being the captain of S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team, he led most of his squad to their demise in a zombie infested mansion in the Arklay Mountains. During what is known as the Mansion Incident, he blackmailed one of his teammates into lying to and almost killing the surviving members of Alpha Team or his wife and children die. His determination went as far as injecting himself with a prototype virus to fake his death in order to escape the mansion which will ultimately grant him superhuman power. Wesker was so evil that he even used and betrayed the evil corporation known as Umbrella to further himself and accomplish his goal of becoming a god.

What makes Albert Wesker such a great villain is that not only is he powerful, but he has style and a brain. Not to mention an unforgettable accent. He spent most of the Resident Evil series as a behind the scenes guy who was ultimately responsible for whatever mayhem was taking place. In the end it was his ego and cockiness that cost him his life by the hands of Chris Redfield. The man he had betrayed and whose life he forever changed.


Shredder/Oroku Saki/Chre'll-An evil Utrom prisoner who was being transported across the galaxy, was responsible for the Utroms crash landing on Earth with no way home. As the Utroms waited for Earth to become technologically advanced enough to finally return to their homeworld, created exo-suits to allow them to roam the Earth without revealing their true identity as aliens. Chre'll, stealing an exo-suit claims the identity of an ancient warrior named Oroku Saki, who was corrupted by an evil demon that would turn him into the Shredder. Chre'll now Oroku Saki/Shredder used this new identity to create himself an army of ninja known as the Foot Clan. As centuries passed, Chre'll settled down in New York and became known as a philanthropist by the name of Oroku Saki in which the city loved and respected, while secretly leading a life of crime as the Shredder.

This specific version of the Shredder would have to be one of my all time favorite villains because he is the definition of evil. He cares nothing for life and has dominated many worlds all over the galaxy. When those who obey him meet failure, pay with their lives if they are of no more value to him. Even those of value face harsh punishment like getting an eye, legs, and a hand removed while still being forced to work for him against their will. I also like the Lex Luthor vibe I get from his character when he's Oroku Saki, but when he's Shredder...he gets straight to business. Every battle with him is deadly, his armor is menacing, and his voice is very threatening. What's not to love?


The Joker-The Clown Prince of Crime...where to start. The Joker is a very unique villain because he's evil, but with a twist. He doesn't want to take over the world. He doesn't even want to kill his arch nemesis, Batman. It's all fun and games with Joker. If his end were to ever meet him, he'd simply laugh or want to take Batman with him...while laughing. For as insane and twisted Joker is, he's very intelligent. He doesn't have any super powers or isn't even a skilled fighter, but never fails to have a plan. Joker is the kind of villain you love because he's just so sick it's funny, but also has a habit of taking things really far that it's not funny. It's no doubt that Joker is an icon, and it's no surprise either. From his iconic laugh, to his change in tone of voice, to his dark comedy, to his whacky and outrageous stunts. Joker is one of the greatest villains of all time.


So, what are some your favorite villains and why?
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Nov 11, 2011
GOOMBAA!!!! Nothing is more classic than the goobaas. I love goombaas. Maybe it's just because they're easy to kill. Idk.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Great thread, Turo. It's a shame more members don't take the time to make posts like this.

343 Guilty Spark-The poor guy gets bashed a lot for his size but don't take him lightly or you will be incinerated as was the case with Sergeant Avery Johnson. All along, I knew that this mischievous bot would switch alliances and combat the Chief. To protect Halo-That as his mission. And that mission he accomplished. And did I mention he killed Sergeant Avery Johnson?! What a mother****er. Goesto show the dangers of robot technology.


The Shredder-Stole this one from you, Turo, however, you reminded me of it. This villain is absolutely kickass. And just when you think he's dead, he always finds a way to return. Things got pretty screwed with him as the animated show progressed, however, he still remained badass. And even with his power, he's quite a bit more pensive than your traditional villain. I'll use the same video as you, Turo, since it was great.


Ganondorf/Ganon-One of the reasons I love The Legend of Zelda franchise so much. it's villain is absolutely amazing! This Gerudo man transforms from a hellbent Gerudo crazy for power to a more pensive figure wishing to change the world in The Wind Waker and offering a new psychological perspective on who the player deems the true hero. In his Ganon beast form, however, this demon is at his absolute best. His look from Ocarina of Time especially strikes terror into my heart. Ganon also always goes down with quite a death.



Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
Judge Claude Frollo.


Like fire! ... Hellfire! ... This fire in my skin! ... This burning desire is turning me to sin!


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
My favorite villains are of those who seek to turn friends against each other and manipulate the protagonist--oftentimes upon whom all hope is cast--into believing that, all along, their fight came to nothing in the end. At this point the hero must find some way to keep fighting, or all his efforts would indeed be for naught. The villain takes this as his or her advantage to drive him into desperation, where they seek to deliver the final blow to hope with less of a struggle.

Here is a prime example of such a villain:



As you saw Malefor intended to coax Spyro toward a false image of what his kind, purple dragons, were destined for, and in effect he turned his companion Cynder against him. He placed Spyro into a state of hopelessness and bewilderment. Had his entire purpose been a lie? That's what Malefor wanted Spyro to feel in order for him to gain the opportune moment to do away with him. But first he found sport in mocking his foe, contempting his good intentions of ever striving to kill Malefor. There are multiple facets that made that villain what he is: evil and malevolent. Malefor was best left for the end, because the designers worked miracles with this exploitative character.

WW IsDa Bombchu

Alex (Golden Sun), Sephiroth (Final Fantasy) and Master Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts).

Alex was a master strategist, who helped both the protagonists and the antagonists in the game, never caring for either side, just using them to achieve his own goal.

Sephiroth.. well, he invented a new type of villain. My personal favorite out of the group, he is just evil incarnate.

And then, last but not least, there is Master Xehanort. Manipulative of everyone he can use, and can construct the perfect lies, changing the truth every so slightly that it is completely believable as fact.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
1) Ridley - Giant space pirate dragon that takes pleasure in both killing and antagonizing Samus. He does both quite well considering their anger toward each other began when he killed her parents. He also has a pension for coming back from the dead MULTIPLE times in MULTIPLE versions of himself.

2) Giovanni - Power hungry, evil, controlling, and just darn mean make him pretty high up there

3) Sephiroth - He killed Aerith for pete's sake! That's horrible. Plus he's cool:D

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